{"rowid": 66, "title": "Solve the Hard Problems", "contents": "So, here we find ourselves on the cusp of 2016. We\u2019ve had a good year \u2013 the web is still alive, no one has switched it off yet. Clients still have websites, teenagers still have phone apps, and there continue to be plenty of online brands to meaningfully engage with each day. Good job team, high fives all round.\nAs it\u2019s the time to make resolutions, I wanted to share three small ideas to take into the new year.\nGet good at what you do\n\u201cHow do you get to Carnegie Hall?\u201d the old joke goes. \u201cPractise, practise, practise.\u201d \nWe work in an industry where there is an awful lot to learn. There\u2019s a lot to learn to get started and then once you do, there\u2019s a lot more to learn to keep your skills current. Just when you think you\u2019ve mastered something, it changes.\nThis is true of many industries, of course, but the sheer pace of change for us makes learning not an annual activity, but daily. Learning takes time, and while I\u2019m not convinced that every skill takes the fabled ten thousand hours to master, there is certainly no escaping that to remain current we must reinvest time in keeping our skills up to date.\nPicking where to spend your time\nOne of the hardest aspects of this thing of ours is just choosing what to learn. If you, like me, invested any time in learning the Less CSS preprocessor over the last few years, you\u2019ll probably now be spending your time relearning Sass instead. If you spent time learning Grunt, chances are you\u2019ll now be thinking about whether you should switch to Gulp. It\u2019s not just that there are new types of tools, there are new tools and frameworks to do the things you\u2019re already doing, but, well, differently.\nDeciding what to learn is hard and the costs of backing the wrong horse can seriously mount up; so much so that by the time you\u2019ve learned and then relearned the tools everyone says you need for your job, there\u2019s rarely enough time to spend really getting to know how best to use them.\n\u00a0Practise, practise, practise\nDo you know how you don\u2019t get to Carnegie Hall? By learning a new instrument each week. It takes time and experience to really learn something well. That goes for a new JavaScript framework as much as a violin. If you flit from one shiny new thing to another, you\u2019re destined to produce amateurish work forever.\nLearn the new thing, but then stick with it long enough to get really good at it \u2013 even if Twitter trolls try to convince you it\u2019s not cool. What\u2019s really not cool is living as a forevernoob. \nIf you\u2019re still not sure what to learn, go back to basics. Considering a new CSS or JavaScript framework? Invest that time in learning the underlying CSS or JavaScript really well instead. Those skills will stand the test of time.\nAudience and purpose\nBack when I was in school, my English teacher (a nice Welsh lady, who I appreciate more now than I did back then) used to love to remind us that every piece of writing should have an audience and a purpose. So much so that audience and purpose almost became her catch phrase. For every essay, article or letter, we were reminded to consider who we were writing it for and what we were trying to achieve. \nIt\u2019s something I think about a lot; certainly when writing, but also in almost every other creative endeavour. Asking who is this for and what am I trying to achieve applies equally to designing a logo or website, through to composing music or writing software.\nBeing productive\nIt seems like everyone wants to have a product these days. As someone who used to do client services work and now has a product company, I often talk with people who are interested in taking something they\u2019ve built in-house and turning it into a product. You know the sort of thing: a design agency with its own CMS or project management web app; the very logical thought process of: if this helps our business, maybe others will find it valuable too; the question that inevitably follows: could we turn this into a product?\nWhether consciously or not, the audience and purpose influence nearly every aspect of your creative process. Once written or designed or developed or created, revising a work to change the audience and purpose can be quite a challenge. No matter how much you want to turn the tension-building, atmospheric music for a horror film into a catchy chart hit, it\u2019s going to be a struggle. Yes, it\u2019s music, but that\u2019s neither the audience nor purpose for which it was created.\nThe same is absolutely true for your in-house tools \u2013 those were also designed for a specific audience and purpose. Your in-house CMS would have been designed with an audience of your own development team, who are busy implementing sites for clients. The purpose is to make that team more productive overall, taking into account considerations of maintaining multiple sites on a common codebase, training clients, a more mature and stable platform and all the other benefits of reusing the same code for each project. The audience is your team and the purpose increased productivity.\nThat\u2019s very different from a customer who wants to buy a polished system to use off-the-shelf. If their needs perfectly aligned with yours then they wouldn\u2019t be in the market for your product \u2013 they would have built their own.\nSometimes you hear the advice to \u201cscratch your own itch\u201d when it comes to product design. I don\u2019t completely agree. Got an itch? Great. Find other itchy people and sell them a backscratcher.\nBuilding a product, like designing a website, is a lot of work. It requires knowing your audience and purpose inside out. You can\u2019t fudge it and you can\u2019t just hope you\u2019ll find an audience for some old thing you have lying around.\nAlways consider the audience and purpose for everything you create. It\u2019s often the difference between success and failure.\nSolve the hard problems\nHuman beings have a natural tendency to avoid hard problems. In digital design (websites, software, whatever) the received wisdom is often that we can get 80% of the way towards doing the hard thing by doing something that\u2019s not very hard.\nDo you know what you get at the end of it? Paid. But nothing really great ever happens that way.\nI worked on a client project a while back where one of the big challenges was making full use of the massive image library they had built up over the years. The client had tens of thousands of photographs, along with a fair amount of video and a large MP3 audio library too. If it wasn\u2019t managed carefully, storage sizes would get out of control, content would go unattributed, and everything would get very messy very quickly.\nI could tell from the outset that this aspect of the project was going to be a constant problem. So we tackled it head-on. We designed and built a media management system to hold and process all the assets, and added an API so the content management system could talk to it. Every time the site needed a photo at a new size, it made an API request to the system and everything was handled seamlessly.\nIt was a daunting job to invest all the time and effort in building that dedicated system and API, but it really paid off. Instead of having the constant troubles of a vast library of media, it became one of the strongest parts of the project.\nTurn your hardest problems into your biggest strengths\nThere\u2019s a funny thing about hard problems. The hardest problems are the most fun to solve and have the biggest impact.\nMaybe you\u2019re the sort of person who clocks in for work, does their job and clocks out at 5pm without another thought. But I don\u2019t think you are, because you\u2019re here reading this. If you really love what you do, I don\u2019t think you can be satisfied in your work unless you\u2019re seeking out and working on those hard problems. That\u2019s where the magic is.\n\nThe new year is a helpful time to think about breaking bad habits. Whether it\u2019s smoking a bit less, or going to the gym a bit more, the ticking over of the calendar can provide the motivation for a new start. I have some suggestions for you.\n\nGet good at what you do. Practise your skills and don\u2019t just flit from one shiny thing to the next.\nRemember who you\u2019re doing it for and why. Consider the audience and purpose for everything you create.\nSolve the hard problems. It\u2019s more interesting, more satisfying, and has a greater impact.\n\nAs we move into 2016, these are the things I\u2019m going to continue to work on. Maybe you\u2019d like to join me.", "year": "2015", "author": "Drew McLellan", "author_slug": "drewmclellan", "published": "2015-12-24T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2015/solve-the-hard-problems/", "topic": "process"} {"rowid": 51, "title": "Blow Your Own Trumpet", "contents": "Even if your own trumpet\u2019s tiny and fell out of a Christmas cracker, blowing it isn\u2019t something that everyone\u2019s good at. Some people find selling themselves and what they do difficult. But, you know what? Boo hoo hoo. If you want people to buy something, the reality is you\u2019d better get good at selling, especially if that something is you.\nFor web professionals, the best place to tell potential business customers or possible employers about what you do is on your own website. You can write what you want and how you want, but that doesn\u2019t make knowing what to write any easier. As a matter of fact, writing for yourself often proves harder than writing for someone else.\nI spent this autumn thinking about what I wanted to say about Stuff & Nonsense on the website we relaunched recently. While I did that, I spoke to other designers about how they struggled to write about their businesses.\nIf you struggle to write well, don\u2019t worry. You\u2019re not on your own. Here are five ways to hit the right notes when writing about yourself and your work.\nBe genuine about who you are\nI\u2019ve known plenty of talented people who run a successful business pretty much single-handed. Somehow they still feel awkward presenting themselves as individuals. They wonder whether describing themselves as a company will give them extra credibility. They especially agonise over using \u201cwe\u201d rather than \u201cI\u201d when describing what they do. These choices get harder when you\u2019re a one-man band trading as a limited company or LLC business entity.\nIf you mainly work alone, don\u2019t describe yourself as anything other than \u201cI\u201d. You might think that saying \u201cwe\u201d makes you appear larger and will give you a better chance of landing bigger and better work, but the moment a prospective client asks, \u201cHow many people are you?\u201d you\u2019ll have some uncomfortable explaining to do. This will distract them from talking about your work and derail your sales process. There\u2019s no need to be anything other than genuine about how you describe yourself. You should be proud to say \u201cI\u201d because working alone isn\u2019t something that many people have the ability, business acumen or talent to do.\nExplain what you actually do\nHow many people do precisely the same job as you? Hundreds? Thousands? The same goes for companies. If yours is a design studio, development team or UX consultancy, there are countless others saying exactly what you\u2019re saying about what you do. Simply stating that you code, design or \u2013 God help me \u2013 \u201chandcraft digital experiences\u201d isn\u2019t enough to make your business sound different from everyone else. Anyone can and usually does say that, but people buy more than deliverables. They buy something that\u2019s unique about you and your business.\nPotentially thousands of companies deliver code and designs the same way as Stuff & Nonsense, but our clients don\u2019t just buy page designs, prototypes and websites from us. They buy our taste for typography, colour and layout, summed up by our \u201cIt\u2019s the taste\u201d tagline and bowler hat tip to the PG Tips chimps. We hope that potential clients will understand what\u2019s unique about us. Think beyond your deliverables to what people actually buy, and sell the uniqueness of that.\nDescribe work in progress\nIt\u2019s sad that current design trends have made it almost impossible to tell one website from another. So many designers now demonstrate finished responsive website designs by pasting them onto iMac, MacBook, iPad and iPhone screens that their portfolios don\u2019t fare much better. Every designer brings their own experience, perspective and process to a project. In my experience, it\u2019s understanding those differences which forms a big part of how a prospective client makes a decision about who to work with. Don\u2019t simply show a prospective client the end result of a previous project; explain your process, the development of your thinking and even the wrong turns you took.\nTraditional case studies, like the one I\u2019ve just written about Stuff & Nonsense\u2019s work for WWF UK, can take a lot of time. That\u2019s probably why many portfolios get out of date very quickly. Designers make new work all the time, so there must be a better way to show more of it more often, to give prospective clients a clearer understanding of what we do. At Stuff & Nonsense our solution was to create a feed where we could post fragments of design work throughout a project. This also meant rewriting our Contract Killer to give us permission to publish work before someone signs it off.\nOutline a client\u2019s experience\nRecently a client took me to one side and offered some valuable advice. She told me that our website hadn\u2019t described anything about the experience she\u2019d had while working with us. She said that knowing more about how we work would\u2019ve helped her make her buying decision.\nWhen a client chooses your business, they\u2019re hoping for more than a successful outcome. They want their project to run smoothly. They want to feel that they made a correct decision when they chose you. If they work for an organisation, they\u2019ll want their good judgement to be recognised too. Our client didn\u2019t recognise her experience because we hadn\u2019t made our own website part of it. Remember, the challenge of creating a memorable user experience starts with selling to the people paying you for it.\nAddress your ideal client\nIt\u2019s important to understand that a portfolio\u2019s job isn\u2019t to document your work, it\u2019s to attract new work from clients you want. Make sure that work you show reflects the work you want, because what you include in your portfolio often leads to more of the same.\nWhen you\u2019re writing for your portfolio and elsewhere on your website, imagine that you\u2019re addressing your ideal client. Picture them sitting opposite and answer the questions they\u2019d ask as you would in conversation. Be direct, funny if that\u2019s appropriate and serious when it\u2019s not. If it helps, ask a friend to read the questions aloud and record what you say in response. This will help make what you write sound natural. I\u2019ve found this technique helps clients write copy too.\nToot your own horn\nSome people confuse expressing confidence in yourself and your work as boastfulness, but in a competitive world the reality is that if you are to succeed, you need to show confidence so that others can show their confidence in you. If you want people to hear you, pick up your trumpet and blow it.", "year": "2015", "author": "Andy Clarke", "author_slug": "andyclarke", "published": "2015-12-23T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2015/blow-your-own-trumpet/", "topic": "business"} {"rowid": 55, "title": "How Tabs Should Work", "contents": "Tabs in browsers (not browser tabs) are one of the oldest custom UI elements in a browser that I can think of. They\u2019ve been done to death. But, sadly, most of the time I come across them, the tabs have been badly, or rather partially, implemented.\nSo this post is my definition of how a tabbing system should work, and one approach of implementing that.\nBut\u2026 tabs are easy, right?\nI\u2019ve been writing code for tabbing systems in JavaScript for coming up on a decade, and at one point I was pretty proud of how small I could make the JavaScript for the tabbing system:\nvar tabs = $('.tab').click(function () {\n tabs.hide().filter(this.hash).show();\n}).map(function () {\n return $(this.hash)[0];\n});\n\n$('.tab:first').click();\nSimple, right? Nearly fits in a tweet (ignoring the whole jQuery library\u2026). Still, it\u2019s riddled with problems that make it a far from perfect solution.\nRequirements: what makes the perfect tab?\n\nAll content is navigable and available without JavaScript (crawler-compatible and low JS-compatible).\nARIA roles.\nThe tabs are anchor links that:\n\nare clickable\nhave block layout\nhave their href pointing to the id of the panel element\nuse the correct cursor (i.e. cursor: pointer).\n\nSince tabs are clickable, the user can open in a new tab/window and the page correctly loads with the correct tab open.\nRight-clicking (and Shift-clicking) doesn\u2019t cause the tab to be selected.\nNative browser Back/Forward button correctly changes the state of the selected tab (think about it working exactly as if there were no JavaScript in place).\n\nThe first three points are all to do with the semantics of the markup and how the markup has been styled. I think it\u2019s easy to do a good job by thinking of tabs as links, and not as some part of an application. Links are navigable, and they should work the same way other links on the page work.\nThe last three points are JavaScript problems. Let\u2019s investigate that.\nThe shitmus test\nLike a litmus test, here\u2019s a couple of quick ways you can tell if a tabbing system is poorly implemented:\n\nChange tab, then use the Back button (or keyboard shortcut) and it breaks\nThe tab isn\u2019t a link, so you can\u2019t open it in a new tab\n\nThese two basic things are, to me, the bare minimum that a tabbing system should have.\nWhy is this important?\nThe people who push their so-called native apps on users can\u2019t have more reasons why the web sucks. If something as basic as a tab doesn\u2019t work, obviously there\u2019s more ammo to push a closed native app or platform on your users.\nIf you\u2019re going to be a web developer, one of your responsibilities is to maintain established interactivity paradigms. This doesn\u2019t mean don\u2019t innovate. But it does mean: stop fucking up my scrolling experience with your poorly executed scroll effects. :breath:\nURI fragment, absolute URL or query string?\nA URI fragment (AKA the # hash bit) would be using mysite.com/config#content to show the content panel. A fully addressable URL would be mysite.com/config/content. Using a query string (by way of filtering the page): mysite.com/config?tab=content.\nThis decision really depends on the context of your tabbing system. For something like GitHub\u2019s tabs to view a pull request, it makes sense that the full URL changes.\nFor our problem though, I want to solve the issue when the page doesn\u2019t do a full URL update; that is, your regular run-of-the-mill tabbing system.\nI used to be from the school of using the hash to show the correct tab, but I\u2019ve recently been exploring whether the query string can be used. The biggest reason is that multiple hashes don\u2019t work, and comma-separated hash fragments don\u2019t make any sense to control multiple tabs (since it doesn\u2019t actually link to anything).\nFor this article, I\u2019ll keep focused on using a single tabbing system and a hash on the URL to control the tabs.\nMarkup\nI\u2019m going to assume subcontent, so my markup would look like this (yes, this is a cat demo\u2026):\n\n\n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\nIt\u2019s important to note that in the markup the link used for an individual tab references its panel content using the hash, pointing to the id on the panel. This will allow our content to connect up without JavaScript and give us a bunch of features for free, which we\u2019ll see once we\u2019re on to writing the code.\nURL-driven tabbing systems\nInstead of making the code responsive to the user\u2019s input, we\u2019re going to exclusively use the browser URL and the hashchange event on the window to drive this tabbing system. This way we get Back button support for free.\nWith that in mind, let\u2019s start building up our code. I\u2019ll assume we have the jQuery library, but I\u2019ve also provided the full code working without a library (vanilla, if you will), but it depends on relatively new (polyfillable) tech like classList and dataset (which generally have IE10 and all other browser support).\nNote that I\u2019ll start with the simplest solution, and I\u2019ll refactor the code as I go along, like in places where I keep calling jQuery selectors.\nfunction show(id) {\n // remove the selected class from the tabs,\n // and add it back to the one the user selected\n $('.tab').removeClass('selected').filter(function () {\n return (this.hash === id);\n }).addClass('selected');\n\n // now hide all the panels, then filter to\n // the one we're interested in, and show it\n $('.panel').hide().filter(id).show();\n}\n\n$(window).on('hashchange', function () {\n show(location.hash);\n});\n\n// initialise by showing the first panel\nshow('#dizzy');\nThis works pretty well for such little code. Notice that we don\u2019t have any click handlers for the user and the Back button works right out of the box.\nHowever, there\u2019s a number of problems we need to fix:\n\nThe initialised tab is hard-coded to the first panel, rather than what\u2019s on the URL.\nIf there\u2019s no hash on the URL, all the panels are hidden (and thus broken).\nIf you scroll to the bottom of the example, you\u2019ll find a \u201ctop\u201d link; clicking that will break our tabbing system.\nI\u2019ve purposely made the page long, so that when you click on a tab, you\u2019ll see the page scrolls to the top of the tab. Not a huge deal, but a bit annoying.\n\nFrom our criteria at the start of this post, we\u2019ve already solved items 4 and 5. Not a terrible start. Let\u2019s solve items 1 through 3 next.\nUsing the URL to initialise correctly and protect from breakage\nInstead of arbitrarily picking the first panel from our collection, the code should read the current location.hash and use that if it\u2019s available.\nThe problem is: what if the hash on the URL isn\u2019t actually for a tab?\nThe solution here is that we need to cache a list of known panel IDs. In fact, well-written DOM scripting won\u2019t continuously search the DOM for nodes. That is, when the show function kept calling $('.tab').each(...) it was wasteful. The result of $('.tab') should be cached.\nSo now the code will collect all the tabs, then find the related panels from those tabs, and we\u2019ll use that list to double the values we give the show function (during initialisation, for instance).\n// collect all the tabs\nvar tabs = $('.tab');\n\n// get an array of the panel ids (from the anchor hash)\nvar targets = tabs.map(function () {\n return this.hash;\n}).get();\n\n// use those ids to get a jQuery collection of panels\nvar panels = $(targets.join(','));\n\nfunction show(id) {\n // if no value was given, let's take the first panel\n if (!id) {\n id = targets[0];\n }\n // remove the selected class from the tabs,\n // and add it back to the one the user selected\n tabs.removeClass('selected').filter(function () {\n return (this.hash === id);\n }).addClass('selected');\n\n // now hide all the panels, then filter to\n // the one we're interested in, and show it\n panels.hide().filter(id).show();\n}\n\n$(window).on('hashchange', function () {\n var hash = location.hash;\n if (targets.indexOf(hash) !== -1) {\n show(hash);\n }\n});\n\n// initialise\nshow(targets.indexOf(location.hash) !== -1 ? location.hash : '');\nThe core of working out which tab to initialise with is solved in that last line: is there a location.hash? Is it in our list of valid targets (panels)? If so, select that tab.\nThe second breakage we saw in the original demo was that clicking the \u201ctop\u201d link would break our tabs. This was due to the hashchange event firing and the code didn\u2019t validate the hash that was passed. Now this happens, the panels don\u2019t break.\nSo far we\u2019ve got a tabbing system that:\n\nWorks without JavaScript.\nSupports right-click and Shift-click (and doesn\u2019t select in these cases).\nLoads the correct panel if you start with a hash.\nSupports native browser navigation.\nSupports the keyboard.\n\nThe only annoying problem we have now is that the page jumps when a tab is selected. That\u2019s due to the browser following the default behaviour of an internal link on the page. To solve this, things are going to get a little hairy, but it\u2019s all for a good cause.\nRemoving the jump to tab\nYou\u2019d be forgiven for thinking you just need to hook a click handler and return false. It\u2019s what I started with. Only that\u2019s not the solution. If we add the click handler, it breaks all the right-click and Shift-click support.\nThere may be another way to solve this, but what follows is the way I found \u2013 and it works. It\u2019s just a bit\u2026 hairy, as I said.\nWe\u2019re going to strip the id attribute off the target panel when the user tries to navigate to it, and then put it back on once the show code starts to run. This change will mean the browser has nowhere to navigate to for that moment, and won\u2019t jump the page.\nThe change involves the following:\n\nAdd a click handle that removes the id from the target panel, and cache this in a target variable that we\u2019ll use later in hashchange (see point 4).\nIn the same click handler, set the location.hash to the current link\u2019s hash. This is important because it forces a hashchange event regardless of whether the URL actually changed, which prevents the tabs breaking (try it yourself by removing this line).\nFor each panel, put a backup copy of the id attribute in a data property (I\u2019ve called it old-id).\nWhen the hashchange event fires, if we have a target value, let\u2019s put the id back on the panel.\n\nThese changes result in this final code:\n/*global $*/\n\n// a temp value to cache *what* we're about to show\nvar target = null;\n\n// collect all the tabs\nvar tabs = $('.tab').on('click', function () {\n target = $(this.hash).removeAttr('id');\n\n // if the URL isn't going to change, then hashchange\n // event doesn't fire, so we trigger the update manually\n if (location.hash === this.hash) {\n // but this has to happen after the DOM update has\n // completed, so we wrap it in a setTimeout 0\n setTimeout(update, 0);\n }\n});\n\n// get an array of the panel ids (from the anchor hash)\nvar targets = tabs.map(function () {\n return this.hash;\n}).get();\n\n// use those ids to get a jQuery collection of panels\nvar panels = $(targets.join(',')).each(function () {\n // keep a copy of what the original el.id was\n $(this).data('old-id', this.id);\n});\n\nfunction update() {\n if (target) {\n target.attr('id', target.data('old-id'));\n target = null;\n }\n\n var hash = window.location.hash;\n if (targets.indexOf(hash) !== -1) {\n show(hash);\n }\n}\n\nfunction show(id) {\n // if no value was given, let's take the first panel\n if (!id) {\n id = targets[0];\n }\n // remove the selected class from the tabs,\n // and add it back to the one the user selected\n tabs.removeClass('selected').filter(function () {\n return (this.hash === id);\n }).addClass('selected');\n\n // now hide all the panels, then filter to\n // the one we're interested in, and show it\n panels.hide().filter(id).show();\n}\n\n$(window).on('hashchange', update);\n\n// initialise\nif (targets.indexOf(window.location.hash) !== -1) {\n update();\n} else {\n show();\n}\nThis version now meets all the criteria I mentioned in my original list, except for the ARIA roles and accessibility. Getting this support is actually very cheap to add.\nARIA roles\nThis article on ARIA tabs made it very easy to get the tabbing system working as I wanted.\nThe tasks were simple:\n\nAdd aria-role set to tab for the tabs, and tabpanel for the panels.\nSet aria-controls on the tabs to point to their related panel (by id).\nI use JavaScript to add tabindex=0 to all the tab elements.\nWhen I add the selected class to the tab, I also set aria-selected to true and, inversely, when I remove the selected class I set aria-selected to false.\nWhen I hide the panels I add aria-hidden=true, and when I show the specific panel I set aria-hidden=false.\n\nAnd that\u2019s it. Very small changes to get full sign-off that the tabbing system is bulletproof and accessible.\nCheck out the final version (and the non-jQuery version as promised).\nIn conclusion\nThere\u2019s a lot of tab implementations out there, but there\u2019s an equal amount that break the browsing paradigm and the simple linkability of content. Clearly there\u2019s a special hell for those tab systems that don\u2019t even use links, but I think it\u2019s clear that even in something that\u2019s relatively simple, it\u2019s the small details that make or break the user experience.\nObviously there are corners I\u2019ve not explored, like when there\u2019s more than one set of tabs on a page, and equally whether you should deliver the initial markup with the correct tab selected. I think the answer lies in using query strings in combination with hashes on the URL, but maybe that\u2019s for another year!", "year": "2015", "author": "Remy Sharp", "author_slug": "remysharp", "published": "2015-12-22T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2015/how-tabs-should-work/", "topic": "code"} {"rowid": 60, "title": "What\u2019s Ahead for Your Data in 2016?", "contents": "Who owns your data? Who decides what can you do with it? Where can you store it? What guarantee do you have over your data\u2019s privacy? Where can you publish your work? Can you adapt software to accommodate your disability? Is your tiny agency subject to corporate regulation? Does another country have rights over your intellectual property?\nIf you aren\u2019t the kind of person who is interested in international politics, I hate to break it to you: in 2016 the legal foundations which underpin our work on the web are being revisited in not one but three major international political agreements, and every single one of those questions is up for grabs. These agreements \u2013 the draft EU Data Protection Regulation (EUDPR), the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and the draft Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) \u2013 stand poised to have a major impact on your data, your workflows, and your digital rights. While some proposed changes could protect the open web for the future, other provisions would set the internet back several decades.\nIn this article we will review the issues you need to be aware of as a digital professional. While each of these agreements covers dozens of topics ranging from climate change to food safety, we will focus solely on the aspects which pertain to the work we do on the web.\nThe Trans-Pacific Partnership\nThe Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a free trade agreement between the US, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Brunei, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Chile and Peru \u2013 a bloc comprising 40% of the world\u2019s economy. The agreement is expected to be signed by all parties, and thereby to come into effect, in 2016. This agreement is ostensibly about the bloc and its members working together for their common interests. However, the latest draft text of the TPP, which was formulated entirely in secret, has only been made publicly available on a Medium blog published by the U.S. Trade Representative which features a patriotic banner at the top proclaiming \u201cTPP: Made in America.\u201d The message sent about who holds the balance of power in this agreement, and whose interests it will benefit, is clear.\nBy far the most controversial area of the TPP has centred around the provisions on intellectual property. These include copyright terms of up to 120 years, mandatory takedowns of allegedly infringing content in response to just one complaint regardless of that complaint\u2019s validity, heavy and disproportionate penalties for alleged violations, and \u2013 most frightening of all \u2013 government seizures of equipment allegedly used for copyright violations. All of these provisions have been raised without regard for the fact that a trade agreement is not the appropriate venue to negotiate intellectual property law.\nOther draft TPP provisions would restrict the digital rights of people with disabilities by banning the workarounds they use every day. These include no exemptions for the adaptations of copywritten works for use in accessible technology (such as text-to-speech in ebook readers), a ban on circumventing DRM or digital locks in order to convert a file to an accessible format, and requiring the takedown of adapted works, such as a video with added subtitles, even if that adaptation would normally have fallen under the definition of fair use.\nThe e-commerce provisions would prohibit data localisation, the practice of requiring data to be physically stored on servers within a country\u2019s borders. Data localisation is growing in popularity following the Snowden revelations, and some of your own personal data may have been recently \u201clocalised\u201d in response to the Safe Harbor verdict. Prohibiting data localisation through the TPP would address the symptom but not the cause.\nThe Electronic Frontier Foundation has published an excellent summary of the digital rights issues raised by the agreement along with suggested actions American readers can take to speak out.\nTransatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership\nTTIP stands for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, a draft free trade agreement between the United States and the EU. The plan has been hugely controversial and divisive, and the internet and digital provisions of the draft form just a small part of that contention.\nThe most striking digital provision of TTIP is an attempt to circumvent and override European data protection law. As EDRI, a European digital rights organisation, noted:\n\n\u201cthe US proposal would authorise the transfer of EU citizens\u2019 personal data to any country, trumping the EU data protection framework, which ensures that this data can only be transferred in clearly defined circumstances. For years, the US has been trying to bypass the default requirement for storage of personal data in the EU. It is therefore not surprising to see such a proposal being {introduced} in the context of the trade negotiations.\u201d\n\nThis draft provision was written before the Safe Harbor data protection agreement between the EU and US was invalidated by the Court of Justice of the European Union. In other words, there is no longer any protective agreement in place, and our data is as vulnerable as this political situation. However, data protection is a matter of its own law, the acting Data Protection Directive and the draft EU Data Protection Reform. A trade agreement, be it the TTIP or the TPP, is not the appropriate place to revamp a law on data protection.\nOther digital law issues raised by TTIP include the possibility of renegotiating standards on encryption (which in practice means lowering them) and renegotiating intellectual property rights such as copyright. The spectre of net neutrality has even put in an appearance, with an attempt to introduce rules on access to the internet itself being introduced as provisions.\nTTIP is still under discussion, and this month the EU trade representative said that \u201cwe agreed to further intensify our work during 2016 to help negotiations move forward rapidly.\u201d This has been cleverly worded: this means the agreement has little chance of being passed or coming into effect in 2016, which buys civil society more precious time to speak out.\nThe EU Data Protection Regulation\nOn 15 December 2015 the European Commission announced their agreement on the text of the draft General Data Protection Regulation. This law will replace its predecessor, the EU Data Protection Regulation of 1995, which has done a remarkable job of protecting data privacy across the continent throughout two decades of constant internet evolution.\nThe goal of the reform process has been to return power over data, and its uses, to citizens. Users will have more control over what data is captured about them, how it is used, how it is retained, and how it can be deleted. Businesses and digital professionals, in turn, will have to restructure their relationships with client and customer data. Compliance obligations will increase, and difficult choices will have to be made. However, this time should be seen as an opportunity to rethink our relationship with data. After Snowden, Schrems, and Safe Harbor, it is clear that we cannot go back to the way things were before. In an era of where every one of our heartbeats is recorded on a wearable device and uploaded to a surveilled data centre in another country, the need for reform has never been more acute.\nWhile texts of the draft GDPR are available, there is not enough mulled wine in the world that will help you get through them. Instead, the law firm Fieldfisher Waterhouse has produced this helpful infographic which will give you a good idea of the changes we can expect to see (view full size):\n\nThe most surprising outcome announced on 15 December was the new regulation\u2019s teeth. Under the new law, companies that fail to heed the updated data protection rules will face fines of up to 4% of their global turnover. Additionally, the law expands the liability for data protection to both the controller (the company hosting the data) and the data processor (the company using the data). The new law will also introduce a one-stop shop for resolving concerns over data misuse. Companies will no longer be able to headquarter their European operations in countries which are perceived to have relatively light-touch data protection enforcement (that means you, Ireland) as a means of automatically rejecting any complaints filed by citizens outside that country.\nFor digital professionals, the most immediate concern is analytics. In fact, I am going to make a prediction: in 2016 we will begin to see the same misguided war on analytics that we saw on cookies. By increasing the legal liabilities for both data processors and controllers \u2013 in other words, the company providing the analytics as well as the site administrator studying them \u2013 the new regulation risks creating disproportionate burdens as well as the same \u201cguilt by association\u201d risks we saw in 2012. There have already been statements made by some within the privacy community that analytics are tracking, and tracking is surveillance, therefore analytics are evil. Yet \u201cjust don\u2019t use analytics,\u201d as was suggested by one advocate, is simply not an option. European regulators should consult with the web community to gain a clear understanding of why analytics are vital to everyday site administrators, and must find a happy medium that protects users\u2019 data without criminalising every website by default. No one wants a repeat of the crisis of consent, as well as the scaremongering, caused by the cookie law.\nAssuming the text is adopted in 2016, the new EU Data Protection Regulation would not come into effect until 2018. We have a considerable challenge ahead, but we also have plenty of time to get it right.", "year": "2015", "author": "Heather Burns", "author_slug": "heatherburns", "published": "2015-12-21T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2015/whats-ahead-for-your-data-in-2016/", "topic": "business"} {"rowid": 50, "title": "Make a Comic", "contents": "For something slightly different over Christmas, why not step away from your computer and make a comic? \nDefinitely not the author working on a comic in the studio, with the desk displaying some of the things you need to make a comic on paper.\nWhy make a comic?\nFirst of all, it\u2019s truly fun and it\u2019s not that difficult. If you\u2019re a designer, you can use skills you already have, so why not take some time to indulge your aesthetic whims and make something for yourself, rather than for a client or your company. And you can use a computer \u2013 or not.\nIf you\u2019re an interaction designer, it\u2019s likely you\u2019ve already made a storyboard or flow, or designed some characters for personas. This is a wee jump away from that, to the realm of storytelling and navigating human emotions through characters who may or may not be human. Similar medium and skills, different content. \nIt\u2019s not a client deliverable but something that stands by itself, and you\u2019ve nobody\u2019s criteria to meet except those that exist in your imagination! \nThanks to your brain and the alchemy of comics, you can put nearly anything in a sequence and your brain will find a way to make sense of it. Scott McCloud wrote about the non sequitur in comics: \n\n\u201cThere is a kind of alchemy at work in the space between panels which can help us find meaning or resonance in even the most jarring of combinations.\u201d \n\nHere\u2019s an example of a non sequitur from Scott McCloud\u2019s Understanding Comics \u2013 the images bear no relation to one another, but since they\u2019re in a sequence our brains do their best to understand it: \n\nOnce you know this it takes the pressure off somewhat. It\u2019s a fun thing to keep in mind and experiment with in your comics! \nMaterials needed\n\nA4 copy/printing paper \nHB pencil for light drawing\nDip pen and waterproof Indian ink \nBristol board (or any good quality card with a smooth, durable surface) \n\nStep 1: Get ideas\nYou\u2019d be surprised where you can take a small grain of an idea and develop it into an interesting comic. Think about a funny conversation you had, or any irrational fears, habits, dreams or anything else. Just start writing and drawing. Having ideas is hard, I know, but you will get some ideas when you start working. \nOne way to keep track of ideas is to keep a sketch diary, capturing funny conversations and other events you could use in comics later. \nYou might want to just sketch out the whole comic very roughly if that helps. I tend to sketch the story first, but it usually changes drastically during step 2.\nStep 2: Edit your story using thumbnails\nHow thumbnailing works.\nWhy use thumbnails? You can move them around or get rid of them! \nDrawings are harder and much slower to edit than words, so you need to draw something very quick and very rough. You don\u2019t have to care about drawing quality at this point. \nYou might already have a drafted comic from the previous step; now you can split each panel up into a thumbnail like the image above. \nGet an A4 sheet of printing paper and tear it up into squares. A thumbnail equals a comic panel. Start drawing one panel per thumbnail. This way you can move scenes and parts of the story around as you work on the pacing. It\u2019s an extremely useful tip if you want to expand a moment in time or draw out a dialogue, or if you want to just completely cut scenes. \nStep 3: Plan a layout\nSo you\u2019ve got the story more or less down: you now need to know how they\u2019ll look on the page. Sketch a layout and arrange the thumbnails into the layout.\nThe simplest way to do this is to divide an A4 page into equal panels \u2014 say, nine. But if you want, you can be more creative than that. The Gigantic Beard That Was Evil by Stephen Collins is an excellent example of the scope for using page layout creatively. You can really push the form: play with layout, scale, story and what you think of as a comic.\nStep 4: Draw the comic\nI recommend drawing on A4 Bristol board paper since it has a smooth surface, can tolerate a lot of rubbing out and holds ink well. You can get it from any art shop. \nUsing your thumbnails for reference, draw the comic lightly using an HB pencil. Don\u2019t make the line so heavy that it can\u2019t be erased (since you\u2019ll ink over the lines later).\nStep 5: Ink the comic\nImage before colour was added.\nYou\u2019ve drawn your story. Well done!\nNow for the fun part. I recommend using a dip pen and some waterproof ink. Why waterproof? If you want, you can add an ink wash later, or even paint it. \nIf you don\u2019t have a dip pen, you could also use any quality pen. Carefully go over your pencilled lines with the pen, working from top left to right and down, to avoid smudging it. It\u2019s unfortunately easy to smudge the ink from the dip pen, so I recommend practising first. \nYou\u2019ve made a comic! \nStep 6: Adding colour\nComics traditionally had a limited colour palette before computers (here\u2019s an in-depth explanation if you\u2019re curious). You can actually do a huge amount with a restricted colour palette. Ellice Weaver\u2019s comics show how very nicely how you can paint your work using a restricted palette. So for the next step, resist the temptation to add ALL THE COLOURS and consider using a limited palette. \nOnce the ink is completely dry, erase the pencilled lines and you\u2019ll be left with a beautiful inked black and white drawing. \nYou could use a computer for this part. You could also photocopy it and paint straight on the copy. If you\u2019re feeling really brave, you could paint straight on the original. But I\u2019d suggest not doing this if it\u2019s your first try at painting! \nWhat follows is an extremely basic guide for painting using Photoshop, but there are hundreds of brilliant articles out there and different techniques for digital painting. \nHow to paint your comic using Photoshop\n\nScan the drawing and open it in Photoshop. You can adjust the levels (Image \u2192 Adjustments \u2192 Levels) to make the lines darker and crisper, and the paper invisible. At this stage, you can erase any smudges or mistakes. With a Wacom tablet, you could even completely redraw parts! Computers are just amazing. Keep the line art as its own layer. \nAdd a new layer on top of the lines, and set the layer state from normal to multiply. This means you can paint your comic without obscuring your lines. Rename the layer something else, so you can keep track.\nStart blocking in colour. And once you\u2019re happy with that, experiment with adding tone and texture.\n\nChristmas comic challenge!\nWhy not challenge yourself to make a short comic over Christmas? If you make one, share it in the comments. Or show me on Twitter \u2014 I\u2019d love to see it.\n\nCredit: Many of these techniques were learned on the Royal Drawing School\u2019s brilliant \u2018Drawing the Graphic Novel\u2019 course.", "year": "2015", "author": "Rebecca Cottrell", "author_slug": "rebeccacottrell", "published": "2015-12-20T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2015/make-a-comic/", "topic": "design"} {"rowid": 64, "title": "Being Responsive to the Small Things", "contents": "It\u2019s that time of the year again to trim the tree with decorations. Or maybe a DOM tree?\nAny web page is made of HTML elements that lay themselves out in a tree structure. We start at the top and then have multiple branches with branches that branch out from there. \n\nTo decorate our tree, we use CSS to specify which branches should receive the tinsel we wish to adorn upon it. It\u2019s all so lovely.\nIn years past, this was rather straightforward. But these days, our trees need to be versatile. They need to be responsive!\nResponsive web design is pretty wonderful, isn\u2019t it? Based on our viewport, we can decide how elements on the page should change their appearance to accommodate various constraints using media queries.\nClearleft have a delightfully clean and responsive site\nAlas, it\u2019s not all sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows. \nWith complex layouts, we may have design chunks \u2014 let\u2019s call them components \u2014 that appear in different contexts. Each context may end up providing its own constraints on the design, both in its default state and in its possibly various responsive states.\n\nMedia queries, however, limit us to the context of the entire viewport, not individual containers on the page. For every container our component lives in, we need to specify how to rearrange things in that context. The more complex the system, the more contexts we need to write code for.\n@media (min-width: 800px) {\n .features > .component { }\n .sidebar > .component {}\n .grid > .component {}\n}\nEach new component and each new breakpoint just makes the entire system that much more difficult to maintain. \n@media (min-width: 600px) {\n .features > .component { }\n .grid > .component {}\n}\n\n@media (min-width: 800px) {\n .features > .component { }\n .sidebar > .component {}\n .grid > .component {}\n}\n\n@media (min-width: 1024px) {\n .features > .component { }\n}\nEnter container queries\nContainer queries, also known as element queries, allow you to specify conditional CSS based on the width (or maybe height) of the container that an element lives in. In doing so, you no longer have to consider the entire page and the interplay of all the elements within. \nWith container queries, you\u2019ll be able to consider the breakpoints of just the component you\u2019re designing. As a result, you end up specifying less code and the components you develop have fewer dependencies on the things around them. (I guess that makes your components more independent.)\nAwesome, right?\nThere\u2019s only one catch.\nBrowsers can\u2019t do container queries. There\u2019s not even an official specification for them yet. The Responsive Issues (n\u00e9e Images) Community Group is looking into solving how such a thing would actually work. \nSee, container queries are tricky from an implementation perspective. The contents of a container can affect the size of the container. Because of this, you end up with troublesome circular references. \nFor example, if the width of the container is under 500px then the width of the child element should be 600px, and if the width of the container is over 500px then the width of the child element should be 400px. \nCan you see the dilemma? When the container is under 500px, the child element resizes to 600px and suddenly the container is 600px. If the container is 600px, then the child element is 400px! And so on, forever. This is bad.\nI guess we should all just go home and sulk about how we just got a pile of socks when we really wanted the Millennium Falcon. \nOur saviour this Christmas: JavaScript\nThe three wise men \u2014 Tim Berners-Lee, H\u00e5kon Wium Lie, and Brendan Eich \u2014 brought us the gifts of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. \nTo date, there are a handful of open source solutions to fill the gap until a browser implementation sees the light of day.\n\nElementary by Scott Jehl\nElementQuery by Tyson Matanich\nEQ.js by Sam Richards\nCSS Element Queries from Marcj\n\nUsing any of these can sometimes feel like your toy broke within ten minutes of unwrapping it.\nEach take their own approach on how to specify the query conditions. For example, Elementary, the smallest of the group, only supports min-width declarations made in a :before selector.\n.mod-foo:before {\n content: \u201c300 410 500\u201d;\n}\nThe script loops through all the elements that you specify, reading the content property and then setting an attribute value on the HTML element, allowing you to use CSS to style that condition. \n.mod-foo[data-minwidth~=\"300\"] {\n background: blue;\n}\nTo get the script to run, you\u2019ll need to set up event handlers for when the page loads and for when it resizes. \nwindow.addEventListener( \"load\", window.elementary, false );\nwindow.addEventListener( \"resize\", window.elementary, false );\nThis works okay for static sites but breaks down on pages where elements can expand or contract, or where new content is dynamically inserted.\nIn the case of EQ.js, the implementation requires the creation of the breakpoints in the HTML. That means that you have implementation details in HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. (Although, with the JavaScript, once it\u2019s in the build system, it shouldn\u2019t ever be much of a concern unless you\u2019re tracking down a bug.)\nAnother problem you may run into is the use of content delivery networks (CDNs) or cross-origin security issues. The ElementQuery and CSS Element Queries libraries need to be able to read the CSS file. If you are unable to set up proper cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) headers, these libraries won\u2019t help.\nAt Shopify, for example, we had all of these problems. The admin that store owners use is very dynamic and the CSS and JavaScript were being loaded from a CDN that prevented the JavaScript from reading the CSS. \nTo go responsive, the team built their own solution \u2014 one similar to the other scripts above, in that it loops through elements and adds or removes classes (instead of data attributes) based on minimum or maximum width.\nThe caveat to this particular approach is that the declaration of breakpoints had to be done in JavaScript. \n elements = [\n { \u2018module\u2019: \u201c.carousel\u201d, \u201cclassName\u201d:\u2019alpha\u2019, minWidth: 768, maxWidth: 1024 },\n { \u2018module\u2019: \u201c.button\u201d, \u201cclassName\u201d:\u2019beta\u2019, minWidth: 768, maxWidth: 1024 } ,\n { \u2018module\u2019: \u201c.grid\u201d, \u201cclassName\u201d:\u2019cappa\u2019, minWidth: 768, maxWidth: 1024 }\n ]\nWith that done, the script then had to be set to run during various events such as inserting new content via Ajax calls. This sometimes reveals itself in flashes of unstyled breakpoints (FOUB). An unfortunate side effect but one largely imperceptible.\nUsing this approach, however, allowed the Shopify team to make the admin responsive really quickly. Each member of the team was able to tackle the responsive story for a particular component without much concern for how all the other components would react. \n\nEach element responds to its own breakpoint that would amount to dozens of breakpoints using traditional breakpoints. This approach allows for a truly fluid and adaptive interface for all screens.\nChristmas is over\nI wish I were the bearer of greater tidings and cheer. It\u2019s not all bad, though. We may one day see browsers implement container queries natively. At which point, we shall all rejoice!", "year": "2015", "author": "Jonathan Snook", "author_slug": "jonathansnook", "published": "2015-12-19T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2015/being-responsive-to-the-small-things/", "topic": "code"} {"rowid": 57, "title": "Cooking Up Effective Technical Writing", "contents": "Merry Christmas! May your preparations for this festive season of gluttony be shaping up beautifully. By the time you read this I hope you will have ordered your turkey, eaten twice your weight in Roses/Quality Street (let\u2019s not get into that argument), and your Christmas cake has been baked and is now quietly absorbing regular doses of alcohol.\nSome of you may be reading this and scoffing Of course! I\u2019ve also made three batches of mince pies, a seasonal chutney and enough gingerbread men to feed the whole street! while others may be laughing Bake? Oh no, I can\u2019t cook to save my life.\nFor beginners, recipes are the step-by-step instructions that hand-hold us through the cooking process, but even as a seasoned expert you\u2019re likely to refer to a recipe at some point. Recipes tell us what we need, what to do with it, in what order, and what the outcome will be. It\u2019s the documentation behind our ideas, and allows us to take the blueprint for a tasty morsel and to share it with others so they can recreate it. In fact, this is a little like the open source documentation and tutorials that we put out there, similarly aiming to guide other developers through our creations.\nThe \u2018just\u2019ification of documentation\nLately it feels like we\u2019re starting to consider the importance of our words, and the impact they can have on others. Brad Frost warned us of the dangers of \u201cJust\u201d when it comes to offering up solutions to queries:\n\n\u201cJust use this software/platform/toolkit/methodology\u2026\u201d\n\u201cJust\u201d makes me feel like an idiot. \u201cJust\u201d presumes I come from a specific background, studied certain courses in university, am fluent in certain technologies, and have read all the right books, articles, and resources. \u201cJust\u201d is a dangerous word.\n\u201cJust\u201d by Brad Frost\n\nI can really empathise with these sentiments. My relationship with code started out as many good web tales do, with good old HTML, CSS and JavaScript. University years involved some time with Perl, PHP, Java and C. In my first job I worked primarily with ColdFusion, a bit of ActionScript, some classic\u00a0 ASP and pinch of Java. I\u2019d do a bit of PHP outside work every now and again. .NET came in, but we never really got on, and eventually I started learning some Ruby, Python and Node. It was a broad set of learnings, and I enjoyed the similarities and differences that came with new languages. I don\u2019t develop day in, day out any more, and my interests and work have evolved over the years, away from full-time development and more into architecture and strategy. But I still make things, and I still enjoy learning.\nI have often found myself bemoaning the lack of tutorials or courses that cater for the middle level \u2013 someone who may be learning a new language, but who has enough programming experience under their belt to not need to revise the concepts of how loops or objects work, and is perfectly adept at googling the syntax for getting a substring. I don\u2019t want snippets out of context; I want an understanding of architectural principles, of the strengths and weaknesses, of the type of applications that work well with the language.\nI\u2019m caught in the place between snoozing off when \u2018Using the Instagram API with Ruby\u2019 hand-holds me through what REST is, and feeling like I\u2019m stupid and need to go back to dev school when I can\u2019t get my environment and dependencies set up, let alone work out how I\u2019m meant to get any code to run.\nIt\u2019s seems I\u2019m not alone with this \u2013 Erin McKean seems to have been here too:\n\n\u201cSome tutorials (especially coding tutorials) like to begin things in media res. Great for a sense of dramatic action, bad for getting to \u201cStep 1\u201d without tears. It can be really discouraging to fire up a fresh terminal window only to be confronted by error message after error message because there were obligatory steps 0.1.0 through 0.9.9 that you didn\u2019t even know about.\u201d\n\u201cTips for Learning What You Don\u2019t Know You Don\u2019t Know\u201d by Erin McKean\n\nI\u2019m sure you\u2019ve been here too. Many tutorials suffer badly from the fabled \u2018how to draw an owl\u2019-itis.\n\nIt\u2019s the kind of feeling you can easily get when sifting through recipes as well as with code. Far from being the simple instructions that let us just follow along, they too can be a minefield. Fall in too low and you may be skipping over an explanation of what simmering is, or set your sights too high and you may get stuck at the point where you\u2019re trying to sous vide a steak using your bathtub and a Ziploc bag.\nDon\u2019t be a turkey, use your loaf!\nMy mum is a great cook in my eyes (aren\u2019t all mums?). I love her handcrafted collection of gathered recipes from over the years, including the one below, which is a great example of how something may make complete sense to the writer, but could be impermeable to a reader.\n\nDepending on your level of baking knowledge, you may ask: What\u2019s SR flour? What\u2019s a tsp? Should I use salted or unsalted butter? Do I use sticks of cinnamon or ground? Why is chopped chocolate better? How do I cream things? How big should the balls be? How well is \u201cwell spaced\u201d? How much leeway do I have for \u201c(ish!!)\u201d? Does the \u201c20\u201d on the other cookie note mean I\u2019ll end up with twenty? At any point, making a wrong call could lead to rubbish cookies, and lead to someone heading down the path of an I can\u2019t cook mentality.\nYou may be able to cook (or follow recipes), but you may not understand the local terms for ingredients, may not be able to acquire something and need to know what kind of substitutes you can use, or may need to actually do some prep before you jump into the main bit.\nHowever, if we look at good examples of recipes, I think there\u2019s a lot we can apply when it comes to technical writing on the web. I\u2019ve written before about the benefit of breaking documentation into small, reusable parts, and this will help us, but we can also take it a bit further. Here are my five top tips for better technical writing.\n1. Structure and standardise your information\nThink of the structure of a recipe. We very often have some common elements and they usually follow roughly the same format. We have standards and conventions that allow us to understand very quickly what a recipe is and how it should be used.\u00a0\n\nGreat recipes help their chefs know what they need to get ready in advance, both in terms of buying ingredients and putting together their kit. They then talk through the process, using appropriate language, and without making assumptions that the person can fill in any gaps for themselves; they explain why things are done the way they are. The best recipes may also suggest how you can take what you\u2019ve done and put your own spin on it. For instance, a good recipe for the simple act of boiling an egg will explain cooking time in relation to your preference for yolk gooiness. There are also different flavour combinations to try, accompaniments, or presentation suggestions.\u00a0\nBy breaking down your technical writing into similar sections, you can help your audience understand the elements they\u2019ll be working with, what they need to do once they have these, and how they can move on from your self-contained illustration.\nTitle\n \n Ensure your title is suitably descriptive and representative of the result. Getting Started with Python perhaps isn\u2019t as helpful as Learn Python: General Syntax and Basics.\n \n Result\n \n Many recipes include a couple of lines as an overview of what you\u2019ll end up with, and many include a photo of the finished dish. With our technical writing we can do the same:\n In this tutorial we\u2019re going to learn how to set up our development environment, and we\u2019ll then undertake some exercises to explore the general syntax, finishing by building a mini calculator.\n \n Ingredients\n \n What are the components we\u2019ll be working with, whether in terms of versions, environment, languages or the software packages and libraries you\u2019ll need along the way? Listing these up front gives the reader a great summary of the things they\u2019ll be using, and any gotchas.\n Being able to provide a small amount of supporting information will also help less experienced users. Ideally, explain briefly what things are and why we\u2019re using it.\n \n Prep\n \n As we heard from Erin above, not fully understanding the prep needed can be a huge source of frustration. Attempting to run a code snippet without context will often lead to failure when the prerequisites and process aren\u2019t clear. Be sure to include information around any environment set-up, installation or config you\u2019ll need to have done before you start.\nStu Robson\u2019s Simple Sass documentation aims to do this before getting into specifics, although ideally this would also include setting up Sass itself.\n \n Instructions\n \nThe body of the tutorial itself is the whole point of our writing. The next four tips will hopefully make your tutorial much more successful.\n \n Variations\n \n Like our ingredients section, as important as explaining why we\u2019re using something in this context is, it\u2019s also great to explain alternatives that could be used instead, and the impact of doing so.\n Perhaps go a step further, explaining ways that people can change what you have done in your tutorial/readme for use in different situations, or to provide further reading around next steps. What happens if they want to change your static array of demo data to use JSON, for instance? By giving some thought to follow-up questions, you can better support your readers.\n While not in a separate section, the source code for GreenSock\u2019s GSAP JS basics explains:\n We\u2019ll use a window.onload for simplicity, but typically it is best to use either jQuery\u2019s $(document).ready() or $(window).load() or cross-browser event listeners so that you\u2019re not limited to one.\n Keep in mind to both:\n Explain what variations are possible.\n Explain why certain options may be more desirable than others in different situations.\n \n \n2. Small, reusable components\nReusable components are for life, not just for Christmas, and they\u2019re certainly not just for development. If you start to apply the structure above to your writing, you\u2019re probably going to keep coming across the same elements: Do I really have to explain how to install Sass and Node.js again, Sally? The danger with more clarity is that our writing becomes bloated and overly convoluted for advanced readers, those who don\u2019t need to be told how to beat an egg for the hundredth time.\u00a0\nInstead, by making our writing reusable and modular, and by creating smaller, central resources, we can provide context and extra detail where needed without diluting our core message. These could be references we create, or those already created well by others.\n\nThis recipe for katsudon makes use of this concept. Rather than explaining how to make tonkatsu or dashi stock, these each have their own page. Once familiar, more advanced readers will likely skip over the instructions for the component parts.\n\n3. Provide context to aid accessibility\nHere I\u2019m talking about accessibility in the broadest sense. Small, isolated snippets can be frustrating to those who don\u2019t fully understand the wider context of how our examples work.\nShowing an exciting standalone JavaScript function is great, but giving someone the full picture of how and when this is called, and how it should be included in relation to other HTML and CSS is even better. Giving your readers the ability to view a big picture version, and ideally the ability to download a full version of the source, will help to reduce some of the frustrations of trying to get your component to work in their set-up.\u00a0\n4. Be your own tech editor\nA good editor can be invaluable to your work, and wherever possible I\u2019d recommend that you try to get a neutral party to read over your writing. This may not always be possible, though, and you may need to rely on yourself to cast a critical eye over your work.\nThere are many tips out there around general editing, including printing out your work onto paper, or changing the font size: both will force your eyes to review it in a new light. Beyond this, I\u2019d like to encourage you to think about the following:\n\nExplain what things are. For example, instead of referencing Grunt, in the first instance perhaps reference \u201cGrunt (a JavaScript task runner that minimises repetitive activities through automation).\u201d\nExplain how you get things, even if this is a link to official installers and documentation. Don\u2019t leave your readers having to search.\nWhy are you using this approach/technology over other options?\nWhat happens if I use something else? What depends on this?\nAvoid exclusionary lingo or acronyms.\n\nAirbnb\u2019s JavaScript Style Guide includes useful pointers around their reasoning:\n\nUse computed property names when creating objects with dynamic property names.\nWhy? They allow you to define all the properties of an object in one place.\n\nThe language we use often makes assumptions, as we saw with \u201cjust\u201d. An article titled \u201cES6 for Beginners\u201d is hugely ambiguous: is this truly for beginner coders, or actually for people who have a good pre-existing understanding of JavaScript but are new to these features? Review your writing with different types of readers in mind. How might you confuse or mislead them? How can you better answer their questions?\nThis doesn\u2019t necessarily mean supporting everyone \u2013 your audience may need to have advanced skills \u2013 but even if you\u2019re providing low-level, deep-dive, reference material, trying not to make assumptions or take shortcuts will hopefully lead to better, clearer writing.\n5. A picture is worth a thousand words\u2026\n\u2026or even better: use a thousand pictures, stitched together into a quick video or animated GIF. People learn in different ways. Just as recipes often provide visual references or a video to work along with, providing your technical information with alternative demonstrations can really help get your point across. Your audience will be able to see exactly what you\u2019re doing, what they should expect as interaction responses, and what the process looks like at different points.\nThere are many, many options for recording your screen, including QuickTime Player on Mac OS X (File \u2192 New Screen Recording), GifGrabber, or Giffing Tool on Windows.\nPaul Swain, a UX designer, uses GIFs to provide additional context within his documentation, improving communication:\n\n\u201cMy colleagues (from across the organisation) love animated GIFs. Any time an interaction is referenced, it\u2019s accompanied by a GIF and a shared understanding of what\u2019s being designed. The humble GIF is worth so much more than a thousand words; and it\u2019s great for cats.\u201d\nPaul Swain\n\n\nNext time you\u2019re cooking up some instructions for readers, think back to what we can learn from recipes to help make your writing as accessible as possible. Use structure, provide reusable bitesize morsels, give some context, edit wisely, and don\u2019t scrimp on the GIFs. And above all, have a great Christmas!", "year": "2015", "author": "Sally Jenkinson", "author_slug": "sallyjenkinson", "published": "2015-12-18T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2015/cooking-up-effective-technical-writing/", "topic": "content"} {"rowid": 65, "title": "The Accessibility Mindset", "contents": "Accessibility is often characterized as additional work, hard to learn and only affecting a small number of people. Those myths have no logical foundation and often stem from outdated information or misconceptions.\nIndeed, it is an additional skill set to acquire, quite like learning new JavaScript frameworks, CSS layout techniques or new HTML elements. But it isn\u2019t particularly harder to learn than those other skills.\nA World Health Organization (WHO) report on disabilities states that,\n\n[i]ncluding children, over a billion people (or about 15% of the world\u2019s population) were estimated to be living with disability.\n\nBeing disabled is not as unusual as one might think. Due to chronic health conditions and older people having a higher risk of disability, we are also currently paving the cowpath to an internet that we can still use in the future.\nAccessibility has a very close relationship with usability, and advancements in accessibility often yield improvements in the usability of a website. Websites are also more adaptable to users\u2019 needs when they are built in an accessible fashion.\nBeyond the bare minimum\nIn the time of table layouts, web developers could create code that passed validation rules but didn\u2019t adhere to the underlying semantic HTML model. We later developed best practices, like using lists for navigation, and with HTML5 we started to wrap those lists in nav elements. Working with accessibility standards is similar. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 can inform your decision to make websites accessible and can be used to test that you met the success criteria. What it can\u2019t do is measure how well you met them. \nW3C developed a long list of techniques that can be used to make your website accessible, but you might find yourself in a situation where you need to adapt those techniques to be the most usable solution for your particular problem.\nThe checkbox below is implemented in an accessible way: The input element has an id and the label associated with the checkbox refers to the input using the for attribute. The hover area is shown with a yellow background and a black dotted border:\nOpen video\n \nThe label is clickable and the checkbox has an accessible description. Job done, right? Not really. Take a look at the space between the label and the checkbox:\nOpen video\n \nThe gutter is created using a right margin which pushes the label to the right. Users would certainly expect this space to be clickable as well. The simple solution is to wrap the label around the checkbox and the text:\nOpen video\n \nYou can also set the label to display:block; to further increase the clickable area:\nOpen video\n \nAnd while we\u2019re at it, users might expect the whole box to be clickable anyway. Let\u2019s apply the CSS that was on a wrapping div element to the label directly:\nOpen video\n \nThe result enhances the usability of your form element tremendously for people with lower dexterity, using a voice mouse, or using touch interfaces. And we only used basic HTML and CSS techniques; no JavaScript was added and not one extra line of CSS.\n
\n \n
\nButton Example\nThe button below looks like a typical edit button: a pencil icon on a real button element. But if you are using a screen reader or a braille keyboard, the button is just read as \u201cbutton\u201d without any indication of what this button is for.\nOpen video\n A screen reader announcing a button. Contains audio.\nThe code snippet shows why the button is not properly announced:\n\nAn icon font is used to display the icon and no text alternative is given. A possible solution to this problem is to use the title or aria-label attributes, which solves the alternative text use case for screen reader users:\nOpen video\n A screen reader announcing a button with a title.\nHowever, screen readers are not the only way people with and without disabilities interact with websites. For example, users can reset or change font families and sizes at will. This helps many users make websites easier to read, including people with dyslexia. Your icon font might be replaced by a font that doesn\u2019t include the glyphs that are icons. Additionally, the icon font may not load for users on slow connections, like on mobile phones inside trains, or because users decided to block external fonts altogether. The following screenshots show the mobile GitHub view with and without external fonts:\nThe mobile GitHub view with and without external fonts.\nEven if the title/aria-label approach was used, the lack of visual labels is a barrier for most people under those circumstances. One way to tackle this is using the old-fashioned img element with an appropriate alt attribute, but surprisingly not every browser displays the alternative text visually when the image doesn\u2019t load.\n\nProviding always visible text is an alternative that can work well if you have the space. It also helps users understand the meaning of the icons.\n\nThis also reads just fine in screen readers:\nOpen video\n A screen reader announcing the revised button.\nClever usability enhancements don\u2019t stop at a technical implementation level. Take the BBC iPlayer pages as an example: when a user navigates the \u201ccaptioned videos\u201d or \u201caudio description\u201d categories and clicks on one of the videos, captions or audio descriptions are automatically switched on. Small things like this enhance the usability and don\u2019t need a lot of engineering resources. It is more about connecting the usability dots for people with disabilities. Read more about the BBC iPlayer accessibility case study.\nMore information\nW3C has created several documents that make it easier to get the gist of what web accessibility is and how it can benefit everyone. You can find out \u201cHow People with Disabilities Use the Web\u201d, there are \u201cTips for Getting Started\u201d for developers, designers and content writers. And for the more seasoned developer there is a set of tutorials on web accessibility, including information on crafting accessible forms and how to use images in an accessible way.\nConclusion\nYou can only produce a web project with long-lasting accessibility if accessibility is not an afterthought. Your organization, your division, your team need to think about accessibility as something that is the foundation of your website or project. It needs to be at the same level as performance, code quality and design, and it needs the same attention. Users often don\u2019t notice when those fundamental aspects of good website design and development are done right. But they\u2019ll always know when they are implemented poorly.\nIf you take all this into consideration, you can create accessibility solutions based on the available data and bring accessibility to people who didn\u2019t know they\u2019d need it:\nOpen video\n \nIn this video from the latest Apple keynote, the Apple TV is operated by voice input through a remote. When the user asks \u201cWhat did she say?\u201d the video jumps back fifteen seconds and captions are switched on for a brief time. All three, the remote, voice input and captions have their roots in assisting people with disabilities. Now they benefit everyone.", "year": "2015", "author": "Eric Eggert", "author_slug": "ericeggert", "published": "2015-12-17T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2015/the-accessibility-mindset/", "topic": "code"} {"rowid": 58, "title": "Beyond the Style Guide", "contents": "Much like baking a Christmas cake, designing for the web involves creating an experience in layers. Starting with a solid base that provides the core experience (the fruit cake), we can add further layers, each adding refinement (the marzipan) and delight (the icing).\nDon\u2019t worry, this isn\u2019t a misplaced cake recipe, but an evaluation of modular design and the role style guides can play in acknowledging these different concerns, be they presentational or programmatic.\nThe auteur\u2019s style guide\nAlthough trained as a graphic designer, it was only when I encountered the immediacy of the web that I felt truly empowered as a designer. Given a desire to control every aspect of the resulting experience, I slowly adopted the role of an auteur, exploring every part of the web stack: front-end to back-end, and everything in between. A few years ago, I dreaded using the command line. Today, the terminal is a permanent feature in my Dock.\nIn straddling the realms of graphic design and programming, it\u2019s the point at which they meet that I find most fascinating, with each dicipline valuing the creation of effective systems, be they for communication or code efficiency. Front-end style guides live at this intersection, demonstrating both the modularity of code and the application of visual design.\nPainting by numbers\nIn our rush to build modular systems, design frameworks have grown in popularity. While enabling quick assembly, these come at the cost of originality and creative expression \u2013 perhaps one reason why we\u2019re seeing the homogenisation of web design.\nIn editorial design, layouts should accentuate content and present it in an engaging manner. Yet on the web we see a practice that seeks templated predictability. In \u2018Design Machines\u2019 Travis Gertz argued that (emphasis added):\n\nDesign systems still feel like a novelty in screen-based design. We nerd out over grid systems and modular scales and obsess over style guides and pattern libraries. We\u2019re pretty good at using them to build repeatable components and site-wide standards, but that\u2019s sort of where it ends. [\u2026] But to stop there is to ignore the true purpose and potential of a design system.\n\nUnless we consider how interface patterns fully embrace the design systems they should be built upon, style guides may exacerbate this paint-by-numbers approach, encouraging conformance and suppressing creativity.\nAnatomy of a button\nLet\u2019s take a look at that most canonical of components, the button, and consider what we might wish to document and demonstrate in a style guide.\nThe different layers of our button component.\nContent\nThe most variable aspect of any component. Content guidelines will exert the most influence here, dictating things like tone of voice (whether we should we use stiff, formal language like \u2018Submit form\u2019, or adopt a more friendly tone, perhaps \u2018Send us your message\u2019) and appropriate language. For an internationalised interface, this may also impact word length and text direction or orientation.\nStructure\nHTML provides a limited vocabulary which we can use to structure content and add meaning. For interactive elements, the choice of element can also affect its behaviour, such as whether a button submits form data or links to another page:\n\nButton text\nNote: One of the reasons I prefer to use