{"rowid": 288, "title": "Displaying Icons with Fonts and Data- Attributes", "contents": "Traditionally, bitmap formats such as PNG have been the standard way of delivering iconography on websites. They\u2019re quick and easy, and it also ensures they\u2019re as pixel crisp as possible. Bitmaps have two drawbacks, however: multiple HTTP requests, affecting the page\u2019s loading performance; and a lack of scalability, noticeable when the page is zoomed or viewed on a screen with a high pixel density, such as the iPhone 4 and 4S.\n\nThe requests problem is normally solved by using CSS sprites, combining the icon set into one (physically) large image file and showing the relevant portion via background-position. While this works well, it can get a bit fiddly to specify all the positions. In particular, scalability is still an issue. A vector-based format such as SVG sounds ideal to solve this, but browser support is still patchy.\n\n\n\nThe rise and adoption of web fonts have given us another alternative. By their very nature, they\u2019re not only scalable, but resolution-independent too. No need to specify higher resolution graphics for high resolution screens! \n\nThat\u2019s not all though:\n\n\n\tBrowser support: Unlike a lot of new shiny techniques, they have been supported by Internet Explorer since version 4, and, of course, by all modern browsers. We do need several different formats, however!\n\tDesign on the fly: The font contains the basic graphic, which can then be coloured easily with CSS \u2013 changing colours for themes or :hover and :focus styles is done with one line of CSS, rather than requiring a new graphic. You can also use CSS3 properties such as text-shadow to add further effects. Using -webkit-background-clip: text;, it\u2019s possible to use gradient and inset shadow effects, although this creates a bitmap mask which spoils the scalability.\n\tSmall file size: specially designed icon fonts, such as Drew Wilson\u2019s Pictos font, can be as little as 12Kb for the .woff font. This is because they contain fewer characters than a fully fledged font. You can see Pictos being used in the wild on sites like Garrett Murray\u2019s Maniacal Rage.\n\n\nAs with all formats though, it\u2019s not without its disadvantages: \n\n\n\tIcons can only be rendered in monochrome or with a gradient fill in browsers that are capable of rendering CSS3 gradients. Specific parts of the icon can\u2019t be a different colour.\n\tIt\u2019s only appropriate when there is an accompanying text to provide meaning. This can be alleviated by wrapping the text label in a tag (I like to use rather than , due to the fact that it\u2019s smaller and isn\u2019 t being used elsewhere) and then hiding it from view with text-indent:-999em.\n\tCreating an icon font can be a complex and time-consuming process. While font editors can carry out hinting automatically, the best results are achieved manually.\n\tUnless you\u2019re adept at creating your own fonts, you\u2019re restricted to what is available in the font. However, fonts like Pictos will cover the most common needs, and icons are most effective when they\u2019re using familiar conventions.\n\n\nThe main complaint about using fonts for icons is that it can mean adding a meaningless character to our markup. The good news is that we can overcome this by using one of two methods \u2013 CSS generated content or the data-icon attribute \u2013 in combination with the :before and :after pseudo-selectors, to keep our markup minimal and meaningful. \n\nOur simple markup looks like this:\n\nView Basket\n\nNote the multiple class attributes. Next, we\u2019ll import the Pictos font using the @font-face web fonts property in CSS:\n\n@font-face {\n font-family: 'Pictos';\n src: url('pictos-web.eot');\n src: local('\u263a'), \n url('pictos-web.woff') format('woff'), \n url('pictos-web.ttf') format('truetype'),\n url('pictos-web.svg#webfontIyfZbseF') format('svg');\n}\n\nThis rather complicated looking set of rules is (at the time of writing) the most bulletproof way of ensuring as many browsers as possible load the font we want. We\u2019ll now use the content property applied to the :before pseudo-class selector to generate our icon. Once again, we\u2019ll use those multiple class attribute values to set common icon styles, then specific styles for .basket. This helps us avoid repeating styles:\n\n.icon {\n font-family: 'Pictos';\n font-size: 22px:\n}\n\n.basket:before {\n content: \"$\";\n}\n\nWhat does the :before pseudo-class do? It generates the dollar character in a browser, even when it\u2019s not present in the markup. Using the generated content approach means our markup stays simple, but we\u2019ll need a new line of CSS, defining what letter to apply to each class attribute for every icon we add.\n\ndata-icon is a new alternative approach that uses the HTML5 data- attribute in combination with CSS attribute selectors. This new attribute lets us add our own metadata to elements, as long as its prefixed by data- and doesn\u2019t contain any uppercase letters. In this case, we want to use it to provide the letter value for the icon. Look closely at this markup and you\u2019ll see the data-icon attribute.\n\nView Basket\n\n\n\nWe could add others, in fact as many as we like.\n\nFavourites\nHistory\nLocation\n\n\n\nThen, we need just one CSS attribute selector to style all our icons in one go:\n\n.icon:before {\n content: attr(data-icon);\n /* Insert your fancy colours here */\n }\n\nBy placing our custom attribute data-icon in the selector in this way, we can enable CSS to read the value of that attribute and display it before the element (in this case, the anchor tag). It saves writing a lot of CSS rules. I can imagine that some may not like the extra attribute, but it does keep it out of the actual content \u2013 generated or not.\n\n\n\n\n\nThis could be used for all manner of tasks, including a media player and large simple illustrations. See the demo for live examples. Go ahead and zoom the page, and the icons will be crisp, with the exception of the examples that use -webkit-background-clip: text as mentioned earlier.\n\nFinally, it\u2019s worth pointing out that with both generated content and the data-icon method, the letter will be announced to people using screen readers. For example, with the shopping basket icon above, the reader will say \u201cdollar sign view basket\u201d. As accessibility issues go, it\u2019s not exactly the worst, but could be confusing. You would need to decide whether this method is appropriate for the audience. Despite the disadvantages, icon fonts have huge potential.", "year": "2011", "author": "Jon Hicks", "author_slug": "jonhicks", "published": "2011-12-12T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2011/displaying-icons-with-fonts-and-data-attributes/", "topic": "code"} {"rowid": 287, "title": "Extracting the Content", "contents": "As we throw away our canvas in approaches and yearn for a content-out process, there remains a pain point: the Content. It is spoken of in the hushed tones usually reserved for Lord Voldemort. The-thing-that-someone-else-is-responsible-for-that-must-not-be-named.\n\nDesigners and developers have been burned before by not knowing what the Content is, how long it is, what style it is and when the hell it\u2019s actually going to be delivered, in internet eons past. Warily, they ask clients for it. But clients don\u2019t know what to make, or what is good, because no one taught them this in business school. Designers struggle to describe what they need and when, so the conversation gets put off until it\u2019s almost too late, and then everyone is relieved that they can take the cop-out of putting up a blog and maybe some product descriptions from the brochure.\n\nThe Content in content out.\n\nI\u2019m guessing, as a smart, sophisticated, and, may I say, nicely-scented reader of the honourable and venerable tradition of 24 ways, that you sense something better is out there. Bunches of boxes to fill in just don\u2019t cut it any more in a responsive web design world. The first question is, how are you going to design something to ensure users have the easiest access to the best Content, if you haven\u2019t defined at the beginning what that Content is? Of course, it\u2019s more than possible that your clients have done lots of user research before approaching you to start this project, and have a plethora of finely tuned Content for you to design with.\n\nHave you finished laughing yet? Alright then. Let\u2019s just assume that, for whatever reason of gross oversight, this hasn\u2019t happened. What next?\n\nBringing up Content for the first time with a client is like discussing contraception when you\u2019re in a new relationship. It might be awkward and either party would probably rather be doing something else, but it needs to be broached before any action happens (that, and it\u2019s disastrous to assume the other party has the matter in hand). If we can\u2019t talk about it, how can we expect people to be doing it right and not making stupid mistakes? That being the case, how do we talk about Content? Let\u2019s start by finding a way to talk about it without blushing and scuffing our shoes. And there\u2019s a reason I\u2019ve been treating Content as a Proper Noun. \n\nThe first step, and I mean really-first-step-way-back-at-the-beginning-of-the-project-while-you-are-still-scoping-out-what-the-hell-you-might-do-for-each-other-and-it\u2019s-still-all-a-bit-awkward-like-a-first-date, is for you to explain to the client how important it is that you, together, work out what is important to your users as part of the user experience design, so that your users get the best user experience. The trouble is that, in most cases, this would lead to blank stares, possibly followed by a light cough and a query about using Comic Sans because it seems friendly.\n\nLet\u2019s start by ensuring your clients understand the task ahead. You see, all the time we talk about the Content we do our clients a big disservice. Content is poorly defined. It looms over a project completion point like an unscalable (in the sense of a dozen stacked Kilimanjaros), seething, massive, singular entity. The Content.\n\nDefining the problem. \n\nWe should really be thinking of the Content as \u2018contents\u2019; as many parts that come together to form a mighty experience, like hit 90s kids\u2019 TV show Mighty Morphin Power Rangers*.\n\n*For those of you who might have missed the Power Rangers, they were five teenagers with attitude, each given crazy mad individual skillz and a coloured lycra suit from an alien overlord. In return, they had to fight a new monster of the week using their abilities and weaponry in sync (even if the audio was not) and then, finally, in thrilling combination as a Humongous Mechanoid Machine of Awesome. They literally joined their individual selves, accessories and vehicles into a big robot. It was a toy manufacturer\u2019s wet dream.\n\nSo, why do I say Content is like the Power Rangers? Because Content is not just a humongous mecha. It is a combination of well-crafted pieces of contents that come together to form a well-crafted humongous mecha. Of Content.\n\nThe Red Power Ranger was always the leader. You can imagine your text contents, found on about pages, product descriptions, blog articles, and so on, as being your Red Power Ranger.\n\nMaybe your pictures are your Yellow Power Ranger; video is Blue (not used as much as the others, but really impressive when given a good storyline); maybe Pink is your infographics (it\u2019s wrong to find it sexier than the other equally important Rangers, but you kind of do anyway). And so on. \n\nThese bits of content \u2013 Red Text Ranger, Yellow Picture Ranger and others \u2013 often join together on a page, like they are teaming up to fight the bad guy in an action scene, and when they all come together (your standard workaday huge mecha) in a launched site, that\u2019s when Content becomes an entity.\n\nWhile you might have a vision for the whole site, Content rarely works that way. Of course, you keep your eye on the bigger prize, the completion of your mega robot, but to get there you need to assemble your working parts, the cogs and springs of contents that will mesh together to finally create your Humongous Mecha of Content. You create parts and join them to form a whole. (It\u2019s rarely seamless; often we need to adjust as we go, but we can create our Mecha\u2019s blueprint by making sure we have all the requisite parts.)\n\nThe point here is the order these parts were created. No alien overlord plans a Humongous Mechanoid and then thinks, \u201cGee, how can I split this into smaller fighting units powered by teenagers in snazzy shiny suits?\u201d No toy manufacturer goes into production of a mega robot, made up of model mecha vehicles with detachable arsenal, without thinking how they will easily fit back together to form the \u2018Buy all five now to create the mega robot\u2019 set. No good contents are created as a singular entity and chunked up to be slotted in to place any which way, into the body of a site.\n\nThink contents, not the Content. Think of contents as smaller units, or as a plural. The Content is what you have at the end. The contents are what you are creating and they are easy to break down. You are no longer scaling the unscalable. You can draw the map and plot the path, page by page, section by section.\n\nThe page table is your friend\n\nTo do this, I use a page table. A page table is a simple table template you can create in the word processor of your choice, that you use to tell you everything about the contents of a page \u2013 everything except the contents itself. \n\nHere\u2019s a page table I created for an employee\u2019s guide to redundancy in the alpha.gov.uk website:\n\n \n\nGuide to redundancy for employees\n\n\n\tPage objective: Provide specific information for employees who are facing redundancy about the process, their options and next steps.\n\tSource content: directgov page on Redundancy.\n\tScope: In scope\n\n\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\tPage title \n\t\t\t An employee\u2019s guide to redundancy \n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\tPriority content \n\t\t\t Message: You have rights as an employee facing redundancy\nMethod: A guide written in plain English, with links to appropriate additional content.\nA video guide (out of scope).\nCovers the stages of redundancy and rights for those in trade unions and not in trade unions. Glossary of unfamiliar terms.\nCall to action: Read full guide, act to explore redundancy actions, benefits or new employment.\nAssets: link to redundancy calculator. \n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\tSecondary \n\t\t\t Related items, or popular additional links. \nAdditional tools, such as search and suggestions.\n\n\n\n\tlocation set v not set states\n\tmicrocopy encouraging location set where location may make a difference to the content \u2013 ie, Scotland/Northern Ireland.\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\tTertiary \n\t\t\t Footer and standard links. \n\t\t\n\n\n\n\tContent creation: Content exists but was created within the constraints of the previous CMS. Review, correct and edit where necessary.\n\tMaintenance: should be flagged for review upon advice from Department of Work and Pensions, and annually.\n\tTechnology/Publishing/Policy implications: Should be reviewed once the glossary styles have been decided. No video guide in scope at this time, so languages should be simple and screen reader friendly.\n\tReliance on third parties: None, all content and source exists in house.\n\tOutstanding questions: None.\n\n\n \n\nDownload a copy of this page table\n\nThis particular page table template owes a lot to Brain Traffic\u2019s version found in Kristina Halvorson\u2019s book Content Strategy for the Web. With smaller clients than, say, the government, I might use something a bit more casual. With clients who like timescales and deadlines, I might turn it into a covering sheet, with signatures and agreements from two departments who have to work together to get the piece done on time.\n\nI use page tables, and the process of working through them, to reassure clients that I understand the task they face and that I can help them break it down section by section, page stack to page, down to product descriptions and interaction copy. About 80% of my clients break into relieved smiles. Most clients want to work with you to produce something good, they just don\u2019t understand how, and they want you to show them the mountain path on the map. With page tables, clients can understand that with baby steps they can break down their content requirements and commission content they need in time for the designers to work with it (as opposed to around it). If I was Santa, these clients would be on my nice list for sure.\n\nMy own special brand of Voldemort-content-evilness comes in how I wield my page tables for the other 20%. Page tables are not always thrilling, I\u2019ll admit. Sometimes they get ignored in favour of other things, yet they are crucial to the continual growth and maintenance of a truly content-led site. For these naughty list clients who, even when given the gift of the page table, continually say \u201cOoh, yes. Content. Right\u201d, I have a special gift. I have a stack of recycled paper under my desk and a cheap black and white laser printer. And I print a blank page table for every conceivable page I can find on the planned redesign. If I\u2019m feeling extra nice, I hole punch them and put them in a fat binder. \n\nThere is nothing like saying, \u201cThis is all the contents you need to have in hand for launch\u201d, and the satisfying thud the binder makes as it hits the table top, to galvanize even the naughtiest clients to start working with you to create the content you need to really create in a content-out way.", "year": "2011", "author": "Relly Annett-Baker", "author_slug": "rellyannettbaker", "published": "2011-12-15T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2011/extracting-the-content/", "topic": "content"} {"rowid": 286, "title": "Defending the Perimeter Against Web Widgets", "contents": "On July 14, 1789, citizens of Paris stormed the Bastille, igniting a revolution that toppled the French monarchy. On July 14 of this year, there was a less dramatic (though more tweeted) takedown: The Deck network, which delivers advertising to some of the most popular web design and culture destinations, was down for about thirty minutes. During this period, most partner sites running ads from The Deck could not be viewed as result.\n\nA few partners were unaffected (aside from not having an ad to display). Fortunately, Dribbble, was one of them. In this article, I\u2019ll discuss outages like this and how to defend against them. But first, a few qualifiers: The Deck has been rock solid \u2013 this is the only downtime we\u2019ve witnessed since joining in June. More importantly, the issues in play are applicable to any web widget you might add to your site to display third-party content.\n\nDown and out\n\nYour defense is only as good as its weakest link. Web pages are filled with links, some of which threaten the ability of your page to load quickly and correctly. If you want your site to work when external resources fail, you need to identify the weak links on your site. In this article, we\u2019ll talk about web widgets as a point of failure and defensive JavaScript techniques for handling them.\n\nWidgets 101\n\nImagine a widget that prints out a Pun of the Day on your site. A simple technique for both widget provider and consumer is for the provider to expose a URL:\n\nhttp://widgetjonesdiary.com/punoftheday.js\n\nwhich returns a JavaScript file like this:\n\ndocument.write(\"

The Pun of the Day

Where do frogs go for beers after work? Hoppy hour!

\");\n\nThe call to document.write() injects the string passed into the document where it is called. So to display the widget on your page, simply add an external script tag where you want it to appear:\n\n
\n \n \n
\n\nThis approach is incredibly easy for both provider and consumer. But there are implications\u2026\n\ndocument.write()\u2026 or wrong?\n\nAs in the example above, scripts may perform a document.write() to inject HTML. Page rendering halts while a script is processed so any output can be inlined into the document. Therefore, page rendering speed depends on how fast the script returns the data. If an external JavaScript widget hangs, so does the page content that follows. It was this scenario that briefly stalled partner sites of The Deck last summer.\n\nThe elegant solution\n\nTo make our web widget more robust, calls to document.write() should be avoided. This can be achieved with a technique called JSONP (AKA JSON with padding). In our example, instead of writing inline with document.write(), a JSONP script passes content to a callback function:\n\npublishPun(\"

Pun of the Day

Where do frogs go for beers after work? Hoppy hour!

\");\n\nThen, it\u2019s up to the widget consumer to implement a callback function responsible for displaying the content. Here\u2019s a simple example where our callback uses jQuery to write the content into a target
\nfunction publishPun(content) {\n $(‘.punoftheday’).html(content); // Writes content display location
\n\n\n\n\nView Example 1\n\nEven if the widget content appears at the top of the page, our script can be included at the bottom so it\u2019s non-blocking: a slow response leaves page rendering unaffected. It simply invokes the callback which, in turn, writes the widget content to its display destination.\n\nThe hack\n\nBut what to do if your provider doesn\u2019t support JSONP? This was our case with The Deck. Returning to our example, I\u2019m reminded of computer scientist David Wheeler\u2019s statement, \u201cAll problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection\u2026 Except for the problem of too many layers of indirection.\u201d\n\nIn our case, the indirection is to move the widget content into position after writing it to the page. This allows us to place the widget \n

Pun of the Day


Where do frogs go for beers after work? Hoppy hour!

\n\nThe \u2018loading-dock\u2019
now includes the widget content, albeit hidden from view (if we\u2019ve styled the \u2018hidden\u2019 class with display: none). There\u2019s just one more step: move the content to its display destination. This line of jQuery (from above) does the trick:\n\n$('.punoftheday').append($('.loading-dock').children(':gt(0)'));\n\nThis selects all child elements in the \u2018loading-doc\u2019
except the first \u2013 the widget \n\nIf I only want to run that search when there\u2019s room for a sidebar, I can wrap it in an if statement:\n\n\n\nIf the browser is wider than 640 pixels, that will fire off a search for news stories about cats and put the results into the newsresults element in my markup:\n\n
\n \n
\n\nThis works pretty well but I\u2019m making an assumption that people with small-screen devices wouldn\u2019t be interested in seeing that nice-to-have content. You know what they say about assumptions: they make an ass out of you and umptions. I should really try to give everyone at least the option to get to that extra content:\n\n\n\nSee the result\n\nVisitors with small-screen devices will see that link to the search results; visitors with larger screens will get the search results directly.\n\nI\u2019ve been concentrating on HTML and JavaScript, but this technique has consequences for content strategy and information architecture. Instead of thinking about possible page content in a binary way as either \u2018on the page\u2019 or \u2018not on the page\u2019, conditional loading introduces a third \u2018it\u2019s complicated\u2019 option.\n\nThis was just a simple example but I hope it illustrates that conditional loading could become an important part of the content-first responsive design approach.", "year": "2011", "author": "Jeremy Keith", "author_slug": "jeremykeith", "published": "2011-12-02T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2011/conditional-loading-for-responsive-designs/", "topic": "ux"} {"rowid": 279, "title": "Design the Invisible to Tell Better Stories on the Web", "contents": "For design to be meaningful we need to tell stories. We need to design the invisible, the cues, the messages and the extra detail hidden beneath the aesthetics. It\u2019s all about the story.\n\n\n\nFrom verbal exchanges around the campfire to books, the web and everything in between, storytelling allows us to share, organize and process information more efficiently. It helps us understand our surroundings and make emotional connections to people, places and experiences.\n\nWeb design lends itself perfectly to the conventions of storytelling, a universal process. However, the stories vary because they\u2019re defined by culture, society, politics and religion. All of which need considering if you are to design stories that are relevant to your target audience.\n\nThe benefits of approaching design with storytelling in mind from the very start of the project is that we are creating considered design that allows users to quickly gather meaning from the website. They do this by reading between the lines and drawing on the wealth of knowledge they have acquired about the associations between colours, typyefaces and signs.\n\nWith so much recognition and analysis happening subconsciously you have to consider how design communicates on this level. This invisible layer has a significant impact on what you say, how you say it and who you say it to.\n\nHow can we design something that\u2019s invisible?\n\nBy researching and making conscious decisions about exactly what you are communicating, you can make the invisible visible. As is often quoted, good design is like air, you only notice it when it\u2019s bad. So by designing the invisible the aim is to design stories that the audience receive subliminally, so that they go somewhat unnoticed, like good air.\n\nStorytelling strands\n\nTo share these stories through design, you can break it down into several strands. Each strand tells a story on its own, but when combined they may start to tell a different story altogether. These strands are colour, typefaces, branding, tone of voice and symbols. All are literal and visible but the invisible element is the meaning behind them \u2013 meaning that you can extract and share. In this article I want to focus on colour, typefaces and tone of voice and on how combining story strands can change the meaning.\n\nColour\n\nLet\u2019s start with colour. Red represents emotions such as love but can also signify war. Green is commonly used for all things environmental and purple is a colour that connotes wealth and royalty. These associations between colour and emotion or value have been learned over time and are continually reinforced through media and culture. \n\n\n\nWith this knowledge come expectations from your users. For example, they will expect Valentine\u2019s Day sites to be red and kids\u2019 sites to be bright and colourful. This is true in the same way audiences have expectations of certain genres of film or music. These conventions help savvy audiences decode texts and read between the lines or, rather, to draw meaning from the invisible. It\u2019s practically an innate skill. This is why you need to design the invisible: because users will quickly deduce meaning from your site and fill in the story\u2019s gaps, it\u2019s important to give them as much of that story to begin with. A story relevant to their culture.\n\n\n\nOf all the ways you can tell stories through web design, colour is the most fascinating and important. Not only does it evoke emotions in users but its meaning varies significantly between cultures. In the west, for example, white is a colour associated with weddings, and black is the colour of mourning. This is signified by the traditions of brides wearing white and those in mourning wearing black. In other cultures the meanings are reversed, as black is a colour that represents good luck and white is a colour that signifies mourning. If you assume the same values are true in all cultures then you risk offending the very people you are targeting.\n\nWhen colours combine, the story being told can change. If you design using red, white and blue then it\u2019s going to be difficult to shake off patriotic connotations because this colour combination is so ingrained as being American or British or French thanks largely to their flags. This extends to politics too. Each party has its own representative colour. In the UK, the Conservatives are blue and Labour is red so it would be inappropriate storytelling to design a Labour-related website in blue as there would be a conflict between the content and the design, a conflict that would result in a poor user experience.\n\nConflicts become more of an issue when you start to combine story strands. I once saw a No VAT advert use the symbol on the left:\n\n\n\nThere\u2019s a complete conflict in storytelling here between the sign and its colour. The prohibition sign was used over the word VAT to mean no VAT; that makes sense. But this is a symbol that is used to communicate to people that something is being prohibited or prevented, it mustn\u2019t continue. So to use green contradicts the message of the sign itself; green is used as a colour to say yes, go, proceed, enter. The same would be true if we had a tick in red and a cross in green. Bad design here means the story is flawed and the user experience is compromised.\n\nTypefaces\n\nTypefaces also tell stories. They are so much more than the words that are written with them because they connote different values. Here are a few:\n\n\n\nSerif fonts are more formal and are associated with tradition, sophistication and high-end values. Sans serif fonts, on the other hand, are synonymous with modernity, informality and friendliness. These perceptions are again reinforced through more traditional media such as newspaper mastheads, where the serious news-focused broadsheets have serif titles, and the showbiz and gossip-led tabloids have sans serif titles. This translates to the web as well. With these associations already familiar to users, they may see copy and focus on the words, but if the way that copy is displayed jars with the context then we are back to having conflicting stories like the No VAT sign earlier.\n\nLet\u2019s take official institutions, for example. The White House, the monarchy, 10 Downing Street and other government departments are formal, traditional and important organisations. If the copy on their websites were written in a typeface like Cooper Black, it would erase any authority and respect that they were due. They need people to take them seriously and trust them, and part of the way to do this is to have a typeface that represents those values.\n\nIt works both ways though. If Innocent, Threadless or other fun companies used traditional typefaces, they wouldn\u2019t be accurate reflections of their core values, brand and personality. They are better positioned to use friendly, informal and modern typefaces. But still never Comic Sans.\n\nTone of voice\n\nClosely tied to this is tone of voice, my absolute bugbear on the web. Tone of voice isn\u2019t what is said but, rather, how it is said. When we interact with others in person we don\u2019t just listen to the words they say, but we also draw meaning from their body language, and pitch and tone of voice. Just because the web removes that face-to-face interaction with your audience it doesn\u2019t mean you can\u2019t have a tone of voice. \n\n\n\nInnocent pioneered the informal chatty tone of voice that so many others have since emulated, but unless it is representative of your company, then it\u2019s not appropriate. It works for Innocent because the tone of voice is consistent across all the company\u2019s materials, both online and offline. Ben and Jerry\u2019s takes the same approach, as does Threadless, but maybe you need a more formal or corporate tone of voice. It really depends on what your business or service is and who it is for, and that is why I think LoveFilm has it all wrong. \n\nLoveFilm offers a film and game rental service, something fun for people in their downtime. While they aren\u2019t particularly stuffy, neither is their tone of voice very friendly or informal, which is what I would expect from a service like theirs. The reason they have it wrong is in the language they use and the way their sentences are constructed.\n\nThis is the first time we\u2019ve discussed language because, on the whole, designing the invisible isn\u2019t concerned with language at all. But that doesn\u2019t mean that these strands can\u2019t still elicit an emotional response in users. Jon Tan quoted Dr Mazviita Chirimuuta in his New Adventures in Web Design talk in January 2011:\n\n\n\tAlthough there is no absolute separation between language and emotion, there will still be countless instances where you have emotional response without verbal input or linguistic cognition. In general language is not necessary for emotion.\n\n\nThis is even more pertinent when the emotions evoked are connected to people\u2019s culture, surroundings and way of life. It makes design personal, something that audiences can connect with at more than just face value but, rather, on a subliminal or, indeed, invisible level. \n\nIt also means that when you are asked the inevitable question of why \u2013 why is blue the dominant colour? why have you used that typeface? why don\u2019t we sound like Innocent? \u2013 you will have a rationale behind each design decision that can explain what story you are telling, how you discovered the story and how it is targeted at the core audience.\n\nResearch\n\nThis is where research plays a vital role in the project cycle. If you don\u2019t know and understand your audience then you don\u2019t know what story to design. Every project lends itself to some level of research, but how in-depth and what methods are most appropriate will be dictated by project requirements and budget restrictions \u2013 but do your research. \n\nEven if you think you know your audience, it doesn\u2019t hurt to research and reaffirm that because cultures and society do change, albeit slowly, but they can change. So ask questions at the start of the project during the research phase:\n\n\n\tWhat do different colours mean for your audience\u2019s culture?\n\tDo the typeface and tone of voice appeal to the demographic?\n\tDoes the brand identity represent the values and personality of your service?\n\tAre there any social, political or religious significances associated with your audience that you need to take into consideration so you don\u2019t offend them?\n\n\nAsk questions, understand your audience, design your story based on these insights, and create better user experiences in context that have good, solid storytelling at their heart.\n\nMajor hat tip to Gareth Strange for the beautiful graphics used within this article.", "year": "2011", "author": "Robert Mills", "author_slug": "robertmills", "published": "2011-12-14T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2011/design-the-invisible/", "topic": "design"} {"rowid": 278, "title": "Going Both Ways", "contents": "It\u2019s that time of the year again: Santa is getting ready to travel the world. Up until now, girls and boys from all over have sent in letters asking for what they want. I hope that Santa and his elves have\u2014unlike me\u2014learned more than just English.\n\nOn the Internet, those girls and boys want to participate in sharing their stories and videos of opening presents and of being with friends and family. Ah, yes, the wonders of user generated content. But more than that, people also want to be able to use sites in the language they know.\n\nWhile you and I might expect the text to read from left to right, not all languages do. Some go from right to left, such as Arabic and Hebrew. (Some also go from top to bottom, but for now, let\u2019s just worry about those first two directions!)\n\nIf we were building a site for girls and boys to send their letters to Santa, we need to consider having the interface in the language and direction that they prefer. On the elves\u2019 side, they may be viewing the site in one direction but reading the user generated content in the other direction. We need to build a site that supports bidirectional (or bidi) text.\n\nLet\u2019s take a look at some things to be aware of when it comes to building bidi interfaces.\n\nSetting the direction of the interface\n\nRight off the bat, we need to tell the browser what direction the text should be going in. To do this, we add the dir attribute to an HTML element and set it to either LTR (for left to right) or RTL (for right to left).\n\n\n\nYou can add the dir attribute to any element and it will set or change the direction for the content within that element. \n\n\n Here is English Content.\n
\n\n\nYou can also set the direction via CSS.\n\n.rtl {\n direction: rtl;\n }\n\nIt\u2019s generally recommended that you don\u2019t use CSS to set the direction of the text. Text direction is an important part of the content that should be retained even in environments where the CSS may not be available or fails to load.\n\nHow things change with the direction attribute\n\nJust adding the dir attribute tells the browser to render the content within it differently. \n\n\n\nThe text aligns to the right of the page and, interestingly, punctuation appears at the left of the sentence. (We\u2019ll get to that in a little bit.) \n\nScrollbars in most browsers will appear on the left instead of the right. Webkit is the notable exception here which always shows the scrollbar on the right, no matter what the text direction is. Avoid having a design that has an expectation that the scrollbar will be in a specific place (and a specific size).\n\nChanging the order of text mid-way\n\nAs we saw in that previous example, the punctuation appeared at the beginning of the sentence instead of the end, even though the text was English. At Yahoo!, we have an interesting dilemma where the company name has punctuation in it. Therefore, when the name appears in the middle of (for example) Arabic text, the exclamation mark appears at the beginning of the word instead of the end.\n\n\n\nThere are two ways in which this problem can be solved:\n\n1. Use HTML around the left-to-right content, or\n\nTo solve the problem of the Yahoo! name in the midst of Arabic text, we can wrap a span around it and change the direction on that element.\n\n\n\n2. Use a text direction mark in the content.\n\nUnicode has two marks, U+200E and U+200F, that tell the browser that the text is in a particular direction. Placing this right after the punctuation will correct the placement.\n\nUsing the HTML entity:\nYahoo!\u200e\n\nTables\n\nThankfully, the cells of a data table also get reordered from right to left. Equally as nice, if you\u2019re using display:table, the content will still get reordered.\n\n\n\nCSS\n\nSo far, we\u2019ve seen that the dir attribute does a pretty decent job of getting content flowing in the direction that we need it. Unfortunately, there are huge swaths of design that is handled by CSS that the handy dir attribute has zero effect over.\n\nMany properties, like float or absolute positioning with left and right values, are unaffected and must be handled manually. Elements that were floated left must now by floated right. Left margins and paddings must now move to the right and the right margins and paddings must now move to the left.\n\nSince the browser won\u2019t handle this for us, we have a couple approaches that we can use:\n\nCSS Only\n\nWe can take advantage of the attribute selector to target CSS to apply in one direction or another.\n\n[dir=ltr] .module {\n\tfloat: left;\n\tmargin: 0 0 0 20px;\n}\n\n[dir=rtl] .module {\n\tfloat: right;\n\tmargin: 0 20px 0 0;\n}\n\nAs you can see from this example, both of the properties have been modified for the flipped interface. If your interface is rather complicated, you will have to create a lot of duplicate rules to have the site looking good in both directions while serving up a single stylesheet.\n\nCSSJanus\n\nGoogle has a tool called CSSJanus. It\u2019s a Python script that runs over the LTR versions of your CSS files and generates RTL versions. For the RTL version of the site, just serve up those CSS files instead of the LTR versions.\n\nThe script looks for keywords and value combinations and automatically swaps them so you don\u2019t have to. \n\nAt Yahoo!, CSSJanus was a huge help in speeding up our development of a bidi interface. We\u2019ve also made a number of improvements to the script to better handle border radius, background positioning, and gradients. We will be pushing those changes back into the CSSJanus project. \n\n\n\nBackground Images\n\nBackground images, especially for things like CSS sprites, also raise an interesting dilemma. Background images are positioned relative to the left of the element. In a flipped interface, however, we need to position it relative to the right. An icon that would be to the left of some text will now need to appear on the right.\n\n\n\nIf the x position of the background is percentage-based, then it\u2019s fairly easy to swap the values. 0 becomes 100%, 10% becomes 90% and so on. If the x position is pixel-based, then we\u2019re in a bit of a pickle. There\u2019s no way to say that the image should be a certain number of pixels from the right.\n\nTherefore, you\u2019ll need to ensure that any background image that needs to be swapped should be percentage-based. (99.9% of the the time, the background position will need to be 0 so that it can be changed to 100% for RTL.)\n\nIf you\u2019re taking an existing implementation, background positioning will likely be the biggest hurdle you\u2019ll have to overcome in swapping your interface around. If you make sure your x position is always percentage-based from the beginning, you\u2019ll have a much smoother process ahead of you!\n\nFlipping Images\n\nThis is a more subtle point and one where you\u2019ll really want an expert with the region to weigh in on. In RTL interfaces, users may expect certain icons to also be flipped. Pencil icons that skew to the right in LTR interfaces might need to be swapped to skew to the left, instead. Chat bubbles that come from the left will need to come from the right.\n\nThe easiest way to handle this is to create new images. Name the LTR versions with -ltr in the name and name the RTL versions with -rtl in the name. CSSJanus will automatically rename all file references from -ltr to -rtl.\n\nThe Future\n\nThankfully, those within the W3C recognize that CSS should be more agnostic. As a result, they\u2019ve begun introducing new properties that allow the browser to manage the swapping from left to right for us.\n\nThe CSS3 specification for backgrounds allows for the background-position to be relative to other corners other than the top left by specifying keywords before each position.\n\nThis will position the background 5px from the bottom right of the element.\n\nbackground-position: right 5px bottom 5px;\n\nOpera 11.60 is currently the only browser that supports this syntax.\n\nFor margin and padding, we have margin-start and margin-end. In LTR interfaces, margin-start would be the same as margin-left and in RTL interfaces, margin-start would be the same as margin-right. \n\nFirefox and Webkit support these but with vendor prefixes right now:\n\n-webkit-margin-start: 20px;\n-moz-margin-start: 20px;\n\nIn the CSS3 Images working draft specification, there\u2019s an image() property that allows us to specify image fallbacks and whether those fallbacks are for LTR or RTL interfaces.\n\nbackground: image('sprite.png' ltr, 'sprite-rtl.png' rtl);\n\nUnfortunately, no browser supports this yet but it\u2019s nice to be able to dream of how much easier this will be in the future!\n\nHo Ho Ho\n\nHopefully, after all of this, you\u2019re full of cheer knowing that you\u2019re well on your way to creating interfaces that can go both ways!", "year": "2011", "author": "Jonathan Snook", "author_slug": "jonathansnook", "published": "2011-12-19T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2011/going-both-ways/", "topic": "ux"} {"rowid": 277, "title": "Raising the Bar on Mobile", "contents": "One of the primary challenges of designing for mobile devices is that screen real estate is often in limited supply. Through the advocacy of Luke W and others, we\u2019ve drawn comfort from the idea that this constraint ends up benefiting users and designers alike, from obvious advantages like portability and reach, to influencing our content strategy decisions through focus and restraint. But that doesn\u2019t mean we shouldn\u2019t take advantage of every last pixel of that screen we can snag!\n\nAs anyone who has designed a website for use on a smartphone can attest, there\u2019s an awful lot of space on mobile screens dedicated to browser functions that would be better off toggled out of view. Unfortunately, the visibility of some of these elements is beyond our control, such as the buttons fixed to the bottom of the viewport in iOS\u2019s Safari and the WebOS browser. However, in many devices, the address bar at the top can be manually hidden, and its absence frees up enough pixel room for a large, impactful heading, a critical piece of navigation, or even just a little more white space to air things out.\n\nSo, as my humble contribution to this most festive of web publications, today I\u2019ll dig into the approach I used to hide the address bar in a browser-agnostic fashion for sites like BostonGlobe.com, and the jQuery Mobile framework.\n\nSurveying the land\n\nFirst, let\u2019s assess the chromes of some popular, current mobile browsers. For example purposes, the following screen-captures feature the homepage of the Boston Globe site, without any address-bar-hiding logic in place.\n\nNote: these captures are just mockups \u2013 actual experience on these platforms may vary.\n\n On the left is iOS5\u2019s Safari (running on iPhone), and on the right is Windows Phone 7 (pre-Mango).\n\n BlackBerry 7 (left), and Android 2.3 (right).\n\n WebOS (left), Opera Mini (middle), and Opera Mobile (right).\n\nSome browsers, such the default browsers on WebOS and BlackBerry 5, hide the bar automatically without any developer intervention, but many of them don\u2019t. Of these, we can only manually hide the address bar on iOS Safari and Android (according to Opera Web Opener, Mike Taylor, some discussion is underway for support in Opera Mini and Mobile as well, which would be great!). This is unfortunate, but iOS and Android are incredibly popular, so let\u2019s direct our focus there.\n\nGreat API, or greatest API?\n\nAs it turns out, iOS and Android not only allow you to hide the address bar, they use the same JavaScript method to do so, too (this shouldn\u2019t be surprising, given that they are both WebKit browsers, but nothing expected happens in mobile). However, the method they use is not exactly intuitive. You might set out looking for a JavaScript API dedicated to this purpose, like, say, window.toolbar.hide(), but alas, to hide the address bar you need to use the window.scrollTo method!\n\nwindow.scrollTo(0, 0);\n\nThe scrollTo method is not new, it\u2019s just this particular use of it that is. For the uninitiated, scrollTo is designed to scroll a document to a particular set of coordinates, assuming the document is large enough to scroll to that spot. The method accepts two arguments: a left coordinate; and a top coordinate. It\u2019s both simple and supported well pretty much everywhere. In iOS and Android, these coordinates are calculated from the top of the browser\u2019s viewport, just below the address bar (interestingly, it seems that some platforms like BlackBerry 6 treat the top of the browser chrome as 0 instead, meaning the page content is closer to 20px from the top).\n\nAnyway, by passing the coordinates 0, 0 to the scrollTo method, the browser will jump to the top of the page and pull the address bar out of view! Of course, if a quick call to scrollTo was all we need to do to hide the address bar in iOS and Android, this article would be pretty short, and nothing new. Unfortunately, the first issue we need to deal with is that this method alone will not usually do the trick: it must be called after the page has finished loading.\n\nThe browser gives us a load event for just that purpose, so we\u2019ll wrap our scrollTo method in it and continue on our merry way! We\u2019ll use the standard, addEventListener method to bind the the load event, passing arguments for event name load, and a callback function to execute when the event is triggered.\n\nwindow.addEventListener(\"load\",function() {\n window.scrollTo(0, 0);\n});\n\nFor the sake of preventing errors in those using browsers that don\u2019t support addEventListener, such as Internet Explorer 8 and under, let\u2019s make sure that method exists before we use it:\n\nif( window.addEventListener ){\n window.addEventListener(\"load\",function() {\n window.scrollTo(0, 0);\n });\n}\n\nNow we\u2019re getting somewhere, but we must also call the method after the load event\u2019s default behavior has been applied. For this, we can use the setTimeout method, delaying its execution to after the load event has run its course.\n\nif( window.addEventListener ){\n window.addEventListener(\"load\",function() {\n setTimeout(function(){\n window.scrollTo(0, 0);\n }, 0);\n });\n}\n\nSweet sugar of Christmas! Hit this demo in iOS and watch that address bar drift up and away!\n\nNot so fast\u2026\n\nWe\u2019ve got a little problem: the approach above does work in iOS but, in some cases, it works a little too well. In the process of applying this behavior, we\u2019ve broken one of the primary tenets of responsible web development: don\u2019t break the browser\u2019s default behaviour. This usability rule of thumb is often violated by developers with even the best of intentions, from breaking the browser\u2019s back button through unrecorded Ajax page refreshes, to fancy momentum touch scrolling scripts that can wreak havoc in all but the most sophisticated of devices. In this case, we\u2019ve prevented the browser\u2019s native support of deep-linking to sections of a page (a hash identifier in the URL matching a page element\u2019s id attribute, for example, http://example.com#contact) from working properly, because our script always scrolls to the top.\n\nTo avoid this collision, we\u2019ll need to detect whether a deep link, or hash, is present in the URL before applying our logic. We can do this by ensuring that the location.hash property is falsey:\n\nif( !window.location.hash && window.addEventListener ){\n window.addEventListener( \"load\",function() {\n setTimeout(function(){\n window.scrollTo(0, 0);\n }, 0);\n });\n}\n\nStill works great! And a quick test using a hash-based URL confirms that our script will not execute when a deep anchor is in play. Now iOS is looking sharp, and we\u2019ve added our feature defensively to avoid conflicts.\n\n\n\nNow, on to Android\u2026\n\nWait. You didn\u2019t expect that we could write code for one browser and be finished, right? Of course you didn\u2019t. I mentioned earlier that Android uses the same method for getting rid of the scrollbar, but I left out the fact that the arguments it prefers vary slightly, but significantly, from iOS. Bah!\n\nDifferering from the earlier logic from iOS, to remove the address bar on Android\u2019s default browser, you need to pass a Y coordinate of 1 instead of 0. Aside from being just plain odd, this is particularly unfortunate because to any other browser on the planet, 1px is a very real, however small, distance from the top of the page!\n\nwindow.scrollTo( 0, 1 );\n\nLooks like we\u2019re going to need a fork\u2026\n\nR UA Android?\n\nAt this point, some developers might decide to simply not support this feature in Android, and more determined devs might decide that a quick check of the User Agent string would be a reliable way to determine the browser and tweak the scroll value accordingly. Neither of those decisions would be tragic, but in the spirit of cross-browser and future-friendly development, I\u2019ll propose an alternative.\n\nBy this point, it should be clear that neither of the implementations above offer a particularly intuitive way to hide an address bar. As such, one might be skeptical that these approaches will stick around very long in their present state in either browser. Perhaps at some point, Android will decide to use 0 like iOS, making our lives a little easier, or maybe some new browser will decide to model their address bar hiding method after one of these implementations. In any case, detecting the User Agent only allows us to apply logic based on the known present, and in the world of mobile, let\u2019s face it, the present is already the past.\n\nWriting a check\n\nIn this next step of today\u2019s technique, we\u2019ll apply some logic to quickly determine the behavior model of the browser we\u2019re using, then capitalize on that model \u2013 without caring which browser it happens to come from \u2013 by applying the appropriate scroll distance.\n\nTo do this, we\u2019ll rely on a fortunate side effect of Android\u2019s implementation, which is when you programatically scroll the page to 1 using scrollTo, Android will report that it\u2019s still at 0 because oddly enough, it is! Of course, any other browser in this situation will report a scroll distance of 1. Thus, by scrolling the page to 1, then asking the browser its scroll distance, we can use this artifact of their wacky implementation to our advantage and scroll to the location that makes sense for the browser in play.\n\nGetting the scroll distance\n\nTo pull off our test, we\u2019ll need to ask the browser for its current scroll distance. The methods for getting scroll distance are not entirely standardized across popular browsers, so we\u2019ll need to use some cross-browser logic. The following scroll distance function is similar to what you\u2019d find in a library like jQuery. It checks the few common ways of getting scroll distance before eventually falling back to 0 for safety\u2019s sake (that said, I\u2019m unaware of any browsers that won\u2019t return a numeric value from one of the first three properties).\n\n// scrollTop getter\nfunction getScrollTop(){\n return scrollTop = window.pageYOffset ||\ndocument.compatMode === \"CSS1Compat\" && document.documentElement.scrollTop ||\ndocument.body.scrollTop || 0;\n}\n\nIn order to execute that code above, the body object (referenced here as document.body) will need to be defined already, or we\u2019ll risk an error. To determine that it\u2019s defined, we can run a quick timer to execute code as soon as that object is defined and ready for use.\n\nvar bodycheck = setInterval(function(){\n if( document.body ){\n clearInterval( bodycheck );\n //more logic can go here!!\n } \n}, 15 );\n\nAbove, we\u2019ve defined a 15 millisecond interval called bodycheck that checks if document.body is defined and, if so, clears itself of running again. Within that if statement, we can extend our logic further to run other code, such as our check for the scroll distance, defined via the variable scrollTop below:\n\nvar scrollTop,\n bodycheck = setInterval(function(){\n if( document.body ){\n clearInterval( bodycheck );\n scrollTop = getScrollTop();\n } \n}, 15 );\n\nWith this working, we can immediately scroll to 1, then check the scroll distance when the body is defined. If the distance reports 1, we\u2019re likely in a non-Android browser, so we\u2019ll scroll back to 0 and clean up our mess.\n\nwindow.scrollTo( 0, 1 );\n\nvar scrollTop,\n bodycheck = setInterval(function(){\n if( document.body ){\n clearInterval( bodycheck );\n scrollTop = getScrollTop();\n window.scrollTo( 0, scrollTop === 1 ? 0 : 1 );\n } \n}, 15 );\n\nCashing in\n\nAll of the pieces are written now, so all we need to do is combine them with our previous logic for scrolling when the window is loaded, and we\u2019ll have a cross-browser solution of which John Resig would be proud. Here\u2019s our combined code snippet, with some formatting updates rolled in as well:\n\n(function( win ){\n\tvar doc = win.document;\n\n\t// If there\u2019s a hash, or addEventListener is undefined, stop here\n\tif( !location.hash && win.addEventListener ){\n\t\t//scroll to 1\n\t\twindow.scrollTo( 0, 1 );\n\t\tvar scrollTop = 1,\n\t\t\tgetScrollTop = function(){\n\t\t\t\treturn win.pageYOffset || doc.compatMode = \"CSS1Compat\" && doc.documentElement.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop || 0;\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t//reset to 0 on bodyready, if needed\n\t\t\tbodycheck = setInterval(function(){\n\t\t\t\tif( doc.body ){\n\t\t\t\t\tclearInterval( bodycheck );\n\t\t\t\t\tscrollTop = getScrollTop();\n\t\t\t\t\twin.scrollTo( 0, scrollTop = 1 ? 0 : 1 );\n\t\t\t\t}\t\n\t\t\t}, 15 );\n\t\twin.addEventListener( \u201cload\u201d, function(){\n\t\t\tsetTimeout(function(){\n\t\t\t\t\t//reset to hide addr bar at onload\n\t\t\t\t\twin.scrollTo( 0, scrollTop === 1 ? 0 : 1 );\n\t\t\t}, 0);\n\t\t} );\n\t}\n})( this );\nView code example\n\nAnd with that, we\u2019ve got a bunch more room to play with on both iOS and Android.\n\n\n\nBreak out the eggnog\n\n\u2026because we\u2019re not done yet! In the spirit of making our script act more defensively, there\u2019s still another use case to consider. It was essential that we used the window\u2019s load event to trigger our scripting, but on pages with a lot of content, its use can come at a cost. Often, a user will begin interacting with a page, scrolling down as they read, before the load event has fired. In those situations, our script will jump the user back to the top of the page, resulting in a jarring experience.\n\nTo prevent this problem from occurring, we\u2019ll need to ensure that the page has not been scrolled beyond a certain amount. We can add a simple check using our getScrollTop function again, this time ensuring that its value is not greater than 20 pixels or so, accounting for a small tolerance.\n\nif( getScrollTop() < 20 ){\n //reset to hide addr bar at onload\n window.scrollTo( 0, scrollTop === 1 ? 0 : 1 );\n}\n\nAnd with that, we\u2019re pretty well protected! Here\u2019s a final demo.\n\nThe completed script can be found on Github (full source: https://gist.github.com/1183357 ). It\u2019s MIT licensed. Feel free to use it anywhere or any way you\u2019d like!\n\nYour thoughts?\n\nI hope this article provides you with a browser-agnostic approach to hiding the address bar that you can use in your own projects today. Perhaps alternatively, the complications involved in this approach convinced you that doing this well is more trouble than it\u2019s worth and, depending on the use case, that could be a fair decision. But at the very least, I hope this demonstrates that there\u2019s a lot of work involved in pulling off this small task in only two major platforms, and that there\u2019s a real need for standardization in this area.\n\nFeel free to leave a comment or criticism and I\u2019ll do my best to answer in a timely fashion.\n\nThanks, everyone!\n\nSome parting notes\n\nI scream, you scream\u2026\n\nAt the time of writing, I was not able to test this method on the latest Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) build. According to Sencha Touch\u2019s browser scorecard, the browser in 4.0 may have a different way of managing the address bar, so I\u2019ll post in the comments once I get a chance to dig into it further.\n\nShort pages get no love\n\nToday\u2019s technique only works when the page is as tall, or taller than, the device\u2019s available screen height, so that the address bar may be scrolled out of view. On a short page, you might work around this issue by applying a minimum height to the body element ( body { min-height: 460px; } ), but given the variety of screen sizes out there, not to mention changes in orientation, it\u2019s tough to find a value that makes much sense (unless you manipulate it with JavaScript).", "year": "2011", "author": "Scott Jehl", "author_slug": "scottjehl", "published": "2011-12-20T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2011/raising-the-bar-on-mobile/", "topic": "design"} {"rowid": 276, "title": "Your jQuery: Now With 67% Less Suck", "contents": "Fun fact: more websites are now using jQuery than Flash.\n\njQuery is an amazing tool that\u2019s made JavaScript accessible to developers and designers of all levels of experience. However, as Spiderman taught us, \u201cwith great power comes great responsibility.\u201d The unfortunate downside to jQuery is that while it makes it easy to write JavaScript, it makes it easy to write really really f*&#ing bad JavaScript. Scripts that slow down page load, unresponsive user interfaces, and spaghetti code knotted so deep that it should come with a bottle of whiskey for the next sucker developer that has to work on it. \n\nThis becomes more important for those of us who have yet to move into the magical fairy wonderland where none of our clients or users view our pages in Internet Explorer. The IE JavaScript engine moves at the speed of an advancing glacier compared to more modern browsers, so optimizing our code for performance takes on an even higher level of urgency.\n\nThankfully, there are a few very simple things anyone can add into their jQuery workflow that can clear up a lot of basic problems. When undertaking code reviews, three of the areas where I consistently see the biggest problems are: inefficient selectors; poor event delegation; and clunky DOM manipulation. We\u2019ll tackle all three of these and hopefully you\u2019ll walk away with some new jQuery batarangs to toss around in your next project.\n\nSelector optimization\n\nSelector speed: fast or slow?\n\nSaying that the power behind jQuery comes from its ability to select DOM elements and act on them is like saying that Photoshop is a really good tool for selecting pixels on screen and making them change color \u2013 it\u2019s a bit of a gross oversimplification, but the fact remains that jQuery gives us a ton of ways to choose which element or elements in a page we want to work with. However, a surprising number of web developers are unaware that all selectors are not created equal; in fact, it\u2019s incredible just how drastic the performance difference can be between two selectors that, at first glance, appear nearly identical. For instance, consider these two ways of selecting all paragraph tags inside a
with an ID.\n\n$(\"#id p\");\n\n$(\"#id\").find(\"p\");\n\nWould it surprise you to learn that the second way can be more than twice as fast as the first? Knowing which selectors outperform others (and why) is a pretty key building block in making sure your code runs well and doesn\u2019t frustrate your users waiting for things to happen.\n\nThere are many different ways to select elements using jQuery, but the most common ways can be basically broken down into five different methods. In order, roughly, from fastest to slowest, these are:\n\n\n\t$(\"#id\"); \nThis is without a doubt the fastest selector jQuery provides because it maps directly to the native document.getElementbyId() JavaScript method. If possible, the selectors listed below should be prefaced with an ID selector in conjunction with jQuery\u2019s .find() method to limit the scope of the page that has to be searched (as in the $(\"#id\").find(\"p\") example shown above).\n\t$(\"p\");, $(\"input\");, $(\"form\"); and so on\nSelecting elements by tag name is also fast, since it maps directly to the native document.getElementsByTagname() method.\n\t$(\".class\"); \nSelecting by class name is a little trickier. While still performing very well in modern browsers, it can cause some pretty significant slowdowns in IE8 and below. Why? IE9 was the first IE version to support the native document.getElementsByClassName() JavaScript method. Older browsers have to resort to using much slower DOM-scraping methods that can really impact performance.\n\t$(\"[attribute=value]\");\nThere is no native JavaScript method for this selector to use, so the only way that jQuery can perform the search is by crawling the entire DOM looking for matches. Modern browsers that support the querySelectorAll() method will perform better in certain cases (Opera, especially, runs these searches much faster than any other browser) but, generally speaking, this type of selector is Slowey McSlowersons.\n\t$(\":hidden\");\nLike attribute selectors, there is no native JavaScript method for this one to use. Pseudo-selectors can be painfully slow since the selector has to be run against every element in your search space. Again, modern browsers with querySelectorAll() will perform slightly better here, but try to avoid these if at all possible. If you must use one, try to limit the search space to a specific portion of the page: $(\"#list\").find(\":hidden\");\n\n\nBut, hey, proof is in the performance testing, right? It just so happens that said proof is sitting right here. Be sure to notice the class selector numbers beside IE7 and 8 compared to other browsers and then wonder how the people on the IE team at Microsoft manage to sleep at night. Yikes.\n\nChaining\n\nAlmost all jQuery methods return a jQuery object. This means that when a method is run, its results are returned and you can continue executing more methods on them. Rather than writing out the same selector multiple times over, just making a selection once allows multiple actions to be run on it.\n\nWithout chaining\n\n$(\"#object\").addClass(\"active\");\n$(\"#object\").css(\"color\",\"#f0f\");\n$(\"#object\").height(300);\n\nWith chaining\n\n$(\"#object\").addClass(\"active\").css(\"color\", \"#f0f\").height(300);\n\nThis has the dual effect of making your code shorter and faster. Chained methods will be slightly faster than multiple methods made on a cached selector, and both ways will be much faster than multiple methods made on non-cached selectors. Wait\u2026 \u201ccached selector\u201d? What is this new devilry? \n\nCaching\n\nAnother easy way to speed up your code that seems to be a mystery to developers is the idea of caching your selectors. Think of how many times you end up writing the same selector over and over again in any project. Every $(\".element\") selector has to search the entire DOM each time, regardless of whether or not that selector had been previously run. Running the selection once and then storing the results in a variable means that the DOM only has to be searched once. Once the results of a selector have been cached, you can do anything with them.\n\nFirst, run your search (here we\u2019re selecting all of the
  • elements inside
      ): \n\nvar blocks = $(\"#blocks\").find(\"li\");\n\nNow, you can use the blocks variable wherever you want without having to search the DOM every time.\n\n$(\"#hideBlocks\").click(function() {\n blocks.fadeOut();\n});\n$(\"#showBlocks\").click(function() {\n blocks.fadeIn();\n});\n\nMy advice? Any selector that gets run more than once should be cached. This jsperf test shows just how much faster a cached selector runs compared to a non-cached one (and even throws some chaining love in to boot).\n\nEvent delegation\n\nEvent listeners cost memory. In complex websites and apps it\u2019s not uncommon to have a lot of event listeners floating around, and thankfully jQuery provides some really easy methods for handling event listeners efficiently through delegation.\n\nIn a bit of an extreme example, imagine a situation where a 10\u00d710 cell table needs to have an event listener on each cell; let\u2019s say that clicking on a cell adds or removes a class that defines the cell\u2019s background color. A typical way that this might be written (and something I\u2019ve often seen during code reviews) is like so:\n\n$('table').find('td').click(function() {\n $(this).toggleClass('active');\n});\n\njQuery 1.7 has provided us with a new event listener method, .on(). It acts as a utility that wraps all of jQuery\u2019s previous event listeners into one convenient method, and the way you write it determines how it behaves. To rewrite the above .click() example using .on(), we\u2019d simply do the following:\n\n$('table').find('td').on('click',function() {\n $(this).toggleClass('active');\n});\n\nSimple enough, right? Sure, but the problem here is that we\u2019re still binding one hundred event listeners to our page, one to each individual table cell. A far better way to do things is to create one event listener on the table itself that listens for events inside it. Since the majority of events bubble up the DOM tree, we can bind a single event listener to one element (in this case, the ) and wait for events to bubble up from its children. The way to do this using the .on() method requires only one change from our code above:\n\n$('table').on('click','td',function() {\n $(this).toggleClass('active');\n});\n\nAll we\u2019ve done is moved the td selector to an argument inside the .on() method. Providing a selector to .on() switches it into delegation mode, and the event is only fired for descendants of the bound element (table) that match the selector (td). With that one simple change, we\u2019ve gone from having to bind one hundred event listeners to just one. You might think that the browser having to do one hundred times less work would be a good thing and you\u2019d be completely right. The difference between the two examples above is staggering.\n\n(Note that if your site is using a version of jQuery earlier than 1.7, you can accomplish the very same thing using the .delegate() method. The syntax of how you write the function differs slightly; if you\u2019ve never used it before, it\u2019s worth checking the API docs for that page to see how it works.)\n\nDOM manipulation\n\njQuery makes it very easy to manipulate the DOM. It\u2019s trivial to create new nodes, insert them, remove other ones, move things around, and so on. While the code to do this is simple to write, every time the DOM is manipulated, the browser has to repaint and reflow content which can be extremely costly. This is no more evident than in a long loop, whether it be a standard for() loop, while() loop, or jQuery $.each() loop.\n\nIn this case, let\u2019s say we\u2019ve just received an array full of image URLs from a database or Ajax call or wherever, and we want to put all of those images in an unordered list. Commonly, you\u2019ll see code like this to pull this off:\n\nvar arr = [reallyLongArrayOfImageURLs]; \n $.each(arr, function(count, item) {\n var newImg = '
    • ';\n $('#imgList').append(newImg);\n });\n\nThere are a couple of problems with this. For one (which you should have already noticed if you\u2019ve read the earlier part of this article), we\u2019re making the $(\"#imgList\") selection once for each iteration of our loop. The other problem here is that each time the loop iterates, it\u2019s adding a new
    • to the DOM. Each of those insertions is going to be costly, and if our array is quite large then this could lead to a massive slowdown or even the dreaded \u2018A script is causing this page to run slowly\u2019 warning.\n\nvar arr = [reallyLongArrayOfImageURLs],\n tmp = ''; \n$.each(arr, function(count, item) {\n tmp += '
    • ';\n});\n$('#imgList').append(tmp);\n\nAll we\u2019ve done here is create a tmp variable that each
    • is added to as it\u2019s created. Once our loop has finished iterating, that tmp variable will contain all of our list items in memory, and can be appended to our
        all in one go. Browsers work much faster when working with objects in memory rather than on screen, so this is a much faster, more CPU-cycle-friendly method of building a list.\n\nWrapping up\n\nThese are far from being the only ways to make your jQuery code run better, but they are among the simplest ones to implement. Though each individual change may only make a few milliseconds of difference, it doesn\u2019t take long for those milliseconds to add up. Studies have shown that the human eye can discern delays of as few as 100ms, so simply making a few changes sprinkled throughout your code can very easily have a noticeable effect on how well your website or app performs. Do you have other jQuery optimization tips to share? Leave them in the comments and help make us all better.\n\nNow go forth and make awesome!", "year": "2011", "author": "Scott Kosman", "author_slug": "scottkosman", "published": "2011-12-13T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2011/your-jquery-now-with-less-suck/", "topic": "code"} {"rowid": 275, "title": "Context First: Web Strategy in Four Handy Ws", "contents": "Many, many years ago, before web design became my proper job, I trained and worked as a journalist. I studied publishing in London and spent three fun years learning how to take a few little nuggets of information and turn them into a story. I learned a bunch of stuff that has all been a huge help to my design career. Flatplanning, layout, typographic theory. All of these disciplines have since translated really well to web design, but without doubt the most useful thing I learned was how to ask difficult questions.\n\nPretty much from day one of journalism school they hammer into you the importance of the Five Ws. Five disarmingly simple lines of enquiry that eloquently manage to provide the meat of any decent story. And with alliteration thrown in too. For a young journo, it\u2019s almost too good to be true.\n\nWho? What? Where? When? Why? It seems so obvious to almost be trite but, fundamentally, any story that manages to answer those questions for the reader is doing a pretty good job. You\u2019ll probably have noticed feeling underwhelmed by certain news pieces in the past \u2013 disappointed, like something was missing. Some irritating oversight that really lets the story down. No doubt it was one of the Ws \u2013 those innocuous little suckers are generally only noticeable by their absence, but they sure get missed when they\u2019re not there. \n\nQuestion everything\n\nI\u2019ve always been curious. An inveterate tinkerer with things and asker of dopey questions, often to the point of abject annoyance for anyone unfortunate enough to have ended up in my line of fire. So, naturally, the Five Ws started drifting into other areas of my life. I\u2019d scrutinize everything, trying to justify or explain my rationale using these Ws, but I\u2019d also find myself ripping apart the stuff that clearly couldn\u2019t justify itself against the same criteria.\n\nSo when I started working as a designer I applied the same logic and, sure enough, the Ws pretty much mapped to the exact same needs we had for gathering requirements at the start of a project. It seemed so obvious, such a simple way to establish the purpose of a product. What was it for? Why we were making it? And, of course, who were we making it for? It forced clients to stop and think, when really what they wanted was to get going and see something shiny. Sometimes that was a tricky conversation to have, but it\u2019s no coincidence that those who got it also understood the value of strategy and went on to have good solid products, while those that didn\u2019t often ended up with arrogantly insular and very shiny but ultimately unsatisfying and expendable products. Empty vessels make the most noise and all that\u2026\n\nContent first\n\nI was both surprised and pleased when the whole content first idea started to rear its head a couple of years back. Pleased, because without doubt it\u2019s absolutely the right way to work. And surprised, because personally it\u2019s always been the way I\u2019ve done it \u2013 I wasn\u2019t aware there was even an alternative way. Content in some form or another is the whole reason we were making the things we were making. I can\u2019t even imagine how you\u2019d start figuring out what a site needs to do, how it should be structured, or how it should look without a really good idea of what that content might be. It baffles me still that this was somehow news to a lot of people. What on earth were they doing? Design without purpose is just folly, surely?\n\nIt\u2019s great to see the idea gaining momentum but, having watched it unfold, it occurred to me recently that although it\u2019s fantastic to see a tangible shift in thinking \u2013 away from those bleak times, where making things up was somehow deemed an appropriate way to do things \u2013 there\u2019s now a new bad guy in town.\n\nWith any buzzword solution of the moment, there\u2019s always a catch, and it seems like some have taken the content first approach a little too literally. By which I mean, it\u2019s literally the first thing they do. The project starts, there\u2019s a very cursory nod towards gathering requirements, and off they go, cranking content. Writing copy, making video, commissioning illustrations.\n\nAll that\u2019s happened is that the \u2018making stuff up\u2019 part has shifted along the line, away from layout and UI, back to the content. \n\nStarting is too easy\n\nI can\u2019t remember where I first heard that phrase, but it\u2019s a great sentiment which applies to so much of what we do on the web. The medium is so accessible and to an extent disposable; throwing things together quickly carries far less burden than in any other industry. We\u2019re used to tweaking as we go, changing bits, iterating things into shape. The ubiquitous beta tag has become the ultimate caveat, and has made the unfinished and unpolished acceptable. Of course, that can work brilliantly in some circumstances. Occasionally, a product offers such a paradigm shift it\u2019s beyond the level of deep planning and prelaunch finessing we\u2019d ideally like. But, in the main, for most client sites we work on, there really is no excuse not to do things properly. To ask the tricky questions, to challenge preconceptions and really understand the Ws behind the products we\u2019re making before we even start. \n\nThe four Ws\n\nFor product definition, only four of the five Ws really apply, although there\u2019s a lot of discussion around the idea of when being an influencing factor. For example, the context of a user\u2019s engagement with your product is something you can make a call on depending on the specifics of the project.\n\nSo, here\u2019s my take on the four essential Ws. I\u2019ll point out here that, of course, these are not intended to be autocratic dictums. Your needs may differ, your clients\u2019 needs may differ, but these four starting points will get you pretty close to where you need to be.\n\nWho \n\nIt\u2019s surprising just how many projects start without a real understanding of the intended audience. Many clients think they have an idea, but without really knowing \u2013 it\u2019s presumptive at best, and we all know what presumption is the mother of, right? Of course, we can\u2019t know our audiences in the same way a small shop owner might know their customers. But we can at least strive to find out what type of people are likely to be using the product. I\u2019m not talking about deep user research. That should come later.\n\nThese are the absolute basics. What\u2019s the context for their visit? How informed are they? What\u2019s their level of comprehension? Are they able to self-identify and relate to categories you have created? I could go on, and it changes on a per-project basis. You\u2019ll only find this out by speaking to them, if not in person, then indirectly through surveys, questionnaires or polls. The mechanism is less important than actually reaching out and engaging with them, because without that understanding it\u2019s impossible to start to design with any empathy.\n\nWhat\n\nOnce you become deeply involved directly with a product or service, it\u2019s notoriously difficult to see things as an outsider would. You learn the thing inside and out, you develop shortcuts and internal phraseology. Colloquialisms creep in. You become too close. So it\u2019s no surprise when clients sometimes struggle to explain what it is their product actually does in a way that others can understand.\n\nOften products are complex but, really, the core reasons behind someone wanting to use that product are very simple. There\u2019s a value proposition for the customer and, if they choose to engage with it, there\u2019s a value exchange. If that proposition or exchange isn\u2019t transparent, then people become confused and will likely go elsewhere. Make sure both your client and you really understand what that proposition is and, in turn, what the expected exchange should be. In a nutshell: what is the intended outcome of that engagement? Often the best way to do this is strip everything back to nothing. Verbosity is rife on the web. Just because it\u2019s easy to create content, that shouldn\u2019t be a reason to do so. Figure out what the value proposition is and then reintroduce content elements that genuinely help explain or present that to a level that is appropriate for the audience. \n\nWhy \n\nIn advertising, they talk about the truths behind a product or service. Truths can be both tangible or abstract, but the most important part is the resonance those truths hit with a customer. In a digital product or service those truths are often exposed as benefits. Why is this what I need? Why will it work for me? Why should I trust you? The why is one of the more fluffy Ws, yet it\u2019s such an important one to nail. Clients can get prickly when you ask them to justify the why behind their product, but it\u2019s a fantastic way to make sure the value proposition is clear, realistic and meets with the expectations of both client and customer.\n\nIt\u2019s our job as designers to question things: we\u2019re not just a pair of hands for clients. Just recently I spoke to a potential client about a site for his business. I asked him why people would use his product and also why his product seemed so fractured in its direction. He couldnt answer that question so, instead of ploughing on regardless, he went back to his directors and is now re-evaluating that business. It was awkward but he thanked me and hopefully he\u2019ll have a better product as a result.\n\nWhere\n\nIn this instance, where is not so much a geographical thing, although in some cases that level of context may indeed become a influencing factor\u2026 The where we\u2019re talking about here is the position of the product in relation to others around it. By looking at competitors or similar services around the one you are designing, you can start to get a sense for many of the things that are otherwise hard to pin down or have yet to be defined. For example, in a collection of sites all selling cars, where does yours fit most closely? Where are the overlaps? How are they communicating to their customers? How is the product range presented or categorized?\n\nIt\u2019s good to look around and see how others are doing it. Not in a quest for homogeneity but more to reference or to avoid certain patterns that may or may not make sense for your own particular product. Clients often strive to be different for the sake of it. They feel they need to provide distinction by going against the flow a bit. We know different. We know users love convention. They embrace familiar mental models. They\u2019re comfortable with things that they\u2019ve experienced elsewhere. By showing your client that position is a vital part of their strategy, you can help shape their product into something great. \n\nTo conclude\n\nSo there we have it \u2013 the four Ws. Each part tells a different and vital part of the story you need to be able to make a really good product. It might sound like a lot of work, particularly when the client is breathing down your neck expecting to see things, but without those pieces in place, the story you\u2019re building your product on, and the content that you\u2019re creating to form that product can only ever fit into one genre. Fiction.", "year": "2011", "author": "Alex Morris", "author_slug": "alexmorris", "published": "2011-12-10T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2011/context-first/", "topic": "content"} {"rowid": 274, "title": "Adaptive Images for Responsive Designs", "contents": "So you\u2019ve been building some responsive designs and you\u2019ve been working through your checklist of things to do:\n\n\n\tYou started with the content and designed around it, with mobile in mind first.\n\tYou\u2019ve gone liquid and there\u2019s nary a px value in sight; % is your weapon of choice now.\n\tYou\u2019ve baked in a few media queries to adapt your layout and tweak your design at different window widths.\n\tYou\u2019ve made your images scale to the container width using the fluid Image technique.\n\tYou\u2019ve even done the same for your videos using a nifty bit of JavaScript.\n\n\nYou\u2019ve done a good job so pat yourself on the back. But there\u2019s still a problem and it\u2019s as tricky as it is important: image resolutions.\n\nHTML has an problem\n\nCSS is great at adapting a website design to different window sizes \u2013 it allows you not only to tweak layout but also to send rescaled versions of the design\u2019s images. And you want to do that because, after all, a smartphone does not need a 1,900-pixel background image1.\n\nHTML is less great. In the same way that you don\u2019t want CSS background images to be larger than required, you don\u2019t want that happening with s either. A smartphone only needs a small image but desktop users need a large one. Unfortunately s can\u2019t adapt like CSS, so what do we do?\n\nWell, you could just use a high resolution image and the fluid image technique would scale it down to fit the viewport; but that\u2019s sending an image five or six times the file size that\u2019s really needed, which makes it slow to download and unpleasant to use. Smartphones are pretty impressive devices \u2013 my ancient iPhone 3G is more powerful in every way than my first proper computer \u2013 but they\u2019re still terribly slow in comparison to today\u2019s desktop machines. Sending a massive image means it has to be manipulated in memory and redrawn as you scroll. You\u2019ll find phones rapidly run out of RAM and slow to a crawl.\n\nWell, OK. You went mobile first with everything else so why not put in mobile resolution s too? Because even though mobile devices are rapidly gaining share in your analytics stats, they\u2019re still not likely to be the major share of your user base. I don\u2019t think desktop users would be happy with pokey little mobile resolution images, do you? What we need are adaptive images.\n\nAdaptive image techniques\n\nThere are a number of possible solutions, each with pros and cons, and it\u2019s not as simple to find a graceful solution as you might expect.\n\nYour first thought might be to use JavaScript to trawl through the markup and rewrite the source attribute. That\u2019ll get you the right end result, but it\u2019ll have done it in a way you absolutely don\u2019t want. That\u2019s because of the way browsers load resources. It starts to load the HTML and builds the page on-the-fly; as soon as it finds an element it immediately asks the server for that image. After the HTML has finished loading, the JavaScript will run, change the src attribute, and then the browser will request that new image too. Not instead of, but as well as. Not good: that\u2019s added more bloat instead of cutting it.\n\nPlain JavaScript is out then, which is a problem, because what other tools do we have to work with as web designers? Let\u2019s ignore that for now and I\u2019ll outline another issue with the concept of serving different resolution images for different window widths: a basic file management problem. To request a different image, that image has to exist on the server. How\u2019s it going to get there? That\u2019s not a trivial problem, especially if you have non-technical users that update content through a CMS. Let\u2019s say you solve that \u2013 do you plan on a simple binary switch: big image|little image? Is that really efficient or future-proof? What happens if you have an archive of existing content that needs to behave this way? Can you apply such a solution to existing content or markup?\n\nThere\u2019s a detailed round-up of potential techniques for solving the adaptive images problem over at the Cloud Four blog if you fancy a dig around exploring all the options currently available. But I\u2019m here to show you what I think is the most flexible and easy to implement solution, so here we are.\n\nAdaptive Images\n\nAdaptive Images aims to mitigate most of the issues surrounding the problems of bringing the venerable tag into the 21st century. And it works by leaving that tag completely alone \u2013 just add that desktop resolution image into the markup as you\u2019ve been doing for years now. We\u2019ll fix it using secret magic techniques and bottled pixie dreams. Well, fine: with one .htaccess file, one small PHP file and one line of JavaScript. But you\u2019re killing the mystique with that kind of talk.\n\nSo, what does this solution do?\n\n\n\tIt allows s to adapt to the same break points you use in your media queries, giving granular control in the same way you get with your CSS.\n\tIt installs on your server in five minutes or less and after that is automatic and you don\u2019t need to do anything.\n\tIt generates its own rescaled images on the server and doesn\u2019t require markup changes, so you can apply it to existing web content.\n\tIf you wish, it will make all of your images go mobile-first (just in case that\u2019s what you want if JavaScript and cookies aren\u2019t available).\n\n\nSound good? I hope so. Here\u2019s what you do.\n\nSetting up and rolling out\n\nI\u2019ll assume you have some basic server knowledge along with that wealth of front-end wisdom exploding out of your head: that you know not to overwrite any existing .htaccess file for example, and how to set file permissions on your server. Feeling up to it? Excellent.\n\n\n\tDownload the latest version of Adaptive Images either from the website or from the GitHub repository.\n\tUpload the included .htaccess and adaptive-images.php files into the root folder of your website.\n\tCreate a directory called ai-cache and make sure the server can write to it (CHMOD 755 should do it).\n\tAdd the following line of JavaScript into the of your site:\n\n\n\n\nThat\u2019s it, unless you want to tweak the default settings. You likely do, but essentially you\u2019re already up and running.\n\nHow it works\n\nAdaptive Images does a number of things depending on the scenario the script has to handle, but here\u2019s a basic overview of what it does when you load a page running it:\n\n\n\tA session cookie is written with the value of the visitor\u2019s screen size in pixels.\n\tThe HTML encounters an tag and sends a request to the server for that image. It also sends the cookie, because that\u2019s how browsers work.\n\tApache sits on the server and receives the request for the image. Apache then has a look in the .htaccess file to see if there are any special instructions for files in the requested URL.\n\tThere are! The .htaccess says \u201cHey, server! Any request you get for a JPG, GIF or PNG file just send to the adaptive-images.php file instead.\u201d\n\tThe PHP file then does some intelligent thinking which can cover a number of scenarios, but I\u2019ll illustrate one path that can happen:\n\n\n\t\n\t\tThe PHP file looks for the cookie and finds out that the user has a maximum screen width of 480px.\n\t\tThe PHP has a look at the available media query sizes that were configured and decides which one matches the user\u2019s device.\n\t\tIt then has a look inside the /ai-cache/480/ folder to see if a rescaled image already exists there.\n\t\tWe\u2019ll pretend it doesn\u2019t \u2013 the PHP then goes to the actual requested URI and finds that the original file does exist.\n\t\tIt has a look to see how wide that image is. If it\u2019s already smaller than the user\u2019s screen width it sends it along and stops there. But, let\u2019s pretend the image is 1,000px wide.\n\t\tThe PHP then resizes the image and saves it into the /ai-cache/480 folder ready for the next time someone needs it.\n\t\n\nIt also does a few other things when needs arise, for example:\n\n\n\tIt sends images with a cache header field that tells proxies not to cache the image, while telling browsers they should. This avoids problems with proxy servers and network caching systems grabbing the wrong image and storing it.\n\tIt handles cases where there isn\u2019t a cookie set, and you can choose whether to then send the mobile version or the largest configured media query size.\n\tIt compares timestamps between the source image and the generated cache image \u2013 to ensure that if the source image gets updated, the old cached file won\u2019t be sent.\n\n\nCustomizing\n\nThere are a few options you can customize if you don\u2019t like the default values. By looking in the PHP\u2019s configuration section at the top of the file, you can:\n\n\n\tSet the resolution breakpoints to match your media query break points.\n\tChange the name and location of the ai-cache folder.\n\tChange the quality level any generated JPG images are saved at.\n\tHave it perform a subtle sharpen on rescaled images to help keep detail.\n\tToggle whether you want it to compare the files in the cache folder with the source ones or not.\n\tSet how long the browser should cache the images for.\n\tSwitch between a mobile-first or desktop-first approach when a cookie isn\u2019t found.\n\n\nMore importantly, you probably want to omit a few folders from the AI behaviour. You don\u2019t need or want it resizing the images you\u2019re using in your CSS, for example. That\u2019s fine \u2013 just open up the .htaccess file and follow the instructions to list any directories you want AI to ignore. Or, if you\u2019re a dab hand at RewriteRules you can remove the exclamation mark at the start of the rule and it\u2019ll only apply AI behaviour to a given list of folders.\n\nCaveats\n\nAs I mentioned, I think this is one of the most flexible, future-proof, retrofittable and easy to use solutions available today. But, there are problems with this approach as there are with all of the ones I\u2019ve seen so far.\n\nThis is a PHP solution\n\nI wish I was smarter and knew some fancy modern languages the cool kids discuss at parties, but I don\u2019t. So, you need PHP on your server. That said, Adaptive Images has a Creative Commons licence2 and I would welcome anyone to contribute a port of the code3. \n\nContent delivery networks\n\nAdaptive Images relies on the server being able to: intercept requests for images; do some logic; and send one of a given number of responses. Content delivery networks are generally dumb caches, and they won\u2019t allow that to happen. Adaptive Images will not work if you\u2019re using a CDN to deliver your website.\n\nA minor but interesting cookie issue.\n\nAs Yoav Weiss pointed out in his article Preloaders, cookies and race conditions, there is no way to guarantee that a cookie will be set before images are requested \u2013 even though the JavaScript that sets the cookie is loaded by the browser before it finds any tags. That could mean images being requested without a cookie being available. Adaptive Images has a two-fold mechanism to avoid this being a problem:\n\n\n\tThe $mobile_first toggle allows you to choose what to send to a browser if a cookie isn\u2019t set. If FALSE then it will send the highest configured resolution; if TRUE it will send the lowest.\n\tEven if set to TRUE, Adaptive Images checks the User Agent String. If it discovers the user is on a desktop environment, it will override $mobile_first and set it to FALSE.\n\n\nThis means that if $mobile_first is set to TRUE and the user was unlucky (their browser didn\u2019t write the cookie fast enough), mobile devices will be supplied with the smallest image, and desktop devices will get the largest.\n\nThe best way to get a cookie written is to use JavaScript as I\u2019ve explained above, because it\u2019s the fastest way. However, for those that want it, there is a JavaScript-free method which uses CSS and a bogus PHP \u2018image\u2019 to set the cookie. A word of caution: because it requests an external file, this method is slower than the JavaScript one, and it is very likely that the cookie won\u2019t be set until after images have been requested.\n\nThe future\n\nFor today, this is a pretty good solution. It works, and as it doesn\u2019t interfere with your markup or source material in any way, the process is non-destructive. If a future solution is superior, you can just remove the Adaptive Images files and you\u2019re good to go \u2013 you\u2019d never know AI had been there.\n\nHowever, this isn\u2019t really a long-term solution, not least because of the intermittent problem of the cookie and image request race condition. What we really need are a number of standardized ways to handle this in the future.\n\nFirst, we could do with browsers sending far more information about the user\u2019s environment along with each HTTP request (device size, connection speed, pixel density, etc.), because the way things work now is no longer fit for purpose. The web now is a much broader entity used on far more diverse devices than when these technologies were dreamed up, and we absolutely require the server to have better knowledge about device capabilities than is currently possible. Relying on cookies to do this job doesn\u2019t cut it, and the User Agent String is a complete mess incapable of fulfilling the various purposes we are forced to hijack it for.\n\nSecondly, we need a W3C-backed markup level solution to supply semantically different content at different resolutions, not just rescaled versions of the same content as Adaptive Images does.\n\nI hope you\u2019ve found this interesting and will find Adaptive Images useful.\n\nFootnotes\n\n1 While I\u2019m talking about preventing smartphones from downloading resources they don\u2019t need: you should be careful of your media query construction if you want to stop WebKit downloading all the images in all of the CSS files.\n\n2 Adaptive Images has a very broad Creative Commons licence and I warmly welcome feedback and community contributions via the GitHub repository. \n\n3 There is a ColdFusion port of an older version of Adaptive Images. I do not have anything to do with ported versions of Adaptive Images.", "year": "2011", "author": "Matt Wilcox", "author_slug": "mattwilcox", "published": "2011-12-04T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2011/adaptive-images-for-responsive-designs/", "topic": "ux"} {"rowid": 273, "title": "There\u2019s No Formula for Great Designs", "contents": "Before he combined them with fluid images and CSS3 media queries to coin responsive design, Ethan Marcotte described fluid grids \u2014 one of the most enjoyable parts of responsive design. Enjoyable that is, if you like working with math(s). But fluid grids aren\u2019t perfect and, unless we\u2019re careful when applying them, they can sometimes result in a design that feels disconnected.\n\nRecapping fluid grids\n\nIf you haven\u2019t read Ethan\u2019s Fluid Grids, now would be a good time to do that. It centres around a simple formula for converting pixel widths to percentages:\n\n(target \u00f7 context) \u00d7 100 = result\n\nHow does that work in practice? Well, take that Fireworks or Photoshop comp you\u2019re working on (I call them static design visuals, or just visuals.) Of course, everything on that visual \u2014 column divisions, inline images, navigation elements, everything \u2014 is measured in pixels. Now:\n\n\n\tPick something in the visual and measure its width. That\u2019s our target.\n\tTake that target measurement and divide it by the width of its parent (context).\n\tMultiply what you\u2019ve got by 100 (shift two decimal places).\n\tWhat you\u2019re left with is a percentage width to drop into your style sheets.\n\n\nFor example, divide this 300px wide sidebar division by its 948px parent and then multiply by 100: your original 300px is neatly converted to 31.646%.\n\n.content-sub {\nwidth : 31.646%; /* 300px \u00f7 948px = .31646 */ }\n\nThat formula makes it surprisingly simple for even die-hard fixed width aficionados to convert their visuals to percentage-based, fluid layouts.\n\nIt\u2019s a handy formula for those who still design using static visuals, and downright essential for those situations where one person in an organization designs in Fireworks or Photoshop and another develops with CSS. Why?\n\nWell, although I think that designing in a browser makes the best sense \u2014 particularly when designing for multiple devices \u2014 I\u2019ll wager most designers still make visuals in Fireworks or Photoshop and use them for demonstrations and get feedback and sign-off. That\u2019s OK. If you haven\u2019t made the transition to content-out designing in a browser yet, the fluid grids formula helps you carry on pushing pixels a while longer.\n\nYou can carry on moving pixel width measurements from your visuals to your style sheets, too, in the same way you always have. You can be precise to the pixel and even apply a grid image as a CSS background to help you keep everything lined up perfectly.\n\nOnce you\u2019re done, and the fixed width layout in the browser matches your visual, loop back through your style sheets and convert those pixels to percentages using the fluid grids formula. With very little extra work, you\u2019ll have a fluid implementation of your fixed width layout.\n\nThe fluid grids formula is simple and incredibly effective, but not long after I started working responsively I realized that the formula shouldn\u2019t (always) be a one-fix, set-and-forget calculation. I noticed that unless we compensate for problems it sometimes creates, the result can be a disconnected design.\n\nStaying connected\n\nGood design relies on connectedness, a feeling of natural balance between elements and the grid they\u2019re placed on. Give an element greater prominence or position in a visual hierarchy and you can fundamentally alter the balance and sometimes the meaning of a design.\n\nDifferent from a browser\u2019s page zooming feature \u2014 where images, text and overall layout change size by the same ratio \u2014 fluid grids flex a layout in response to a window or device width. Columns expand and contract, and within them fluid media (images and videos) can also change size. This can be one of the most impressive demonstrations of responsive design.\n\nBut not every element within a fluid grid can change size along with the window or device width. For example, type size and leading won\u2019t change along with a column\u2019s width.\n\nWhen columns and elements within them change width, all too easily a visual hierarchy can be broken and along with it the relationship between element sizes and the outer window or viewport. This can happen quickly if you make just one set of fluid grid calculations and use those percentages across every screen width, from smartphones through tablets and up to large desktops.\n\nThe answer? Make several sets of fluid grids calculations, each one at a significant window or device width breakpoint. Then apply those new percentages, when needed, to help keep elements in proportion and maintain balance and connectedness. Here\u2019s how I work.\n\nAvoiding disconnection\n\nI\u2019ve never been entirely happy with grid frameworks such as the 960 Grid System, so I start almost every project by creating a custom grid to inform my layout decisions. Here\u2019s a plain version of a grid from a recent project that I\u2019ll use as an illustration.\n\nThis project\u2019s grid comprises 84px columns and 24px gutters. This creates an odd number of columns at common tablet and desktop widths, and allows for 300px fixed width assets \u2014 useful when I need to fit advertising into a desktop layout\u2019s sidebar.\n\n Showing common advertising sizes (Larger image)\n\nFor this project I chose three 320 and Up breakpoints above 320px and, after placing as many columns as would fit those breakpoint widths, I derived three content widths:\n\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\tBreakpoint \n\t\t\tColumns \n\t\t\tContent width \n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t768px \n\t\t\t 7 \n\t\t\t 732px \n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t992px \n\t\t\t 9 \n\t\t\t 948px \n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t1,382px \n\t\t\t 13 \n\t\t\t 1,380px \n\t\t\n\n\nHere\u2019s my grid again, this time with pixel measurements and breakpoints overlaid.\n\n Showing pixel measurements and breakpoints (Larger image)\n\nNow cast your mind back to the fluid grids calculation I made earlier. I divided a 300px element by 948px and arrived at 31.646%. For some elements it\u2019s possible to use that percentage across all screen widths, but others will feel too small in relation to a narrower 768px and too large inside 1,380px.\n\nTo help maintain connectedness, I make a set of fluid grids calculations based on each of the content widths I established earlier. Now I can shift an element\u2019s percentage width up or down when I switch to a new breakpoint and content width. For example:\n\n\n\t300px is 40.984% of 732px\n\t300px is 31.646% of 948px\n\t300px is 21.739% of 1,380px\n\n\nI\u2019ll add all those fluid grid percentages to my grid image and save it for quick reference.\n\n Showing percentages at all breakpoints (Larger image)\n\nThen I can apply those different percentage widths to elements at each breakpoint using CSS3 media queries. For example, that sidebar division again:\n\n/* 732px, 7-column width */\n\n@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {\n\n .content-sub {\n width : 40.983%; /* 300px \u00f7 732px = .40983 */ }\n\n}\n\n/* 948px, 9-column width */\n@media only screen and (min-width: 992px) {\n\n .content-sub {\n width : 31.645%; /* 300px \u00f7 948px = .31645 */ }\n\n}\n\n/* 1380px, 13-column width */\n@media only screen and (min-width: 1382px) {\n\n .content-sub {\n width : 21.739%; /* 300px \u00f7 1380px = .21739 */ }\n\n}\n\nThe number of changes you make to a layout at different breakpoints will, of course, depend on the specifics of the design you\u2019re working on. Yes, this is additional work, but the result will be a layout that feels better balanced and within which elements remain in harmony with each other while they respond to new screen or device widths.\n\nPutting the design in responsive web design\n\nUntil now, many of the conversations around responsive web design have been about aspects of technical implementation, rather than design. I believe we\u2019re only beginning to understand what\u2019s involved in designing responsively. In future, we\u2019ll likely be making design decisions not just about proportions but also about responsive typography. We\u2019ll also need to learn how to adapt our designs to device characteristics such as touch targets and more.\n\nSometimes we\u2019ll make decisions to improve function, other times because they make a design \u2018feel\u2019 right. You\u2019ll know when you\u2019ve made a right decision. You\u2019ll feel it.\n\nAfter all, there really is no formula for making great designs.", "year": "2011", "author": "Andy Clarke", "author_slug": "andyclarke", "published": "2011-12-23T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2011/theres-no-formula-for-great-designs/", "topic": "ux"} {"rowid": 272, "title": "Crafting the Front-end", "contents": "Much has been spoken and written recently about the virtues of craftsmanship in the context of web design and development. It seems that we as fabricators of the web are finally tiring of seeking out parallels between ourselves and architects, and are turning instead to the fabled specialist artisans.\n\nIdentifying oneself as a craftsman or craftswoman (let\u2019s just say craftsperson from here onward) will likely be a trend of early 2012. In this pre-emptive strike, I\u2019d like to expound on this movement as I feel it pertains to front-end development, and encourage care and understanding of the true qualities of craftsmanship (craftspersonship).\n\nThe core values\n\nI\u2019ll begin by defining craftspersonship. What distinguishes a craftsperson from a technician? Dictionaries tend to define a craftsperson as one who possesses great skill in a chosen field. The badge of a craftsperson for me, though, is a very special label that should be revered and used sparingly, only where it is truly deserved. A genuine craftsperson encompasses a few other key traits, far beyond raw skill, each of which must be learned and mastered.\n\nA craftsperson has: \n\n\n\tAn appreciation of good work, in both the work of others and their own. And not just good as in \u2018hey, that\u2019s pretty neat\u2019, I mean a goodness like a shining purity \u2013 the kind of good that feels right when you see it.\n\tA belief in quality at every level: every facet of the craftsperson\u2019s product is as crucial as any other, without exception, even those normally hidden from view.\n\tVision: an ability to visualize their path ahead, pre-empting the obstacles that may be encountered to plan a route around them.\n\tA preference for simplicity: an almost Bauhausesque devotion to undecorated functionality, with no unjustifiable parts included.\n\tSincerity: producing work that speaks directly to its purpose with flawless clarity.\n\n\nOnly when you become a custodian of such values in your work can you consider calling yourself a craftsperson. Now let\u2019s take a look at some steps we front-end developers can take on our journey of enlightenment toward craftspersonhood.\n\n Speaking of the craftsman\u2019s journey, be sure to watch out for the video of The Standardistas\u2019 stellar talk at the Build 2011 conference titled The Journey, which should be online sometime soon.\n\nBuilding your own toolbox\n\nMy grandfather was a carpenter and trained as a young apprentice under a master. After observing and practising the many foundation theories, principles and techniques of carpentry, he was tasked with creating his own set of woodworking tools, which he would use and maintain throughout his career. By going through the process of having to create his own tools, he would be connected at the most direct level with every piece of wood he touched, his tools being his own creations and extensions of his own skilled hands. The depth of his knowledge of these tools must have surpassed the intricate as he fathered, used, cleaned and repaired them, day in and day out over many years.\n\nAnd so it should be, ideally, with all crafts. We must understand our tools right down to the most fundamental level. I firmly believe that a level of true craftsmanship cannot be reached while there exists a layer that remains not wholly understood between a creator and his canvas. Of course, our tools as front-end developers are somewhat more complex than those of other crafts \u2013 it may seem reasonable to require that a carpenter create his or her own set of chisels, but somewhat less so to ask a front-end developer to code their own CSS preprocessor, or design their own computer.\n\nHowever, it is still vitally important that you understand how your tools work. This is particularly critical when it comes to things like preprocessors, libraries and frameworks which aim to save you time by automating common processes and functions. For the most part, anything that saves you time is a Good Thing\u2122 but it cannot be stressed enough that using tools like these in earnest should be avoided until you understand exactly what they are doing for you (and, to an extent, how they are doing it). \n\nIn particular, you must understand any drawbacks to using your tools, and any shortcuts they may be taking on your behalf. I\u2019m not suggesting that you steer clear of paid work until you\u2019ve studied each of jQuery\u2019s 9,266 lines of JavaScript source code but, all levity aside, it will further you on your journey to look at interesting or relevant bits of jQuery, and any other libraries you might want to use. Such libraries often directly link to corresponding sections of their source code on sites like GitHub from their official documentation. Better yet, they\u2019re almost always written in high level languages (easy to read), so there\u2019s no excuse not to don your pith helmet and go on something of an exploration. Any kind of tangential learning like this will drive you further toward becoming a true craftsperson, so keep an open mind and always be ready to step out of your comfort zone.\n\nDowntime and tool honing\n\nWith any craft, it is essential to keep your tools in good condition, and a good idea to stay up-to-date with the latest equipment. This is especially true on the web, which, as we like to tell anyone who is still awake more than a minute after asking what it is that we do, advances at a phenomenal pace. A tool or technique that could be considered best practice this week might be the subject of haughty derision in a comment thread within six months.\n\nI have little doubt that you already spend a chunk of time each day keeping up with the latest material from our industry\u2019s finest Interblogs and Twittertubes, but do you honestly put aside time to collect bookmarks and code snippets from things you read into a slowly evolving toolbox? At @media in 2009, Simon Collison delivered a candid talk on his \u2018Ultimate Package\u2019. Those of us who didn\u2019t flee the room anticipating a newfound and unwelcome intimacy with the contents of his trousers were shown how he maintained his own toolkit \u2013 a collection of files and folders all set up and ready to go for a new project. By maintaining a toolkit in this way, he has consistency across projects and a dependable base upon which to learn and improve.\n\nThe assembly and maintenance of such a personalized and familiar toolkit is probably as close as we will get to emulating the tool making stage of more traditional craft trades. Keep a master copy of your toolkit somewhere safe, making copies of it for new projects. When you learn of a way in which part of it can be improved, make changes to the master copy.\n\nSimplicity through modularity\n\nI believe that the user interfaces of all web applications should be thought of as being made up primarily of modular components. Modules in this context are patterns in design that appear repeatedly throughout the app. These can be small collections of elements, like a user profile summary box (profile picture, username, meta data), as well as atomic elements such as headings and list items.\n\nWell-crafted front-end architectures have the ability to support this kind of repeating pattern as modules, with as close to no repetition of CSS (or JavaScript) as possible, and as close to no variations in HTML between instances as possible.\n\nOne of the most fundamental and well known tenets of software engineering is the DRY rule \u2013 don\u2019t repeat yourself. It requires that \u201cevery piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.\u201d \n\nAs craftspeople, we must hold this rule dear and apply it to the modules we have identified in our site designs. The moment you commit a second style definition for a module, the quality of your output (the front-end code) takes a huge hit. There should only ever be one base style definition for each distinct module or component. Keep these in a separate, sacred place in your CSS. I use a _modules.scss Sass include file, imported near the top of my main CSS files.\n\nBe sure, of course, to avoid making changes to this file lightly, as the smallest adjustment can affect multiple pages (hint: keep a structure list of which modules are used on which pages). Avoid the inevitable temptation to duplicate code late in the project. Sticking to this rule becomes more important the more complex the codebase becomes.\n\nIf you can stick to this rule, using sensible class names and consistent HTML, you can reach a joyous, self-fulfilling plateau stage in each project where you are assembling each interface from your own set of carefully crafted building blocks.\n\nOld school markup\n\nLet\u2019s take a step back. Before we fret about creating a divinely pure modular CSS framework, we need to know the site\u2019s design and what it is made of. The best way to gain this knowledge is to go old school. Print out every comp, mockup, wireframe, sketch or whatever you have. If there are sections of pages that are hidden until some user action takes place, or if the page has multiple states, be sure that you have everything that could become visible to the user on paper.\n\nOnce you have your wedge of paper designs, lay out all the pages on the floor, or stick them to the wall if you can, arranging them logically according to the site hierarchy, by user journey, or whatever guidelines make most sense to you. Once you have the site laid out before you, study it for a while, familiarizing yourself with every part of every interface. This will eliminate nasty surprises late in the project when you realize you\u2019ve duplicated something, or left an interface on the drawing board altogether.\n\nNow that you know the site like it\u2019s your best friend, get out your pens or pencils of choice and attack it. Mark it up like there\u2019s no tomorrow. Pretend you\u2019re a spy trying to identify communications from an enemy network hiding their messages in newspapers. Look for patterns and similarities, drawing circles around them. These are your modules. Start also highlighting the differences between each instance of these modules, working out which is the most basic or common type that will become the base definition from which all other representations are extended.\n\nThis simple but empowering exercise will equip you for your task of actually crafting, instead of just building, the front-end. Without the knowledge gained from this kind of research phase, you will be blundering forward, improvising as best you can, but ultimately making quality-compromising mistakes that could have been avoided.\n\nFor more on this theme, read Anna Debenham\u2019s Front-end Style Guides which recommends a similar process, and the sublime idea of extending this into a guide to refer to during development and beyond.\n\nDesign homogeneity\n\nMoving forward again, you now have your modules defined and things are looking good. I mentioned that many instances of these modules will carry minor differences. These differences must be given significant thinking time, and discussion time with your designer(s).\n\nIt should be common knowledge by now that successful software projects are not the product of distinct design and build phases with little or no bidirectional feedback. The crucial nature of the designer-developer relationship has been covered in depth this year by Paul Robert Lloyd, and a joint effort from both teams throughout the project lifecycle is pivotal to your ability to craft and ship successful products.\n\nThis relationship comes into play when you\u2019re well into the development of the site, and you start noticing these differences between instances of modules (they\u2019ll start to stand out very clearly to you and your carefully regimented modular CSS system). Before you start overriding your base styles, question the differences with the designer to work out why they exist. Perhaps they are required and are important to their context, but perhaps they were oversights from earlier design revisions, or simple mistakes.\n\nThe craftsperson\u2019s gland\n\nAs you grow towards the levels of expertise and experience where you can proudly and honestly consider yourself a craftsperson, you will find that you steadily develop what initially feels like a kind of sixth sense. I think of it more as a new hormonal gland, secreting into your bloodstream a powerful messenger chemical that can either reward or punish your brain. This gland is connected directly to your core understanding of what good quality work looks and feels like, an understanding that itself improves with experience. \n\nThis gland will make itself known to you in two ways. First, when you solve a problem in a beautifully elegant way with clean and unobtrusive code that looks good and just feels right, your craftsperson\u2019s gland will ooze something delicious that makes your brain and soul glow from the inside out. You will beam triumphantly at the succinct lines of code on your computer display before bounding outside with a spring in your step to swim up glittering rainbows and kiss soft fluffy puppies.\n\nThe second way that you may become aware of your craftsperson\u2019s gland, though, is somewhat less pleasurable. In an alternate reality, your parallel self is faced with the same problem, but decides to take a shortcut and get around it by some dubious means \u2013 the kind of technical method that the words hack, kludge and bodge are reserved for. As soon as you have done this, or even as you are doing it, your craftsperson\u2019s gland will damn well let you know that you took the wrong fork in the road. As your craftsperson\u2019s gland begins to secrete a toxic pus, you will at first become entranced into a vacant stare at the monstrous mess you are considering unleashing upon your site\u2019s visitors, before writhing in the horrible agony of an itch that can never be scratched, and a feeling of being coated with the devil\u2019s own deep and penetrating filth that no shower will ever cleanse.\n\nPerhaps I exaggerate slightly, but it is no overstatement to suggest that you will find yourself being guided by proverbial angels and demons perched on opposite shoulders, or a whispering voice inside your head. If you harness this sense, sharpening it as if it were another tool in your kit and letting it guide or at least advise your decision making, you will transcend the rocky realm of random trial and error when faced with problems, and tend toward the right answers instinctively.\n\nThis gland can also empower your ability to assess your own work, becoming a judge before whom all your work is cross-examined. A good craftsperson regularly takes a step back from their work, and questions every facet of their product for its precise alignment with their core values of quality and sincerity, and even the very necessity of each component.\n\nThe wrapping\n\nBy now, you may be thinking that I take this kind of thing far too seriously, but to terrify you further, I haven\u2019t even shared the half of it. Hopefully, though, this gives you an idea of the kind of levels of professionalism and dedication that it should take to get you on your way to becoming a craftsperson. It\u2019s a level of accomplishment and ability toward which we all should strive, both for our personal fulfilment and the betterment of the products we use daily. I look forward to seeing your finely crafted work throughout 2012.", "year": "2011", "author": "Ben Bodien", "author_slug": "benbodien", "published": "2011-12-24T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2011/crafting-the-front-end/", "topic": "process"} {"rowid": 271, "title": "Creating Custom Font Stacks with Unicode-Range", "contents": "Any web designer or front-end developer worth their salt will be familiar with the CSS @font-face rule used for embedding fonts in a web page. We\u2019ve all used it \u2014 either directly in our code ourselves, or via one of the web font services like Fontdeck, Typekit or Google Fonts.\n\nIf you\u2019re like me, however, you\u2019ll be used to just copying and pasting in a specific incantation of lines designed to get different formats of fonts working in different browsers, and may not have really explored all the capabilities of @font-face properties as defined by the spec.\n\nOne such property \u2014 the unicode-range descriptor \u2014 sounds pretty dull and is easily overlooked. It does, however, have some fairly interesting possibilities when put to use in creative ways.\n\nUnicode-range\n\nThe unicode-range descriptor is designed to help when using fonts that don\u2019t have full coverage of the characters used in a page. By adding a unicode-range property to a @font-face rule it is possible to specify the range of characters the font covers. \n\n@font-face {\n font-family: BBCBengali;\n src: url(fonts/BBCBengali.ttf) format(\"opentype\");\n unicode-range: U+00-FF;\n}\n\nIn this example, the font is to be used for characters in the range of U+00 to U+FF which runs from the unexciting control characters at the start of the Unicode table (symbols like the exclamation mark start at U+21) right through to \u00ff at U+FF \u2013 the extent of the Basic Latin character range.\n\nBy adding multiple @font-face rules for the same family but with different ranges, you can build up complete coverage of the characters your page uses by using different fonts.\n\nWhen I say that it\u2019s possible to specify the range of characters the font covers, that\u2019s true, but what you\u2019re really doing with the unicode-range property is declaring which characters the font should be used for. This becomes interesting, because instead of merely working with the technical constraints of available characters in a given font, we can start picking and choosing characters to use and selectively mix fonts together.\n\nThe best available ampersand\n\nA few years back, Dan Cederholm wrote a post encouraging designers to use the best available ampersand. Dan went on to outline how this can be achieved by wrapping our ampersands in a element with a class applied:\n\n&\n\nA CSS rule can then be written to select the and apply a different font:\n\nspan.amp {\n font-family: Baskerville, Palatino, \"Book Antiqua\", serif;\n}\n\nThat\u2019s a perfectly serviceable technique, but the drawbacks are clear \u2014 you have to add extra markup which is borderline presentational, and you also have to be able to add that markup, which isn\u2019t always possible when working with a CMS.\n\nPerhaps we could do this with unicode-range.\n\nA better best available ampersand\n\nThe Unicode code point for an ampersand is U+26, so the ampersand font stack above can be created like so:\n\n@font-face {\n font-family: 'Ampersand';\n src: local('Baskerville'), local('Palatino'), local('Book Antiqua');\n unicode-range: U+26;\n}\n\nWhat we\u2019ve done here is specify a new family called Ampersand and created a font stack for it with the user\u2019s locally installed copies of Baskerville, Palatino or Book Antiqua. We\u2019ve then limited it to a single character range \u2014 the ampersand. Of course, those don\u2019t need to be local fonts \u2014 they could be web font files, too. If you have a font with a really snazzy ampersand, go for your life.\n\nWe can then use that new family in a regular font stack.\n\nh1 {\n font-family: Ampersand, Arial, sans-serif;\n}\n\nWith this in place, any

        elements in our page will use the Ampersand family (Baskerville, Palatino or Book Antiqua) for ampersands, and Arial for all other characters. If the user doesn\u2019t have any of the Ampersand family fonts available, the ampersand will fall back to the next item in the font stack, Arial.\n\nYou didn\u2019t think it was that easy, did you?\n\nOh, if only it were so. The problem comes, as ever, with the issue of browser support. The unicode-range property has good support in WebKit browsers (like Safari and Chrome, and the browsers on most popular smartphone platforms) and in recent versions of Internet Explorer. The big stumbling block comes in the form of Firefox, which has no support at all.\n\nIf you\u2019re familiar with how CSS works when it comes to unsupported properties, you\u2019ll know that if a browser encounters a property it doesn\u2019t implement, it just skips that declaration and moves on to the next. That works perfectly for things like border-radius \u2014 if the browser can\u2019t round off the corners, the declaration is skipped and the user sees square corners instead. Perfect.\n\nLess perfect when it comes to unicode-range, because if no range is specified then the default is that the font is applied for all characters \u2014 the whole range. If you\u2019re using a fancy font for flamboyant ampersands, you probably don\u2019t want that applied to all your text if unicode-range isn\u2019t supported. That would be bad. Really bad.\n\nEnsuring good fallbacks\n\nAs ever, the trick is to make sure that there\u2019s a sensible fallback in place if a browser doesn\u2019t have support for whatever technology you\u2019re trying to use. This is where being a super nerd about understanding the spec you\u2019re working with really pays off.\n\nWe can make use of the rules of the CSS cascade to make sure that if unicode-range isn\u2019t supported we get a sensible fallback font. What would be ideal is if we were able to follow up the @font-face rule with a second rule to override it if Unicode ranges aren\u2019t implemented.\n\n@font-face {\n font-family: 'Ampersand';\n src: local('Baskerville'), local('Palatino'), local('Book Antiqua');\n unicode-range: U+26;\n}\n@font-face {\n font-family: 'Ampersand';\n src: local('Arial');\n}\n\nIn theory, this code should make sense for all browsers. For those that support unicode-range the two rules become cumulative. They specify different ranges for the same family, and in WebKit browsers this has the expected result of using Arial for most characters, but Baskerville and friends for the ampersand. For browsers that don\u2019t have support, the second rule should just supersede the first, setting the font to Arial. \n\nUnfortunately, this code causes current versions of Firefox to freak out and use the first rule, applying Baskerville to the entire range. That\u2019s both unexpected and unfortunate. Bad Firefox. On your rug.\n\nIf that doesn\u2019t work, what can we do? Well, we know that if given a unicode-range Firefox will ignore the range and apply the font to all characters. That\u2019s really what we\u2019re trying to achieve. So what if we specified a range for the fallback font, but made sure it only covers some obscure high-value Unicode character we\u2019re never going to use in our page? Then it wouldn\u2019t affect the outcome for browsers that do support ranges.\n\n@font-face {\n font-family: 'Ampersand';\n src: local('Baskerville'), local('Palatino'), local('Book Antiqua');\n unicode-range: U+26;\n}\n@font-face {\n /* Ampersand fallback font */\n font-family: 'Ampersand';\n src: local('Arial');\n unicode-range: U+270C;\n}\n\nBy specifying a range on the fallback font, Firefox appears to correctly override the first based on the cascade sort order. Browsers that do support ranges take the second rule in addition, and apply Arial for that obscure character we\u2019re not using in any of our pages \u2014 U+270C.\n\nSo we get our nice ampersands in browsers that support unicode-range and, thanks to our styling of an obscure Unicode character, the font falls back to a perfectly acceptable Arial in browsers that do not offer support. Perfect!\n\nThat obscure character, my friends, is what Unicode defines as the VICTORY HAND.\n\n\u270c\n\nSo, how can we use this?\n\nAmpersands are a neat trick, and it works well in browsers that support ranges, but that\u2019s not really the point of all this. Styling ampersands is fun, but they\u2019re only really scratching the surface. Consider more involved examples, such as substituting a different font for numerals, or symbols, or even caps. Things certainly begin to get a bit more interesting.\n\nHow do you know what the codes are for different characters? Richard Ishida has a handy online conversion tool available where you can type in the characters and get the Unicode code points out the other end.\n\nOf course, the fact remains that browser support for unicode-range is currently limited, so any application needs to have fallbacks that you\u2019re still happy for a significant proportion of your visitors to see. In some cases, such as dedicated pages for mobile devices in an HTML-based phone app, this is immediately useful as support in WebKit browsers is already very good. In other cases, you\u2019ll have to use your own best judgement based on your needs and audience.\n\nOne thing to keep in mind is that if you\u2019re using web fonts, the entire font will be downloaded even if only one character is used. That said, the font shouldn\u2019t be downloaded if none of the characters within the Unicode range are present in a given page.\n\nAs ever, there are pros and cons to using unicode-range as well as varied but increasing support in browsers. It remains a useful tool to understand and have in your toolkit for when the right moment comes along.", "year": "2011", "author": "Drew McLellan", "author_slug": "drewmclellan", "published": "2011-12-01T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2011/creating-custom-font-stacks-with-unicode-range/", "topic": "code"} {"rowid": 270, "title": "From Side Project to Not So Side Project", "contents": "In the last article I wrote for 24 ways, back in 2009, I enthused about the benefits of having a pet project, suggesting that we should all have at least one so that we could collaborate with our friends, escape our day jobs, fulfil our own needs, help others out, raise our profiles, make money, and \u2014 most importantly \u2014 have fun. I don\u2019t think I need to offer any further persuasions: it seems that designers and developers are launching their own pet projects left, right and centre. This makes me very happy.\n\nHowever, there still seems to be something of a disconnect between having a side project and turning it into something that is moderately successful; in particular, the challenge of making enough money to sustain the project and perhaps even elevating it from the sidelines so that it becomes something not so on the side at all.\n\nBefore we even begin this, let\u2019s spend a moment talking about money, also known as\u2026\n\nEvil, nasty, filthy money\n\nOver the last couple of years, I\u2019ve started referring to myself as an accidental businessman. I say accidental because my view of the typical businessman is someone who is driven by money, and I usually can\u2019t stand such people. Those who are motivated by profit, obsessed with growth, and take an active interest in the world\u2019s financial systems don\u2019t tend to be folks with whom I share a beer, unless it\u2019s to pour it over them. Especially if they\u2019re wearing pinstriped suits.\n\nThat said, we all want to make money, don\u2019t we? And most of us want to make a relatively decent amount, too. I don\u2019t think there\u2019s any harm in admitting that, is there? Hello, I\u2019m Elliot and I\u2019m a capitalist.\n\nThe key is making money from doing what we love. For most people I know in our community, we\u2019ve already achieved that \u2014 I\u2019m hard-pressed to think of anyone who isn\u2019t extremely passionate about working in our industry and I think it\u2019s one of the most positive, unifying benefits we enjoy as a group of like-minded people \u2014 but side projects usually arise from another kind of passion: a passion for something other than what we do as our day jobs. Perhaps it\u2019s because your clients are driving you mental and you need a break; perhaps it\u2019s because you want to create something that is truly your own; perhaps it\u2019s because you\u2019re sick of seeing your online work disappear so fast and you want to try your hand at print in order to make a more permanent mark.\n\nThe three factors I listed there led me to create 8 Faces, a printed magazine about typography that started as a side project and is now a very significant part of my yearly output and income.\n\nLike many things that prove fruitful, 8 Faces\u2019 success was something of an accident, too. For a start, the magazine was never meant to be profitable; its only purpose at all was to scratch my own itch. Then, after the first issue took off and I realized how much time I needed to spend in order to make the next one decent, it became clear that I would have to cover more than just the production costs: I\u2019d have to take time out from client work as well. Doing this meant I\u2019d have to earn some money. Probably not enough to equate to the exact amount of time lost when I could be doing client work (not that you could ever describe time as being lost when you work on something you love), but enough to survive; for me to feel that I was getting paid while doing all of the work that 8 Faces entailed. The answer was to raise money through partnerships with some cool companies who were happy to be associated with my little project.\n\nA sustainable business model\n\nBusiness model! I can\u2019t believe I just wrote those words! But a business model is really just a loose plan for how not to screw up. And all that stuff I wrote in the paragraph above about partnering with companies so I could get some money in while I put the magazine together? Well, that\u2019s my business model. \n\nIf you\u2019re making any product that has some sort of production cost, whether that\u2019s physical print run expenses or up-front dev work to get an app built, covering those costs before you even release your product means that you\u2019ll be in profit from the first copy you sell. This is no small point: production expenses are pretty much the only cost you\u2019ll ever need to recoup, so having them covered before you launch anything is pretty much the best possible position in which you could place yourself. Happy days, as Jamie Oliver would say.\n\nObtaining these initial funds through partnerships has another benefit. Sure, it\u2019s a form of advertising but, done right, your partners can potentially provide you with great content, too. In the case of 8 Faces, the ads look as nice as the rest of the magazine, and a couple of our partners also provide proper articles: genuinely meaningful, relevant, reader-pleasing articles at that. You\u2019d be amazed at how many companies are willing to become partners and, as the old adage goes, if you don\u2019t ask, you don\u2019t get.\n\nWith profit comes responsibility\n\nDon\u2019t forget about the responsibility you have to your audience if you engage in a relationship with a partner or any type of advertiser: although I may have freely admitted my capitalist leanings, I\u2019m still essentially a hairy hippy, and I feel that any partnership should be good for me as a publisher, good for the partner and \u2014 most importantly \u2014 good for the reader. Really, the key word here is relevance, and that\u2019s where 99.9% of advertising fails abysmally. \n\n(99.9% is not a scientific figure, but you know what I\u2019m on about.)\n\nThe main grey area when a side project becomes profitable is how you share that profit, partly because \u2014 in my opinion, at least \u2014 the transition from non-profitable side project to relatively successful source of income can be a little blurred. Asking for help for nothing when there\u2019s no money to be had is pretty normal, but sometimes it\u2019s easy to get used to that free help even once you start making money. I believe the best approach is to ask for help with the promise that it will always be rewarded as soon as there\u2019s money available. (Oh, god: this sounds like one of those nightmarish client proposals. It\u2019s not, honest.) If you\u2019re making something cool, people won\u2019t mind helping out while you find your feet.\n\nEvents often think that they\u2019re exempt from sharing profit. Perhaps that\u2019s because many event organizers think they\u2019re doing the speakers a favour rather than the other way around (that\u2019s a whole separate article), but it\u2019s shocking to see how many people seem to think they can profit from content-makers \u2014 speakers, for example \u2014 and yet not pay for that content. It was for this reason that Keir and I paid all of our speakers for our Insites: The Tour side project, which we ran back in July. We probably could\u2019ve got away without paying them, especially as the gig was so informal, but it was the right thing to do.\n\nIn conclusion: money as a by-product\n\nLet\u2019s conclude by returning to the slightly problematic nature of money, because it\u2019s the pivot on which your side project\u2019s success can swing, regardless of whether you measure success by monetary gain. I would argue that success has nothing to do with profit \u2014 it\u2019s about you being able to spend the time you want on the project. Unfortunately, that is almost always linked to money: money to pay yourself while you work on your dream idea; money to pay for more servers when your web app hits the big time; money to pay for efforts to get the word out there. The key, then, is to judge success on your own terms, and seek to generate as much money as you see fit, whether it\u2019s purely to cover your running costs, or enough to buy a small country. There\u2019s nothing wrong with profit, as long as you\u2019re ethical about it. (Pro tip: if you\u2019ve earned enough to buy a small country, you\u2019ve probably been unethical along the way.)\n\nThe point at which individuals and companies fail \u2014 in the moral sense, for sure, but often in the competitive sense, too \u2014 is when money is the primary motivation. It should never be the primary motivation. If you\u2019re not passionate enough about something to do it as an unprofitable side project, you shouldn\u2019t be doing it all. \n\nEarning money should be a by-product of doing what you love. And who doesn\u2019t want to spend their life doing what they love?", "year": "2011", "author": "Elliot Jay Stocks", "author_slug": "elliotjaystocks", "published": "2011-12-22T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2011/from-side-project-to-not-so-side-project/", "topic": "business"} {"rowid": 269, "title": "Adaptive Images for Responsive Designs\u2026 Again", "contents": "When I was asked to write an article for 24 ways I jumped at the chance, as I\u2019d been wanting to write about some fun hacks for responsive images and related parsing behaviours. My heart sank a little when Matt Wilcox beat me to the subject, but it floated back up when I realized I disagreed with his method and still had something to write about.\n\nSo, Matt Wilcox, if that is your real name (and I\u2019m pretty sure it is), I disagree. I see your dirty server-based hack and raise you an even dirtier client-side hack. Evil laugh, etc., etc.\n\nYou guys can stomach yet another article about responsive design, right? Right?\n\nHalf the room gets up to leave\n\nWhoa, whoa\u2026 OK, I\u2019ll cut to the chase\u2026\n\nTL;DR\n\nIn a previous episode, we were introduced to Debbie and her responsive cat poetry page. Well, now she\u2019s added some reviews of cat videos and some images of cats. Check out her new page and have a play around with the browser window. At smaller widths, the images change and the design responds. The benefits of this method are:\n\n\n\tit\u2019s entirely client-side\n\timages are still shown to users without JavaScript\n\tyour media queries stay in your CSS file\n\tno repetition of image URLs\n\tno extra downloads per image\n\tit\u2019s fast enough to work on resize\n\tit\u2019s pure filth\n\n\nWhat\u2019s wrong with the server-side solution?\n\nResponsive design is a client-side issue; involving the server creates a boatload of problems.\n\n\n\tIt sets a cookie at the top of the page which is read in subsequent requests. However, the cookie is not guaranteed to be set in time for requests on the same page, so the server may see an old value or no value at all.\n\tServing images via server scripts is much slower than plain old static hosting.\n\tThe URL can only cache with vary: cookie, so the cache breaks when the cookie changes, even if the change is unrelated. Also, far-future caching is out for devices that can change width.\n\tIt depends on detecting screen width, which is rather messy on mobile devices.\n\tResponding to things other than screen width (such as DPI) means packing more information into the cookie, and a more complicated script at the top of each page.\n\n\nSo, why isn\u2019t this straightforward on the client?\n\nClient-side solutions to the problem involve JavaScript testing user agent properties (such as screen width), looping through some images and setting their URLs accordingly. However, by the time JavaScript has sprung into action, the original image source has already started downloading. If you change the source of an image via JavaScript, you\u2019re setting off yet another request.\n\nImages are downloaded as soon as their DOM node is created. They don\u2019t need to be visible, they don\u2019t need to be in the document.\n\nnew Image().src = url\n\nThe above will start an HTTP request for url. This is a handy trick for quick requests and preloading, but also shows the browser\u2019s eagerness to download images.\n\nHere\u2019s an example of that in action. Check out the network tab in Web Inspector (other non-WebKit development aids are available) to see the image requests.\n\nBecause of this, some client-side solutions look like this:\n\n\n\nwhere t.gif is a 1\u00d71px tiny transparent GIF.\n\nThis results in no images if JavaScript isn\u2019t available. Dealing with the absence of JavaScript is still important, even on mobile. I was recently asked to make a website work on an old Blackberry 9000. I was able to get most of the way there by preventing that OS parsing any JavaScript, and that was only possible because the site didn\u2019t depend on it.\n\nWe need to delay loading images for JavaScript users, but ensure they load for users without JavaScript. How can we conditionally parse markup depending on JavaScript support?\n\nOh yeah!