rowid,title,contents,year,author,author_slug,published,url,topic 316,Have Your DOM and Script It Too,"When working with the XMLHttpRequest object it appears you can only go one of three ways: You can stay true to the colorful moniker du jour and stick strictly to the responseXML property You can play with proprietary – yet widely supported – fire and inject the value of responseText property into the innerHTML of an element of your choosing Or you can be eval() and parse JSON or arbitrary JavaScript delivered via responseText But did you know that there’s a fourth option giving you the best of the latter two worlds? Mint uses this unmentioned approach to grab fresh HTML and run arbitrary JavaScript simultaneously. Without relying on eval(). “But wait-”, you might say, “when would I need to do this?” Besides the example below this technique is handy for things like tab groups that need initialization onload but miss the main onload event handler by a mile thanks to asynchronous scripting. Consider the problem Originally Mint used option 2 to refresh or load new tabs into individual Pepper panes without requiring a full roundtrip to the server. This was all well and good until I introduced the new Client Mode which when enabled allows anyone to view a Mint installation without being logged in. If voyeurs are afoot as Client Mode is disabled, the next time they refresh a pane the entire login page is inserted into the current document. That’s not very helpful so I needed a way to redirect the current document to the login page. Enter the solution Wouldn’t it be cool if browsers interpreted the contents of script tags crammed into innerHTML? Sure, but unfortunately, that just wasn’t meant to be. However like the body element, image elements have an onload event handler. When the image has fully loaded the handler runs the code applied to it. See where I’m going with this? By tacking a tiny image (think single pixel, transparent spacer gif – shudder) onto the end of the HTML returned by our Ajax call, we can smuggle our arbitrary JavaScript into the existing document. The image is added to the DOM, and our stowaway can go to town.

This is the results of our Ajax call.

Please be neat So we’ve just jammed some meaningless cruft into our DOM. If our script does anything with images this addition could have some unexpected side effects. (Remember The Fly?) So in order to save that poor, unsuspecting element whose innerHTML we just swapped out from sharing Jeff Goldblum’s terrible fate we should tidy up after ourselves. And by using the removeChild method we do just that.

This is the results of our Ajax call.

",2005,Shaun Inman,shauninman,2005-12-24T00:00:00+00:00,,code 315,Edit-in-Place with Ajax,"Back on day one we looked at using the Prototype library to take all the hard work out of making a simple Ajax call. While that was fun and all, it didn’t go that far towards implementing something really practical. We dipped our toes in, but haven’t learned to swim yet. So here is swimming lesson number one. Anyone who’s used Flickr to publish their photos will be familiar with the edit-in-place system used for quickly amending titles and descriptions on photographs. Hovering over an item turns its background yellow to indicate it is editable. A simple click loads the text into an edit box, right there on the page. Prototype includes all sorts of useful methods to help reproduce something like this for our own projects. As well as the simple Ajax GETs we learned how to do last time, we can also do POSTs (which we’ll need here) and a whole bunch of manipulations to the user interface – all through simple library calls. Here’s what we’re building, so let’s do it. Getting Started There are two major components to this process; the user interface manipulation and the Ajax call itself. Our set-up is much the same as last time (you may wish to read the first article if you’ve not already done so). We have a basic HTML page which links in the prototype.js file and our own editinplace.js. Here’s what Santa dropped down my chimney: Edit-in-Place with Ajax


Dashing through the snow on a one horse open sleigh.

So that’s our page. The editable item is going to be the

called desc. The process goes something like this: Highlight the area onMouseOver Clear the highlight onMouseOut If the user clicks, hide the area and replace with a '; var button = ' OR '; new Insertion.After(obj, textarea+button); Event.observe('_save', 'click', function(){saveChanges(obj)}, false); Event.observe('_cancel', 'click', function(){cleanUp(obj)}, false); } The first thing to do is to hide the object. Prototype comes to the rescue with Element.hide() (and of course, too). Following that, we build up the textarea and buttons as a string, and then use Insertion.After() to place our new editor underneath the (now hidden) editable object. The last thing to do before we leave the user to edit is it attach listeners to the Save and Cancel buttons to call either the saveChanges() function, or to cleanUp() after a cancel. In the event of a cancel, we can clean up behind ourselves like so: function cleanUp(obj, keepEditable){ Element.remove('_editor');; if (!keepEditable) showAsEditable(obj, true); } Saving the Changes This is where all the Ajax fun occurs. Whilst the previous article introduced Ajax.Updater() for simple Ajax calls, in this case we need a little bit more control over what happens once the response is received. For this purpose, Ajax.Request() is perfect. We can use the onSuccess and onFailure parameters to register functions to handle the response. function saveChanges(obj){ var new_content = escape($F('_edit')); obj.innerHTML = ""Saving...""; cleanUp(obj, true); var success = function(t){editComplete(t, obj);} var failure = function(t){editFailed(t, obj);} var url = 'edit.php'; var pars = 'id=' + + '&content=' + new_content; var myAjax = new Ajax.Request(url, {method:'post', postBody:pars, onSuccess:success, onFailure:failure}); } function editComplete(t, obj){ obj.innerHTML = t.responseText; showAsEditable(obj, true); } function editFailed(t, obj){ obj.innerHTML = 'Sorry, the update failed.'; cleanUp(obj); } As you can see, we first grab in the contents of the textarea into the variable new_content. We then remove the editor, set the content of the original object to “Saving…” to show that an update is occurring, and make the Ajax POST. If the Ajax fails, editFailed() sets the contents of the object to “Sorry, the update failed.” Admittedly, that’s not a very helpful way to handle the error but I have to limit the scope of this article somewhere. It might be a good idea to stow away the original contents of the object (obj.preUpdate = obj.innerHTML) for later retrieval before setting the content to “Saving…”. No one likes a failure – especially a messy one. If the Ajax call is successful, the server-side script returns the edited content, which we then place back inside the object from editComplete, and tidy up. Meanwhile, back at the server The missing piece of the puzzle is the server-side script for committing the changes to your database. Obviously, any solution I provide here is not going to fit your particular application. For the purposes of getting a functional demo going, here’s what I have in PHP. Not exactly rocket science is it? I’m just catching the content item from the POST and echoing it back. For your application to be useful, however, you’ll need to know exactly which record you should be updating. I’m passing in the ID of my

, which is not a fat lot of use. You can modify saveChanges() to post back whatever information your app needs to know in order to process the update. You should also check the user’s credentials to make sure they have permission to edit whatever it is they’re editing. Basically the same rules apply as with any script in your application. Limitations There are a few bits and bobs that in an ideal world I would tidy up. The first is the error handling, as I’ve already mentioned. The second is that from an idealistic standpoint, I’d rather not be using innerHTML. However, the reality is that it’s presently the most efficient way of making large changes to the document. If you’re serving as XML, remember that you’ll need to replace these with proper DOM nodes. It’s also important to note that it’s quite difficult to make something like this universally accessible. Whenever you start updating large chunks of a document based on user interaction, a lot of non-traditional devices don’t cope well. The benefit of this technique, though, is that if JavaScript is unavailable none of the functionality gets implemented at all – it fails silently. It is for this reason that this shouldn’t be used as a complete replacement for a traditional, universally accessible edit form. It’s a great time-saver for those with the ability to use it, but it’s no replacement. See it in action I’ve put together an example page using the inert PHP script above. That is to say, your edits aren’t committed to a database, so the example is reset when the page is reloaded.",2005,Drew McLellan,drewmclellan,2005-12-23T00:00:00+00:00,,code 324,Debugging CSS with the DOM Inspector,"An Inspector Calls The larger your site and your CSS becomes, the more likely that you will run into bizarre, inexplicable problems. Why does that heading have all that extra padding? Why is my text the wrong colour? Why does my navigation have a large moose dressed as Noel Coward on top of all the links? Perhaps you work in a collaborative environment, where developers and other designers are adding code? In which case, the likelihood of CSS strangeness is higher. You need to debug. You need Firefox’s wise-guy know-it-all, the DOM Inspector. The DOM Inspector knows where everything is in your layout, and more importantly, what causes it to look the way it does. So without further ado, load up any css based site in your copy of Firefox (or Flock for that matter), and launch the DOM Inspector from the Tools menu. The inspector uses two main panels – the left to show the DOM tree of the page, and the right to show you detail: The Inspector will look at whatever site is in the front-most window or tab, but you can also use it without another window. Type in a URL at the top (A), press ‘Inspect’ (B) and a third panel appears at the bottom, with the browser view. I find this layout handier than looking at a window behind the DOM Inspector. Step 1 – find your node! Each element on your page – be it a HTML tag or a piece of text, is called a ‘node’ of the DOM tree. These nodes are all listed in the left hand panel, with any ID or CLASS attribute values next to them. When you first look at a page, you won’t see all those yet. Nested HTML elements (such as a link inside a paragraph) have a reveal triangle next to their name, clicking this takes you one level further down. This can be fine for finding the node you want to look at, but there are easier ways. Say you have a complex rounded box technique that involves 6 nested DIVs? You’d soon get tired of clicking all those triangles to find the element you want to inspect. Click the top left icon © – “Find a node to inspect by clicking on it” and then select the area you want to inspect. Boom! All that drilling down the DOM tree has been done for you! Huzzah! If you’re looking for an element that you know has an ID (such as