{"rowid": 59, "title": "Animating Your Brand", "contents": "Let\u2019s talk about how we add animation to our designs, in a way that\u2019s consistent with other aspects of our brand, such as fonts, colours, layouts and everything else.\nAnimating is fun. Adding animation to our designs can bring them to life and make our designs stand out. Animations can show how the pieces of our designs fit together. They provide context and help people use our products.\nAll too often animation is something we tack on at the end. We put a transition on a modal window or sliding menu and we often don\u2019t think about whether that animation is consistent with our overall design.\nStyle guides to the rescue\nA style guide is a document that establishes and enforces style to improve communication. It can cover anything from typography and writing style to ethics and other, broader goals. It might be a static visual document showing every kind of UI, like in the Codecademy.com redesign shown below.\nUI toolkit from \u201cReimagining Codecademy.com\u201d by @mslima\nIt might be a technical reference with code examples. CodePen\u2019s new design patterns and style guide is a great example of this, showing all the components used throughout the website as live code.\nCodePen\u2019s design patterns and style guide\nA style guide gives a wide view of your project, it maintains consistency when adding new content, and we can use our style guide to present animations.\nLiving documents\nStyle guides don\u2019t need to be static. We can use them to show movement. We can share CSS keyframe animations or transitions that can then go into production. We can also explain why animation is there in the first place.\nJust as a style guide might explain why we chose a certain font or layout, we can use style guides to explain the intent behind animation. This means that if someone else wants to create a new component, they will know why animation applies.\nIf you haven\u2019t yet set up a style guide, you might want to take a look at Pattern Lab. It\u2019s a great tool for setting up your own style guide and includes loads of design patterns to get started.\nThere are many style guide articles linked from the excellent, open sourced, Website Style Guide Resources. Anna Debenham also has an excellent pocket book on the subject.\nAdding animation\nBefore you begin throwing animation at all the things, establish the character you want to convey.\nAndrex Puppy (British TV ad from 1994)\nList some words that describe the character you\u2019re aiming for. If it was the Andrex brand, they might have gone for: fun, playful, soft, comforting.\nPerhaps you\u2019re aiming for something more serious, credible and authoritative. Or maybe exciting and intense, or relaxing and meditative. For each scenario, the animations that best represent these words will be different.\nIn the example below, two animations both take the same length of time, but use different timing functions. One eases, and the other bounces around. Either might be good, depending on your needs.\nTiming functions (CodePen)\nExample: Kitman Labs\nWorking with Kitman Labs, we spent a little time working out what words best reflected the brand and came up with the following:\n\nScientific\nPrecise\nFast\nSolid\nDependable\nHelpful\nConsistent\nClear\n\nWith such a list of words in hand, we design animation that fits. We might prefer a tween that moves quickly to its destination over one that drifts slowly or bounces.\nWe can use the list when justifying our use of animation, such as when it helps our customers understand the context of data on the page. Or we may even choose not to animate, when that might make the message inconsistent.\nCreate guidelines\nIf you already have a style guide, adding animation could begin with creating an overview section.\nOne approach is to create a local website and share it within your organisation. We recently set up a local site for this purpose. \nA recent project\u2019s introduction to the topic of animation\nThis document becomes a reference when adding animation to components. Include links to related resources or examples of animation to help demonstrate the animation style you want.\nPrototyping\nYou can explain the intent of your animation style guide with live animations. This doesn\u2019t just mean waving our hands around. We can show animation through prototypes.\nThere are so many prototype tools right now. You could use Invision, Principle, Floid, or even HTML and CSS as embedded CodePens.\nA login flow prototype created in Principle\nThese tools help when trying out ideas and working through several approaches. Create videos, animated GIFs or online demos to share with others. Experiment. Find what works for you and work with whatever lets you get the most ideas out of your head fastest. Iterate and refine an animation before it gets anywhere near production.\nBuild up a collection\nBuild up your guide, one animation at a time.\nSome people prefer to loosely structure a guide with places to put things as they are discovered or invented; others might build it one page at a time \u2013 it doesn\u2019t matter. The main thing is that you collect animations like you would trading cards. Or Pokemon. Keep them ready to play and deliver that explosive result.\nYou could include animated GIFs, or link to videos or even live webpages as examples of animation. The use of animation to help user experience is also covered nicely in Val Head\u2019s UI animation and UX article on A List Apart.\nWhat matters is that you create an organised place for them to be found. Here are some ideas to get started.\nLogos and brandmarks\nMany sites include some subtle form of animation in their logos. This can draw the eye, add some character, or bring a little liveliness to an otherwise static page. Yahoo and Google have been experimenting with animation on their logos. Even a simple bouncing animation, such as the logo on Hop.ie, can add character.\nThe CSS-animated bouncer from Hop.ie\nContent transitions\nAdding content, removing content, showing and hiding messages are all opportunities to use animation. Careful and deliberate use of animation helps convey what\u2019s changing on screen.\nAnimating list items with CSS (CSSAnimation.rocks)\nFor more detail on this, I also recommend \u201cTransitional Interfaces\u201d by Pasquale D\u2019Silva.\nPage transitions\nOn a larger scale than the changes to content, full-page transitions can smooth the flow between sections of a site. Medium\u2019s article transitions are a good example of this.\nMedium-style page transition (Tympanus.net)\nPreparing a layout before the content arrives\nWe can use animation to draw a page before the content is ready, such as when a page calls a server for data before showing it.\nOptimistic loading grid (CodePen)\nSometimes it\u2019s good to show something to let the user know that everything\u2019s going well. A short animation could cover just enough time to load the initial content and make the loading transition feel seamless.\nInteractions\nHover effects, dropdown menus, slide-in menus and active states on buttons and forms are all opportunities. Look for ways you can remove the sudden changes and help make the experience of using your UI feel smoother.\nForm placeholder animation (Studio MDS)\nKeep animation visible\nIt takes continuous effort to maintain a style guide and keep it up to date, but it\u2019s worth it. Make it easy to include animation and related design decisions in your documentation and you\u2019ll be more likely to do so. If you can make it fun, and be proud of the result, better still.\nWhen updating your style guide, be sure to show the animations at the same time. This might mean animated GIFs, videos or live embedded examples of your components.\nBy doing this you can make animation integral to your design process and make sure it stays relevant.\nInspiration and resources\nThere are loads of great resources online to help you get started. One of my favourites is IBM\u2019s design language site.\nIBM\u2019s design language:\u200aanimation design guidelines\nIBM describes how animation principles apply to its UI work and components. They break down the animations into five categories of animations and explain how they apply to each example.\nThe site also includes an animation library with example videos of animations and links to source code.\nExample component from IBM\u2019s component library\nThe way IBM sets out its aims and methods is helpful not only for their existing designers and developers, but also helps new hires. Furthermore, it\u2019s a good way to show the world that IBM cares about these details.\nAnother popular animation resource is Google\u2019s material design.\nGoogle\u2019s material design documentation\nGoogle\u2019s guidelines cover everything from understanding easing through to creating engaging and useful mobile UI.\nThis approach is visible across many of Google\u2019s apps and software, and has influenced design across much of the web. The site is helpful both for learning about animation and as an showcase of how to illustrate examples.\nFrameworks\nIf you don\u2019t want to create everything from scratch, there are resources you can use to start using animation in your UI. One such resource is Salesforce\u2019s Lightning design system.\nThe system goes further than most guides. It includes a downloadable framework for adding animation to your projects. It has some interesting concepts, such as elevation settings to handle positioning on the z-axis.\nExample of elevation from Salesforce\u2019s Lightning design system\nYou should also check out Animate.css.\n\u201cJust add water\u201d\u200a\u2014\u200aAnimate.css\nAnimate.css gives you a set of predesigned animations you can apply to page elements using classes. If you use JavaScript to add or remove classes, you can then trigger complex animations. It also plays well with scroll-triggering, and tools such as WOW.js.\nLearn, evolve and make it your own\nThere\u2019s a wealth online of information and guides we can use to better understand animation. They can inspire and kick-start our own visual and animation styles. So let\u2019s think of the design of animations just as we do fonts, colours and layouts. Let\u2019s choose animation deliberately, making it part of our style guides.\nMany thanks to Val Head for taking the time to proofread and offer great suggestions for this article.", "year": "2015", "author": "Donovan Hutchinson", "author_slug": "donovanhutchinson", "published": "2015-12-01T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2015/animating-your-brand/", "topic": "design"} {"rowid": 61, "title": "Animation in Responsive Design", "contents": "Animation and responsive design can sometimes feel like they\u2019re at odds with each other. Animation often needs space to do its thing, but RWD tells us that the amount of space we\u2019ll have available is going to change a lot. Balancing that can lead to some tricky animation situations. \nEmbracing the squishiness of responsive design doesn\u2019t have to mean giving up on your creative animation ideas. There are three general techniques that can help you balance your web animation creativity with your responsive design needs. One or all of these approaches might help you sneak in something just a little extra into your next project.\nFocused art direction\nSmaller viewports mean a smaller stage for your motion to play out on, and this tends to amplify any motion in your animation. Suddenly 100 pixels is really far and multiple moving parts can start looking like they\u2019re battling for space. An effect that looked great on big viewports can become muddled and confusing when it\u2019s reframed in a smaller space.\nMaking animated movements smaller will do the trick for simple motion like a basic move across the screen. But for more complex animation on smaller viewports, you\u2019ll need to simplify and reduce the number of moving parts. The key to this is determining what the vital parts of the animation are, to zone in on the parts that are most important to its message. Then remove the less necessary bits to distill the motion\u2019s message down to the essentials. \nFor example, Rally Interactive\u2019s navigation folds down into place with two triangle shapes unfolding each corner on larger viewports. If this exact motion was just scaled down for narrower spaces the two corners would overlap as they unfolded. It would look unnatural and wouldn\u2019t make much sense. \nOpen video\n\nThe main purpose of this animation is to show an unfolding action. To simplify the animation, Rally unfolds only one side for narrower viewports, with a slightly different animation. The action is still easily interpreted as unfolding and it\u2019s done in a way that is a better fit for the available space. The message the motion was meant to convey has been preserved while the amount of motion was simplified. \nOpen video\n\nSi Digital does something similar. The main concept of the design is to portray the studio as a creative lab. On large viewports, this is accomplished primarily through an animated illustration that runs the full length of the site and triggers its animations based on your scroll position. The illustration is there to support the laboratory concept visually, but it doesn\u2019t contain critical content.\nOpen video\n\nAt first, it looks like Si Digital just turned off the animation of the illustration for smaller viewports. But they\u2019ve actually been a little cleverer than that. They\u2019ve also reduced the complexity of the illustration itself. Both the amount of motion (reduced down to no motion) and the illustration were simplified to create a result that is much easier to glean the concept from.\nOpen video\n\nThe most interesting thing about these two examples is that they\u2019re solved more with thoughtful art direction than complex code. Keeping the main concept of the animations at the forefront allowed each to adapt creative design solutions to viewports of varying size without losing the integrity of their design. \nResponsive choreography\nStatic content gets moved around all the time in responsive design. A three-column layout might line up from left to right on wide viewports, then stack top to bottom on narrower viewports. The same approach can be used to arrange animated content for narrower views, but the animation\u2019s choreography also needs to be adjusted for the new layout. Even with static content, just scaling it down or zooming out to fit it into the available space is rarely an ideal solution. Rearranging your animations\u2019 choreography to change which animation starts when, or even which animations play at all, keeps your animated content readable on smaller viewports. \nIn a recent project I had three small animations that played one after the other, left to right, on wider viewports but needed to be stacked on narrower viewports to be large enough to see. On wide viewports, all three animations could play one right after the other in sequence because all three were in the viewable area at the same time. But once these were stacked for the narrower viewport layouts, that sequence had to change. \nOpen video\n\nWhat was essentially one animation on wider viewports became three separate animations when stacked on narrower viewports. The layout change meant the choreography had to change as well. Each animation starts independently when it comes into view in the stacked layout instead of playing automatically in sequence. (I\u2019ve put the animated parts in this demo if you want to peek under the hood.) \nOpen video\n\nI choose to use the GreenSock library, with the choreography defined in two different timelines for this particular project. But the same goals could be accomplished with other JavaScript options or even CSS keyframe animations and media queries. \nEven more complex responsive choreography can be pulled off with SVG. Media queries can be used to change CSS animations applied to SVG elements at specific breakpoints for starters. For even more responsive power, SVG\u2019s viewBox property, and the positioning of the objects within it, can be adjusted at JavaScript-defined breakpoints. This lets you set rules to crop the viewable area and arrange your animating elements to fit any space. \nSarah Drasner has some great examples of how to use this technique with style in this responsive infographic and this responsive interactive illustration. On the other hand, if smart scalability is what you\u2019re after, it\u2019s also possible to make all of an SVG\u2019s shapes and motion scale with the SVG canvas itself. Sarah covers both these clever responsive SVG techniques in detail. Creative and complex animation can easily become responsive thanks to the power of SVG! \nOpen video\n\nBake performance into your design decisions\nIt\u2019s hard to get very far into a responsive design discussion before performance comes up. Performance goes hand in hand with responsive design and your animation decisions can have a big impact on the overall performance of your site. \nThe translate3D \u201chack\u201d, backface-visibility:hidden, and the will-change property are the heavy hitters of animation performance. But decisions made earlier in your animation design process can have a big impact on rendering performance and your performance budget too.\nPick a technology that matches your needs\nOne of the biggest advantages of the current web animation landscape is the range of tools we have available to us. We can use CSS animations and transitions to add just a dash of interface animation to our work, go all out with webGL to create a 3D experience, or anywhere in between. All within our browsers! Having this huge range of options is amazing and wonderful but it also means you need to be cognizant of what you\u2019re using to get the job done. \nLoading in the full weight of a robust JavaScript animation library is going to be overkill if you\u2019re only animating a few small elements here and there. That extra overhead will have an impact on performance. Performance budgets will not be pleased. \nAlways match the complexity of the technology you choose to the complexity of your animation needs to avoid unnecessary performance strain. For small amounts of animation, stick to CSS solutions since it\u2019s the most lightweight option. As your animations grow in complexity, or start to require more robust logic, move to a JavaScript solution that can accomplish what you need.\nAnimate the most performant properties\nWhether you\u2019re animating in CSS or JavaScript, you\u2019re affecting specific properties of the animated element. Browsers can animate some properties more efficiently than others based on how many steps need to happen behind the scenes to visually update those properties. \nBrowsers are particularly efficient at animating opacity, scale, rotation, and position (when the latter three are done with transforms). This article from Paul Irish and Paul Lewis gives the full scoop on why. Conveniently, those are also the most common properties used in motion design. There aren\u2019t many animated effects that can\u2019t be pulled off with this list. Stick to these properties to set your animations up for the best performance results from the start. If you find yourself needing to animate a property outside of this list, check CSS Triggers\u2026 to find out how much of an additional impact it might have.\nOffset animation start times\nOffsets (the concept of having a series of similar movements execute one slightly after the other, creating a wave-like pattern) are a long-held motion graphics trick for creating more interesting and organic looking motion. Employing this trick of the trade can also be smart for performance. Animating a large number of objects all at the same time can put a strain on the browser\u2019s rendering abilities even in the best cases. Adding short delays to offset these animations in time, so they don\u2019t all start at once, can improve rendering performance. \nGo explore the responsive animation possibilities for yourself!\nWith smart art direction, responsive choreography, and an eye on performance you can create just about any creative web animation you can think up while still being responsive. Keep these in mind for your next project and you\u2019ll pull off your animations with style at any viewport size!", "year": "2015", "author": "Val Head", "author_slug": "valhead", "published": "2015-12-09T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2015/animation-in-responsive-design/", "topic": "design"} {"rowid": 63, "title": "Be Fluid with Your Design Skills: Build Your Own Sites", "contents": "Just five years ago in 2010, when we were all busy trying to surprise and delight, learning CSS3 and trying to get whole websites onto one page, we had a poster on our studio wall. It was entitled \u2018Designers Vs Developers\u2019, an infographic that showed us the differences between the men(!) who created websites. \nDesigners wore skinny jeans and used Macs and developers wore cargo pants and brought their own keyboards to work. We began to learn that designers and developers were not only doing completely different jobs but were completely different people in every way. This opinion was backed up by hundreds of memes, millions of tweets and pages of articles which used words like void and battle and versus.\nThankfully, things move quickly in this industry; the wide world of web design has moved on in the last five years. There are new devices, technologies, tools \u2013 and even a few women. Designers have been helped along by great apps, software, open source projects, conferences, and a community of people who, to my unending pride, love to share their knowledge and their work.\nSo the world has moved on, and if Miley Cyrus, Ruby Rose and Eliot Sumner are identifying as gender fluid (an identity which refers to a gender which varies over time or is a combination of identities), then I would like to come out as discipline fluid! \nOK, I will probably never identify as a developer, but I will identify as fluid! How can we be anything else in an industry that moves so quickly? That\u2019s how we should think of our skills, our interests and even our job titles. After all, Steve Jobs told us that \u201cDesign is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.\u201d Sorry skinny-jean-wearing designers \u2013 this means we\u2019re all designing something together. And it\u2019s not just about knowing the right words to use: you have to know how it feels. How it feels when you make something work, when you fix that bug, when you make it work on IE.\nLike anything in life, things run smoothly when you make the effort to share experiences, empathise and deeply understand the needs of others. How can designers do that if they\u2019ve never built their own site? I\u2019m not talking the big stuff, I\u2019m talking about your portfolio site, your mate\u2019s business website, a website for that great idea you\u2019ve had. I\u2019m talking about doing it yourself to get an unique insight into how it feels.\nWe all know that designers and developers alike love an
    , so here it is.\nTen reasons designers should be fluid with their skills and build their own sites\n1. It\u2019s never been easier\nNow here\u2019s where the definition of \u2018build\u2019 is going to get a bit loose and people are going to get angry, but when I say it\u2019s never been easier I mean because of the existence of apps and software like WordPress, Squarespace, Tumblr, et al. It\u2019s easy to make something and get it out there into the world, and these are all gateway drugs to hard coding!\n2. You\u2019ll understand how it feels\nHow it feels to be so proud that something actually works that you momentarily don\u2019t notice if the kerning is off or the padding is inconsistent. How it feels to see your site appear when you\u2019ve redirected a URL. How it feels when you just can\u2019t work out where that one extra space is in a line of PHP that has killed your whole site.\n3. It makes you a designer\nNot a better designer, it makes you a designer when you are designing how things look and how they work. \n4. You learn about movement\nPhotoshop and Sketch just don\u2019t cut it yet. Until you see your site in a browser or your app on a phone, it\u2019s hard to imagine how it moves. Building your own sites shows you that it\u2019s not just about how the content looks on the screen, but how it moves, interacts and feels.\n5. You make techie friends\nAll the tutorials and forums in the world can\u2019t beat your network of techie friends. Since I started working in web design I have worked with, sat next to, and co-created with some of the greatest developers. Developers who\u2019ve shared their knowledge, encouraged me to build things, patiently explained HTML, CSS, servers, divs, web fonts, iOS development. There has been no void, no versus, very few battles; just people who share an interest and love of making things. \n6. You will own domain names\nWhen something is paid for, online and searchable then it\u2019s real and you\u2019ve got to put the work in. Buying domains has taught me how to stop procrastinating, but also about DNS, FTP, email, and how servers work.\n7. People will ask you to do things\u2028\nLearning about code and development opens a whole new world of design. When you put your own personal websites and projects out there people ask you to do more things. OK, so sometimes those things are \u201cMake me a website for free\u201d, but more often it\u2019s cool things like \u201cCome and speak at my conference\u201d, \u201cWrite an article for my magazine\u201d and \u201cCollaborate with me.\u201d\n8. The young people are coming!\nThey love typography, they love print, they love layout, but they\u2019ve known how to put a website together since they started their first blog aged five and they show me clever apps they\u2019ve knocked together over the weekend! They\u2019re new, they\u2019re fluid, and they\u2019re better than us!\n9. Your portfolio is your portfolio\nOK, it\u2019s an obvious one, but as designers our work is our CV, our legacy! We need to show our skill, our attention to detail and our creativity in the way we showcase our work. Building your portfolio is the best way to start building your own websites. (And please be that designer who\u2019s bothered to work out how to change the Squarespace favicon!) \n10. It keeps you fluid!\nBuilding your own websites is tough. You\u2019ll never be happy with it, you\u2019ll constantly be updating it to keep up with technology and fashion, and by the time you\u2019ve finished it you\u2019ll want to start all over again. Perfect for forcing you to stay up-to-date with what\u2019s going on in the industry.\n
", "year": "2015", "author": "Ros Horner", "author_slug": "roshorner", "published": "2015-12-12T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2015/be-fluid-with-your-design-skills-build-your-own-sites/", "topic": "code"} {"rowid": 62, "title": "Being Customer Supportive", "contents": "Every day in customer support is an inbox, a Twitter feed, or a software forum full of new questions. Each is brimming with your customers looking for advice, reassurance, or fixes for their software problems. Each one is an opportunity to take a break from wrestling with your own troublesome tasks and assist someone else in solving theirs.\nSometimes the questions are straightforward and can be answered in a few minutes with a short greeting, a link to a help page, or a prewritten bit of text you use regularly: how to print a receipt, reset a password, or even, sadly, close your account.\nMore often, a support email requires you to spend some time unpacking the question, asking for more information, and writing a detailed personal response, tailored to help that particular user on this particular day.\nHere I offer a few of my own guidelines on how to make today\u2019s email the best support experience for both me and my customer. And even if you don\u2019t consider what you do to be customer support, you might still find the suggestions useful for the next time you need to communicate with a client, to solve a software problem with teammates, or even reach out and ask for help yourself.\n(All the examples appearing in this article are fictional. Any resemblance to quotes from real, software-using persons is entirely coincidental. Except for the bit about Star Wars. That happened.)\nWho\u2019s TAHT girl\nI\u2019ll be honest: I briefly tried making these recommendations into a clever mnemonic like FAST (facial drooping, arm weakness, speech difficulties, time) or PAD (pressure, antiseptic, dressing). But instead, you get TAHT: tone, ask, help, thank. Ah, well.\nAs I work through each message in my support queue, I\n\nlisten to the tone of the email\nask clarifying questions\nbring in extra help as needed\nand thank the customer when the problem is solved.\n\nLet\u2019s open an email and get started!\nLeave your message at the sound of the tone\nWith our enthusiasm for emoji, it can be very hard to infer someone\u2019s tone from plain text. How much time have you spent pondering why your friend responded with \u201cThanks.\u201d instead of \u201cThanks!\u201d? I mean, why didn\u2019t she :grin: or :wink: too?\nOur support customers, however, are often direct about how they\u2019re feeling:\n\nI\u2019m working against a deadline. Need this fixed ASAP!!!!\nThis hasn\u2019t worked in a week and I am getting really frustrated.\nI\u2019ve done this ten times before and it\u2019s always worked. I must be missing something simple.\n\nThey want us to understand the urgency of this from their point of view, just as much as we want to help them in a timely manner. How this information is conveyed gives us an instant sense of whether they are frustrated, angry, or confused\u2014and, just as importantly, how frustrated-angry-confused they are. \nListen to this tone before you start writing your reply. Here are two ways I might open an email:\n\n\u201cI\u2019m sorry that you ran into trouble with this.\u201d\n\u201cSorry you ran into trouble with this!\u201d\n\nThe content is largely the same, but the tone is markedly different. The first version is a serious, staid reaction to the problem the customer is having; the second version is more relaxed, but no less sincere.\nMatching the tone to the sender\u2019s is an important first step. Overusing exclamation points or dropping in too-casual language may further upset someone who is already having a crummy time with your product. But to a cheerful user, a formal reply or an impersonal form response can be off-putting, and damage a good relationship.\nWhen in doubt, I err on the side of being too formal, rather than sending a reply that may be read as flip or insincere. But whichever you choose, matching your correspondent\u2019s tone will make for a more comfortable conversation.\nCatch the ball and throw it back\nOnce you\u2019ve got that tone on lock, it\u2019s time to tackle the question at hand. Let\u2019s see what our customer needs help with today:\n\nI tried everything in the troubleshooting page but I can\u2019t get it to work again. I am on a Mac. Please help.\n\nHmm, not much information here. Now, if I got this short email after helping five other people with the same problem on Mac OS X, I would be sorely tempted to send this customer that common solution in my first reply. I\u2019ve found it\u2019s important to resist the urge to assume this sixth person needs the same answer as the other five, though: there isn\u2019t enough to connect this email to the ones that came before hers. \nInstead, ask a few questions to start. Invest some time to see if there are other symptoms in common, like so:\n\nI\u2019m sorry that you ran into trouble with this! I\u2019ll need a little more information to see what\u2019s happening here.\n[questions]\nThank you for your help.\n\nThose questions are customized for the customer\u2019s issue as much as possible, and can be fairly wide-ranging. They may include asking for log files, getting some screenshots, or simply checking the browser and operating system version she\u2019s using. I\u2019ll ask anything that might make a connection to the previous cases I\u2019ve answered\u2014or, just as importantly, confirm that there isn\u2019t a connection. What\u2019s more, a few well-placed questions may save us both from pursuing the wrong path and building additional frustration. \n(A note on that closing: \u201cThank you for your help\u201d\u2013I often end an email this way when I\u2019ve asked for a significant amount of follow up information. After all, I\u2019m imposing on my customer\u2019s time to run any number of tests. It\u2019s a necessary step, but I feel that thanking them is a nice acknowledgment we\u2019re in this together.)\nHaving said that, though, let\u2019s bring tone back into the mix:\n\nI tried everything in the troubleshooting but I can\u2019t get it to work again. I am on a Mac. I\u2019m working against a deadline. Need this fixed ASAP!!!!\n\nThis customer wants answers now. I\u2019ll still ask for more details, but would consider including the solution to the previous problem in my initial reply as well. (But only if doing so can\u2019t make the situation worse!)\n\nI\u2019m sorry that you ran into trouble with this! I\u2019ll need a little more information to see what\u2019s happening here.\n[questions]\nIf you\u2019d like to try something in the meantime, delete the file named xyz.txt. (If this isn\u2019t the cause of the problem, deleting the file won\u2019t hurt anything.) Here\u2019s how to find that file on your computer:\n[steps]\nLet me know how it goes!\n\nIn the best case, the suggestion works and the customer is on her way. If it doesn\u2019t solve the problem, you will get more information in answer to your questions and can explore other options. And you\u2019ve given the customer an opportunity to be involved in fixing the issue, and some new tools which might come in handy again in the future.\nBring in help\nThe support software I use counts how many emails the customer and I have exchanged, and reports it in a summary line in my inbox. It\u2019s an easy, passive reminder of how long the customer and I have been working together on a problem, especially first thing in the morning when I\u2019m reacquainting myself with my open support cases.\nThree is the smallest number I\u2019ll see there: the customer sends the initial question (1 email); I reply with an answer (2 emails); the customer confirms the problem is solved (3 emails). But the most complicated, stickiest tickets climb into double-digit replies, and anything that stretches beyond a dozen is worthy of a cheer in Slack when we finally get to the root of the problem and get it fixed.\nWhile an extra round of questions and answers will nudge that number higher, it gives me the chance to feel out the technical comfort level of the person I\u2019m helping. If I ask the customer to send some screenshots or log files and he isn\u2019t sure how to do that, I will use that information to adjust my instructions on next steps. I may still ask him to try running a traceroute on his computer, but I\u2019ll break down the steps into a concise, numbered list, and attach screenshots of each step to illustrate it.\nIf the issue at hand is getting complicated, take note if the customer starts to feel out of their depth technically\u2014either because they tell you so directly or because you sense a shift in tone. If that happens, propose bringing some outside help into the conversation:\n\nDo you have a network firewall or do you use any antivirus software? One of those might be blocking a connection that the software needs to work properly; here\u2019s a list of the required connections [link]. If you have an IT department in-house, they should be able to help confirm that none of those are being blocked.\n\nor:\n\nThis error message means you don\u2019t have permission to install the software on your own computer. Is there a systems administrator in the office that may be able to help with this? \n\nFor email-based support cases, I\u2019ll even offer to add someone from their IT department to the thread, so we can discuss the problem together rather than have the customer relay questions and answers back and forth.\nSimilarly, there are occasionally times when my way of describing things doesn\u2019t fit how the customer understands them. Rather than bang our heads against our keyboards, I will ask one of my support colleagues to join the conversation from our side, and see if he can explain things more clearly than I\u2019ve been able to do.\nWe appreciate your business. Please call again\nAnd then, o frabjous day, you get your reward: the reply which says the problem has been solved. \n\nThat worked!! Thank you so much for saving my day!\nI wish I could send you some cookies!\nIf you were here, I would give you my tickets to Star Wars.\n[Reply is an animated gif.]\n\nSometimes the reply is a bit more understated:\n\nThat fixed it. Thanks.\n\nWhether the customer is elated, satisfied, or frankly happy to be done with emailing support, I like to close longer email threads or short, complicated issues with a final thanks and reminder that we\u2019re here to help: \n\nThank you for the update; I\u2019m glad to hear that solved the problem for you! I hope everything goes smoothly for you now, but feel free to email us again if you run into any other questions or problems. Best,\n\nThen mark that support case closed, and move on to the next question. Because even with the most thoughtfully designed software product, there will always be customers with questions for your capable support team to answer.\nTone, ask, help, thank\nSo there you have it: TAHT. Pay attention to tone; ask questions; bring in help; thank your customer.\n(Lack of) catchy mnemonics aside, good customer support is about listening, paying attention, and taking care in your replies. I think it can be summed up beautifully by this quote from Pamela Marie (as tweeted by Chris Coyier):\n\nGolden rule asking a question: imagine trying to answer it \nGolden rule in answering: imagine getting your answer \n\nYou and your teammates are applying a variation of this golden rule in every email you write. You\u2019re the software ambassadors to your customers and clients. You get the brunt of the problems and complaints, but you also get to help fix them. You write the apologies, but you also have the chance to make each person\u2019s experience with your company or product a little bit better for next time.\nI hope that your holidays are merry and bright, and may all your support inboxes be light.", "year": "2015", "author": "Elizabeth Galle", "author_slug": "elizabethgalle", "published": "2015-12-02T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2015/being-customer-supportive/", "topic": "process"} {"rowid": 64, "title": "Being Responsive to the Small Things", "contents": "It\u2019s that time of the year again to trim the tree with decorations. Or maybe a DOM tree?\nAny web page is made of HTML elements that lay themselves out in a tree structure. We start at the top and then have multiple branches with branches that branch out from there. \n\nTo decorate our tree, we use CSS to specify which branches should receive the tinsel we wish to adorn upon it. It\u2019s all so lovely.\nIn years past, this was rather straightforward. But these days, our trees need to be versatile. They need to be responsive!\nResponsive web design is pretty wonderful, isn\u2019t it? Based on our viewport, we can decide how elements on the page should change their appearance to accommodate various constraints using media queries.\nClearleft have a delightfully clean and responsive site\nAlas, it\u2019s not all sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows. \nWith complex layouts, we may have design chunks \u2014 let\u2019s call them components \u2014 that appear in different contexts. Each context may end up providing its own constraints on the design, both in its default state and in its possibly various responsive states.\n\nMedia queries, however, limit us to the context of the entire viewport, not individual containers on the page. For every container our component lives in, we need to specify how to rearrange things in that context. The more complex the system, the more contexts we need to write code for.\n@media (min-width: 800px) {\n .features > .component { }\n .sidebar > .component {}\n .grid > .component {}\n}\nEach new component and each new breakpoint just makes the entire system that much more difficult to maintain. \n@media (min-width: 600px) {\n .features > .component { }\n .grid > .component {}\n}\n\n@media (min-width: 800px) {\n .features > .component { }\n .sidebar > .component {}\n .grid > .component {}\n}\n\n@media (min-width: 1024px) {\n .features > .component { }\n}\nEnter container queries\nContainer queries, also known as element queries, allow you to specify conditional CSS based on the width (or maybe height) of the container that an element lives in. In doing so, you no longer have to consider the entire page and the interplay of all the elements within. \nWith container queries, you\u2019ll be able to consider the breakpoints of just the component you\u2019re designing. As a result, you end up specifying less code and the components you develop have fewer dependencies on the things around them. (I guess that makes your components more independent.)\nAwesome, right?\nThere\u2019s only one catch.\nBrowsers can\u2019t do container queries. There\u2019s not even an official specification for them yet. The Responsive Issues (n\u00e9e Images) Community Group is looking into solving how such a thing would actually work. \nSee, container queries are tricky from an implementation perspective. The contents of a container can affect the size of the container. Because of this, you end up with troublesome circular references. \nFor example, if the width of the container is under 500px then the width of the child element should be 600px, and if the width of the container is over 500px then the width of the child element should be 400px. \nCan you see the dilemma? When the container is under 500px, the child element resizes to 600px and suddenly the container is 600px. If the container is 600px, then the child element is 400px! And so on, forever. This is bad.\nI guess we should all just go home and sulk about how we just got a pile of socks when we really wanted the Millennium Falcon. \nOur saviour this Christmas: JavaScript\nThe three wise men \u2014 Tim Berners-Lee, H\u00e5kon Wium Lie, and Brendan Eich \u2014 brought us the gifts of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. \nTo date, there are a handful of open source solutions to fill the gap until a browser implementation sees the light of day.\n\nElementary by Scott Jehl\nElementQuery by Tyson Matanich\nEQ.js by Sam Richards\nCSS Element Queries from Marcj\n\nUsing any of these can sometimes feel like your toy broke within ten minutes of unwrapping it.\nEach take their own approach on how to specify the query conditions. For example, Elementary, the smallest of the group, only supports min-width declarations made in a :before selector.\n.mod-foo:before {\n content: \u201c300 410 500\u201d;\n}\nThe script loops through all the elements that you specify, reading the content property and then setting an attribute value on the HTML element, allowing you to use CSS to style that condition. \n.mod-foo[data-minwidth~=\"300\"] {\n background: blue;\n}\nTo get the script to run, you\u2019ll need to set up event handlers for when the page loads and for when it resizes. \nwindow.addEventListener( \"load\", window.elementary, false );\nwindow.addEventListener( \"resize\", window.elementary, false );\nThis works okay for static sites but breaks down on pages where elements can expand or contract, or where new content is dynamically inserted.\nIn the case of EQ.js, the implementation requires the creation of the breakpoints in the HTML. That means that you have implementation details in HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. (Although, with the JavaScript, once it\u2019s in the build system, it shouldn\u2019t ever be much of a concern unless you\u2019re tracking down a bug.)\nAnother problem you may run into is the use of content delivery networks (CDNs) or cross-origin security issues. The ElementQuery and CSS Element Queries libraries need to be able to read the CSS file. If you are unable to set up proper cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) headers, these libraries won\u2019t help.\nAt Shopify, for example, we had all of these problems. The admin that store owners use is very dynamic and the CSS and JavaScript were being loaded from a CDN that prevented the JavaScript from reading the CSS. \nTo go responsive, the team built their own solution \u2014 one similar to the other scripts above, in that it loops through elements and adds or removes classes (instead of data attributes) based on minimum or maximum width.\nThe caveat to this particular approach is that the declaration of breakpoints had to be done in JavaScript. \n elements = [\n { \u2018module\u2019: \u201c.carousel\u201d, \u201cclassName\u201d:\u2019alpha\u2019, minWidth: 768, maxWidth: 1024 },\n { \u2018module\u2019: \u201c.button\u201d, \u201cclassName\u201d:\u2019beta\u2019, minWidth: 768, maxWidth: 1024 } ,\n { \u2018module\u2019: \u201c.grid\u201d, \u201cclassName\u201d:\u2019cappa\u2019, minWidth: 768, maxWidth: 1024 }\n ]\nWith that done, the script then had to be set to run during various events such as inserting new content via Ajax calls. This sometimes reveals itself in flashes of unstyled breakpoints (FOUB). An unfortunate side effect but one largely imperceptible.\nUsing this approach, however, allowed the Shopify team to make the admin responsive really quickly. Each member of the team was able to tackle the responsive story for a particular component without much concern for how all the other components would react. \n\nEach element responds to its own breakpoint that would amount to dozens of breakpoints using traditional breakpoints. This approach allows for a truly fluid and adaptive interface for all screens.\nChristmas is over\nI wish I were the bearer of greater tidings and cheer. It\u2019s not all bad, though. We may one day see browsers implement container queries natively. At which point, we shall all rejoice!", "year": "2015", "author": "Jonathan Snook", "author_slug": "jonathansnook", "published": "2015-12-19T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2015/being-responsive-to-the-small-things/", "topic": "code"} {"rowid": 58, "title": "Beyond the Style Guide", "contents": "Much like baking a Christmas cake, designing for the web involves creating an experience in layers. Starting with a solid base that provides the core experience (the fruit cake), we can add further layers, each adding refinement (the marzipan) and delight (the icing).\nDon\u2019t worry, this isn\u2019t a misplaced cake recipe, but an evaluation of modular design and the role style guides can play in acknowledging these different concerns, be they presentational or programmatic.\nThe auteur\u2019s style guide\nAlthough trained as a graphic designer, it was only when I encountered the immediacy of the web that I felt truly empowered as a designer. Given a desire to control every aspect of the resulting experience, I slowly adopted the role of an auteur, exploring every part of the web stack: front-end to back-end, and everything in between. A few years ago, I dreaded using the command line. Today, the terminal is a permanent feature in my Dock.\nIn straddling the realms of graphic design and programming, it\u2019s the point at which they meet that I find most fascinating, with each dicipline valuing the creation of effective systems, be they for communication or code efficiency. Front-end style guides live at this intersection, demonstrating both the modularity of code and the application of visual design.\nPainting by numbers\nIn our rush to build modular systems, design frameworks have grown in popularity. While enabling quick assembly, these come at the cost of originality and creative expression \u2013 perhaps one reason why we\u2019re seeing the homogenisation of web design.\nIn editorial design, layouts should accentuate content and present it in an engaging manner. Yet on the web we see a practice that seeks templated predictability. In \u2018Design Machines\u2019 Travis Gertz argued that (emphasis added):\n\nDesign systems still feel like a novelty in screen-based design. We nerd out over grid systems and modular scales and obsess over style guides and pattern libraries. We\u2019re pretty good at using them to build repeatable components and site-wide standards, but that\u2019s sort of where it ends. [\u2026] But to stop there is to ignore the true purpose and potential of a design system.\n\nUnless we consider how interface patterns fully embrace the design systems they should be built upon, style guides may exacerbate this paint-by-numbers approach, encouraging conformance and suppressing creativity.\nAnatomy of a button\nLet\u2019s take a look at that most canonical of components, the button, and consider what we might wish to document and demonstrate in a style guide.\nThe different layers of our button component.\nContent\nThe most variable aspect of any component. Content guidelines will exert the most influence here, dictating things like tone of voice (whether we should we use stiff, formal language like \u2018Submit form\u2019, or adopt a more friendly tone, perhaps \u2018Send us your message\u2019) and appropriate language. For an internationalised interface, this may also impact word length and text direction or orientation.\nStructure\nHTML provides a limited vocabulary which we can use to structure content and add meaning. For interactive elements, the choice of element can also affect its behaviour, such as whether a button submits form data or links to another page:\n\nButton text\nNote: One of the reasons I prefer to use \nAn icon font is used to display the icon and no text alternative is given. A possible solution to this problem is to use the title or aria-label attributes, which solves the alternative text use case for screen reader users:\nOpen video\n A screen reader announcing a button with a title.\nHowever, screen readers are not the only way people with and without disabilities interact with websites. For example, users can reset or change font families and sizes at will. This helps many users make websites easier to read, including people with dyslexia. Your icon font might be replaced by a font that doesn\u2019t include the glyphs that are icons. Additionally, the icon font may not load for users on slow connections, like on mobile phones inside trains, or because users decided to block external fonts altogether. The following screenshots show the mobile GitHub view with and without external fonts:\nThe mobile GitHub view with and without external fonts.\nEven if the title/aria-label approach was used, the lack of visual labels is a barrier for most people under those circumstances. One way to tackle this is using the old-fashioned img element with an appropriate alt attribute, but surprisingly not every browser displays the alternative text visually when the image doesn\u2019t load.\n\nProviding always visible text is an alternative that can work well if you have the space. It also helps users understand the meaning of the icons.\n\nThis also reads just fine in screen readers:\nOpen video\n A screen reader announcing the revised button.\nClever usability enhancements don\u2019t stop at a technical implementation level. Take the BBC iPlayer pages as an example: when a user navigates the \u201ccaptioned videos\u201d or \u201caudio description\u201d categories and clicks on one of the videos, captions or audio descriptions are automatically switched on. Small things like this enhance the usability and don\u2019t need a lot of engineering resources. It is more about connecting the usability dots for people with disabilities. Read more about the BBC iPlayer accessibility case study.\nMore information\nW3C has created several documents that make it easier to get the gist of what web accessibility is and how it can benefit everyone. You can find out \u201cHow People with Disabilities Use the Web\u201d, there are \u201cTips for Getting Started\u201d for developers, designers and content writers. And for the more seasoned developer there is a set of tutorials on web accessibility, including information on crafting accessible forms and how to use images in an accessible way.\nConclusion\nYou can only produce a web project with long-lasting accessibility if accessibility is not an afterthought. Your organization, your division, your team need to think about accessibility as something that is the foundation of your website or project. It needs to be at the same level as performance, code quality and design, and it needs the same attention. Users often don\u2019t notice when those fundamental aspects of good website design and development are done right. But they\u2019ll always know when they are implemented poorly.\nIf you take all this into consideration, you can create accessibility solutions based on the available data and bring accessibility to people who didn\u2019t know they\u2019d need it:\nOpen video\n \nIn this video from the latest Apple keynote, the Apple TV is operated by voice input through a remote. When the user asks \u201cWhat did she say?\u201d the video jumps back fifteen seconds and captions are switched on for a brief time. All three, the remote, voice input and captions have their roots in assisting people with disabilities. Now they benefit everyone.", "year": "2015", "author": "Eric Eggert", "author_slug": "ericeggert", "published": "2015-12-17T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2015/the-accessibility-mindset/", "topic": "code"} {"rowid": 49, "title": "Universal React", "contents": "One of the libraries to receive a huge amount of focus in 2015 has been ReactJS, a library created by Facebook for building user interfaces and web applications.\nMore generally we\u2019ve seen an even greater rise in the number of applications built primarily on the client side with most of the logic implemented in JavaScript. One of the main issues with building an app in this way is that you immediately forgo any customers who might browse with JavaScript turned off, and you can also miss out on any robots that might visit your site to crawl it (such as Google\u2019s search bots). Additionally, we gain a performance improvement by being able to render from the server rather than having to wait for all the JavaScript to be loaded and executed.\nThe good news is that this problem has been recognised and it is possible to build a fully featured client-side application that can be rendered on the server. The way in which these apps work is as follows:\n\nThe user visits www.yoursite.com and the server executes your JavaScript to generate the HTML it needs to render the page.\nIn the background, the client-side JavaScript is executed and takes over the duty of rendering the page.\nThe next time a user clicks, rather than being sent to the server, the client-side app is in control.\nIf the user doesn\u2019t have JavaScript enabled, each click on a link goes to the server and they get the server-rendered content again.\n\nThis means you can still provide a very quick and snappy experience for JavaScript users without having to abandon your non-JS users. We achieve this by writing JavaScript that can be executed on the server or on the client (you might have heard this referred to as isomorphic) and using a JavaScript framework that\u2019s clever enough handle server- or client-side execution. Currently, ReactJS is leading the way here, although Ember and Angular are both working on solutions to this problem.\nIt\u2019s worth noting that this tutorial assumes some familiarity with React in general, its syntax and concepts. If you\u2019d like a refresher, the ReactJS docs are a good place to start.\n\u00a0Getting started\nWe\u2019re going to create a tiny ReactJS application that will work on the server and the client. First we\u2019ll need to create a new project and install some dependencies. In a new, blank directory, run:\nnpm init -y\nnpm install --save ejs express react react-router react-dom\nThat will create a new project and install our dependencies:\n\nejs is a templating engine that we\u2019ll use to render our HTML on the server.\nexpress is a small web framework we\u2019ll run our server on.\nreact-router is a popular routing solution for React so our app can fully support and respect URLs.\nreact-dom is a small React library used for rendering React components.\n\nWe\u2019re also going to write all our code in ECMAScript 6, and therefore need to install BabelJS and configure that too.\nnpm install --save-dev babel-cli babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-react\nThen, create a .babelrc file that contains the following:\n{\n \"presets\": [\"es2015\", \"react\"]\n}\nWhat we\u2019ve done here is install Babel\u2019s command line interface (CLI) tool and configured it to transform our code from ECMAScript 6 (or ES2015) to ECMAScript 5, which is more widely supported. We\u2019ll need the React transforms when we start writing JSX when working with React.\nCreating a server\nFor now, our ExpressJS server is pretty straightforward. All we\u2019ll do is render a view that says \u2018Hello World\u2019. Here\u2019s our server code:\nimport express from 'express';\nimport http from 'http';\n\nconst app = express();\n\napp.use(express.static('public'));\n\napp.set('view engine', 'ejs');\n\napp.get('*', (req, res) => {\n res.render('index');\n});\n\nconst server = http.createServer(app);\n\nserver.listen(3003);\nserver.on('listening', () => {\n console.log('Listening on 3003');\n});\nHere we\u2019re using ES6 modules, which I wrote about on 24 ways last year, if you\u2019d like a reminder. We tell the app to render the index view on any GET request (that\u2019s what app.get('*') means, the wildcard matches any route).\nWe now need to create the index view file, which Express expects to be defined in views/index.ejs:\n\n\n \n My App\n \n\n \n Hello World\n \n\nFinally, we\u2019re ready to run the server. Because we installed babel-cli earlier we have access to the babel-node executable, which will transform all your code before running it through node. Run this command:\n./node_modules/.bin/babel-node server.js\nAnd you should now be able to visit http://localhost:3003 and see \u2018Hello World\u2019 right there:\n\nBuilding the React app\nNow we\u2019ll build the React application entirely on the server, before adding the client-side JavaScript right at the end. Our app will have two routes, / and /about which will both show a small amount of content. This will demonstrate how to use React Router on the server side to make sure our React app plays nicely with URLs.\nFirstly, let\u2019s update views/index.ejs. Our server will figure out what HTML it needs to render, and pass that into the view. We can pass a value into our view when we render it, and then use EJS syntax to tell it to output that data. Update the template file so the body looks like so:\n\n <%- markup %>\n\nNext, we\u2019ll define the routes we want our app to have using React Router. For now we\u2019ll just define the index route, and not worry about the /about route quite yet. We could define our routes in JSX, but I think for server-side rendering it\u2019s clearer to define them as an object. Here\u2019s what we\u2019re starting with:\nconst routes = {\n path: '',\n component: AppComponent,\n childRoutes: [\n {\n path: '/',\n component: IndexComponent\n }\n ]\n}\nThese are just placed at the top of server.js, after the import statements. Later we\u2019ll move these into a separate file, but for now they are fine where they are.\nNotice how I define first that the AppComponent should be used at the '' path, which effectively means it matches every single route and becomes a container for all our other components. Then I give it a child route of /, which will match the IndexComponent. Before we hook these routes up with our server, let\u2019s quickly define components/app.js and components/index.js. app.js looks like so:\nimport React from 'react';\n\nexport default class AppComponent extends React.Component {\n render() {\n return (\n

Welcome to my App

\n { this.props.children }\n
\n );\n }\n}\nWhen a React Router route has child components, they are given to us in the props under the children key, so we need to include them in the code we want to render for this component. The index.js component is pretty bland:\nimport React from 'react';\n\nexport default class IndexComponent extends React.Component {\n render() {\n return (\n

This is the index page

\n );\n }\n}\nServer-side routing with React Router\nHead back into server.js, and firstly we\u2019ll need to add some new imports:\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server';\nimport { match, RoutingContext } from 'react-router';\n\nimport AppComponent from './components/app';\nimport IndexComponent from './components/index';\nThe ReactDOM package provides react-dom/server which includes a renderToString method that takes a React component and produces the HTML string output of the component. It\u2019s this method that we\u2019ll use to render the HTML from the server, generated by React. From the React Router package we use match, a function used to find a matching route for a URL; and RoutingContext, a React component provided by React Router that we\u2019ll need to render. This wraps up our components and provides some functionality that ties React Router together with our app. Generally you don\u2019t need to concern yourself about how this component works, so don\u2019t worry too much.\nNow for the good bit: we can update our app.get('*') route with the code that matches the URL against the React routes:\napp.get('*', (req, res) => {\n // routes is our object of React routes defined above\n match({ routes, location: req.url }, (err, redirectLocation, props) => {\n if (err) {\n // something went badly wrong, so 500 with a message\n res.status(500).send(err.message);\n } else if (redirectLocation) {\n // we matched a ReactRouter redirect, so redirect from the server\n res.redirect(302, redirectLocation.pathname + redirectLocation.search);\n } else if (props) {\n // if we got props, that means we found a valid component to render\n // for the given route\n const markup = renderToString();\n\n // render `index.ejs`, but pass in the markup we want it to display\n res.render('index', { markup })\n\n } else {\n // no route match, so 404. In a real app you might render a custom\n // 404 view here\n res.sendStatus(404);\n }\n });\n});\nWe call match, giving it the routes object we defined earlier and req.url, which contains the URL of the request. It calls a callback function we give it, with err, redirectLocation and props as the arguments. The first two conditionals in the callback function just deal with an error occuring or a redirect (React Router has built in redirect support). The most interesting bit is the third conditional, else if (props). If we got given props and we\u2019ve made it this far it means we found a matching component to render and we can use this code to render it:\n...\n} else if (props) {\n // if we got props, that means we found a valid component to render\n // for the given route\n const markup = renderToString();\n\n // render `index.ejs`, but pass in the markup we want it to display\n res.render('index', { markup })\n} else {\n ...\n}\nThe renderToString method from ReactDOM takes that RoutingContext component we mentioned earlier and renders it with the properties required. Again, you need not concern yourself with what this specific component does or what the props are. Most of this is data that React Router provides for us on top of our components.\nNote the {...props}, which is a neat bit of JSX syntax that spreads out our object into key value properties. To see this better, note the two pieces of JSX code below, both of which are equivalent:\n\n\n// OR:\n\nconst props = { a: \"foo\", b: \"bar\" };\n\nRunning the server again\nI know that felt like a lot of work, but the good news is that once you\u2019ve set this up you are free to focus on building your React components, safe in the knowledge that your server-side rendering is working. To check, restart the server and head to http://localhost:3003 once more. You should see it all working!\n\nRefactoring and one more route\nBefore we move on to getting this code running on the client, let\u2019s add one more route and do some tidying up. First, move our routes object out into routes.js:\nimport AppComponent from './components/app';\nimport IndexComponent from './components/index';\n\nconst routes = {\n path: '',\n component: AppComponent,\n childRoutes: [\n {\n path: '/',\n component: IndexComponent\n }\n ]\n}\n\nexport { routes };\nAnd then update server.js. You can remove the two component imports and replace them with:\nimport { routes } from './routes';\nFinally, let\u2019s add one more route for ./about and links between them. Create components/about.js:\nimport React from 'react';\n\nexport default class AboutComponent extends React.Component {\n render() {\n return (\n

A little bit about me.

\n );\n }\n}\nAnd then you can add it to routes.js too:\nimport AppComponent from './components/app';\nimport IndexComponent from './components/index';\nimport AboutComponent from './components/about';\n\nconst routes = {\n path: '',\n component: AppComponent,\n childRoutes: [\n {\n path: '/',\n component: IndexComponent\n },\n {\n path: '/about',\n component: AboutComponent\n }\n ]\n}\n\nexport { routes };\nIf you now restart the server and head to http://localhost:3003/about` you\u2019ll see the about page!\n\nFor the finishing touch we\u2019ll use the React Router link component to add some links between the pages. Edit components/app.js to look like so:\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { Link } from 'react-router';\n\nexport default class AppComponent extends React.Component {\n render() {\n return (\n

Welcome to my App

  • Home
  • \n
  • About
  • \n
\n { this.props.children }\n
\n );\n }\n}\nYou can now click between the pages to navigate. However, everytime we do so the requests hit the server. Now we\u2019re going to make our final change, such that after the app has been rendered on the server once, it gets rendered and managed in the client, providing that snappy client-side app experience.\nClient-side rendering\nFirst, we\u2019re going to make a small change to views/index.ejs. React doesn\u2019t like rendering directly into the body and will give a warning when you do so. To prevent this we\u2019ll wrap our app in a div:\n\n
<%- markup %>
\n \n\nI\u2019ve also added in a script tag to build.js, which is the file we\u2019ll generate containing all our client-side code.\nNext, create client-render.js. This is going to be the only bit of JavaScript that\u2019s exclusive to the client side. In it we need to pull in our routes and render them to the DOM.\nimport React from 'react';\nimport ReactDOM from 'react-dom';\nimport { Router } from 'react-router';\n\nimport { routes } from './routes';\n\nimport createBrowserHistory from 'history/lib/createBrowserHistory';\n\nReactDOM.render(\n ,\n document.getElementById('app')\n)\nThe first thing you might notice is the mention of createBrowserHistory. React Router is built on top of the history module, a module that listens to the browser\u2019s address bar and parses the new location. It has many modes of operation: it can keep track using a hashbang, such as http://localhost/#!/about (this is the default), or you can tell it to use the HTML5 history API by calling createBrowserHistory, which is what we\u2019ve done. This will keep the URLs nice and neat and make sure the client and the server are using the same URL structure. You can read more about React Router and histories in the React Router documentation.\nFinally we use ReactDOM.render and give it the Router component, telling it about all our routes, and also tell ReactDOM where to render, the #app element.\nGenerating build.js\nWe\u2019re actually almost there! The final thing we need to do is generate our client side bundle. For this we\u2019re going to use webpack, a module bundler that can take our application, follow all the imports and generate one large bundle from them. We\u2019ll install it and babel-loader, a webpack plugin for transforming code through Babel.\nnpm install --save-dev webpack babel-loader\nTo run webpack we just need to create a configuration file, called webpack.config.js. Create the file in the root of our application and add the following code:\nvar path = require('path');\nmodule.exports = {\n entry: path.join(process.cwd(), 'client-render.js'),\n output: {\n path: './public/',\n filename: 'build.js'\n },\n module: {\n loaders: [\n {\n test: /.js$/,\n loader: 'babel'\n }\n ]\n }\n}\nNote first that this file can\u2019t be written in ES6 as it doesn\u2019t get transformed. The first thing we do is tell webpack the main entry point for our application, which is client-render.js. We use process.cwd() because webpack expects an exact location \u2013 if we just gave it the string \u2018client-render.js\u2019, webpack wouldn\u2019t be able to find it.\nNext, we tell webpack where to output our file, and here I\u2019m telling it to place the file in public/build.js. Finally we tell webpack that every time it hits a file that ends in .js, it should use the babel-loader plugin to transform the code first.\nNow we\u2019re ready to generate the bundle!\n./node_modules/.bin/webpack\nThis will take a fair few seconds to run (on my machine it\u2019s about seven or eight), but once it has it will have created public/build.js, a client-side bundle of our application. If you restart your server once more you\u2019ll see that we can now navigate around our application without hitting the server, because React on the client takes over. Perfect!\nThe first bundle that webpack generates is pretty slow, but if you run webpack -w it will go into watch mode, where it watches files for changes and regenerates the bundle. The key thing is that it only regenerates the small pieces of the bundle it needs, so while the first bundle is very slow, the rest are lightning fast. I recommend leaving webpack constantly running in watch mode when you\u2019re developing.\nConclusions\nFirst, if you\u2019d like to look through this code yourself you can find it all on GitHub. Feel free to raise an issue there or tweet me if you have any problems or would like to ask further questions.\nNext, I want to stress that you shouldn\u2019t use this as an excuse to build all your apps in this way. Some of you might be wondering whether a static site like the one we built today is worth its complexity, and you\u2019d be right. I used it as it\u2019s an easy example to work with but in the future you should carefully consider your reasons for wanting to build a universal React application and make sure it\u2019s a suitable infrastructure for you.\nWith that, all that\u2019s left for me to do is wish you a very merry Christmas and best of luck with your React applications!", "year": "2015", "author": "Jack Franklin", "author_slug": "jackfranklin", "published": "2015-12-05T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2015/universal-react/", "topic": "code"} {"rowid": 71, "title": "Upping Your Web Security Game", "contents": "When I started working in web security fifteen years ago, web development looked very different. The few non-static web applications were built using a waterfall process and shipped quarterly at best, making it possible to add security audits before every release; applications were deployed exclusively on in-house servers, allowing Info Sec to inspect their configuration and setup; and the few third-party components used came from a small set of well-known and trusted providers. And yet, even with these favourable conditions, security teams were quickly overwhelmed and called for developers to build security in.\nIf the web security game was hard to win before, it\u2019s doomed to fail now. In today\u2019s web development, every other page is an application, accepting inputs and private data from users; software is built continuously, designed to eliminate manual gates, including security gates; infrastructure is code, with servers spawned with little effort and even less security scrutiny; and most of the code in a typical application is third-party code, pulled in through open source repositories with rarely a glance at who provided them.\nSecurity teams, when they exist at all, cannot solve this problem. They are vastly outnumbered by developers, and cannot keep up with the application\u2019s pace of change. For us to have a shot at making the web secure, we must bring security into the core. We need to give it no less attention than that we give browser compatibility, mobile design or web page load times. More broadly, we should see security as an aspect of quality, expecting both ourselves and our peers to address it, and taking pride when we do it well.\nWhere To Start?\nEmbracing security isn\u2019t something you do overnight.\nA good place to start is by reviewing things you\u2019re already doing \u2013 and trying to make them more secure. Here are three concrete steps you can take to get going.\nHTTPS\nThreats begin when your system interacts with the outside world, which often means HTTP. As is, HTTP is painfully insecure, allowing attackers to easily steal and manipulate data going to or from the server. HTTPS adds a layer of crypto that ensures the parties know who they\u2019re talking to, and that the information exchanged can be neither modified nor sniffed.\nHTTPS is relevant to any site. If your non-HTTPS site holds opinions, reading it may get your users in trouble with employers or governments. If your users believe what you say, attackers can modify your non-HTTPS to take advantage of and abuse that trust. If you want to use new browser technologies like HTTP2 and service workers, your site will need to be HTTPS. And if you want to be discovered on the web, using HTTPS can help your Google ranking. For more details on why I think you should make the switch to HTTPS, check out this post, these slides and this video.\nUsing HTTPS is becoming easier and cheaper. Here are a few free tools that can help:\n\nGet free and easy HTTPS delivery from Cloudflare (be sure to use \u201cFull SSL\u201d!)\nGet a free and automation-friendly certificate from Let\u2019s Encrypt (now in open beta).\nTest how well your HTTPS is set up using SSLTest.\n\nOther vendors and platforms are rapidly simplifying and reducing the cost of their HTTPS offering, as demand and importance grows.\nTwo-Factor Authentication\nThe most sensitive data is usually stored behind a login, and the authentication process is the primary gate in front of this data. Making this process secure has many aspects, including using HTTPS when accepting credentials, having a strong password policy, never storing the password, and more.\nAll of these are important, but the best single step to boost your authentication security is to introduce two-factor authentication (2FA). Adding 2FA usually means prompting users for an additional one-time code when logging in, which they get via SMS or a mobile app (e.g. Google Authenticator). This code is short-lived and is extremely hard for a remote attacker to guess, thus vastly reducing the risk a leaked or easily guessed password presents.\nThe typical algorithm for 2FA is based on an IETF standard called the time-based one-time password (TOTP) algorithm, and it isn\u2019t that hard to implement. Joel Franusic wrote a great post on implementing 2FA; modules like speakeasy make it even easier; and you can swap SMS with Google Authenticator or your own app if you prefer. If you don\u2019t want to build 2FA support yourself, you can purchase two/multi-factor authentication services from vendors such as DuoSecurity, Auth0, Clef, Hypr and others.\nIf implementing 2FA still feels like too much work, you can also choose to offload your entire authentication process to an OAuth-based federated login. Many companies offer this today, including Facebook, Google, Twitter, GitHub and others. These bigger players tend to do authentication well and support 2FA, but you should consider what data you\u2019re sharing with them in the process.\nTracking Known Vulnerabilities\nMost of the code in a modern application was actually written by third parties, and pulled into your app as frameworks, modules and libraries. While using these components makes us much more productive, along with their functionality we also adopt their security flaws. To make things worse, some of these flaws are well-known vulnerabilities, making it easy for hackers to take advantage of them in an attack.\nThis is a real problem and happens on pretty much every platform. Do you develop in Java? In 2014, over 6% of Java modules downloaded from Maven had a known severe security issue, the typical Java applications containing 24 flaws. Are you coding in Node.js? Roughly 14% of npm packages carry a known vulnerability, and over 60% of dev shops find vulnerabilities in their code. 30% of Docker Hub containers include a high priority known security hole, and 60% of the top 100,000 websites use client-side libraries with known security gaps.\nTo find known security issues, take stock of your dependencies and match them against language-specific lists such as Snyk\u2019s vulnerability DB for Node.js, rubysec for Ruby, victims-db for Python and OWASP\u2019s Dependency Check for Java. Once found, you can fix most issues by upgrading the component in question, though that may be tricky for indirect dependencies. \nThis process is still way too painful, which means most teams don\u2019t do it. The Snyk team and I are hoping to change that by making it as easy as possible to find, fix and monitor known vulnerabilities in your dependencies. Snyk\u2019s wizard will help you find and fix these issues through guided upgrades and patches, and adding Snyk\u2019s test to your continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) will help you stay secure as your code evolves.\nNote that newly disclosed vulnerabilities usually impact old code \u2013 the one you\u2019re running in production. This means you have to stay alert when new vulnerabilities are disclosed, so you can fix them before attackers can exploit them. You can do so by subscribing to vulnerability lists like US-CERT, OSVDB and NVD. Snyk\u2019s monitor will proactively let you know about new disclosures relevant to your code, but only for Node.js for now \u2013 you can register to get updated when we expand.\nSecuring Yourself\nIn addition to making your application secure, you should make the contributors to that application secure \u2013 including you. Earlier this year we\u2019ve seen attackers target mobile app developers with a malicious Xcode. The real target, however, wasn\u2019t these developers, but rather the users of the apps they create. That you create. Securing your own work environment is a key part of keeping your apps secure, and your users from being compromised.\nThere\u2019s no single step that will make you fully secure, but here are a few steps that can make a big impact:\n\nUse 2FA on all the services related to the application, notably source control (e.g. GitHub), cloud platform (e.g. AWS), CI/CD, CDN, DNS provider and domain registrar. If an attacker compromises any one of those, they could modify or replace your entire application. I\u2019d recommend using 2FA on all your personal services too.\nUse a password manager (e.g. 1Password, LastPass) to ensure you have a separate and complex password for each service. Some of these services will get hacked, and passwords will leak. When that happens, don\u2019t let the attackers access your other systems too.\nSecure your workstation. Be careful what you download, lock your screen when you walk away, change default passwords on services you install, run antivirus software, etc. Malware on your machine can translate to malware in your applications.\nBe very wary of phishing. Smart attackers use \u2018spear phishing\u2019 techniques to gain access to specific systems, and can trick even security savvy users. There are even phishing scams targeting users with 2FA. Be alert to phishy emails.\nDon\u2019t install things through curl | sudo bash, especially if the URL is on GitHub, meaning someone else controls it. Don\u2019t do it on your machines, and definitely don\u2019t do it in your CI/CD systems. Seriously.\n\nStaying secure should be important to you personally, but it\u2019s doubly important when you have privileged access to an application. Such access makes you a way to reach many more users, and therefore a more compelling target for bad actors.\nA Culture of Security\nUsing HTTPS, enabling two-factor authentication and fixing known vulnerabilities are significant steps in building security at your core. As you implement them, remember that these are just a few steps in a longer journey.\nThe end goal is to embrace security as an aspect of quality, and accept we all share the responsibility of keeping ourselves \u2013 and our users \u2013 safe.", "year": "2015", "author": "Guy Podjarny", "author_slug": "guypodjarny", "published": "2015-12-11T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2015/upping-your-web-security-game/", "topic": "code"} {"rowid": 67, "title": "What I Learned about Product Design This Year", "contents": "2015 was a humbling year for me. In September of 2014, I joined a tiny but established startup called SproutVideo as their third employee and first designer. The role interests me because it affords the opportunity to see how design can grow a solid product with a loyal user-base into something even better. \nThe work I do now could also have a real impact on the brand and user experience of our product for years to come, which is a thrilling prospect in an industry where much of what I do feels small and temporary. I got in on the ground floor of something special: a small, dedicated, useful company that cares deeply about making video hosting effortless and rewarding for our users.\nI had (and still have) grand ideas for what thoughtful design can do for a product, and the smaller-scale product design work I\u2019ve done or helped manage over the past few years gave me enough eager confidence to dive in head first. Readers who have experience redesigning complex existing products probably have a knowing smirk on their face right now. As I said, it\u2019s been humbling. A year of focused product design, especially on the scale we are trying to achieve with our small team at SproutVideo, has taught me more than any projects in recent memory. I\u2019d like to share a few of those lessons.\nProduct design is very different from marketing design\nThe majority of my recent work leading up to SproutVideo has been in marketing design. These projects are so fun because their aim is to communicate the value of the product in a compelling and memorable way. In order to achieve this goal, I spent a lot of time thinking about content strategy, responsive design, and how to create striking visuals that tell a story. These are all pursuits I love.\nProduct design is a different beast. When designing a homepage, I can employ powerful imagery, wild gradients, and somewhat-quirky fonts. When I began redesigning the SproutVideo product, I wanted to draw on all the beautiful assets I\u2019ve created for our marketing materials, but big gradients, textures, and display fonts made no sense in this new context.\nThat\u2019s because the product isn\u2019t about us, and it isn\u2019t about telling our story. Product design is about getting out of the way so people can do their job. The visual design is there to create a pleasant atmosphere for people to work in, and to help support the user experience. Learning to take \u201cus\u201d out of the equation took some work after years of creating gorgeous imagery and content for the sales-driven side of businesses.\nI\u2019ve learned it\u2019s very valuable to design both sides of the experience, because marketing and product design flex different muscles. If you\u2019re currently in an environment where the two are separate, consider switching teams in 2016. Designing for product when you\u2019ve mostly done marketing, or vice versa, will deepen your knowledge as a designer overall. You\u2019ll face new unexpected challenges, which is the only way to grow.\nProduct design can not start with what looks good on Dribbble\nI have an embarrassing confession: when I began the redesign, I had a secret goal of making something that would look gorgeous in my portfolio. I have a collection of product shots that I admire on Dribbble; examples of beautiful dashboards and widgets and UI elements that look good enough to frame. I wanted people to feel the same way about the final outcome of our redesign. Mistakenly, this was a factor in my initial work. I opened Photoshop and crafted pixel-perfect static buttons and form elements and color palettes that\u200a\u2014\u200awhen applied to our actual product\u200a\u2014\u200alooked like a toddler beauty pageant. It added up to a lot of unusable shininess, noise, and silliness.\nI was disappointed; these elements seemed so lovely in isolation, but in context, they felt tacky and overblown. I realized: I\u2019m not here to design the world\u2019s most beautiful drop down menu. Good design has nothing to do with ego, but in my experience designers are, at least a little bit, secret divas. I\u2019m no exception. I had to remind myself that I am not working in service of a bigger Dribbble following or to create the most Pinterest-ing work. My function is solely to serve the users\u200a\u2014\u200ato make life a little better for the good people who keep my company in business.\nThis meant letting go of pixel-level beauty to create something bigger and harder: a system of elements that work together in harmony in many contexts. The visual style exists to guide the users. When done well, it becomes a language that users understand, so when they encounter a new feature or have a new goal, they already feel comfortable navigating it. This meant stripping back my gorgeous animated menu into something that didn\u2019t detract from important neighboring content, and could easily fit in other parts of the app. In order to know what visual style would support the users, I had to take a wider view of the product as a whole.\nJust accept that designing a great product \u2013 like many worthwhile pursuits \u2013 is initially laborious and messy\nOnce I realized I couldn\u2019t start by creating the most Dribbble-worthy thing, I knew I\u2019d have to begin with the unglamorous, frustrating, but weirdly wonderful work of mapping out how the product\u2019s content could better be structured. Since we\u2019re redesigning an existing product, I assumed this would be fairly straightforward: the functionality was already in place, and my job was just to structure it in a more easily navigable way.\nI started by handing off a few wireframes of the key screens to the developer, and that\u2019s when the questions began rolling in: \u201cIf we move this content into a modal, how will it affect this similar action here?\u201d \u201cWhat happens if they don\u2019t add video tags, but they do add a description?\u201d \u201cWhat if the user has a title that is 500 characters long?\u201d \u201cWhat if they want their video to be private to some users, but accessible to others?\u201d.\nHow annoying (but really, fantastic) that people use our product in so many ways. Turns out, product design isn\u2019t about laying out elements in the most ideal scenario for the user that\u2019s most convenient for you. As product designers, we have to foresee every outcome, and anticipate every potential user need.\nWhich brings me to another annoying epiphany: if you want to do it well, and account for every user, product design is so much more snarly and tangled than you\u2019d expect going in. I began with a simple goal: to improve the experience on just one of our key product pages. However, every small change impacts every part of the product to some degree, and that impact has to be accounted for. Every decision is based on assumptions that have to be tested; I test my assumptions by observing users, talking to the team, wireframing, and prototyping. Many of my assumptions are wrong. There are days when it\u2019s incredibly frustrating, because an elegant solution for users with one goal will complicate life for users with another goal. It\u2019s vital to solve as many scenarios as possible, even though this is slow, sometimes mind-bending work.\nAs a side bonus, wireframing and prototyping every potential state in a product is tedious, but your developers will thank you for it. It\u2019s not their job to solve what happens when there\u2019s an empty state, error, or edge case. Showing you\u2019ve accounted for these scenarios will win a developer\u2019s respect; failing to do so will frustrate them.\nWhen you\u2019ve created and tested a system that supports user needs, it will be beautiful\nRemember what I said in the beginning about wanting to create a Dribbble-worthy product? When I stopped focusing on the visual details of the design (color, spacing, light and shadow, font choices) and focused instead on structuring the content to maximize usability and delight, a beautiful design began to emerge naturally.\nI began with grayscale, flat wireframes as a strategy to keep me from getting pulled into the visual style before the user experience was established. As I created a system of elements that worked in harmony, the visual style choices became obvious. Some buttons would need to be brighter and sit off the page to help the user spot important actions. Some elements would need line separators to create a hierarchy, where others could stand on their own as an emphasized piece of content. As the user experience took shape, the visual style emerged naturally to support it. The result is a product that feels beautiful to use, because I was thoughtful about the experience first.\n\nA big takeaway from this process has been that my assumptions will often be proven wrong. My assumptions about how to design a great product, and how users will interact with that product, have been tested and revised repeatedly. At SproutVideo we\u2019re about to undertake the biggest test of our work; we\u2019re going to launch a small part of the product redesign to our users. If I\u2019ve learned anything, it\u2019s that I will continue to be humbled by the ongoing effort of making the best product I can, which is a wonderful thing.\nNext year, I hope you all get to do work that takes you out of our comfort zone. Be regularly confounded and embarrassed by your wrong assumptions, learn from them, and come back and tell us what you learned in 2016.", "year": "2015", "author": "Meagan Fisher", "author_slug": "meaganfisher", "published": "2015-12-14T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2015/what-i-learned-about-product-design-this-year/", "topic": "design"} {"rowid": 60, "title": "What\u2019s Ahead for Your Data in 2016?", "contents": "Who owns your data? Who decides what can you do with it? Where can you store it? What guarantee do you have over your data\u2019s privacy? Where can you publish your work? Can you adapt software to accommodate your disability? Is your tiny agency subject to corporate regulation? Does another country have rights over your intellectual property?\nIf you aren\u2019t the kind of person who is interested in international politics, I hate to break it to you: in 2016 the legal foundations which underpin our work on the web are being revisited in not one but three major international political agreements, and every single one of those questions is up for grabs. These agreements \u2013 the draft EU Data Protection Regulation (EUDPR), the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and the draft Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) \u2013 stand poised to have a major impact on your data, your workflows, and your digital rights. While some proposed changes could protect the open web for the future, other provisions would set the internet back several decades.\nIn this article we will review the issues you need to be aware of as a digital professional. While each of these agreements covers dozens of topics ranging from climate change to food safety, we will focus solely on the aspects which pertain to the work we do on the web.\nThe Trans-Pacific Partnership\nThe Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a free trade agreement between the US, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Brunei, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Chile and Peru \u2013 a bloc comprising 40% of the world\u2019s economy. The agreement is expected to be signed by all parties, and thereby to come into effect, in 2016. This agreement is ostensibly about the bloc and its members working together for their common interests. However, the latest draft text of the TPP, which was formulated entirely in secret, has only been made publicly available on a Medium blog published by the U.S. Trade Representative which features a patriotic banner at the top proclaiming \u201cTPP: Made in America.\u201d The message sent about who holds the balance of power in this agreement, and whose interests it will benefit, is clear.\nBy far the most controversial area of the TPP has centred around the provisions on intellectual property. These include copyright terms of up to 120 years, mandatory takedowns of allegedly infringing content in response to just one complaint regardless of that complaint\u2019s validity, heavy and disproportionate penalties for alleged violations, and \u2013 most frightening of all \u2013 government seizures of equipment allegedly used for copyright violations. All of these provisions have been raised without regard for the fact that a trade agreement is not the appropriate venue to negotiate intellectual property law.\nOther draft TPP provisions would restrict the digital rights of people with disabilities by banning the workarounds they use every day. These include no exemptions for the adaptations of copywritten works for use in accessible technology (such as text-to-speech in ebook readers), a ban on circumventing DRM or digital locks in order to convert a file to an accessible format, and requiring the takedown of adapted works, such as a video with added subtitles, even if that adaptation would normally have fallen under the definition of fair use.\nThe e-commerce provisions would prohibit data localisation, the practice of requiring data to be physically stored on servers within a country\u2019s borders. Data localisation is growing in popularity following the Snowden revelations, and some of your own personal data may have been recently \u201clocalised\u201d in response to the Safe Harbor verdict. Prohibiting data localisation through the TPP would address the symptom but not the cause.\nThe Electronic Frontier Foundation has published an excellent summary of the digital rights issues raised by the agreement along with suggested actions American readers can take to speak out.\nTransatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership\nTTIP stands for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, a draft free trade agreement between the United States and the EU. The plan has been hugely controversial and divisive, and the internet and digital provisions of the draft form just a small part of that contention.\nThe most striking digital provision of TTIP is an attempt to circumvent and override European data protection law. As EDRI, a European digital rights organisation, noted:\n\n\u201cthe US proposal would authorise the transfer of EU citizens\u2019 personal data to any country, trumping the EU data protection framework, which ensures that this data can only be transferred in clearly defined circumstances. For years, the US has been trying to bypass the default requirement for storage of personal data in the EU. It is therefore not surprising to see such a proposal being {introduced} in the context of the trade negotiations.\u201d\n\nThis draft provision was written before the Safe Harbor data protection agreement between the EU and US was invalidated by the Court of Justice of the European Union. In other words, there is no longer any protective agreement in place, and our data is as vulnerable as this political situation. However, data protection is a matter of its own law, the acting Data Protection Directive and the draft EU Data Protection Reform. A trade agreement, be it the TTIP or the TPP, is not the appropriate place to revamp a law on data protection.\nOther digital law issues raised by TTIP include the possibility of renegotiating standards on encryption (which in practice means lowering them) and renegotiating intellectual property rights such as copyright. The spectre of net neutrality has even put in an appearance, with an attempt to introduce rules on access to the internet itself being introduced as provisions.\nTTIP is still under discussion, and this month the EU trade representative said that \u201cwe agreed to further intensify our work during 2016 to help negotiations move forward rapidly.\u201d This has been cleverly worded: this means the agreement has little chance of being passed or coming into effect in 2016, which buys civil society more precious time to speak out.\nThe EU Data Protection Regulation\nOn 15 December 2015 the European Commission announced their agreement on the text of the draft General Data Protection Regulation. This law will replace its predecessor, the EU Data Protection Regulation of 1995, which has done a remarkable job of protecting data privacy across the continent throughout two decades of constant internet evolution.\nThe goal of the reform process has been to return power over data, and its uses, to citizens. Users will have more control over what data is captured about them, how it is used, how it is retained, and how it can be deleted. Businesses and digital professionals, in turn, will have to restructure their relationships with client and customer data. Compliance obligations will increase, and difficult choices will have to be made. However, this time should be seen as an opportunity to rethink our relationship with data. After Snowden, Schrems, and Safe Harbor, it is clear that we cannot go back to the way things were before. In an era of where every one of our heartbeats is recorded on a wearable device and uploaded to a surveilled data centre in another country, the need for reform has never been more acute.\nWhile texts of the draft GDPR are available, there is not enough mulled wine in the world that will help you get through them. Instead, the law firm Fieldfisher Waterhouse has produced this helpful infographic which will give you a good idea of the changes we can expect to see (view full size):\n\nThe most surprising outcome announced on 15 December was the new regulation\u2019s teeth. Under the new law, companies that fail to heed the updated data protection rules will face fines of up to 4% of their global turnover. Additionally, the law expands the liability for data protection to both the controller (the company hosting the data) and the data processor (the company using the data). The new law will also introduce a one-stop shop for resolving concerns over data misuse. Companies will no longer be able to headquarter their European operations in countries which are perceived to have relatively light-touch data protection enforcement (that means you, Ireland) as a means of automatically rejecting any complaints filed by citizens outside that country.\nFor digital professionals, the most immediate concern is analytics. In fact, I am going to make a prediction: in 2016 we will begin to see the same misguided war on analytics that we saw on cookies. By increasing the legal liabilities for both data processors and controllers \u2013 in other words, the company providing the analytics as well as the site administrator studying them \u2013 the new regulation risks creating disproportionate burdens as well as the same \u201cguilt by association\u201d risks we saw in 2012. There have already been statements made by some within the privacy community that analytics are tracking, and tracking is surveillance, therefore analytics are evil. Yet \u201cjust don\u2019t use analytics,\u201d as was suggested by one advocate, is simply not an option. European regulators should consult with the web community to gain a clear understanding of why analytics are vital to everyday site administrators, and must find a happy medium that protects users\u2019 data without criminalising every website by default. No one wants a repeat of the crisis of consent, as well as the scaremongering, caused by the cookie law.\nAssuming the text is adopted in 2016, the new EU Data Protection Regulation would not come into effect until 2018. We have a considerable challenge ahead, but we also have plenty of time to get it right.", "year": "2015", "author": "Heather Burns", "author_slug": "heatherburns", "published": "2015-12-21T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2015/whats-ahead-for-your-data-in-2016/", "topic": "business"}