rowid,title,contents,year,author,author_slug,published,url,topic 305,CSS Writing Modes,"Since you may not have a lot of time, I’m going to start at the end, with the dessert. You can use a little-known, yet important and powerful CSS property to make text run vertically. Like this. Or instead of running text vertically, you can layout a set of icons or interface buttons in this way. Or, of course, with anything on your page. The CSS I’ve applied makes the browser rethink the orientation of the world, and flow the layout of this element at a 90° angle to “normal”. Check out the live demo, highlight the headline, and see how the cursor is now sideways. See the Pen Writing Mode Demo — Headline by Jen Simmons (@jensimmons) on CodePen. The code for accomplishing this is pretty simple. h1 { writing-mode: vertical-rl; } That’s all it takes to switch the writing mode from the web’s default horizontal top-to-bottom mode to a vertical right-to-left mode. If you apply such code to the html element, the entire page is switched, affecting the scroll direction, too. In my example above, I’m telling the browser that only the h1 will be in this vertical-rl mode, while the rest of my page stays in the default of horizontal-tb. So now the dessert course is over. Let me serve up this whole meal, and explain the the CSS Writing Mode Specification. Why learn about writing modes? There are three reasons I’m teaching writing modes to everyone—including western audiences—and explaining the whole system, instead of quickly showing you a simple trick. We live in a big, diverse world, and learning about other languages is fascinating. Many of you lay out pages in languages like Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Or you might be inspired to in the future. Using writing-mode to turn bits sideways is cool. This CSS can be used in all kinds of creative ways, even if you are working only in English. Most importantly, I’ve found understanding Writing Modes incredibly helpful when understanding Flexbox and CSS Grid. Before I learned Writing Mode, I felt like there was still a big hole in my knowledge, something I just didn’t get about why Grid and Flexbox work the way they do. Once I wrapped my head around Writing Modes, Grid and Flexbox got a lot easier. Suddenly the Alignment properties, align-* and justify-*, made sense. Whether you know about it or not, the writing mode is the first building block of every layout we create. You can do what we’ve been doing for 25 years – and leave your page set to the default left-to-right direction, horizontal top-to-bottom writing mode. Or you can enter a world of new possibilities where content flows in other directions. CSS properties I’m going to focus on the CSS writing-mode property in this article. It has five possible options: writing-mode: horizontal-tb; writing-mode: vertical-rl; writing-mode: vertical-lr; writing-mode: sideways-rl; writing-mode: sideways-lr; The CSS Writing Modes Specification is designed to support a wide range of written languages in all our human and linguistic complexity. Which—spoiler alert—is pretty insanely complex. The global evolution of written languages has been anything but simple. So I’ve got to start with explaining some basic concepts of web page layout and writing systems. Then I can show you what these CSS properties do. Inline Direction, Block Direction, and Character Direction In the world of the web, there’s a concept of ‘block’ and ‘inline’ layout. If you’ve ever written display: block or display: inline, you’ve leaned on these concepts. In the default writing mode, blocks stack vertically starting at the top of the page and working their way down. Think of how a bunch of block-levels elements stack—like a bunch of a paragraphs—that’s the block direction. Inline is how each line of text flows. The default on the web is from left to right, in horizontal lines. Imagine this text that you are reading right now, being typed out one character at a time on a typewriter. That’s the inline direction. The character direction is which way the characters point. If you type a capital “A” for instance, on which side is the top of the letter? Different languages can point in different directions. Most languages have their characters pointing towards the top of the page, but not all. Put all three together, and you start to see how they work as a system. The default settings for the web work like this. Now that we know what block, inline, and character directions mean, let’s see how they are used in different writing systems from around the world. The four writing systems of CSS Writing Modes The CSS Writing Modes Specification handles all the use cases for four major writing systems; Latin, Arabic, Han and Mongolian. Latin-based systems One writing system dominates the world more than any other, reportedly covering about 70% of the world’s population. The text is horizontal, running from left to right, or LTR. The block direction runs from top to bottom. It’s called the Latin-based system because it includes all languages that use the Latin alphabet, including English, Spanish, German, French, and many others. But there are many non-Latin-alphabet languages that also use this system, including Greek, Cyrillic (Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Serbian, etc.), and Brahmic scripts (Devanagari, Thai, Tibetan), and many more. You don’t need to do anything in your CSS to trigger this mode. This is the default. Best practices, however, dictate that you declare in your opening element which language and which direction (LTR or RTL) you are using. This website, for instance, uses to let the browser know this content is published in Great Britian’s version of English, in a left to right direction. Arabic-based systems Arabic, Hebrew and a few other languages run the inline direction from right to left. This is commonly known as RTL. Note that the inline direction still runs horizontally. The block direction runs from top to bottom. And the characters are upright. It’s not just the flow of text that runs from right to left, but everything about the layout of the website. The upper right-hand corner is the starting position. Important things are on the right. The eyes travel from right to left. So, typically RTL websites use layouts that are just like LTR websites, only flipped. On websites that support both LTR and RTL, like the United Nations’ site at, the two layouts are mirror images of each other. For many web developers, our experiences with internationalization have focused solely on supporting Arabic and Hebrew script. CSS layout hacks for internationalization & RTL To prepare an LTR project to support RTL, developers have had to create all sorts of hacks. For example, the Drupal community started a convention of marking every margin-left and -right, every padding-left and -right, every float: left and float: right with the comment /* LTR */. Then later developers could search for each instance of that exact comment, and create stylesheets to override each left with right, and vice versa. It’s a tedious and error prone way to work. CSS itself needed a better way to let web developers write their layout code once, and easily switch language directions with a single command. Our new CSS layout system does exactly that. Flexbox, Grid and Alignment use start and end instead of left and right. This lets us define everything in relationship to the writing system, and switch directions easily. By writing justify-content: flex-start, justify-items: end, and eventually margin-inline-start: 1rem we have code that doesn’t need to be changed. This is a much better way to work. I know it can be confusing to think through start and end as replacements for left and right. But it’s better for any multiligual project, and it’s better for the web as a whole. Sadly, I’ve seen CSS preprocessor tools that claim to “fix” the new CSS layout system by getting rid of start and end and bringing back left and right. They want you to use their tool, write justify-content: left, and feel self-righteous. It seems some folks think the new way of working is broken and should be discarded. It was created, however, to fulfill real needs. And to reflect a global internet. As Bruce Lawson says, WWW stands for the World Wide Web, not the Wealthy Western Web. Please don’t try to convince the industry that there’s something wrong with no longer being biased towards western culture. Instead, spread the word about why this new system is here. Spend a bit of time drilling the concept of inline and block into your head, and getting used to start and end. It will be second nature soon enough. I’ve also seen CSS preprocessors that let us use this new way of thinking today, even as all the parts aren’t fully supported by browsers yet. Some tools let you write text-align: start instead of text-align: left, and let the preprocessor handle things for you. That is terrific, in my opinion. A great use of the power of a preprocessor to help us switch over now. But let’s get back to RTL. How to declare your direction You don’t want to use CSS to tell the browser to switch from an LTR language to RTL. You want to do this in your HTML. That way the browser has the information it needs to display the document even if the CSS doesn’t load. This is accomplished mainly on the html element. You should also declare your main language. As I mentioned above, the 24 ways website is using to declare the LTR direction and the use of British English. The UN Arabic website uses to declare the site as an Arabic site, using a RTL layout. Things get more complicated when you’ve got a page with a mix of languages. But I’m not going to get into all of that, since this article is focused on CSS and layouts, not explaining everything about internationalization. Let me just leave direction here by noting that much of the heavy work of laying out the characters which make up each word is handled by Unicode. If you are interested in learning more about LTR, RTL and bidirectional text, watch this video: Introduction to Bidirectional Text, a presentation by Elika Etemad. Meanwhile, let’s get back to CSS. The writing mode CSS for Latin-based and Arabic-based systems For both of these systems—Latin-based and Arabic-based, whether LTR or RTL—the same CSS property applies for specifying the writing mode: writing-mode: horizontal-tb. That’s because in both systems, the inline text flow is horizontal, while the block direction is top-to-bottom. This is expressed as horizontal-tb. horizontal-tb is the default writing mode for the web, so you don’t need to specify it unless you are overriding something else higher up in the cascade. You can just imagine that every site you’ve ever built came with: html { writing-mode: horizontal-tb; } Now let’s turn our attention to the vertical writing systems. Han-based systems This is where things start to get interesting. Han-based writing systems include CJK languages, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and others. There are two options for laying out a page, and sometimes both are used at the same time. Much of CJK text is laid out like Latin-based languages, with a horizontal top-to-bottom block direction, and a left-to-right inline direction. This is the more modern way to doing things, started in the 20th century in many places, and further pushed into domination by the computer and later the web. The CSS to do this bit of the layouts is the same as above: section { writing-mode: horizontal-tb; } Or, you know, do nothing, and get that result as a default. Alternatively Han-based languages can be laid out in a vertical writing mode, where the inline direction runs vertically, and the block direction goes from right to left. See both options in this diagram: Note that the horizontal text flows from left to right, while the vertical text flows from right to left. Wild, eh? This Japanese issue of Vogue magazine is using a mix of writing modes. The cover opens on the left spine, opposite of what an English magazine does. This page mixes English and Japanese, and typesets the Japanese text in both horizontal and vertical modes. Under the title “Richard Stark” in red, you can see a passage that’s horizontal-tb and LTR, while the longer passage of text at the bottom of the page is typeset vertical-rl. The red enlarged cap marks the beginning of that passage. The long headline above the vertical text is typeset LTR, horizontal-tb. The details of how to set the default of the whole page will depend on your use case. But each element, each headline, each section, each article can be marked to flow the opposite of the default however you’d like. For example, perhaps you leave the default as horizontal-tb, and specify your vertical elements like this: div.articletext { writing-mode: vertical-rl; } Or alternatively you could change the default for the page to a vertical orientation, and then set specific elements to horizontal-tb, like this: html { writing-mode: vertical-rl; } h2, .photocaptions, section { writing-mode: horizontal-tb; } If your page has a sideways scroll, then the writing mode will determine whether the page loads with upper left corner as the starting point, and scroll to the right (horizontal-tb as we are used to), or if the page loads with the upper right corner as the starting point, scrolling to the left to display overflow. Here’s an example of that change in scrolling direction, in a CSS Writing Mode demo by Chen Hui Jing. Check out her demo — you can switch from horizontal to vertical writing modes with a checkbox and see the difference. Mongolian-based systems Now, hopefully so far all of this kind of makes sense. It might be a bit more complicated than expected, but it’s not so hard. Well, enter the Mongolian-based systems. Mongolian is also a vertical script language. Text runs vertically down the page. Just like Han-based systems. There are two major differences. First, the block direction runs the other way. In Mongolian, block-level elements stack from left to right. Here’s a drawing of how Wikipedia would look in Mongolian if it were laid out correctly. Perhaps the Mongolian version of Wikipedia will be redone with this layout. Now you might think, that doesn’t look so weird. Tilt your head to the left, and it’s very familiar. The block direction starts on the left side of the screen and goes to the right. The inline direction starts on the top of the page and moves to the bottom (similar to RTL text, just turned 90° counter-clockwise). But here comes the other huge difference. The character direction is “upside down”. The top of the Mongolian characters are not pointing to the left, towards the start edge of the block direction. They point to the right. Like this: Now you might be tempted to ignore all this. Perhaps you don’t expect to be typesetting Mongolian content anytime soon. But here’s why this is important for everyone — the way Mongolian works defines the results writing-mode: vertical-lr. And it means we cannot use vertical-lr for typesetting content in other languages in the way we might otherwise expect. If we took what we know about vertical-rl and guessed how vertical-lr works, we might imagine this: But that’s wrong. Here’s how they actually compare: See the unexpected situation? In both writing-mode: vertical-rl and writing-mode: vertical-lr latin text is rotated clockwise. Neither writing mode let’s us rotate text counter-clockwise. If you are typesetting Mongolian content, apply this CSS in the same way you would apply writing-mode to Han-based writing systems. To the whole page on the html element, or to specific pages of the page like this: section { writing-mode: vertical-lr; } Now, if you are using writing-mode for a graphic design effect on a language that is otherwise typesets horizontally, I don’t think writing-mode: vertical-lr is useful. If the text wraps onto two lines, it stacks in a very unexpected way. So I’ve sort of obliterated it from my toolkit. I find myself using writing-mode: vertical-rl a lot. And never using -lr. Hm. Writing modes for graphic design So how do we use writing-mode to turn English headlines sideways? We could rely on transform: rotate() Here are two examples, one for each direction. (By the way, each of these demos use CSS Grid for their overall layout, so be sure to test them in a browser that supports CSS Grid, like Firefox Nightly.) In this demo 4A, the text is rotated clockwise using this code: h1 { writing-mode: vertical-rl; } In this demo 4B, the text is rotated counter-clockwise using this code: h1 { writing-mode: vertical-rl; transform: rotate(180deg); text-align: right; } I use vertical-rl to rotate the text so that it takes up the proper amount of space in the overall flow of the layout. Then I rotate it 180° to spin it around to the other direction. And then I use text-align: right to get it to rise up to the top of it’s container. This feels like a hack, but it’s a hack that works. Now what I would like to do instead is use another CSS value that was designed for this use case — one of the two other options for writing mode. If I could, I would lay out example 4A with: h1 { writing-mode: sideways-rl; } And layout example 4B with: h1 { writing-mode: sideways-lr; } The problem is that these two values are only supported in Firefox. None of the other browsers recognize sideways-*. Which means we can’t really use it yet. In general, the writing-mode property is very well supported across browsers. So I’ll use writing-mode: vertical-rl for now, with the transform: rotate(180deg); hack to fake the other direction. There’s much more to what we can do with the CSS designed to support multiple languages, but I’m going to stop with this intermediate introduction. If you do want a bit more of a taste, look at this example that adds text-orientation: upright; to the mix — turning the individual letters of the latin font to be upright instead of sideways. It’s this demo 4C, with this CSS applied: h1 { writing-mode: vertical-rl; text-orientation: upright; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: -25px; } You can check out all my Writing Modes demos at I’ll leave you with this last demo. One that applies a vertical writing mode to the sub headlines of a long article. I like how small details like this can really bring a fresh feeling to the content. See the Pen Writing Mode Demo — Article Subheadlines by Jen Simmons (@jensimmons) on CodePen.",2016,Jen Simmons,jensimmons,2016-12-23T00:00:00+00:00,,code 99,A Christmas hCard From Me To You,"So apparently Christmas is coming. And what is Christmas all about? Well, cleaning out your address book, of course! What better time to go through your contacts, making sure everyone’s details are up date and that you’ve deleted all those nasty clients who never paid on time? It’s also a good time to make sure your current clients and colleagues have your most up-to-date details, so instead of filling up their inboxes with e-cards, why not send them something useful? Something like a… vCard! (See what I did there?) Just in case you’ve been working in a magical toy factory in the upper reaches of Scandinavia for the last few years, I’m going to tell you that now would also be the perfect time to get into microformats. Using the hCard format, we’ll build a very simple web page and markup our contact details in such a way that they’ll be understood by microformats plugins, like Operator or Tails for Firefox, or the cross-browser Microformats Bookmarklet. Oh, and because Christmas is all about dressing up and being silly, we’ll make the whole thing look nice and have a bit of fun with some CSS3 progressive enhancement. If you can’t wait to see what we end up with, you can preview it here. Step 1: Contact Details First, let’s decide what details we want to put on the page. I’d put my full name, my email address, my phone number, and my postal address, but I’d rather not get surprise visits from strangers when I’m fannying about with my baubles, so I’m going to use Father Christmas instead (that’s Santa to you Yanks). Father Christmas 25 Laughingallthe Way Snow Falls Lapland Finland 010 60 58 000 Step 2: hCard Creator Now I’m not sure about you, but I rather like getting the magical robot pixies to do the work for me, so head on over to the hCard Creator and put those pixies to work! Pop in your details and they’ll give you some nice microformatted HTML in turn.
Father Christmas
25 Laughingallthe Way
Snow Falls , Lapland , FI-00101 Finland
010 60 58 000

This hCard created with the hCard creator.

Step 3: Editing The Code One of the great things about microformats is that you can use pretty much whichever HTML tags you want, so just because the hCard Creator Fairies say something should be wrapped in a doesn’t mean you can’t change it to a . Actually, no, don’t do that. That’s not even excusable at Christmas. I personally have a penchant for marking up each line of an address inside a
  • tag, where the parent url retains the class of adr. As long as you keep the class names the same, you’ll be fine.

    Father Christmas
    • 25 Laughingallthe Way
    • Snow Falls
    • Lapland
    • FI-00101
    • Finland
    010 60 58 000
    Step 4: Testing The Microformats With our microformats in place, now would be a good time to test that they’re working before we start making things look pretty. If you’re on Firefox, you can install the Operator or Tails extensions, but if you’re on another browser, just add the Microformats Bookmarklet. Regardless of your choice, the results is the same: if you’ve code microformatted content on a web page, one of these bad boys should pick it up for you and allow you to export the contact info. Give it a try and you should see father Christmas appearing in your address book of choice. Now you’ll never forget where to send those Christmas lists! Step 5: Some Extra Markup One of the first things we’re going to do is put a photo of Father Christmas on the hCard. We’ll be using CSS to apply a background image to a div, so we’ll be needing an extra div with a class name of “photo”. In turn, we’ll wrap the text-based elements of our hCard inside a div cunningly called “text”. Unfortunately, because of the float technique we’ll be using, we’ll have to use one of those nasty float-clearing techniques. I shall call this “christmas-cheer”, since that is what its presence will inevitably bring, of course. Oh, and let’s add a bit of text to give the page context, too:

    Send your Christmas lists my way...

    Father Christmas
    • 25 Laughingallthe Way
    • Snow Falls
    • Lapland
    • FI-00101
    • Finland
    010 60 58 000

    A tutorial by Elliot Jay Stocks for 24 Ways

    Background: stock.xchng | Father Christmas: iStockPhoto

    Step 6: Some Christmas Sparkle So far, our hCard-housing web page is slightly less than inspiring, isn’t it? It’s time to add a bit of CSS. There’s nothing particularly radical going on here; just a simple layout, some basic typographic treatment, and the placement of the Father Christmas photo. I’d usually use a more thorough CSS reset like the one found in the YUI or Eric Meyer’s, but for this basic page, the simple * solution will do. Check out the step 6 demo to see our basic styles in place. From this… … to this: Step 7: Fun With imagery Now it’s time to introduce a repeating background image to the element. This will seamlessly repeat for as wide as the browser window becomes. But that’s fairly straightforward. How about having some fun with the Father Christmas image? If you look at the image file itself, you’ll see that it’s twice as wide as the area we can see and contains a ‘hidden’ photo of our rather camp St. Nick. As a light-hearted visual… er… ‘treat’ for users who move their mouse over the image, we move the position of the background image on the “photo” div. Check out the step 7 demo to see it working. Step 8: Progressive Enhancement Finally, this fun little project is a great opportunity for us to mess around with some advanced CSS features (some from the CSS3 spec) that we rarely get to use on client projects. (Don’t forget: no Christmas pressies for clients who want you to support IE6!) Here are the rules we’re using to give some browsers a superior viewing experience: @font-face allows us to use Jos Buivenga’s free font ‘Fertigo Pro’ on all text; text-shadow adds a little emphasis on the opening paragraph; body > p:first-child causes only the first paragraph to receive this treatment; border-radius created rounded corners on our main div and the links within it; and webkit-transition allows us to gently fade in between the default and hover states of those links. And with that, we’re done! You can see the results here. It’s time to customise the page to your liking, upload it to your site, and send out the URL. And do it quickly, because I’m sure you’ve got some last-minute Christmas shopping to finish off!",2008,Elliot Jay Stocks,elliotjaystocks,2008-12-10T00:00:00+00:00,,code 223,Calculating Color Contrast,"Some websites and services allow you to customize your profile by uploading pictures, changing the background color or other aspects of the design. As a customer, this personalization turns a web app into your little nest where you store your data. As a designer, letting your customers have free rein over the layout and design is a scary prospect. So what happens to all the stock text and images that are designed to work on nice white backgrounds? Even the Mac only lets you choose between two colors for the OS, blue or graphite! Opening up the ability to customize your site’s color scheme can be a recipe for disaster unless you are flexible and understand how to find maximum color contrasts. In this article I will walk you through two simple equations to determine if you should be using white or black text depending on the color of the background. The equations are both easy to implement and produce similar results. It isn’t a matter of which is better, but more the fact that you are using one at all! That way, even with the craziest of Geocities color schemes that your customers choose, at least your text will still be readable. Let’s have a look at a range of various possible colors. Maybe these are pre-made color schemes, corporate colors, or plucked from an image. Now that we have these potential background colors and their hex values, we need to find out whether the corresponding text should be in white or black, based on which has a higher contrast, therefore affording the best readability. This can be done at runtime with JavaScript or in the back-end before the HTML is served up. There are two functions I want to compare. The first, I call ’50%’. It takes the hex value and compares it to the value halfway between pure black and pure white. If the hex value is less than half, meaning it is on the darker side of the spectrum, it returns white as the text color. If the result is greater than half, it’s on the lighter side of the spectrum and returns black as the text value. In PHP: function getContrast50($hexcolor){ return (hexdec($hexcolor) > 0xffffff/2) ? 'black':'white'; } In JavaScript: function getContrast50(hexcolor){ return (parseInt(hexcolor, 16) > 0xffffff/2) ? 'black':'white'; } It doesn’t get much simpler than that! The function converts the six-character hex color into an integer and compares that to one half the integer value of pure white. The function is easy to remember, but is naive when it comes to understanding how we perceive parts of the spectrum. Different wavelengths have greater or lesser impact on the contrast. The second equation is called ‘YIQ’ because it converts the RGB color space into YIQ, which takes into account the different impacts of its constituent parts. Again, the equation returns white or black and it’s also very easy to implement. In PHP: function getContrastYIQ($hexcolor){ $r = hexdec(substr($hexcolor,0,2)); $g = hexdec(substr($hexcolor,2,2)); $b = hexdec(substr($hexcolor,4,2)); $yiq = (($r*299)+($g*587)+($b*114))/1000; return ($yiq >= 128) ? 'black' : 'white'; } In JavaScript: function getContrastYIQ(hexcolor){ var r = parseInt(hexcolor.substr(0,2),16); var g = parseInt(hexcolor.substr(2,2),16); var b = parseInt(hexcolor.substr(4,2),16); var yiq = ((r*299)+(g*587)+(b*114))/1000; return (yiq >= 128) ? 'black' : 'white'; } You’ll notice first that we have broken down the hex value into separate RGB values. This is important because each of these channels is scaled in accordance to its visual impact. Once everything is scaled and normalized, it will be in a range between zero and 255. Much like the previous ’50%’ function, we now need to check if the input is above or below halfway. Depending on where that value is, we’ll return the corresponding highest contrasting color. That’s it: two simple contrast equations which work really well to determine the best readability. If you are interested in learning more, the W3C has a few documents about color contrast and how to determine if there is enough contrast between any two colors. This is important for accessibility to make sure there is enough contrast between your text and link colors and the background. There is also a great article by Kevin Hale on Particletree about his experience with choosing light or dark themes. To round it out, Jonathan Snook created a color contrast picker which allows you to play with RGB sliders to get values for YIQ, contrast and others. That way you can quickly fiddle with the knobs to find the right balance. Comparing results Let’s revisit our color schemes and see which text color is recommended for maximum contrast based on these two equations. If we use the simple ’50%’ contrast function, we can see that it recommends black against all the colors except the dark green and purple on the second row. In general, the equation feels the colors are light and that black is a better choice for the text. The more complex ‘YIQ’ function, with its weighted colors, has slightly different suggestions. White text is still recommended for the very dark colors, but there are some surprises. The red and pink values show white text rather than black. This equation takes into account the weight of the red value and determines that the hue is dark enough for white text to show the most contrast. As you can see, the two contrast algorithms agree most of the time. There are some instances where they conflict, but overall you can use the equation that you prefer. I don’t think it is a major issue if some edge-case colors get one contrast over another, they are still very readable. Now let’s look at some common colors and then see how the two functions compare. You can quickly see that they do pretty well across the whole spectrum. In the first few shades of grey, the white and black contrasts make sense, but as we test other colors in the spectrum, we do get some unexpected deviation. Pure red #FF0000 has a flip-flop. This is due to how the ‘YIQ’ function weights the RGB parts. While you might have a personal preference for one style over another, both are justifiable. In this second round of colors, we go deeper into the spectrum, off the beaten track. Again, most of the time the contrasting algorithms are in sync, but every once in a while they disagree. You can select which you prefer, neither of which is unreadable. Conclusion Contrast in color is important, especially if you cede all control and take a hands-off approach to the design. It is important to select smart defaults by making the contrast between colors as high as possible. This makes it easier for your customers to read, increases accessibility and is generally just easier on the eyes. Sure, there are plenty of other equations out there to determine contrast; what is most important is that you pick one and implement it into your system. So, go ahead and experiment with color in your design. You now know how easy it is to guarantee that your text will be the most readable in any circumstance.",2010,Brian Suda,briansuda,2010-12-24T00:00:00+00:00,,code 55,How Tabs Should Work,"Tabs in browsers (not browser tabs) are one of the oldest custom UI elements in a browser that I can think of. They’ve been done to death. But, sadly, most of the time I come across them, the tabs have been badly, or rather partially, implemented. So this post is my definition of how a tabbing system should work, and one approach of implementing that. But… tabs are easy, right? I’ve been writing code for tabbing systems in JavaScript for coming up on a decade, and at one point I was pretty proud of how small I could make the JavaScript for the tabbing system: var tabs = $('.tab').click(function () { tabs.hide().filter(this.hash).show(); }).map(function () { return $(this.hash)[0]; }); $('.tab:first').click(); Simple, right? Nearly fits in a tweet (ignoring the whole jQuery library…). Still, it’s riddled with problems that make it a far from perfect solution. Requirements: what makes the perfect tab? All content is navigable and available without JavaScript (crawler-compatible and low JS-compatible). ARIA roles. The tabs are anchor links that: are clickable have block layout have their href pointing to the id of the panel element use the correct cursor (i.e. cursor: pointer). Since tabs are clickable, the user can open in a new tab/window and the page correctly loads with the correct tab open. Right-clicking (and Shift-clicking) doesn’t cause the tab to be selected. Native browser Back/Forward button correctly changes the state of the selected tab (think about it working exactly as if there were no JavaScript in place). The first three points are all to do with the semantics of the markup and how the markup has been styled. I think it’s easy to do a good job by thinking of tabs as links, and not as some part of an application. Links are navigable, and they should work the same way other links on the page work. The last three points are JavaScript problems. Let’s investigate that. The shitmus test Like a litmus test, here’s a couple of quick ways you can tell if a tabbing system is poorly implemented: Change tab, then use the Back button (or keyboard shortcut) and it breaks The tab isn’t a link, so you can’t open it in a new tab These two basic things are, to me, the bare minimum that a tabbing system should have. Why is this important? The people who push their so-called native apps on users can’t have more reasons why the web sucks. If something as basic as a tab doesn’t work, obviously there’s more ammo to push a closed native app or platform on your users. If you’re going to be a web developer, one of your responsibilities is to maintain established interactivity paradigms. This doesn’t mean don’t innovate. But it does mean: stop fucking up my scrolling experience with your poorly executed scroll effects. :breath: URI fragment, absolute URL or query string? A URI fragment (AKA the # hash bit) would be using to show the content panel. A fully addressable URL would be Using a query string (by way of filtering the page): This decision really depends on the context of your tabbing system. For something like GitHub’s tabs to view a pull request, it makes sense that the full URL changes. For our problem though, I want to solve the issue when the page doesn’t do a full URL update; that is, your regular run-of-the-mill tabbing system. I used to be from the school of using the hash to show the correct tab, but I’ve recently been exploring whether the query string can be used. The biggest reason is that multiple hashes don’t work, and comma-separated hash fragments don’t make any sense to control multiple tabs (since it doesn’t actually link to anything). For this article, I’ll keep focused on using a single tabbing system and a hash on the URL to control the tabs. Markup I’m going to assume subcontent, so my markup would look like this (yes, this is a cat demo…):
    It’s important to note that in the markup the link used for an individual tab references its panel content using the hash, pointing to the id on the panel. This will allow our content to connect up without JavaScript and give us a bunch of features for free, which we’ll see once we’re on to writing the code. URL-driven tabbing systems Instead of making the code responsive to the user’s input, we’re going to exclusively use the browser URL and the hashchange event on the window to drive this tabbing system. This way we get Back button support for free. With that in mind, let’s start building up our code. I’ll assume we have the jQuery library, but I’ve also provided the full code working without a library (vanilla, if you will), but it depends on relatively new (polyfillable) tech like classList and dataset (which generally have IE10 and all other browser support). Note that I’ll start with the simplest solution, and I’ll refactor the code as I go along, like in places where I keep calling jQuery selectors. function show(id) { // remove the selected class from the tabs, // and add it back to the one the user selected $('.tab').removeClass('selected').filter(function () { return (this.hash === id); }).addClass('selected'); // now hide all the panels, then filter to // the one we're interested in, and show it $('.panel').hide().filter(id).show(); } $(window).on('hashchange', function () { show(location.hash); }); // initialise by showing the first panel show('#dizzy'); This works pretty well for such little code. Notice that we don’t have any click handlers for the user and the Back button works right out of the box. However, there’s a number of problems we need to fix: The initialised tab is hard-coded to the first panel, rather than what’s on the URL. If there’s no hash on the URL, all the panels are hidden (and thus broken). If you scroll to the bottom of the example, you’ll find a “top” link; clicking that will break our tabbing system. I’ve purposely made the page long, so that when you click on a tab, you’ll see the page scrolls to the top of the tab. Not a huge deal, but a bit annoying. From our criteria at the start of this post, we’ve already solved items 4 and 5. Not a terrible start. Let’s solve items 1 through 3 next. Using the URL to initialise correctly and protect from breakage Instead of arbitrarily picking the first panel from our collection, the code should read the current location.hash and use that if it’s available. The problem is: what if the hash on the URL isn’t actually for a tab? The solution here is that we need to cache a list of known panel IDs. In fact, well-written DOM scripting won’t continuously search the DOM for nodes. That is, when the show function kept calling $('.tab').each(...) it was wasteful. The result of $('.tab') should be cached. So now the code will collect all the tabs, then find the related panels from those tabs, and we’ll use that list to double the values we give the show function (during initialisation, for instance). // collect all the tabs var tabs = $('.tab'); // get an array of the panel ids (from the anchor hash) var targets = () { return this.hash; }).get(); // use those ids to get a jQuery collection of panels var panels = $(targets.join(',')); function show(id) { // if no value was given, let's take the first panel if (!id) { id = targets[0]; } // remove the selected class from the tabs, // and add it back to the one the user selected tabs.removeClass('selected').filter(function () { return (this.hash === id); }).addClass('selected'); // now hide all the panels, then filter to // the one we're interested in, and show it panels.hide().filter(id).show(); } $(window).on('hashchange', function () { var hash = location.hash; if (targets.indexOf(hash) !== -1) { show(hash); } }); // initialise show(targets.indexOf(location.hash) !== -1 ? location.hash : ''); The core of working out which tab to initialise with is solved in that last line: is there a location.hash? Is it in our list of valid targets (panels)? If so, select that tab. The second breakage we saw in the original demo was that clicking the “top” link would break our tabs. This was due to the hashchange event firing and the code didn’t validate the hash that was passed. Now this happens, the panels don’t break. So far we’ve got a tabbing system that: Works without JavaScript. Supports right-click and Shift-click (and doesn’t select in these cases). Loads the correct panel if you start with a hash. Supports native browser navigation. Supports the keyboard. The only annoying problem we have now is that the page jumps when a tab is selected. That’s due to the browser following the default behaviour of an internal link on the page. To solve this, things are going to get a little hairy, but it’s all for a good cause. Removing the jump to tab You’d be forgiven for thinking you just need to hook a click handler and return false. It’s what I started with. Only that’s not the solution. If we add the click handler, it breaks all the right-click and Shift-click support. There may be another way to solve this, but what follows is the way I found – and it works. It’s just a bit… hairy, as I said. We’re going to strip the id attribute off the target panel when the user tries to navigate to it, and then put it back on once the show code starts to run. This change will mean the browser has nowhere to navigate to for that moment, and won’t jump the page. The change involves the following: Add a click handle that removes the id from the target panel, and cache this in a target variable that we’ll use later in hashchange (see point 4). In the same click handler, set the location.hash to the current link’s hash. This is important because it forces a hashchange event regardless of whether the URL actually changed, which prevents the tabs breaking (try it yourself by removing this line). For each panel, put a backup copy of the id attribute in a data property (I’ve called it old-id). When the hashchange event fires, if we have a target value, let’s put the id back on the panel. These changes result in this final code: /*global $*/ // a temp value to cache *what* we're about to show var target = null; // collect all the tabs var tabs = $('.tab').on('click', function () { target = $(this.hash).removeAttr('id'); // if the URL isn't going to change, then hashchange // event doesn't fire, so we trigger the update manually if (location.hash === this.hash) { // but this has to happen after the DOM update has // completed, so we wrap it in a setTimeout 0 setTimeout(update, 0); } }); // get an array of the panel ids (from the anchor hash) var targets = () { return this.hash; }).get(); // use those ids to get a jQuery collection of panels var panels = $(targets.join(',')).each(function () { // keep a copy of what the original was $(this).data('old-id',; }); function update() { if (target) { target.attr('id','old-id')); target = null; } var hash = window.location.hash; if (targets.indexOf(hash) !== -1) { show(hash); } } function show(id) { // if no value was given, let's take the first panel if (!id) { id = targets[0]; } // remove the selected class from the tabs, // and add it back to the one the user selected tabs.removeClass('selected').filter(function () { return (this.hash === id); }).addClass('selected'); // now hide all the panels, then filter to // the one we're interested in, and show it panels.hide().filter(id).show(); } $(window).on('hashchange', update); // initialise if (targets.indexOf(window.location.hash) !== -1) { update(); } else { show(); } This version now meets all the criteria I mentioned in my original list, except for the ARIA roles and accessibility. Getting this support is actually very cheap to add. ARIA roles This article on ARIA tabs made it very easy to get the tabbing system working as I wanted. The tasks were simple: Add aria-role set to tab for the tabs, and tabpanel for the panels. Set aria-controls on the tabs to point to their related panel (by id). I use JavaScript to add tabindex=0 to all the tab elements. When I add the selected class to the tab, I also set aria-selected to true and, inversely, when I remove the selected class I set aria-selected to false. When I hide the panels I add aria-hidden=true, and when I show the specific panel I set aria-hidden=false. And that’s it. Very small changes to get full sign-off that the tabbing system is bulletproof and accessible. Check out the final version (and the non-jQuery version as promised). In conclusion There’s a lot of tab implementations out there, but there’s an equal amount that break the browsing paradigm and the simple linkability of content. Clearly there’s a special hell for those tab systems that don’t even use links, but I think it’s clear that even in something that’s relatively simple, it’s the small details that make or break the user experience. Obviously there are corners I’ve not explored, like when there’s more than one set of tabs on a page, and equally whether you should deliver the initial markup with the correct tab selected. I think the answer lies in using query strings in combination with hashes on the URL, but maybe that’s for another year!",2015,Remy Sharp,remysharp,2015-12-22T00:00:00+00:00,,code 147,Christmas Is In The AIR,"That’s right, Christmas is coming up fast and there’s plenty of things to do. Get the tree and lights up, get the turkey, buy presents and who know what else. And what about Santa? He’s got a list. I’m pretty sure he’s checking it twice. Sure, we could use an existing list making web site or even a desktop widget. But we’re geeks! What’s the fun in that? Let’s build our own to-do list application and do it with Adobe AIR! What’s Adobe AIR? Adobe AIR, formerly codenamed Apollo, is a runtime environment that runs on both Windows and OSX (with Linux support to follow). This runtime environment lets you build desktop applications using Adobe technologies like Flash and Flex. Oh, and HTML. That’s right, you web standards lovin’ maniac. You can build desktop applications that can run cross-platform using the trio of technologies, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. If you’ve tried developing with AIR before, you’ll need to get re-familiarized with the latest beta release as many things have changed since the last one (such as the API and restrictions within the sandbox.) To get started To get started in building an AIR application, you’ll need two basic things: The AIR runtime. The runtime is needed to run any AIR-based application. The SDK. The software development kit gives you all the pieces to test your application. Unzip the SDK into any folder you wish. You’ll also want to get your hands on the JavaScript API documentation which you’ll no doubt find yourself getting into before too long. (You can download it, too.) Also of interest, some development environments have support for AIR built right in. Aptana doesn’t have support for beta 3 yet but I suspect it’ll be available shortly. Within the SDK, there are two main tools that we’ll use: one to test the application (ADL) and another to build a distributable package of our application (ADT). I’ll get into this some more when we get to that stage of development. Building our To-do list application The first step to building an application within AIR is to create an XML file that defines our default application settings. I call mine application.xml, mostly because Aptana does that by default when creating a new AIR project. It makes sense though and I’ve stuck with it. Included in the templates folder of the SDK is an example XML file that you can use. The first key part to this after specifying things like the application ID, version, and filename, is to specify what the default content should be within the content tags. Enter in the name of the HTML file you wish to load. Within this HTML file will be our application. ui.html Create a new HTML document and name it ui.html and place it in the same directory as the application.xml file. The first thing you’ll want to do is copy over the AIRAliases.js file from the frameworks folder of the SDK and add a link to it within your HTML document. The aliases create shorthand links to all of the Flash-based APIs. Now is probably a good time to explain how to debug your application. Debugging our application So, with our XML file created and HTML file started, let’s try testing our ‘application’. We’ll need the ADL application located in BIN folder of the SDK and tell it to run the application.xml file. /path/to/adl /path/to/application.xml You can also just drag the XML file onto ADL and it’ll accomplish the same thing. If you just did that and noticed that your blank application didn’t load, you’d be correct. It’s running but isn’t visible. Which at this point means you’ll have to shut down the ADL process. Sorry about that! Changing the visibility You have two ways to make your application visible. You can do it automatically by setting the placing true in the visible tag within the application.xml file. true The other way is to do it programmatically from within your application. You’d want to do it this way if you had other startup tasks to perform before showing the interface. To turn the UI on programmatically, simple set the visible property of nativeWindow to true. Sandbox Security Now that we have an application that we can see when we start it, it’s time to build the to-do list application. In doing so, you’d probably think that using a JavaScript library is a really good idea — and it can be but there are some limitations within AIR that have to be considered. An HTML document, by default, runs within the application sandbox. You have full access to the AIR APIs but once the onload event of the window has fired, you’ll have a limited ability to make use of eval and other dynamic script injection approaches. This limits the ability of external sources from gaining access to everything the AIR API offers, such as database and local file system access. You’ll still be able to make use of eval for evaluating JSON responses, which is probably the most important if you wish to consume JSON-based services. If you wish to create a greater wall of security between AIR and your HTML document loading in external resources, you can create a child sandbox. We won’t need to worry about it for our application so I won’t go any further into it but definitely keep this in mind. Finally, our application Getting tired of all this preamble? Let’s actually build our to-do list application. I’ll use jQuery because it’s small and should suit our needs nicely. Let’s begin with some structure:
      Now we need to wire up that button to actually add a new item to our to-do list. And just like that, we’ve got a to-do list! That’s it! Just never close your application and you’ll remember everything. Okay, that’s not very practical. You need to have some way of storing your to-do items until the next time you open up the application. Storing Data You’ve essentially got 4 different ways that you can store data: Using the local database. AIR comes with SQLLite built in. That means you can create tables and insert, update and select data from that database just like on a web server. Using the file system. You can also create files on the local machine. You have access to a few folders on the local system such as the documents folder and the desktop. Using EcryptedLocalStore. I like using the EcryptedLocalStore because it allows you to easily save key/value pairs and have that information encrypted. All this within just a couple lines of code. Sending the data to a remote API. Our to-do list could sync up with Remember the Milk, for example. To demonstrate some persistence, we’ll use the file system to store our files. In addition, we’ll let the user specify where the file should be saved. This way, we can create multiple to-do lists, keeping them separate and organized. The application is now broken down into 4 basic tasks: Load data from the file system. Perform any interface bindings. Manage creating and deleting items from the list. Save any changes to the list back to the file system. Loading in data from the file system When the application starts up, we’ll prompt the user to select a file or specify a new to-do list. Within AIR, there are 3 main file objects: File, FileMode, and FileStream. File handles file and path names, FileMode is used as a parameter for the FileStream to specify whether the file should be read-only or for write access. The FileStream object handles all the read/write activity. The File object has a number of shortcuts to default paths like the documents folder, the desktop, or even the application store. In this case, we’ll specify the documents folder as the default location and then use the browseForSave method to prompt the user to specify a new or existing file. If the user specifies an existing file, they’ll be asked whether they want to overwrite it. var store = air.File.documentsDirectory; var fileStream = new air.FileStream(); store.browseForSave(""Choose To-do List""); Then we add an event listener for when the user has selected a file. When the file is selected, we check to see if the file exists and if it does, read in the contents, splitting the file on new lines and creating our list items within the interface. store.addEventListener(air.Event.SELECT, fileSelected); function fileSelected() { air.trace(store.nativePath); // load in any stored data var byteData = new air.ByteArray(); if(store.exists) {, air.FileMode.READ); fileStream.readBytes(byteData, 0, store.size); fileStream.close(); if(byteData.length > 0) { var s = byteData.readUTFBytes(byteData.length); oldlist = s.split(“\r\n”); // create todolist items for(var i=0; i < oldlist.length; i++) { createItem(oldlist[i], (new Date()).getTime() + i ); } } } } Perform Interface Bindings This is similar to before where we set the click event on the Add button but we’ve moved the code to save the list into a separate function. $('#add').click(function(){ var t = $('#text').val(); if(t){ // create an ID using the time createItem(t, (new Date()).getTime() ); } }) Manage creating and deleting items from the list The list management is now in its own function, similar to before but with some extra information to identify list items and with calls to save our list after each change. function createItem(t, id) { if(t.length == 0) return; // add it to the todo list todolist[id] = t; // use DOM methods to create the new list item var li = document.createElement('li'); // the extra space at the end creates a buffer between the text // and the delete link we're about to add li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(t + ' ')); // create the delete link var del = document.createElement('a'); // this makes it a true link. I feel dirty doing this. del.setAttribute('href', '#'); del.addEventListener('click', function(evt){ var id =; delete todolist[id]; // remove the item from the list this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode); saveList(); }); del.appendChild(document.createTextNode('[del]')); = 'd' + id; li.appendChild(del); // append everything to the list $('#list').append(li); //reset the text box $('#text').val(''); saveList(); } Save changes to the file system Any time a change is made to the list, we update the file. The file will always reflect the current state of the list and we’ll never have to click a save button. It just iterates through the list, adding a new line to each one. function saveList(){ if(store.isDirectory) return; var packet = ''; for(var i in todolist) { packet += todolist[i] + '\r\n'; } var bytes = new air.ByteArray(); bytes.writeUTFBytes(packet);, air.FileMode.WRITE); fileStream.writeBytes(bytes, 0, bytes.length); fileStream.close(); } One important thing to mention here is that we check if the store is a directory first. The reason we do this goes back to our browseForSave call. If the user cancels the dialog without selecting a file first, then the store points to the documentsDirectory that we set it to initially. Since we haven’t specified a file, there’s no place to save the list. Hopefully by this point, you’ve been thinking of some cool ways to pimp out your list. Now we need to package this up so that we can let other people use it, too. Creating a Package Now that we’ve created our application, we need to package it up so that we can distribute it. This is a two step process. The first step is to create a code signing certificate (or you can pay for one from Thawte which will help authenticate you as an AIR application developer). To create a self-signed certificate, run the following command. This will create a PFX file that you’ll use to sign your application. adt -certificate -cn todo24ways 1024-RSA todo24ways.pfx mypassword After you’ve done that, you’ll need to create the package with the certificate adt -package -storetype pkcs12 -keystore todo24ways.pfx todo24ways.air application.xml . The important part to mention here is the period at the end of the command. We’re telling it to package up all files in the current directory. After that, just run the AIR file, which will install your application and run it. Important things to remember about AIR When developing an HTML application, the rendering engine is Webkit. You’ll thank your lucky stars that you aren’t struggling with cross-browser issues. (My personal favourites are multiple backgrounds and border radius!) Be mindful of memory leaks. Things like Ajax calls and event binding can cause applications to slowly leak memory over time. Web pages are normally short lived but desktop applications are often open for hours, if not days, and you may find your little desktop application taking up more memory than anything else on your machine! The WebKit runtime itself can also be a memory hog, usually taking about 15MB just for itself. If you create multiple HTML windows, it’ll add another 15MB to your memory footprint. Our little to-do list application shouldn’t be much of a concern, though. The other important thing to remember is that you’re still essentially running within a Flash environment. While you probably won’t notice this working in small applications, the moment you need to move to multiple windows or need to accomplish stuff beyond what HTML and JavaScript can give you, the need to understand some of the Flash-based elements will become more important. Lastly, the other thing to remember is that HTML links will load within the AIR application. If you want a link to open in the users web browser, you’ll need to capture that event and handle it on your own. The following code takes the HREF from a clicked link and opens it in the default web browser. air.navigateToURL(new air.URLRequest(this.href)); Only the beginning Of course, this is only the beginning of what you can do with Adobe AIR. You don’t have the same level of control as building a native desktop application, such as being able to launch other applications, but you do have more control than what you could have within a web application. Check out the Adobe AIR Developer Center for HTML and Ajax for tutorials and other resources. Now, go forth and create your desktop applications and hopefully you finish all your shopping before Christmas! Download the example files.",2007,Jonathan Snook,jonathansnook,2007-12-19T00:00:00+00:00,,code 215,Teach the CLI to Talk Back,"The CLI is a daunting tool. It’s quick, powerful, but it’s also incredibly easy to screw things up in – either with a mistyped command, or a correctly typed command used at the wrong moment. This puts a lot of people off using it, but it doesn’t have to be this way. If you’ve ever interacted with Slack’s Slackbot to set a reminder or ask a question, you’re basically using a command line interface, but it feels more like having a conversation. (My favourite Slack app is Lunch Train which helps with the thankless task of herding colleagues to a particular lunch venue on time.) Same goes with voice-operated assistants like Alexa, Siri and Google Home. There are even games, like Lifeline, where you interact with a stranded astronaut via pseudo SMS, and KOMRAD where you chat with a Soviet AI. I’m not aiming to build an AI here – my aspirations are a little more down to earth. What I’d like is to make the CLI a friendlier, more forgiving, and more intuitive tool for new or reluctant users. I want to teach it to talk back. Interactive command lines in the wild If you’ve used dev tools in the command line, you’ve probably already used an interactive prompt – something that asks you questions and responds based on your answers. Here are some examples: Yeoman If you have Yeoman globally installed, running yo will start a command prompt. The prompt asks you what you’d like to do, and gives you options with how to proceed. Seasoned users will run specific commands for these options rather than go through this prompt, but it’s a nice way to start someone off with using the tool. npm If you’re a Node.js developer, you’re probably familiar with typing npm init to initialise a project. This brings up prompts that will populate a package.json manifest file for that project. The alternative would be to expect the user to craft their own package.json, which is more error-prone since it’s in JSON format, so something as trivial as an extraneous comma can throw an error. Snyk Snyk is a dev tool that checks for known vulnerabilities in your dependencies. Running snyk wizard in the CLI brings up a list of all the known vulnerabilities, and gives you options on how to deal with it – such as patching the issue, applying a fix by upgrading the problematic dependency, or ignoring the issue (you are then prompted for a reason). These decisions get mapped to the manifest and a .snyk file, and committed into the repo so that the settings are the same for everyone who uses that project. I work at Snyk, and running the wizard is what made me think about building my own personal assistant in the command line to help me with some boring, repetitive tasks. Writing your own Something I do a lot is add bookmarks to – I pull down the entire repo, copy and paste a template YAML file, and edit to contents. Sometimes I get it wrong and break the site. So I’ve been putting together a tool to help me add bookmarks. It’s called bookmarkbot – it’s a personal assistant squirrel called Mark who will collect and bury your bookmarks for safekeeping.* *Fortunately, this metaphor also gives me a charming excuse for any situation where bookmarks sometimes get lost – it’s not my poorly-written code, honest, it’s just being realistic because sometimes squirrels forget where they buried things! When you run bookmarkbot, it will ask you for some information, and save that information as a Markdown file in YAML format. For this demo, I’m going to use a Node.js package called inquirer, which is a well supported tool for creating command line prompts. I like it because it has a bunch of different question types; from input, which asks for some text back, confirm which expects a yes/no response, or a list which gives you a set of options to choose from. You can even nest questions, Choose Your Own Adventure style. Prerequisites Node.js npm RubyGems (Only if you want to go as far as serving a static site for your bookmarks, and you want to use Jekyll for it) Disclaimer Bear in mind that this is a really simplified walkthrough. It doesn’t have any error states, and it doesn’t handle the situation where we save a file with the same name. But it gets you in a good place to start building out your tool. Let’s go! Create a new folder wherever you keep your projects, and give it an awesome name (I’ve called mine bookmarks and put it in the Sites directory because I’m unimaginative). Now cd to that directory. cd Sites/bookmarks Let’s use that example I gave earlier, the trusty npm init. npm init Pop in the information you’d like to provide, or hit ENTER to skip through and save the defaults. Your directory should now have a package.json file in it. Now let’s install some of the dependencies we’ll need. npm install --save inquirer npm install --save slugify Next, add the following snippet to your package.json to tell it to run this file when you run npm start. ""scripts"": { … ""start"": ""node index.js"" } That index.js file doesn’t exist yet, so let’s create it in the root of our folder, and add the following: // Packages we need var fs = require('fs'); // Creates our file (part of Node.js so doesn't need installing) var inquirer = require('inquirer'); // The engine for our questions prompt var slugify = require('slugify'); // Will turn a string into a usable filename // The questions var questions = [ { type: 'input', name: 'name', message: 'What is your name?', }, ]; // The questions prompt function askQuestions() { // Ask questions inquirer.prompt(questions).then(answers => { // Things we'll need to generate the output var name =; // Finished asking questions, show the output console.log('Hello ' + name + '!'); }); } // Kick off the questions prompt askQuestions(); This is just some barebones where we’re including the inquirer package we installed earlier. I’ve stored the questions in a variable, and the askQuestions function will prompt the user for their name, and then print “Hello ” in the console. Enough setup, let’s see some magic. Save the file, go back to the command line and run npm start. Extending what we’ve learnt At the moment, we’re just saving a name to a file, which isn’t really achieving our goal of saving bookmarks. We don’t want our tool to forget our information every time we talk to it – we need to save it somewhere. So I’m going to add a little function to write the output to a file. Saving to a file Create a folder in your project’s directory called _bookmarks. This is where the bookmarks will be saved. I’ve replaced my questions array, and instead of asking for a name, I’ve extended out the questions, asking to be provided with a link and title (as a regular input type), a list of tags (using inquirer’s checkbox type), and finally a description, again, using the input type. So this is how my code looks now: // Packages we need var fs = require('fs'); // Creates our file var inquirer = require('inquirer'); // The engine for our questions prompt var slugify = require('slugify'); // Will turn a string into a usable filename // The questions var questions = [ { type: 'input', name: 'link', message: 'What is the url?', }, { type: 'input', name: 'title', message: 'What is the title?', }, { type: 'checkbox', name: 'tags', message: 'Would you like me to add any tags?', choices: [ { name: 'frontend' }, { name: 'backend' }, { name: 'security' }, { name: 'design' }, { name: 'process' }, { name: 'business' }, ], }, { type: 'input', name: 'description', message: 'How about a description?', }, ]; // The questions prompt function askQuestions() { // Say hello console.log('🐿 Oh, hello! Found something you want me to bookmark?\n'); // Ask questions inquirer.prompt(questions).then((answers) => { // Things we'll need to generate the output var title = answers.title; var link =; var tags = answers.tags + ''; var description = answers.description; var output = '---\n' + 'title: ""' + title + '""\n' + 'link: ""' + link + '""\n' + 'tags: [' + tags + ']\n' + '---\n' + description + '\n'; // Finished asking questions, show the output console.log('\n🐿 All done! Here is what I\'ve written down:\n'); console.log(output); // Things we'll need to generate the filename var slug = slugify(title); var filename = '_bookmarks/' + slug + '.md'; // Write the file fs.writeFile(filename, output, function () { console.log('\n🐿 Great! I have saved your bookmark to ' + filename); }); }); } // Kick off the questions prompt askQuestions(); The output is formatted into YAML metadata as a Markdown file, which will allow us to turn it into a static HTML file using a build tool later. Run npm start again and have a look at the file it outputs. Getting confirmation Before the user makes critical changes, it’s good to verify those changes first. We’re going to add a confirmation step to our tool, before writing the file. More seasoned CLI users may favour speed over a “hey, can you wait a sec and just check this is all ok” step, but I always think it’s worth adding one so you can occasionally save someone’s butt. So, underneath our questions array, let’s add a confirmation array. // Packages we need … // The questions … // Confirmation questions var confirm = [ { type: 'confirm', name: 'confirm', message: 'Does this look good?', }, ]; // The questions prompt … As we’re adding the confirm step before the file gets written, we’ll need to add the following inside the askQuestions function: // The questions prompt function askQuestions() { // Say hello … // Ask questions inquirer.prompt(questions).then((answers) => { … // Things we'll need to generate the output … // Finished asking questions, show the output … // Confirm output is correct inquirer.prompt(confirm).then(answers => { // Things we'll need to generate the filename var slug = slugify(title); var filename = '_bookmarks/' + slug + '.md'; if (answers.confirm) { // Save output into file fs.writeFile(filename, output, function () { console.log('\n🐿 Great! I have saved your bookmark to ' + filename); }); } else { // Ask the questions again console.log('\n🐿 Oops, let\'s try again!\n'); askQuestions(); } }); }); } // Kick off the questions prompt askQuestions(); Now run npm start and give it a go! Typing y will write the file, and n will take you back to the start. Ideally, I’d store the answers already given as defaults so the user doesn’t have to start from scratch, but I want to keep this demo simple. Serving the files Now that your bookmarking tool is successfully saving formatted Markdown files to a folder, the next step is to serve those files in a way that lets you share them online. The easiest way to do this is to use a static-site generator to convert your YAML files into HTML, and pop them all on one page. Now, you’ve got a few options here and I don’t want to force you down any particular path, as there are plenty out there – it’s just a case of using the one you’re most comfortable with. I personally favour Jekyll because of its tight integration with GitHub Pages – I don’t want to mess around with hosting and deployment, so it’s really handy to have my bookmarks publish themselves on my site as soon as I commit and push them using Git. I’ll give you a very brief run-through of how I’m doing this with bookmarkbot, but I recommend you read my Get Started With GitHub Pages (Plus Bonus Jekyll) guide if you’re unfamiliar with them, because I’ll be glossing over some bits that are already covered in there. Setting up a build tool If you haven’t already, install Jekyll and Bundler globally through RubyGems. Jekyll is our static-site generator, and Bundler is what we use to install Ruby dependencies. gem install jekyll bundler In my project folder, I’m going to run the following which will install the Jekyll files we’ll need to build our listing page. I’m using --force, otherwise it will complain that the directory isn’t empty. jekyll new . --force If you check your project folder, you’ll see a bunch of new files. Now run the following to start the server: bundle exec jekyll serve This will build a new directory called _site. This is where your static HTML files have been generated. Don’t touch anything in this folder because it will get overwritten the next time you build. Now that serve is running, go to and you’ll see the default Jekyll page and know that things are set up right. Now, instead, we want to see our list of bookmarks that are saved in the _bookmarks directory (make sure you’ve got a few saved). So let’s get that set up next. Open up the _config.yml file that Jekyll added earlier. In here, we’re going to tell it about our bookmarks. Replace everything in your _config.yml file with the following: title: My Bookmarks description: These are some of my favourite articles about the web. markdown: kramdown baseurl: /bookmarks # This needs to be the same name as whatever you call your repo on GitHub. collections: - bookmarks This will make Jekyll aware of our _bookmarks folder so that we can call it later. Next, create a new directory and file at _layouts/home.html and paste in the following. {{site.title}}



        {% for bookmark in site.bookmarks %}
      • {{bookmark.title}}

        {{bookmark.content}} {% if bookmark.tags %}
          {% for tags in bookmark.tags %}
        • {{tags}}
        • {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
      • {% endfor %}
      Restart Jekyll for your config changes to kick in, and go to the url it provides you (probably, unless you gave something different as your baseurl). It’s a decent start – there’s a lot more we can do in this area but now we’ve got a nice list of all our bookmarks, let’s get it online! If you want to use GitHub Pages to host your files, your first step is to push your project to GitHub. Go to your repository and click “settings”. Scroll down to the section labelled “GitHub Pages”, and from here you can enable it. Select your master branch, and it will provide you with a url to view your published pages. What next? Now that you’ve got a framework in place for publishing bookmarks, you can really go to town on your listing page and make it your own. First thing you’ll probably want to do is add some CSS, then when you’ve added a bunch of bookmarks, you’ll probably want to have some filtering in place for the tags, perhaps extend the types of questions that you ask to include an image (if you’re feeling extra-fancy, you could just ask for a url and pull in metadata from the site itself). Maybe you’ve got an idea that doesn’t involve bookmarks at all. You could use what you’ve learnt to build a place where you can share quotes, a list of your favourite restaurants, or even Christmas gift ideas. Here’s one I made earlier My demo, bookmarkbot, is on GitHub, and I’ve reused a lot of the code from Feel free to grab bits of code from there, and do share what you end up making!",2017,Anna Debenham,annadebenham,2017-12-11T00:00:00+00:00,,code 126,Intricate Fluid Layouts in Three Easy Steps,"The Year of the Script may have drawn attention away from CSS but building fluid, multi-column, cross-browser CSS layouts can still be as unpleasant as a lump of coal. Read on for a worry-free approach in three quick steps. The layout system I developed, YUI Grids CSS, has three components. They can be used together as we’ll see, or independently. The Three Easy Steps Choose fluid or fixed layout, and choose the width (in percents or pixels) of the page. Choose the size, orientation, and source-order of the main and secondary blocks of content. Choose the number of columns and how they distribute (for example 50%-50% or 25%-75%), using stackable and nestable grid structures. The Setup There are two prerequisites: We need to normalize the size of an em and opt into the browser rendering engine’s Strict Mode. Ems are a superior unit of measure for our case because they represent the current font size and grow as the user increases their font size setting. This flexibility—the container growing with the user’s wishes—means larger text doesn’t get crammed into an unresponsive container. We’ll use YUI Fonts CSS to set the base size because it provides consistent-yet-adaptive font-sizes while preserving user control. The second prerequisite is to opt into Strict Mode (more info on rendering modes) by declaring a Doctype complete with URI. You can choose XHTML or HTML, and Transitional or Strict. I prefer HTML 4.01 Strict, which looks like this: Including the CSS A single small CSS file powers a nearly-infinite number of layouts thanks to a recursive system and the interplay between the three distinct components. You could prune to a particular layout’s specific needs, but why bother when the complete file weighs scarcely 1.8kb uncompressed? Compressed, YUI Fonts and YUI Grids combine for a miniscule 0.9kb over the wire. You could save an HTTP request by concatenating the two CSS files, or by adding their contents to your own CSS, but I’ll keep them separate for now: Example: The Setup Now we’re ready to build some layouts. Step 1: Choose Fluid or Fixed Layout Choose between preset widths of 750px, 950px, and 100% by giving a document-wrapping div an ID of doc, doc2, or doc3. These options cover most use cases, but it’s easy to define a custom fixed width. The fluid 100% grid (doc3) is what I’ve been using almost exclusively since it was introduced in the last YUI released.
      All pages are centered within the viewport, and grow with font size. The 100% width page (doc3) preserves 10px of breathing room via left and right margins. If you prefer your content flush to the viewport, just add doc3 {margin:auto} to your CSS. Regardless of what you choose in the other two steps, you can always toggle between these widths and behaviors by simply swapping the ID value. It’s really that simple. Example: 100% fluid layout Step 2: Choose a Template Preset This is perhaps the most frequently omitted step (they’re all optional), but I use it nearly every time. In a source-order-independent way (good for accessibility and SEO), “Template Presets” provide commonly used template widths compatible with ad-unit dimension standards defined by the Interactive Advertising Bureau, an industry association. Choose between the six Template Presets (.yui-t1 through .yui-t6) by setting the class value on the document-wrapping div established in Step 1. Most frequently I use yui-t3, which puts the narrow secondary block on the left and makes it 300px wide.
      The Template Presets control two “blocks” of content, which are defined by two divs, each with yui-b (“b” for “block”) class values. Template Presets describe the width and orientation of the secondary block; the main block will take up the rest of the space.
      Use a wrapping div with an ID of yui-main to structurally indicate which block is the main block. This wrapper—not the source order—identifies the main block.
      Example: Main and secondary blocks sized and oriented with .yui-t3 Template Preset Again, regardless of what values you choose in the other steps, you can always toggle between these Template Presets by toggling the class value of your document-wrapping div. It’s really that simple. Step 3: Nest and Stack Grid Structures. The bulk of the power of the system is in this third step. The key is that columns are built by parents telling children how to behave. By default, two children each consume half of their parent’s area. Put two units inside a grid structure, and they will sit side-by-side, and they will each take up half the space. Nest this structure and two columns become four. Stack them for rows of columns. An Even Number of Columns The default behavior creates two evenly-distributed columns. It’s easy. Define one parent grid with .yui-g (“g” for grid) and two child units with .yui-u (“u” for unit). The code looks like this:
      Be sure to indicate the “first“ unit because the :first-child pseudo-class selector isn’t supported across all A-grade browsers. It’s unfortunate we need to add this, but luckily it’s not out of place in the markup layer since it is structural information. Example: Two evenly-distributed columns in the main content block An Odd Number of Columns The default system does not work for an odd number of columns without using the included “Special Grids” classes. To create three evenly distributed columns, use the “yui-gb“ Special Grid:
      Example: Three evenly distributed columns in the main content block Uneven Column Distribution Special Grids are also used for unevenly distributed column widths. For example, .yui-ge tells the first unit (column) to take up 75% of the parent’s space and the other unit to take just 25%.
      Example: Two columns in the main content block split 75%-25% Putting It All Together Start with a full-width fluid page (div#doc3). Make the secondary block 180px wide on the right (div.yui-t4). Create three rows of columns: Three evenly distributed columns in the first row (div.yui-gb), two uneven columns (66%-33%) in the second row (div.yui-gc), and two evenly distributed columns in the thrid row.
      Example: A complex layout. Wasn’t that easy? Now that you know the three “levers” of YUI Grids CSS, you’ll be creating headache-free fluid layouts faster than you can say “Peace on Earth”.",2006,Nate Koechley,natekoechley,2006-12-20T00:00:00+00:00,,code 327,Improving Form Accessibility with DOM Scripting,"The form label element is an incredibly useful little element – it lets you link the form field unquestionably with the descriptive label text that sits alongside or above it. This is a very useful feature for people using screen readers, but there are some problems with this element. What happens if you have one piece of data that, for various reasons (validation, the way your data is collected/stored etc), needs to be collected using several form elements? The classic example is date of birth – ideally, you’ll ask for the date of birth once but you may have three inputs, one each for day, month and year, that you also need to provide hints about the format required. The problem is that to be truly accessible you need to label each field. So you end up needing something to say “this is a date of birth”, “this is the day field”, “this is the month field” and “this is the day field”. Seems like overkill, doesn’t it? And it can uglify a form no end. There are various ways that you can approach it (and I think I’ve seen them all). Some people omit the label and rely on the title attribute to help the user through; others put text in a label but make the text 1 pixel high and merging in to the background so that screen readers can still get that information. The most common method, though, is simply to set the label to not display at all using the CSS display:none property/value pairing (a technique which, for the time being, seems to work on most screen readers). But perhaps we can do more with this? The technique I am suggesting as another alternative is as follows (here comes the pseudo-code): Start with a totally valid and accessible form Ensure that each form input has a label that is linked to its related form control Apply a class to any label that you don’t want to be visible (for example superfluous) Then, through the magic of unobtrusive JavaScript/the DOM, manipulate the page as follows once the page has loaded: Find all the label elements that are marked as superfluous and hide them Find out what input element each of these label elements is related to Then apply a hint about formatting required for input (gleaned from the original, now-hidden label text) – add it to the form input as default text Finally, add in a behaviour that clears or selects the default text (as you choose) So, here’s the theory put into practice – a date of birth, grouped using a fieldset, and with the behaviours added in using DOM, and here’s the JavaScript that does the heavy lifting. But why not just use display:none? As demonstrated at Juicy Studio, display:none seems to work quite well for hiding label elements. So why use a sledge hammer to crack a nut? In all honesty, this is something of an experiment, but consider the following: Using the DOM, you can add extra levels of help, potentially across a whole form – or even range of forms – without necessarily increasing your markup (it goes beyond simply hiding labels) Screen readers today may identify a label that is set not to display, but they may not in the future – this might provide a way around By expanding this technique above, it might be possible to visually change the parent container that groups these items – in this case, a fieldset and legend, which are notoriously difficult to style consistently across different browsers – while still retaining the underlying semantic/logical structure Well, it’s an idea to think about at least. How is it for you? How else might you use DOM scripting to improve the accessiblity or usability of your forms?",2005,Ian Lloyd,ianlloyd,2005-12-03T00:00:00+00:00,,code 184,Spruce It Up,"The landscape of web typography is changing quickly these days. We’ve gone from the wild west days of sIFR to Cufón to finally seeing font embedding seeing wide spread adoption by browser developers (and soon web designers) with @font-face. For those who’ve felt limited by the typographic possibilities before, this has been a good year. As Mark Boulton has so eloquently elucidated, @font-face embedding doesn’t come without its drawbacks. Font files can be quite large and FOUT—that nasty flash of unstyled text—can be a distraction for users. Data URIs We can battle FOUT by using Data URIs. A Data URI allows the font to be encoded right into the CSS file. When the font comes with the CSS, the flash of unstyled text is mitigated. No extra HTTP requests are required. Don’t be a grinch, though. Sending hundreds of kilobytes down the pipe still isn’t great. Sometimes, all we want to do is spruce up our site with a little typographic sugar. Be Selective Dan Cederholm’s SimpleBits is an attractive site. Take a look at the ampersand within the header of his site. It’s the lovely (and free) Goudy Bookletter 1911 available from The League of Movable Type. The Opentype format is a respectable 28KB. Nothing too crazy but hold on here. Mr. Cederholm is only using the ampersand! Ouch. That’s a lot of bandwidth just for one character. Can we optimize a font like we can an image? Yes. Image optimization essentially works by removing unnecessary image data such as colour data, hidden comments or using compression algorithms. How do you remove unnecessary information from a font? Subsetting. If you’re the adventurous type, grab a copy of FontForge, which is an open source font editing tool. You can open the font, view and edit any of the glyphs and then re-generate the font. The interface is a little clunky but you’ll be able to select any character you don’t want and then cut the glyphs. Re-generate your font and you’ve now got a smaller file. There are certainly more optimizations that can also be made such as removing hinting and kerning information. Keep in mind that removing this information may affect how well the type renders. At this time of year, though, I’m sure you’re quite busy. Save yourself some time and head on over to the Font Squirrel Font Generator. The Font Generator is extremely handy and allows for a number of optimizations and cross-platform options to be generated instantly. Select the font from your local system—make sure that you are only using properly licensed fonts! In this particular case, we only want the ampersand. Click on Subset Fonts which will open up a new menu. Unselect any preselected sets and enter the ampersand into the Single Characters text box. Generate your font and what are you left with? 3KB. The Font Generator even generates a base64 encoded data URI stylesheet to be imported easily into your project. Check out the Demo page. (This demo won’t work in Internet Explorer as we’re only demonstrating the Data URI font embedding and not using the EOT file format that IE requires.) No Unnecessary Additives If you peeked under the hood of that demo, did you notice something interesting? There’s no around the ampersand. The great thing about this is that we can take advantage of the font stack’s natural ability to switch to a fallback font when a character isn’t available. Just like that, we’ve managed to spruce up our page with a little typographic sugar without having to put on too much weight.",2009,Jonathan Snook,jonathansnook,2009-12-19T00:00:00+00:00,,code 192,Cleaner Code with CSS3 Selectors,"The parts of CSS3 that seem to grab the most column inches on blogs and in articles are the shiny bits. Rounded corners, text shadow and new ways to achieve CSS layouts are all exciting and bring with them all kinds of possibilities for web design. However what really gets me, as a developer, excited is a bit more mundane. In this article I’m going to take a look at some of the ways our front and back-end code will be simplified by CSS3, by looking at the ways we achieve certain visual effects now in comparison to how we will achieve them in a glorious, CSS3-supported future. I’m also going to demonstrate how we can use these selectors now with a little help from JavaScript – which can work out very useful if you find yourself in a situation where you can’t change markup that is being output by some server-side code. The wonder of nth-child So why does nth-child get me so excited? Here is a really common situation, the designer would like the tables in the application to look like this: Setting every other table row to a different colour is a common way to enhance readability of long rows. The tried and tested way to implement this is by adding a class to every other row. If you are writing the markup for your table by hand this is a bit of a nuisance, and if you stick a row in the middle you have to change the rows the class is applied to. If your markup is generated by your content management system then you need to get the server-side code to add that class – if you have access to that code. Striping every other row - using classes
      Name Cards sent Cards received Cards written but not sent
      Ann 40 28 4
      Joe 2 27 29
      Paul 5 35 2
      Louise 65 65 0
      View Example 1 This situation is something I deal with on almost every project, and apart from being an extra thing to do, it just isn’t ideal having the server-side code squirt classes into the markup for purely presentational reasons. This is where the nth-child pseudo-class selector comes in. The server-side code creates a valid HTML table for the data, and the CSS then selects the odd rows with the following selector: tr:nth-child(odd) td { background-color: #86B486; } View Example 2 The odd and even keywords are very handy in this situation – however you can also use a multiplier here. 2n would be equivalent to the keyword ‘odd’ 3n would select every third row and so on. Browser support Sadly, nth-child has pretty poor browser support. It is not supported in Internet Explorer 8 and has somewhat buggy support in some other browsers. Firefox 3.5 does have support. In some situations however, you might want to consider using JavaScript to add this support to browsers that don’t have it. This can be very useful if you are dealing with a Content Management System where you have no ability to change the server-side code to add classes into the markup. I’m going to use jQuery in these examples as it is very simple to use the same CSS selector used in the CSS to target elements with jQuery – however you could use any library or write your own function to do the same job. In the CSS I have added the original class selector to the nth-child selector: tr:nth-child(odd) td, tr.odd td { background-color: #86B486; } Then I am adding some jQuery to add a class to the markup once the document has loaded – using the very same nth-child selector that works for browsers that support it. View Example 3 We could just add a background colour to the element using jQuery, however I prefer not to mix that information into the JavaScript as if we change the colour on our table rows I would need to remember to change it both in the CSS and in the JavaScript. Doing something different with the last element So here’s another thing that we often deal with. You have a list of items all floated left with a right hand margin on each element constrained within a fixed width layout. If each element has the right margin applied the margin on the final element will cause the set to become too wide forcing that last item down to the next row as shown in the below example where I have used a grey border to indicate the fixed width. Currently we have two ways to deal with this. We can put a negative right margin on the list, the same width as the space between the elements. This means that the extra margin on the final element fills that space and the item doesn’t drop down. The last item is different
      View Example 4 The other solution will be to put a class on the final element and in the CSS remove the margin for this class. li.last { margin-right: 0; } This second solution may not be easy if the content is generated from server-side code that you don’t have access to change. It could all be so different. In CSS3 we have marvellously common-sense selectors such as last-child, meaning that we can simply add rules for the last list item. li:last-child { margin-right: 0; } View Example 5 This removed the margin on the li which is the last-child of the ul with a class of gallery. No messing about sticking classes on the last item, or pushing the width of the item out wit a negative margin. If this list of items repeated ad infinitum then you could also use nth-child for this task. Creating a rule that makes every 3rd element margin-less. li:nth-child(3n) { margin-right: 0; } View Example 6 A similar example is where the designer has added borders to the bottom of each element – but the last item does not have a border or is in some other way different. Again, only a class added to the last element will save you here if you cannot rely on using the last-child selector. Browser support for last-child The situation for last-child is similar to that of nth-child, in that there is no support in Internet Explorer 8. However, once again it is very simple to replicate the functionality using jQuery. Adding our .last class to the last list item. $("" li:last-child"").addClass(""last""); We could also use the nth-child selector to add the .last class to every third list item. $("" li:nth-child(3n)"").addClass(""last""); View Example 7 Fun with forms Styling forms can be a bit of a trial, made difficult by the fact that any CSS applied to the input element will effect text fields, submit buttons, checkboxes and radio buttons. As developers we are left adding classes to our form fields to differentiate them. In most builds all of my text fields have a simple class of text whereas I wouldn’t dream of adding a class of para to every paragraph element in a document. Syling form fields

      Send your Christmas list to Santa

      View Example 8 Attribute selectors provide a way of targeting elements by looking at the attributes of those elements. Unlike the other examples in this article which are CSS3 selectors, the attribute selector is actually a CSS2.1 selector – it just doesn’t get much use because of lack of support in Internet Explorer 6. Using attribute selectors we can write rules for text inputs and form buttons without needing to add any classes to the markup. For example after removing the text and button classes from my text and submit button input elements I can use the following rules to target them: form input[type=""text""] { border: 1px solid #333; padding: 0.2em; width: 400px; } form input[type=""submit""]{ border: 1px solid #333; background-color: #eee; color: #000; padding: 0.1em; } View Example 9 Another problem that I encounter with forms is where I am using CSS to position my labels and form elements by floating the labels. This works fine as long as I want all of my labels to be floated, however sometimes we get a set of radio buttons or a checkbox, and I don’t want the label field to be floated. As you can see in the below example the label for the checkbox is squashed up into the space used for the other labels, yet it makes more sense for the checkbox to display after the text. I could use a class on this label element however CSS3 lets me to target the label attribute directly by looking at the value of the for attribute. label[for=""fOptIn""] { float: none; width: auto; } Being able to precisely target attributes in this way is incredibly useful, and once IE6 is no longer an issue this will really help to clean up our markup and save us from having to create all kinds of special cases when generating this markup on the server-side. Browser support The news for attribute selectors is actually pretty good with Internet Explorer 7+, Firefox 2+ and all other modern browsers all having support. As I have already mentioned this is a CSS2.1 selector and so we really should expect to be able to use it as we head into 2010! Internet Explorer 7 has slightly buggy support and will fail on the label example shown above however I discovered a workaround in the Sitepoint CSS reference comments. Adding the selector label[htmlFor=""fOptIn""] to the correct selector will create a match for IE7. IE6 does not support these selector but, once again, you can use jQuery to plug the holes in IE6 support. The following jQuery will add the text and button classes to your fields and also add a checks class to the label for the checkbox, which you can use to remove the float and width for this element. $('form input[type=""submit""]').addClass(""button""); $('form input[type=""text""]').addClass(""text""); $('label[for=""fOptIn""]').addClass(""checks""); View Example 10 The selectors I’ve used in this article are easy to overlook as we do have ways to achieve these things currently. As developers – especially when we have frameworks and existing code that cope with these situations – it is easy to carry on as we always have done. I think that the time has come to start to clean up our front and backend code and replace our reliance on classes with these more advanced selectors. With the help of a little JavaScript almost all users will still get the full effect and, where we are dealing with purely visual effects, there is definitely a case to be made for not worrying about the very small percentage of people with old browsers and no JavaScript. They will still receive a readable website, it may just be missing some of the finesse offered to the modern browsing experience.",2009,Rachel Andrew,rachelandrew,2009-12-20T00:00:00+00:00,,code 31,Dealing with Emergencies in Git,"The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that version control soon would be there. This summer I moved to the UK with my partner, and the onslaught of the Christmas holiday season began around the end of October (October!). It does mean that I’ve had more than a fair amount of time to come up with horrible Git analogies for this article. Analogies, metaphors, and comparisons help the learner hook into existing mental models about how a system works. They only help, however, if the learner has enough familiarity with the topic at hand to make the connection between the old and new information. Let’s start by painting an updated version of Clement Clarke Moore’s Christmas living room. Empty stockings are hung up next to the fireplace, waiting for Saint Nicholas to come down the chimney and fill them with small treats. Holiday treats are scattered about. A bowl of mixed nuts, the holiday nutcracker, and a few clementines. A string of coloured lights winds its way up an evergreen. Perhaps a few of these images are familiar, or maybe they’re just settings you’ve seen in a movie. It doesn’t really matter what the living room looks like though. The important thing is to ground yourself in your own experiences before tackling a new subject. Instead of trying to brute-force your way into new information, as an adult learner constantly ask yourself: ‘What is this like? What does this remind me of? What do I already know that I can use to map out this new territory?’ It’s okay if the map isn’t perfect. As you refine your understanding of a new topic, you’ll outgrow the initial metaphors, analogies, and comparisons. With apologies to Mr. Moore, let’s give it a try. Getting Interrupted in Git When on the roof there arose such a clatter! You’re happily working on your software project when all of a sudden there are freaking reindeer on the roof! Whatever you’ve been working on is going to need to wait while you investigate the commotion. If you’ve got even a little bit of experience working with Git, you know that you cannot simply change what you’re working on in times of emergency. If you’ve been doing work, you have a dirty working directory and you cannot change branches, or push your work to a remote repository while in this state. Up to this point, you’ve probably dealt with emergencies by making a somewhat useless commit with a message something to the effect of ‘switching branches for a sec’. This isn’t exactly helpful to future you, as commits should really contain whole ideas of completed work. If you get interrupted, especially if there are reindeer on the roof, the chances are very high that you weren’t finished with what you were working on. You don’t need to make useless commits though. Instead, you can use the stash command. This command allows you to temporarily set aside all of your changes so that you can come back to them later. In this sense, stash is like setting your book down on the side table (or pushing the cat off your lap) so you can go investigate the noise on the roof. You aren’t putting your book away though, you’re just putting it down for a moment so you can come back and find it exactly the way it was when you put it down. Let’s say you’ve been working in the branch waiting-for-st-nicholas, and now you need to temporarily set aside your changes to see what the noise was on the roof: $ git stash After running this command, all uncommitted work will be temporarily removed from your working directory, and you will be returned to whatever state you were in the last time you committed your work. With the book safely on the side table, and the cat safely off your lap, you are now free to investigate the noise on the roof. It turns out it’s not reindeer after all, but just your boss who thought they’d help out by writing some code on the project you’ve been working on. Bless. Rolling your eyes, you agree to take a look and see what kind of mischief your boss has gotten themselves into this time. You fetch an updated list of branches from the remote repository, locate the branch your boss had been working on, and checkout a local copy: $ git fetch $ git branch -r $ git checkout -b helpful-boss-branch origin/helpful-boss-branch You are now in a local copy of the branch where you are free to look around, and figure out exactly what’s going on. You sigh audibly and say, ‘Okay. Tell me what was happening when you first realised you’d gotten into a mess’ as you look through the log messages for the branch. $ git log --oneline $ git log By using the log command you will be able to review the history of the branch and find out the moment right before your boss ended up stuck on your roof. You may also want to compare the work your boss has done to the main branch for your project. For this article, we’ll assume the main branch is named master. $ git diff master Looking through the commits, you may be able to see that things started out okay but then took a turn for the worse. Checking out a single commit Using commands you’re already familiar with, you can rewind through history and take a look at the state of the code at any moment in time by checking out a single commit, just like you would a branch. Using the log command, locate the unique identifier (commit hash) of the commit you want to investigate. For example, let’s say the unique identifier you want to checkout is 25f6d7f. $ git checkout 25f6d7f Note: checking out '25f6d7f'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using @-b@ with the checkout command again. Example: $ git checkout -b new_branch_name HEAD is now at 25f6d7f... Removed first paragraph. This is usually where people start to panic. Your boss screwed something up, and now your HEAD is detached. Under normal circumstances, these words would be a very good reason to panic. Take a deep breath. Nothing bad is going to happen. Being in a detached HEAD state just means you’ve temporarily disconnected from a known chain of events. In other words, you’re currently looking at the middle of a story (or branch) about what happened – and you’re not at the endpoint for this particular story. Git allows you to view the history of your repository as a timeline (technically it’s a directed acyclic graph). When you make commits which are not associated with a branch, they are essentially inaccessible once you return to a known branch. If you make commits while you’re in a detached HEAD state, and then try to return to a known branch, Git will give you a warning and tell you how to save your work. $ git checkout master Warning: you are leaving 1 commit behind, not connected to any of your branches: 7a85788 Your witty holiday commit message. If you want to keep them by creating a new branch, this may be a good time to do so with: $ git branch new_branch_name 7a85788 Switched to branch 'master' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. So, if you want to save the commits you’ve made while in a detached HEAD state, you simply need to put them on a new branch. $ git branch saved-headless-commits 7a85788 With this trick under your belt, you can jingle around in history as much as you’d like. It’s not like sliding around on a timeline though. When you checkout a specific commit, you will only have access to the history from that point backwards in time. If you want to move forward in history, you’ll need to move back to the branch tip by checking out the branch again. $ git checkout helpful-boss-branch You’re now back to the present. Your HEAD is now pointing to the endpoint of a known branch, and so it is no longer detached. Any changes you made while on your adventure are safely stored in a new branch, assuming you’ve followed the instructions Git gave you. That wasn’t so scary after all, now, was it? Back to our reindeer problem. If your boss is anything like the bosses I’ve worked with, chances are very good that at least some of their work is worth salvaging. Depending on how your repository is structured, you’ll want to capture the good work using one of several different methods. Back in the living room, we’ll use our bowl of nuts to illustrate how you can rescue a tiny bit of work. Saving just one commit About that bowl of nuts. If you’re like me, you probably had some favourite kinds of nuts from an assorted collection. Walnuts were generally the most satisfying to crack open. So, instead of taking the entire bowl of nuts and dumping it into a stocking (merging the stocking and the bowl of nuts), we’re just going to pick out one nut from the bowl. In Git terms, we’re going to cherry-pick a commit and save it to another branch. First, checkout the main branch for your development work. From this branch, create a new branch where you can copy the changes into. $ git checkout master $ git checkout -b rescue-the-boss From your boss’s branch, helpful-boss-branch locate the commit you want to keep. $ git log --oneline helpful-boss-branch Let’s say the commit ID you want to keep is e08740b. From your rescue branch, use the command cherry-pick to copy the changes into your current branch. $ git cherry-pick e08740b If you review the history of your current branch again, you will see you now also have the changes made in the commit in your boss’s branch. At this point you might need to make a few additional fixes to help your boss out. (You’re angling for a bonus out of all this. Go the extra mile.) Once you’ve made your additional changes, you’ll need to add that work to the branch as well. $ git add [filename(s)] $ git commit -m ""Building on boss's work to improve feature X."" Go ahead and test everything, and make sure it’s perfect. You don’t want to introduce your own mistakes during the rescue mission! Uploading the fixed branch The next step is to upload the new branch to the remote repository so that your boss can download it and give you a huge bonus for helping you fix their branch. $ git push -u origin rescue-the-boss Cleaning up and getting back to work With your boss rescued, and your bonus secured, you can now delete the local temporary branches. $ git branch --delete rescue-the-boss $ git branch --delete helpful-boss-branch And settle back into your chair to wait for Saint Nicholas with your book, your branch, and possibly your cat. $ git checkout waiting-for-st-nicholas $ git stash pop Your working directory has been returned to exactly the same state you were in at the beginning of the article. Having fun with analogies I’ve had a bit of fun with analogies in this article. But sometimes those little twists on ideas can really help someone pick up a new idea (git stash: it’s like when Christmas comes around and everyone throws their fashion sense out the window and puts on a reindeer sweater for the holiday party; or git bisect: it’s like trying to find that one broken light on the string of Christmas lights). It doesn’t matter if the analogy isn’t perfect. It’s just a way to give someone a temporary hook into a concept in a way that makes the concept accessible while the learner becomes comfortable with it. As the learner’s comfort increases, the analogies can drop away, making room for the technically correct definition of how something works. Or, if you’re like me, you can choose to never grow old and just keep mucking about in the analogies. I’d argue it’s a lot more fun to play with a string of Christmas lights and some holiday cheer than a directed acyclic graph anyway.",2014,Emma Jane Westby,emmajanewestby,2014-12-02T00:00:00+00:00,,code 289,Front-End Developers Are Information Architects Too,"The theme of this year’s World IA Day was “Information Everywhere, Architects Everywhere”. This article isn’t about what you may consider an information architect to be: someone in the user-experience field, who maybe studied library science, and who talks about taxonomies. This is about a realisation I had a couple of years ago when I started to run an increasing amount of usability-testing sessions with people who have disabilities: that the structure, labelling, and connections that can be made in front-end code is information architecture. People’s ability to be successful online is unequivocally connected to the quality of the code that is written. Places made of information In information architecture we talk about creating places made of information. These places are made of ones and zeros, but we talk about them as physical structures. We talk about going onto a social media platform, posting in blogs, getting locked out of an environment, and building applications. In 2002, Andrew Hinton stated: People live and work in these structures, just as they live and work in their homes, offices, factories and malls. These places are not virtual: they are as real as our own minds. 25 Theses We’re creating structures which people rely on for significant parts of their lives, so it’s critical that we carry out our work responsibly. This means we must use our construction materials correctly. Luckily, our most important material, HTML, has a well-documented specification which tells us how to build robust and accessible places. What is most important, I believe, is to understand the semantics of HTML. Semantics The word “semantic” has its origin in Greek words meaning “significant”, “signify”, and “sign”. In the physical world, a structure can have semantic qualities that tell us something about it. For example, the stunning Westminster Abbey inspires awe and signifies much about the intent and purpose of the structure. The building’s size; the quality of the stone work; the massive, detailed stained glass: these are all signs that this is a building meant for something the creators deemed important. Alternatively consider a set of large, clean, well-positioned, well-lit doors on the ground floor of an office block: they don’t need an “entrance” sign to communicate their use and to stop people trying to use a nearby fire exit to get into the building. The design of the doors signify their usage. Sometimes a more literal and less awe-inspiring approach to communicating a building’s purpose happens, but the affect is similar: the building is signifying something about its purpose. HTML has over 115 elements, many of which have semantics to signify structure and affordance to people, browsers, and assistive technology. The HTML 5.1 specification mentions semantics, stating: Elements, attributes, and attribute values in HTML are defined … to have certain meanings (semantics). For example, the
        element represents an ordered list, and the lang attribute represents the language of the content. HTML 5.1 Semantics, structure, and APIs of HTML documents HTML’s baked-in semantics means that developers can architect their code to signify structure, create relationships between elements, and label content so people can understand what they’re interacting with. Structuring and labelling information to make it available, usable, and understandable to people is what an information architect does. It’s also what a front-end developer does, whether they realise it or not. A brief introduction to information architecture We’re going to start by looking at what an information architect is. There are many definitions, and I’m going to quote Richard Saul Wurman, who is widely regarded as the father of information architecture. In 1976 he said an information architect is: the individual who organizes the patterns inherent in data, making the complex clear; a person who creates the structure or map of information which allows others to find their personal paths to knowledge; the emerging 21st century professional occupation addressing the needs of the age focused upon clarity, human understanding, and the science of the organization of information. Of Patterns And Structures To me, this clearly defines any developer who creates code that a browser, or other user agent (for example, a screen reader), uses to create a structured, navigable place for people. Just as there are many definitions of what an information architect is, there are for information architecture itself. I’m going to use the definition from the fourth edition of Information Architecture For The World Wide Web, in which the authors define it as: The structural design of shared information environments. The synthesis of organization, labeling, search, and navigation systems within digital, physical, and cross-channel ecosystems. The art and science of shaping information products and experiences to support usability, findability, and understanding. Information Architecture For The World Wide Web, 4th Edition To me, this describes front-end development. Done properly, there is an art to creating robust, accessible, usable, and findable spaces that delight all our users. For example, at 2015’s State Of The Browser conference, Edd Sowden talked about the accessibility of s. He discovered that by simply not using the semantically-correct
        element to mark up headings, in some situations browsers will decide that a
        is being used for layout and essentially make it invisible to assistive technology. Another example of how coding practices can affect the usability and findability of content is shown by Léonie Watson in her How ARIA landmark roles help screen reader users video. By using ARIA landmark roles, people who use screen readers are quickly able to identify and jump to common parts of a web page. Our definitions of information architects and information architecture mention patterns, rules, organisation, labelling, structure, and relationships. There are numerous different models for how these elements get boiled down to their fundamentals. In his Understanding Context book, Andrew Hinton calls them Labels, Relationships, and Rules; Jorge Arango calls them Links, Nodes, And Order; and Dan Klyn uses Ontology, Taxonomy, and Choreography, which is the one we’re going to use. Dan defines these terms as: Ontology The definition and articulation of the rules and patterns that govern the meaning of what we intend to communicate. What we mean when we say what we say. Taxonomy The arrangements of the parts. Developing systems and structures for what everything’s called, where everything’s sorted, and the relationships between labels and categories Choreography Rules for interaction among the parts. The structures it creates foster specific types of movement and interaction; anticipating the way users and information want to flow and making affordance for change over time. We now have definitions of an information architect, information architecture, and a model of the elements of information architecture. But is writing HTML really creating information or is it just wrangling data and metadata? When does data turn into information? In his book Managing For The Future Peter Drucker states: … data is not information. Information is data endowed with relevance and purpose. Managing For The Future If we use the correct semantic element to mark up content then we’re developing with purpose and creating relevance. For example, if we follow the advice of the HTML 5.1 specification and mark up headings using heading rank instead of the outline algorithm, we’re creating a structure where the depth of one heading is relevant to the previous one. Architected correctly, an

        element should be relevant to its parent, which should be the

        . By following the HTML specification we can create a structured, searchable, labeled document that will hopefully be relevant to what our users need to be successful. If you’ve never used a screen reader, you might be wondering how the headings on a page are searchable. Screen readers give users the ability to interact with headings in a couple of ways: by creating a list of headings so users can quickly scan the page for information by using a keyboard command to cycle through one heading at a time If we had a document for Christmas Day TV we might structure it something like this:

        Christmas Day TV schedule










        Channel 4



        If I use VoiceOver to generate a list of headings, I get this: Once I have that list I can use keyboard commands to filter the list based on the heading level. For example, I can press 2 to hear just the

        s: If we hadn’t used headings, of if we’d nested them incorrectly, our users would be frustrated. Putting this together Let’s put this together with an example of a button that, when pressed, toggles the appearance of a panel of links. There are numerous ways we could create a button on a web page, but the best way is to just use a There’s quite a bit going on here. We’re using the: aria-controls attribute to architect a connection between the