{"rowid": 47, "title": "Developing Robust Deployment Procedures", "contents": "Once you have developed your site, how do you make it live on your web hosting? For many years the answer was to log on to your server and upload the files via FTP. Over time most hosts and FTP clients began to support SFTP, ensuring your files were transmitted over a secure connection. The process of deploying a site however remained the same.\n\nThere are issues with deploying a site in this way. You are essentially transferring files one by one to the server without any real management of that transfer. If the transfer fails for some reason, you may end up with a site that is only half updated. It can then be really difficult to work out what hasn\u2019t been replaced or added, especially where you are updating an existing site. If you are updating some third-party software your update may include files that should be removed, but that may not be obvious to you and you risk leaving outdated files littering your file system. Updating using (S)FTP is a fragile process that leaves you open to problems caused by both connectivity and human error. Is there a better way to do this?\n\nYou\u2019ll be glad to know that there is. A modern professional deployment workflow should have you moving away from fragile manual file transfers to deployments linked to code committed into source control.\n\nThe benefits of good practice\n\nYou may never have experienced any major issues while uploading files over FTP, and good FTP clients can help. However, there are other benefits to moving to modern deployment practices.\n\nNo surprises when you launch\n\nIf you are deploying in the way I suggest in this article you should have no surprises when you launch because the code you committed from your local environment should be the same code you deploy \u2013 and to staging if you have a staging server. A missing vital file won\u2019t cause things to start throwing errors on updating the live site.\n\nBeing able to work collaboratively\n\nSource control and good deployment practice makes working with your clients and other developers easy. Deploying first to a staging server means you can show your client updates and then push them live. If you subcontract some part of the work, you can give your subcontractor the ability to deploy to staging, leaving you with the final push to launch, once you know you are happy with the work.\n\nHaving a proper backup of site files with access to them from anywhere\n\nThe process I will outline requires the use of hosted, external source control. This gives you a backup of your latest commit and the ability to clone those files and start working on them from any machine, wherever you are.\n\nBeing able to jump back into a site quickly when the client wants a few changes\n\nWhen doing client work it is common for some work to be handed over, then several months might go by without you needing to update the site. If you don\u2019t have a good process in place, just getting back to work on it may take several hours for what could be only a few hours of work in itself. A solid method for getting your local copy up to date and deploying your changes live can cut that set-up time down to a few minutes.\n\nThe tool chain\n\nIn the rest of this article I assume that your current practice is to deploy your files over (S)FTP, using an FTP client. You would like to move to a more robust method of deployment, but without blowing apart your workflow and spending all Christmas trying to put it back together again. Therefore I\u2019m selecting the most straightforward tools to get you from A to B.\n\nSource control\n\nPerhaps you already use some kind of source control for your sites. Today that is likely to be Git but you might also use Subversion or Mercurial. If you are not using any source control at all then I would suggest you choose Git, and that is what I will be working with in this article.\n\nWhen you work with Git, you always have a local repository. This is where your changes are committed. You also have the option to push those changes to a remote repository; for example, GitHub. You may well have come across GitHub as somewhere you can go to download open source code. However, you can also set up private repositories for sites whose code you don\u2019t want to make publicly accessible.\n\nA hosted Git repository gives you somewhere to push your commits to and deploy from, so it\u2019s a crucial part of our tool chain.\n\nA deployment service\n\nOnce you have your files pushed to a remote repository, you then need a way to deploy them to your staging environment and live server. This is the job of a deployment service.\n\nThis service will connect securely to your hosting, and either automatically (or on the click of a button) transfer files from your Git commit to the hosting server. If files need removing, the service should also do this too, so you can be absolutely sure that your various environments are the same.\n\nTools to choose from\n\nWhat follows are not exhaustive lists, but any of these should allow you to deploy your sites without FTP.\n\nHosted Git repositories\n\n\n\tGitHub\n\tBeanstalk\n\tBitbucket\n\n\nStandalone deployment tools\n\n\n\tDeploy\n\tdploy.io\n\tFTPloy\n\n\nI\u2019ve listed Beanstalk as a hosted Git repository, though it also includes a bundled deployment tool. Dploy.io is a standalone version of that tool just for deployment. In this tutorial I have chosen two separate services to show how everything fits together, and because you may already be using source control. If you are setting up all of this for the first time then using Beanstalk saves having two accounts \u2013 and I can personally recommend them.\n\nPutting it all together\n\nThe steps we are going to work through are:\n\n\n\tGetting your local site into a local Git repository\n\tPushing the files to a hosted repository\n\tConnecting a deployment tool to your web hosting\n\tSetting up a deployment\n\n\nGet your local site into a local Git repository\n\nDownload and install Git for your operating system.\n\nOpen up a Terminal window and tell Git your name using the following command (use the name you will set up on your hosted repository).\n\n> git config --global user.name \"YOUR NAME\"\n\n\nUse the next command to give Git your email address. This should be the address that you will use to sign up for your remote repository.\n\n> git config --global user.email \"YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS\"\n\n\nStaying in the command line, change to the directory where you keep your site files. If your files are in /Users/rachel/Sites/mynicewebite you would type:\n\n> cd /Users/rachel/Sites/mynicewebsite\n\n\nThe next command tells Git that we want to create a new Git repository here.\n\n> git init\n\n\nWe then add our files:\n\n> git add .\n\n\nThen commit the files:\n\n> git commit -m \u201cAdding initial files\u201d\n\n\nThe bit in quotes after -m is a message describing what you are doing with this commit. It\u2019s important to add something useful here to remind yourself later why you made the changes included in the commit.\n\nYour local files are now in a Git repository! However, everything should be just the same as before in terms of working on the files or viewing them in a local web server. The only difference is that you can add and commit changes to this local repository.\n\nWant to know more about Git? There are some excellent resources in a range of formats here.\n\nSetting up a hosted Git repository\n\nI\u2019m going to use Atlassian Bitbucket for my first example as they offer a free hosted and private repository.\n\nCreate an account on Bitbucket. Then create a new empty repository and give it a name that will identify the repository easily.\n\nClick Getting Started and under Command Line select \u201cI have an existing project\u201d. This will give you a set of instructions to run on the command line. The first instruction is just to change into your working directory as we did before. We then add a remote repository, and run two commands to push everything up to Bitbucket.\n\ncd /path/to/my/repo\ngit remote add origin https://myuser@bitbucket.org/myname/24ways-tutorial.git\ngit push -u origin --all \ngit push -u origin --tags \n\n\nWhen you run the push command you will be asked for the password that you set for Bitbucket. Having entered that, you should be able to view the files of your site on Bitbucket by selecting the navigation option Source in the sidebar.\n\nYou will also be able to see commits. When we initially committed our files locally we added the message \u201cAdding initial files\u201d. If you select Commits from the sidebar you\u2019ll see we have one commit, with the message we set locally. You can imagine how useful this becomes when you can look back and see why you made certain changes to a project that perhaps you haven\u2019t worked on for six months.\n\nBefore working on your site locally you should run:\n\n> git pull\n\n\nin your working directory to make sure you have all of the most up-to-date files. This is especially important if someone else might work on them, or you just use multiple machines.\n\nYou then make your changes and add any changed or modified files, for example:\n\n> git add index.php\n\n\nCommit the change locally:\n\n> git commit -m \u201cupdated the homepage\u201d\n\n\nThen push it to Bitbucket:\n\n> git push origin master\n\n\nIf you want to work on your files on a different computer you clone them using the following command:\n\n> git clone https://myuser@bitbucket.org/myname/24ways-tutorial.git\n\n\nYou then have a copy of your files that is already a Git repository with the Bitbucket repository set up as a remote, so you are all ready to start work.\n\nConnecting a deployment tool to your repository and web hosting\n\nThe next step is deploying files. I have chosen to use a deployment tool called Deploy as it has support for Bitbucket. It does have a monthly charge \u2013 but offers a free account for open source projects.\n\nSign up for your account then log in and create your first project. Select Create an empty project. Under Configure Repository Details choose Bitbucket and enter your username and password.\n\nIf Deploy can connect, it will show you your list of projects. Select the one you want.\n\nThe next screen is Add New Server and here you need to configure the server that you want to deploy to. You might set up more than one server per project. In an ideal world you would deploy to a staging server for your client preview changes and then deploy once everything is signed off. For now I\u2019ll assume you just want to set up your live site.\n\nGive the server a name; I usually use Production for the live web server. Then choose the protocol to connect with. Unless your host really does not support SFTP (which is pretty rare) I would choose that instead of FTP.\n\nYou now add the same details your host gave you to log in with your SFTP client, including the username and password. The Path on server should be where your files are on the server. When you log in with an SFTP client and you get put in the directory above public_html then you should just be able to add public_html here.\n\nOnce your server is configured you can deploy. Click Deploy now and choose the server you just set up. Then choose the last commit (which will probably be selected for you) and click Preview deployment. You will then get a preview of which files will change if you run the deployment: the files that will be added and any that will be removed. At the very top of that screen you should see the commit message you entered right back when you initially committed your files locally.\n\nIf all looks good, run the deployment.\n\nYou have taken the first steps to a more consistent and robust way of deploying your websites. It might seem like quite a few steps at first, but you will very soon come to realise how much easier deploying a live site is through this process.\n\nYour new procedure step by step\n\n\n\tEdit your files locally as before, testing them through a web server on your own computer.\n\tCommit your changes to your local Git repository.\n\tPush changes to the remote repository.\n\tLog into the deployment service.\n\tHit the Deploy now button.\n\tPreview the changes.\n\tRun the deployment and then check your live site.\n\n\nTaking it further\n\nI have tried to keep things simple in this article because so often, once you start to improve processes, it is easy to get bogged down in all the possible complexities. If you move from deploying with an FTP client to working in the way I have outlined above, you\u2019ve taken a great step forward in creating more robust processes. You can continue to improve your procedures from this point.\n\nStaging servers for client preview\n\nWhen we added our server we could have added an additional server to use as a staging server for clients to preview their site on. This is a great use of a cheap VPS server, for example. You can set each client up with a subdomain \u2013 clientname.yourcompany.com \u2013 and this becomes the place where they can view changes before you deploy them.\n\nIn that case you might deploy to the staging server, let the client check it out and then go back and deploy the same commit to the live server.\n\nUsing Git branches\n\nAs you become more familiar with using Git, and especially if you start working with other people, you might need to start developing using branches. You can then have a staging branch that deploys to staging and a production branch that is always a snapshot of what has been pushed to production. This guide from Beanstalk explains how this works.\n\nAutomatic deployment to staging\n\nI wouldn\u2019t suggest doing automatic deployment to the live site. It\u2019s worth having someone on hand hitting the button and checking that everything worked nicely. If you have configured a staging server, however, you can set it up to deploy the changes each time a commit is pushed to it.\n\nIf you use Bitbucket and Deploy you would create a deployment hook on Bitbucket to post to a URL on Deploy when a push happens to deploy the code. This can save you a few steps when you are just testing out changes. Even if you have made lots of changes to the staging deployment, the commit that you push live will include them all, so you can do that manually once you are happy with how things look in staging.\n\nFurther Reading\n\n\n\tThe tutorials from Git Client Tower, already mentioned in this article, are a great place to start if you are new to Git.\n\tA presentation from Liam Dempsey showing how to use the GitHub App to connect to Bitbucket\n\tTry Git from Code School\n\tThe Git Workbook a self study guide to Git from Lorna Mitchell\n\n\nGet set up for the new year\n\nI love to start the New Year with a clean slate and improved processes. If you are still wrangling files with FTP then this is one thing you could tick off your list to save you time and energy in 2015. Post to the comments if you have suggestions of tools or ideas for ways to enhance this type of set-up for those who have already taken the first steps.", "year": "2014", "author": "Rachel Andrew", "author_slug": "rachelandrew", "published": "2014-12-04T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2014/developing-robust-deployment-procedures/", "topic": "process"} {"rowid": 68, "title": "Grid, Flexbox, Box Alignment: Our New System for Layout", "contents": "Three years ago for 24 ways 2012, I wrote an article about a new CSS layout method I was excited about. A specification had emerged, developed by people from the Internet Explorer team, bringing us a proper grid system for the web. In 2015, that Internet Explorer implementation is still the only public implementation of CSS grid layout. However, in 2016 we should be seeing it in a new improved form ready for our use in browsers.\nGrid layout has developed hidden behind a flag in Blink, and in nightly builds of WebKit and, latterly, Firefox. By being developed in this way, breaking changes could be safely made to the specification as no one was relying on the experimental implementations in production work.\nAnother new layout method has emerged over the past few years in a more public and perhaps more painful way. Shipped prefixed in browsers, The flexible box layout module (flexbox) was far too tempting for developers not to use on production sites. Therefore, as changes were made to the specification, we found ourselves with three different flexboxes, and browser implementations that did not match one another in completeness or in the version of specified features they supported. \nOwing to the different ways these modules have come into being, when I present on grid layout it is often the very first time someone has heard of the specification. A question I keep being asked is whether CSS grid layout and flexbox are competing layout systems, as though it might be possible to back the loser in a CSS layout competition. The reality, however, is that these two methods will sit together as one system for doing layout on the web, each method playing to certain strengths and serving particular layout tasks. \nIf there is to be a loser in the battle of the layouts, my hope is that it will be the layout frameworks that tie our design to our markup. They have been a necessary placeholder while we waited for a true web layout system, but I believe that in a few years time we\u2019ll be easily able to date a website to circa 2015 by seeing
in the markup.\nIn this article, I\u2019m going to take a look at the common features of our new layout systems, along with a couple of examples which serve to highlight the differences between them.\nTo see the grid layout examples you will need to enable grid in your browser. The easiest thing to do is to enable the experimental web platform features flag in Chrome. Details of current browser support can be found here. \nRelationship\nItems only become flex or grid items if they are a direct child of the element that has display:flex, display:grid or display:inline-grid applied. Those direct children then understand themselves in the context of the complete layout. This makes many things possible. It\u2019s the lack of relationship between elements that makes our existing layout methods difficult to use. If we float two columns, left and right, we have no way to tell the shorter column to extend to the height of the taller one. We have expended a lot of effort trying to figure out the best way to make full-height columns work, using techniques that were never really designed for page layout.\nAt a very simple level, the relationship between elements means that we can easily achieve full-height columns. In flexbox:\nSee the Pen Flexbox equal height columns by rachelandrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.\n\nAnd in grid layout (requires a CSS grid-supporting browser):\nSee the Pen Grid equal height columns by rachelandrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.\n\nAlignment\nFull-height columns rely on our flex and grid items understanding themselves as part of an overall layout. They also draw on a third new specification: the box alignment module. If vertical centring is a gift you\u2019d like to have under your tree this Christmas, then this is the box you\u2019ll want to unwrap first.\nThe box alignment module takes the alignment and space distribution properties from flexbox and applies them to other layout methods. That includes grid layout, but also other layout methods. Once implemented in browsers, this specification will give us true vertical centring of all the things.\nOur examples above achieved full-height columns because the default value of align-items is stretch. The value ensured our columns stretched to the height of the tallest. If we want to use our new vertical centring abilities on all items, we would set align-items:center on the container. To align one flex or grid item, apply the align-self property.\nThe examples below demonstrate these alignment properties in both grid layout and flexbox. The portrait image of Widget the cat is aligned with the default stretch. The other three images are aligned using different values of align-self.\nTake a look at an example in flexbox:\nSee the Pen Flexbox alignment by rachelandrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.\n\nAnd also in grid layout (requires a CSS grid-supporting browser):\nSee the Pen Grid alignment by rachelandrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.\n\nThe alignment properties used with CSS grid layout.\nFluid grids\nA cornerstone of responsive design is the concept of fluid grids.\n\n\u201c[\u2026]every aspect of the grid\u2014and the elements laid upon it\u2014can be expressed as a proportion relative to its container.\u201d\n\u2014Ethan Marcotte, \u201cFluid Grids\u201d\n\nThe method outlined by Marcotte is to divide the target width by the context, then use that value as a percentage value for the width property on our element.\nh1 {\n margin-left: 14.575%; /*\u00a0144px / 988px = 0.14575\u00a0*/\n width: 70.85%; /*\u00a0700px / 988px = 0.7085\u00a0*/\n}\nIn more recent years, we\u2019ve been able to use calc() to simplify this (at least, for those of us able to drop support for Internet Explorer 8). However, flexbox and grid layout make fluid grids simple.\nThe most basic of flexbox demos shows this fluidity in action. The justify-content property \u2013 another property defined in the box alignment module \u2013 can be used to create an equal amount of space between or around items. As the available width increases, more space is assigned in proportion.\nIn this demo, the list items are flex items due to display:flex being added to the ul. I have given them a maximum width of 250 pixels. Any remaining space is distributed equally between the items as the justify-content property has a value of space-between.\nSee the Pen Flexbox: justify-content by rachelandrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.\n\nFor true fluid grid-like behaviour, your new flexible friends are flex-grow and flex-shrink. These properties give us the ability to assign space in proportion.\nThe flexbox flex property is a shorthand for:\n\nflex-grow\nflex-shrink\nflex-basis\n\nThe flex-basis property sets the default width for an item. If flex-grow is set to 0, then the item will not grow larger than the flex-basis value; if flex-shrink is 0, the item will not shrink smaller than the flex-basis value.\n\nflex: 1 1 200px: a flexible box that can grow and shrink from a 200px basis.\nflex: 0 0 200px: a box that will be 200px and cannot grow or shrink.\nflex: 1 0 200px: a box that can grow bigger than 200px, but not shrink smaller.\n\nIn this example, I have a set of boxes that can all grow and shrink equally from a 100 pixel basis.\nSee the Pen Flexbox: flex-grow by rachelandrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.\n\nWhat I would like to happen is for the first element, containing a portrait image, to take up less width than the landscape images, thus keeping it more in proportion. I can do this by changing the flex-grow value. By giving all the items a value of 1, they all gain an equal amount of the available space after the 100 pixel basis has been worked out.\nIf I give them all a value of 3 and the first box a value of 1, the other boxes will be assigned three parts of the available space while box 1 is assigned only one part. You can see what happens in this demo:\nSee the Pen Flexbox: flex-grow by rachelandrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.\n\nOnce you understand flex-grow, you should easily be able to grasp how the new fraction unit (fr, defined in the CSS grid layout specification) works. Like flex-grow, this unit allows us to assign available space in proportion. In this case, we assign the space when defining our track sizes.\nIn this demo (which requires a CSS grid-supporting browser), I create a four-column grid using the fraction unit to define my track sizes. The first track is 1fr in width, and the others 2fr.\ngrid-template-columns: 1fr 2fr 2fr 2fr;\nSee the Pen Grid fraction units by rachelandrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.\n\nThe four-track grid.\nSeparation of concerns\nMy younger self petitioned my peers to stop using tables for layout and to move to CSS. One of the rallying cries of that movement was the concept of separating our source and content from how they were displayed. It was something of a failed promise given the tools we had available: the display leaked into the markup with the need for redundant elements to cope with browser bugs, or visual techniques that just could not be achieved without supporting markup.\nBrowsers have improved, but even now we can find ourselves compromising the ideal document structure so we can get the layout we want at various breakpoints. In some ways, the situation has returned to tables-for-layout days. Many of the current grid frameworks rely on describing our layout directly in the markup. We add divs for rows, and classes to describe the number of desired columns. We nest these constructions of divs inside one another.\nHere is a snippet from the Bootstrap grid examples \u2013 two columns with two nested columns:\n
\n .col-md-8\n
\n .col-md-6\n
\n .col-md-6\n
\n .col-md-4\n
\nNot a million miles away from something I might have written in 1999.\n\n \n \n \n \n
\n .col-md-8\n \n \n \n \n \n
\n .col-md-6\n \n .col-md-6\n
\n .col-md-4\n
\nGrid and flexbox layouts do not need to be described in markup. The layout description happens entirely in the CSS, meaning that elements can be moved around from within the presentation layer.\nFlexbox gives us the ability to reverse the flow of elements, but also to set the order of elements with the order property. This is demonstrated here, where Widget the cat is in position 1 in the source, but I have used the order property to display him after the things that are currently unimpressive to him.\nSee the Pen Flexbox: order by rachelandrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.\n\nGrid layout takes this a step further. Where flexbox lets us set the order of items in a single dimension, grid layout gives us the ability to position things in two dimensions: both rows and columns. Defined in the CSS, this positioning can be changed at any breakpoint without needing additional markup. Compare the source order with the display order in this example (requires a CSS grid-supporting browser):\nSee the Pen Grid positioning in two dimensions by rachelandrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.\n\nLaying out our items in two dimensions using grid layout.\nAs these demos show, a straightforward way to decide if you should use grid layout or flexbox is whether you want to position items in one dimension or two. If two, you want grid layout.\nA note on accessibility and reordering\nThe issues arising from this powerful ability to change the way items are ordered visually from how they appear in the source have been the subject of much discussion. The current flexbox editor\u2019s draft states\n\n\u201cAuthors must use order only for visual, not logical, reordering of content. Style sheets that use order to perform logical reordering are non-conforming.\u201d\n\u2014CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1, Editor\u2019s Draft (3 December 2015)\n\nThis is to ensure that non-visual user agents (a screen reader, for example) can rely on the document source order as being correct. Take care when reordering that you do so from the basis of a sound document that makes sense in terms of source order. Avoid using visual order to convey meaning.\nAutomatic content placement with rules\nHaving control over the order of items, or placing items on a predefined grid, is nice. However, we can often do that already with one method or another and we have frameworks and tools to help us. Tools such as Susy mean we can even get away from stuffing our markup full of grid classes. However, our new layout methods give us some interesting new possibilities.\nSomething that is useful to be able to do when dealing with content coming out of a CMS or being pulled from some other source, is to define a bunch of rules and then say, \u201cDisplay this content, using these rules.\u201d\nAs an example of this, I will leave you with a Christmas poem displayed in a document alongside Widget the cat and some of the decorations that are bringing him no Christmas cheer whatsoever.\nThe poem is displayed first in the source as a set of paragraphs. I\u2019ve added a class identifying each of the four paragraphs but they are displayed in the source as one text. Below that are all my images, some landscape and some portrait; I\u2019ve added a class of landscape to the landscape ones.\nThe mobile-first grid is a single column and I use line-based placement to explicitly position my poem paragraphs. The grid layout auto-placement rules then take over and place the images into the empty cells left in the grid.\nAt wider screen widths, I declare a four-track grid, and position my poem around the grid, keeping it in a readable order.\nI also add rules to my landscape class, stating that these items should span two tracks. Once again the grid layout auto-placement rules position the rest of my images without my needing to position them. You will see that grid layout takes items out of source order to fill gaps in the grid. It does this because I have set the property grid-auto-flow to dense. The default is sparse meaning that grid will not attempt this backfilling behaviour.\nTake a look and play around with the full demo (requires a CSS grid layout-supporting browser):\nSee the Pen Grid auto-flow with rules by rachelandrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.\n\nThe final automatic placement example.\nMy wish for 2016\nI really hope that in 2016, we will see CSS grid layout finally emerge from behind browser flags, so that we can start to use these features in production \u2014 that we can start to move away from using the wrong tools for the job.\nHowever, I also hope that we\u2019ll see developers fully embracing these tools as the new system that they are. I want to see people exploring the possibilities they give us, rather than trying to get them to behave like the grid systems of 2015. As you discover these new modules, treat them as the new paradigm that they are, get creative with them. And, as you find the edges of possibility with them, take that feedback to the CSS Working Group. Help improve the layout systems that will shape the look of the future web.\nSome further reading\n\nI maintain a site of grid layout examples and resources at Grid by Example.\nThe three CSS specifications I\u2019ve discussed can be found as editor\u2019s drafts: CSS grid, flexbox, box alignment.\nI wrote about the last three years of my interest in CSS grid layout, which gives something of a history of the specification.\nMore examples of box alignment and grid layout.\nMy presentation at Fronteers earlier this year, in which I explain more about these concepts.", "year": "2015", "author": "Rachel Andrew", "author_slug": "rachelandrew", "published": "2015-12-15T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2015/grid-flexbox-box-alignment-our-new-system-for-layout/", "topic": "code"} {"rowid": 95, "title": "Giving Content Priority with CSS3 Grid Layout", "contents": "Browser support for many of the modules that are part of CSS3 have enabled us to use CSS for many of the things we used to have to use images for. The rise of mobile browsers and the concept of responsive web design has given us a whole new way of looking at design for the web. However, when it comes to layout, we haven\u2019t moved very far at all. We have talked for years about separating our content and source order from the presentation of that content, yet most of us have had to make decisions on source order in order to get a certain visual layout. \n\nOwing to some interesting specifications making their way through the W3C process at the moment, though, there is hope of change on the horizon. In this article I\u2019m going to look at one CSS module, the CSS3 grid layout module, that enables us to define a grid and place elements on to it. This article comprises a practical demonstration of the basics of grid layout, and also a discussion of one way in which we can start thinking of content in a more adaptive way.\n\nBefore we get started, it is important to note that, at the time of writing, these examples work only in Internet Explorer 10. CSS3 grid layout is a module created by Microsoft, and implemented using the -ms prefix in IE10. My examples will all use the -ms prefix, and not include other prefixes simply because this is such an early stage specification, and by the time there are implementations in other browsers there may be inconsistencies. The implementation I describe today may well change, but is also there for your feedback.\n\nIf you don\u2019t have access to IE10, then one way to view and test these examples is by signing up for an account with Browserstack \u2013 the free trial would give you time to have a look. I have also included screenshots of all relevant stages in creating the examples.\n\nWhat is CSS3 grid layout?\n\nCSS3 grid layout aims to let developers divide up a design into a grid and place content on to that grid. Rather than trying to fabricate a grid from floats, you can declare an actual grid on a container element and then use that to position the elements inside. Most importantly, the source order of those elements does not matter. \n\nDeclaring a grid\n\nWe declare a grid using a new value for the display property: display: grid. As we are using the IE10 implementation here, we need to prefix that value: display: -ms-grid;.\n\nOnce we have declared our grid, we set up the columns and rows using the grid-columns and grid-rows properties.\n\n.wrapper {\n display: -ms-grid;\n -ms-grid-columns: 200px 20px auto 20px 200px;\n -ms-grid-rows: auto 1fr;\n}\n\nIn the above example, I have declared a grid on the .wrapper element. I have used the grid-columns property to create a grid with a 200 pixel-wide column, a 20 pixel gutter, a flexible width auto column that will stretch to fill the available space, another 20 pixel-wide gutter and a final 200 pixel sidebar: a flexible width layout with two fixed width sidebars. Using the grid-rows property I have created two rows: the first is set to auto so it will stretch to fill whatever I put into it; the second row is set to 1fr, a new value used in grids that means one fraction unit. In this case, one fraction unit of the available space, effectively whatever space is left.\n\nPositioning items on the grid\n\nNow I have a simple grid, I can pop items on to it. If I have a
with a class of .main that I want to place into the second row, and the flexible column set to auto I would use the following CSS:\n\n.content {\n -ms-grid-column: 3;\n -ms-grid-row: 2;\n -ms-grid-row-span: 1;\n}\n\nIf you are old-school, you may already have realised that we are essentially creating an HTML table-like layout structure using CSS. I found the concept of a table the most helpful way to think about the grid layout module when trying to work out how to place elements.\n\nCreating grid systems\n\nAs soon as I started to play with CSS3 grid layout, I wanted to see if I could use it to replicate a flexible grid system like this fluid 16-column 960 grid system.\n\nI started out by defining a grid on my wrapper element, using fractions to make this grid fluid.\n\n.wrapper {\t \n width: 90%;\n margin: 0 auto 0 auto;\n display: -ms-grid;\n -ms-grid-columns: 1fr (4.25fr 1fr)[16];\n -ms-grid-rows: (auto 20px)[24];\n}\n\nLike the 960 grid system I was using as an example, my grid starts with a gutter, followed by the first actual column, plus another gutter repeated sixteen times. What this means is that if I want to span two columns, as far as the grid layout module is concerned that is actually three columns: two wide columns, plus one gutter. So this needs to be accounted for when positioning items.\n\nI created a CSS class for each positioning option: column position; rows position; and column span. For example:\n\n.grid1 {-ms-grid-column: 2;} /* applying this class positions an item in the first column (the gutter is column 1) */\n.grid2 {-ms-grid-column: 4;} /* 2nd column - gutter|column 1|gutter */\n.grid3 {-ms-grid-column: 6;} /* 3rd column - gutter|column 1|gutter|column2|gutter */\n\n.row1 {-ms-grid-row:1;}\n.row2 {-ms-grid-row:3;}\n.row3 {-ms-grid-row:5;}\n\n.colspan1 {-ms-grid-column-span:1;}\n.colspan2 {-ms-grid-column-span:3;}\n.colspan3 {-ms-grid-column-span:5;}\n\nI could then add multiple classes to each element to set the position on on the grid.\n\n\n\nThis then gives me a replica of the fluid grid using CSS3 grid layout. To see this working fire up IE10 and view Example 1.\n\nThis works, but\u2026\n\nThis worked, but isn\u2019t ideal. I considered not showing this stage of my experiment \u2013 however, I think it clearly shows how the grid layout module works and is a useful starting point. That said, it\u2019s not an approach I would take in production. First, we have to add classes to our markup that tie an element to a position on the grid. This might not be too much of a problem if we are always going to maintain the sixteen-column grid, though, as I will show you that the real power of the grid layout module appears once you start to redefine the grid, using different grids based on media queries. If you drop to a six-column layout for small screens, positioning items into column 16 makes no sense any more.\n\nCalculating grid position using LESS\n\nAs we\u2019ve seen, if you want to use a grid with main columns and gutters, you have to take into account the spacing between columns as well as the actual columns. This means we have to do some calculating every time we place an item on the grid. In my example above I got around this by creating a CSS class for each position, allowing me to think in sixteen rather than thirty-two columns. But by using a CSS preprocessor, I can avoid using all the classes yet still think in main columns.\n\nI\u2019m using LESS for my example. My simple grid framework consists of one simple mixin.\n\n.position(@column,@row,@colspan,@rowspan) {\n -ms-grid-column: @column*2;\n -ms-grid-row: @row*2-1;\n -ms-grid-column-span: @colspan*2-1;\n -ms-grid-row-span: @rowspan*2-1;\n}\n\nMy mixin takes four parameters: column; row; colspan; and rowspan. So if I wanted to place an item on column four, row three, spanning two columns and one row, I would write the following CSS:\n\n.box {\n .position(4,3,2,1);\n}\n\nThe mixin would return:\n\n.box {\n -ms-grid-column: 8;\n -ms-grid-row: 5;\n -ms-grid-column-span: 3;\n -ms-grid-row-span: 1;\n}\n\nThis saves me some typing and some maths. I could also add other prefixed values into my mixin as other browsers started to add support.\n\nWe can see this in action creating a new grid. Instead of adding multiple classes to each element, I can add one class; that class uses the mixin to create the position. I have also played around with row spans using my mixin and you can see we end up with a quite complicated arrangement of boxes. Have a look at example two in IE10. I\u2019ve used the JavaScript LESS parser so that you can view the actual LESS that I use. Note that I have needed to escape the -ms prefixed properties with ~\"\" to get LESS to accept them.\n\n\n\nThis is looking better. I don\u2019t have direct positioning information on each element in the markup, just a class name \u2013 I\u2019ve used grid(x), but it could be something far more semantic. We can now take the example a step further and redefine the grid based on screen width.\n\nMedia queries and the grid\n\nThis example uses exactly the same markup as the previous example. However, we are now using media queries to detect screen width and redefine the grid using a different number of columns depending on that width.\n\nI start out with a six-column grid, defining that on .wrapper, then setting where the different items sit on this grid:\n\n.wrapper {\t \n width: 90%;\n margin: 0 auto 0 auto;\n display: ~\"-ms-grid\"; /* escaped for the LESS parser */\n -ms-grid-columns: ~\"1fr (4.25fr 1fr)[6]\"; /* escaped for the LESS parser */\n -ms-grid-rows: ~\"(auto 20px)[40]\"; /* escaped for the LESS parser */\n}\n.grid1 { .position(1,1,1,1); } \n.grid2 { .position(2,1,1,1); } \n/* ... see example for all declarations ... */\n\n\n\nUsing media queries, I redefine the grid to nine columns when we hit a minimum width of 700 pixels.\n\n@media only screen and (min-width: 700px) {\n.wrapper {\n -ms-grid-columns: ~\"1fr (4.25fr 1fr)[9]\";\n -ms-grid-rows: ~\"(auto 20px)[50]\";\n}\n.grid1 { .position(1,1,1,1); } \n.grid2 { .position(2,1,1,1); } \n/* ... */\n}\n\n\n\nFinally, we redefine the grid for 960 pixels, back to the sixteen-column grid we started out with.\n\n@media only screen and (min-width: 940px) {\n.wrapper {\t \n -ms-grid-columns:~\" 1fr (4.25fr 1fr)[16]\";\n -ms-grid-rows:~\" (auto 20px)[24]\";\n}\n.grid1 { .position(1,1,1,1); } \n.grid2 { .position(2,1,1,1); } \n/* ... */\n}\n\nIf you view example three in Internet Explorer 10 you can see how the items reflow to fit the window size. You can also see, looking at the final set of blocks, that source order doesn\u2019t matter. You can pick up a block from anywhere and place it in any position on the grid.\n\nLaying out a simple website\n\nSo far, like a toddler on Christmas Day, we\u2019ve been playing with boxes rather than thinking about what might be in them. So let\u2019s take a quick look at a more realistic layout, in order to see why the CSS3 grid layout module can be really useful. At this time of year, I am very excited to get out of storage my collection of odd nativity sets, prompting my family to suggest I might want to open a museum. Should I ever do so, I\u2019ll need a website, and here is an example layout.\n\n\n\nAs I am using CSS3 grid layout, I can order my source in a logical manner. In this example my document is as follows, though these elements could be in any order I please:\n\n
\n ...\n
\n ...\n
\n ...\n
\n ...\n
\n\nFor wide viewports I can use grid layout to create a sidebar, with the important information about opening times on the top righ,t with the ads displayed below it. This creates the layout shown in the screenshot above.\n\n@media only screen and (min-width: 940px) {\n .wrapper {\t \n -ms-grid-columns:~\" 1fr (4.25fr 1fr)[16]\";\n -ms-grid-rows:~\" (auto 20px)[24]\";\n }\n .welcome {\n .position(1,1,12,1);\n padding: 0 5% 0 0;\n }\n .info {\n .position(13,1,4,1);\n border: 0;\n padding:0;\n }\n .main {\n .position(1,2,12,1);\n padding: 0 5% 0 0;\n } \n .ads {\n .position(13,2,4,1);\n display: block;\n margin-left: 0;\n }\n}\n\nIn a floated layout, a sidebar like this often ends up being placed under the main content at smaller screen widths. For my situation this is less than ideal. I want the important information about opening times to end up above the main article, and to push the ads below it. With grid layout I can easily achieve this at the smallest width .info ends up in row two and .ads in row five with the article between.\n\n.wrapper {\t \n display: ~\"-ms-grid\";\n -ms-grid-columns: ~\"1fr (4.25fr 1fr)[4]\";\n -ms-grid-rows: ~\"(auto 20px)[40]\";\n}\n.welcome {\n .position(1,1,4,1);\n}\n.info {\n .position(1,2,4,1);\n border: 4px solid #fff;\n padding: 10px;\n}\n.content {\n .position(1,3,4,5);\n}\n.main {\n .position(1,3,4,1);\n}\n.ads {\n .position(1,4,4,1);\n}\n\n\n\nFinally, as an extra tweak I add in a breakpoint at 600 pixels and nest a second grid on the ads area, arranging those three images into a row when they sit below the article at a screen width wider than the very narrow mobile width but still too narrow to support a sidebar. \n\n@media only screen and (min-width: 600px) {\n .ads {\n display: ~\"-ms-grid\";\n -ms-grid-columns: ~\"20px 1fr 20px 1fr 20px 1fr\";\n -ms-grid-rows: ~\"1fr\";\n margin-left: -20px;\n }\n .ad:nth-child(1) {\n .position(1,1,1,1);\n }\n .ad:nth-child(2) {\n .position(2,1,1,1);\n }\n .ad:nth-child(3) {\n .position(3,1,1,1);\n }\n}\n\nView example four in Internet Explorer 10.\n\n\n\nThis is a very simple example to show how we can use CSS grid layout without needing to add a lot of classes to our document. It also demonstrates how we can mainpulate the content depending on the context in which the user is viewing it.\n\nLayout, source order and the idea of content priority\n\nCSS3 grid layout isn\u2019t the only module that starts to move us away from the issue of visual layout being linked to source order. However, with good support in Internet Explorer 10, it is a nice way to start looking at how this might work. If you look at the grid layout module as something to be used in conjunction with the flexible box layout module and the very interesting CSS regions and exclusions specifications, we have, tantalizingly on the horizon, a powerful set of tools for layout.\n\nI am particularly keen on the potential separation of source order from layout as it dovetails rather neatly into something I spend a lot of time thinking about. As a CMS developer, working on larger scale projects as well as our CMS product Perch, I am interested in how we better enable content editors to create content for the web. In particular, I search for better ways to help them create adaptive content; content that will work in a variety of contexts rather than being tied to one representation of that content.\n\nIf the concept of adaptive content is new to you, then Karen McGrane\u2019s presentation Adapting Ourselves to Adaptive Content is the place to start. Karen talks about needing to think of content as chunks, that might be used in many different places, displayed differently depending on context.\n\nI absolutely agree with Karen\u2019s approach to content. We have always attempted to move content editors away from thinking about creating a page and previewing it on the desktop. However at some point content does need to be published as a page, or a collection of content if you prefer, and bits of that content have priority. Particularly in a small screen context, content gets linearized, we can only show so much at a time, and we need to make sure important content rises to the top. In the case of my example, I wanted to ensure that the address information was clearly visible without scrolling around too much. Dropping it with the entire sidebar to the bottom of the page would not have been so helpful, though neither would moving the whole sidebar to the top of the screen so a visitor had to scroll past advertising to get to the article.\n\nIf our layout is linked to our source order, then enabling the content editor to make decisions about priority is really hard. Only a system that can do some regeneration of the source order on the server-side \u2013 perhaps by way of multiple templates \u2013 can allow those kinds of decisions to be made. For larger systems this might be a possibility; for smaller ones, or when using an off-the-shelf CMS, it is less likely to be. Fortunately, any system that allows some form of custom field type can be used to pop a class on to an element, and with CSS grid layout that is all that is needed to be able to target that element and drop it into the right place when the content is viewed, be that on a desktop or a mobile device.\n\nThis approach can move us away from forcing editors to think visually. At the moment, I might have to explain to an editor that if a certain piece of content needs to come first when viewed on a mobile device, it needs to be placed in the sidebar area, tying it to a particular layout and design. I have to do this because we have to enforce fairly strict rules around source order to make the mechanics of the responsive design work. If I can instead advise an editor to flag important content as high priority in the CMS, then I can make decisions elsewhere as to how that is displayed, and we can maintain the visual hierarchy across all the different ways content might be rendered.\n\nWhy frustrate ourselves with specifications we can\u2019t yet use in production?\n\nThe CSS3 grid layout specification is listed under the Exploring section of the list of current work of the CSS Working Group. While discussing a module at this stage might seem a bit pointless if we can\u2019t use it in production work, there is a very real reason for doing so. If those of us who will ultimately be developing sites with these tools find out about them early enough, then we can start to give our feedback to the people responsible for the specification. There is information on the same page about how to get involved with the disussions.\n\nSo, if you have a bit of time this holiday season, why not have a play with the CSS3 grid layout module? I have outlined here some of my thoughts on how grid layout and other modules that separate layout from source order can be used in the work that I do. Likewise, wherever in the stack you work, playing with and thinking about new specifications means you can think about how you would use them to enhance your work. Spot a problem? Think that a change to the specification would improve things for a specific use case? Then you have something you could post to www-style to add to the discussion around this module.\n\nAll the examples are on CodePen so feel free to play around and fork them.", "year": "2012", "author": "Rachel Andrew", "author_slug": "rachelandrew", "published": "2012-12-18T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2012/css3-grid-layout/", "topic": "code"} {"rowid": 130, "title": "Faster Development with CSS Constants", "contents": "Anyone even slightly familiar with a programming language will have come across the concept of constants \u2013 a fixed value that can be used through your code. For example, in a PHP script I might have a constant which is the email address that all emails generated by my application get sent to. \n\n$adminEmail = 'info@example.com';\n\nI could then use $adminEmail in my script whenever I wanted an email to go to that address. The benefit of this is that when the client decides they want the email to go to a different address, I only need change it in one place \u2013 the place where I initially set the constant. I could also quite easily make this value user defined and enable the administrator to update the email address.\n\nUnfortunately CSS doesn\u2019t support constants. It would be really useful to be able to define certain values initially and then use them throughout a CSS file, so in this article I\u2019m going to take a look at some of the methods we do have available and provide pointers to more in depth commentary on each. If you have a different method, or tip to share please add it to the comments.\n\nSo what options do we have?\n\nOne way to get round the lack of constants is to create some definitions at the top of your CSS file in comments, to define \u2018constants\u2019. A common use for this is to create a \u2018color glossary\u2019. This means that you have a quick reference to the colors used in the site to avoid using alternates by mistake and, if you need to change the colors, you have a quick list to go down and do a search and replace. \n\nIn the below example, if I decide I want to change the mid grey to #999999, all I need to do is search and replace #666666 with #999999 \u2013 assuming I\u2019ve remember to always use that value for things which are mid grey.\n\n/*\nDark grey (text): #333333\nDark Blue (headings, links) #000066\nMid Blue (header) #333399\nLight blue (top navigation) #CCCCFF\nMid grey: #666666\n*/\n\nThis is a fairly low-tech method, but if used throughout the development of the CSS files can make changes far simpler and help to ensure consistency in your color scheme.\n\nI\u2019ve seen this method used by many designers however Garrett Dimon documents the method, with more ideas in the comments.\n\nGoing server-side\n\nTo truly achieve constants you will need to use something other than CSS to process the file before it is sent to the browser. You can use any scripting language \u2013 PHP, ASP, ColdFusion etc. to parse a CSS file in which you have entered constants. So that in a constants section of the CSS file you would have:\n\n$darkgrey = '#333333';\n$darkblue = '#000066';\n\nThe rest of the CSS file is as normal except that when you come to use the constant value you would use the constant name instead of adding the color:\n\np {\n\tcolor: $darkgrey;\n}\n\nYour server-side script could then parse the CSS file, replace the constant names with the constant values and serve a valid CSS file to the browser. Christian Heilmann has done just this for PHP however this could be adapted for any language you might have available on your server.\n\nShaun Inman came up with another way \n of doing this that removes the need to link to a PHP script and also enables the adding of constants using the syntax of at-rules . This method is again using PHP and will require you to edit an .htaccess file. \n\nA further method is to generate static CSS files either using a script locally \u2013 if the constants are just to enable speed of development \u2013 or as part of the web application itself. Storing a template stylesheet with constant names in place of the values you will want to update means that your script can simply open the template, replace the variables and save the result as a new stylesheet file.\n\nWhile CSS constants are a real help to developers, they can also be used to add new functionality to your applications. As with the email address example that I used at the beginning of this article, using a combination of CSS and server-side scripting you could enable a site administrator to select the colours for a new theme to be used on a page of a content managed site. By using constants you need only give them the option to change certain parts of the CSS and not upload a whole different CSS file, which could lead to some interesting results!\n\nAs we are unlikely to find real CSS constants under the tree this Christmas the above methods are some possibilities for better management of your stylesheets. However if you have better methods, CSS Constant horror stories or any other suggestions, add your comments below.", "year": "2006", "author": "Rachel Andrew", "author_slug": "rachelandrew", "published": "2006-12-02T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2006/faster-development-with-css-constants/", "topic": "process"} {"rowid": 192, "title": "Cleaner Code with CSS3 Selectors", "contents": "The parts of CSS3 that seem to grab the most column inches on blogs and in articles are the shiny bits. Rounded corners, text shadow and new ways to achieve CSS layouts are all exciting and bring with them all kinds of possibilities for web design. However what really gets me, as a developer, excited is a bit more mundane. \n\nIn this article I\u2019m going to take a look at some of the ways our front and back-end code will be simplified by CSS3, by looking at the ways we achieve certain visual effects now in comparison to how we will achieve them in a glorious, CSS3-supported future. I\u2019m also going to demonstrate how we can use these selectors now with a little help from JavaScript \u2013 which can work out very useful if you find yourself in a situation where you can\u2019t change markup that is being output by some server-side code.\n\nThe wonder of nth-child\n\nSo why does nth-child get me so excited? Here is a really common situation, the designer would like the tables in the application to look like this:\n\n\n\nSetting every other table row to a different colour is a common way to enhance readability of long rows. The tried and tested way to implement this is by adding a class to every other row. If you are writing the markup for your table by hand this is a bit of a nuisance, and if you stick a row in the middle you have to change the rows the class is applied to. If your markup is generated by your content management system then you need to get the server-side code to add that class \u2013 if you have access to that code.\n\n\n\n\nStriping every other row - using classes\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t
NameCards sentCards receivedCards written but not sent
\n\n\n\nView Example 1\n\nThis situation is something I deal with on almost every project, and apart from being an extra thing to do, it just isn\u2019t ideal having the server-side code squirt classes into the markup for purely presentational reasons. This is where the nth-child pseudo-class selector comes in. The server-side code creates a valid HTML table for the data, and the CSS then selects the odd rows with the following selector:\n\ntr:nth-child(odd) td {\n\tbackground-color: #86B486;\n}\n\nView Example 2\n\nThe odd and even keywords are very handy in this situation \u2013 however you can also use a multiplier here. 2n would be equivalent to the keyword \u2018odd\u2019 3n would select every third row and so on.\n\nBrowser support\n\nSadly, nth-child has pretty poor browser support. It is not supported in Internet Explorer 8 and has somewhat buggy support in some other browsers. Firefox 3.5 does have support. In some situations however, you might want to consider using JavaScript to add this support to browsers that don\u2019t have it. This can be very useful if you are dealing with a Content Management System where you have no ability to change the server-side code to add classes into the markup.\n\nI\u2019m going to use jQuery in these examples as it is very simple to use the same CSS selector used in the CSS to target elements with jQuery \u2013 however you could use any library or write your own function to do the same job. In the CSS I have added the original class selector to the nth-child selector:\n\ntr:nth-child(odd) td, tr.odd td {\n\tbackground-color: #86B486;\n}\n\nThen I am adding some jQuery to add a class to the markup once the document has loaded \u2013 using the very same nth-child selector that works for browsers that support it. \n\n \n \n\nView Example 3\n\nWe could just add a background colour to the element using jQuery, however I prefer not to mix that information into the JavaScript as if we change the colour on our table rows I would need to remember to change it both in the CSS and in the JavaScript.\n\nDoing something different with the last element\n\nSo here\u2019s another thing that we often deal with. You have a list of items all floated left with a right hand margin on each element constrained within a fixed width layout. If each element has the right margin applied the margin on the final element will cause the set to become too wide forcing that last item down to the next row as shown in the below example where I have used a grey border to indicate the fixed width.\n\n\n\nCurrently we have two ways to deal with this. We can put a negative right margin on the list, the same width as the space between the elements. This means that the extra margin on the final element fills that space and the item doesn\u2019t drop down. \n\n\n\n\nThe last item is different\n\n\n\n\t
  • \"baubles\"
  • \n\t\t\t
  • \"star\"
  • \n\t\t\t
  • \"wreath\"
  • \n\t\t
\n\n\n\nView Example 4\n\nThe other solution will be to put a class on the final element and in the CSS remove the margin for this class. \n\nul.gallery li.last {\n\tmargin-right: 0;\n}\n\nThis second solution may not be easy if the content is generated from server-side code that you don\u2019t have access to change.\n\nIt could all be so different. In CSS3 we have marvellously common-sense selectors such as last-child, meaning that we can simply add rules for the last list item. \n\nul.gallery li:last-child {\n\tmargin-right: 0;\n}\n\nView Example 5\n\nThis removed the margin on the li which is the last-child of the ul with a class of gallery. No messing about sticking classes on the last item, or pushing the width of the item out wit a negative margin.\n\nIf this list of items repeated ad infinitum then you could also use nth-child for this task. Creating a rule that makes every 3rd element margin-less.\n\nul.gallery li:nth-child(3n) {\n\tmargin-right: 0;\n}\n\nView Example 6\n\n\n\nA similar example is where the designer has added borders to the bottom of each element \u2013 but the last item does not have a border or is in some other way different. Again, only a class added to the last element will save you here if you cannot rely on using the last-child selector.\n\nBrowser support for last-child\n\nThe situation for last-child is similar to that of nth-child, in that there is no support in Internet Explorer 8. However, once again it is very simple to replicate the functionality using jQuery. Adding our .last class to the last list item.\n\n$(\"ul.gallery li:last-child\").addClass(\"last\");\n\nWe could also use the nth-child selector to add the .last class to every third list item.\n\n$(\"ul.gallery li:nth-child(3n)\").addClass(\"last\");\n\nView Example 7\n\nFun with forms\n\nStyling forms can be a bit of a trial, made difficult by the fact that any CSS applied to the input element will effect text fields, submit buttons, checkboxes and radio buttons. As developers we are left adding classes to our form fields to differentiate them. In most builds all of my text fields have a simple class of text whereas I wouldn\u2019t dream of adding a class of para to every paragraph element in a document.\n\n\n\n\nSyling form fields\n\n\n\n\t

Send your Christmas list to Santa

\n\n\n\nView Example 8\n\nAttribute selectors provide a way of targeting elements by looking at the attributes of those elements. Unlike the other examples in this article which are CSS3 selectors, the attribute selector is actually a CSS2.1 selector \u2013 it just doesn\u2019t get much use because of lack of support in Internet Explorer 6. Using attribute selectors we can write rules for text inputs and form buttons without needing to add any classes to the markup. For example after removing the text and button classes from my text and submit button input elements I can use the following rules to target them:\n\nform input[type=\"text\"] {\n border: 1px solid #333;\n padding: 0.2em;\n width: 400px;\n}\nform input[type=\"submit\"]{\n border: 1px solid #333;\n background-color: #eee;\n color: #000;\n padding: 0.1em;\n} \n\nView Example 9\n\nAnother problem that I encounter with forms is where I am using CSS to position my labels and form elements by floating the labels. This works fine as long as I want all of my labels to be floated, however sometimes we get a set of radio buttons or a checkbox, and I don\u2019t want the label field to be floated. As you can see in the below example the label for the checkbox is squashed up into the space used for the other labels, yet it makes more sense for the checkbox to display after the text.\n\n\n\nI could use a class on this label element however CSS3 lets me to target the label attribute directly by looking at the value of the for attribute.\n\nlabel[for=\"fOptIn\"] {\n float: none;\n width: auto;\n}\n\n\n\nBeing able to precisely target attributes in this way is incredibly useful, and once IE6 is no longer an issue this will really help to clean up our markup and save us from having to create all kinds of special cases when generating this markup on the server-side.\n\nBrowser support\n\nThe news for attribute selectors is actually pretty good with Internet Explorer 7+, Firefox 2+ and all other modern browsers all having support. As I have already mentioned this is a CSS2.1 selector and so we really should expect to be able to use it as we head into 2010! Internet Explorer 7 has slightly buggy support and will fail on the label example shown above however I discovered a workaround in the Sitepoint CSS reference comments. Adding the selector label[htmlFor=\"fOptIn\"] to the correct selector will create a match for IE7.\n\nIE6 does not support these selector but, once again, you can use jQuery to plug the holes in IE6 support. The following jQuery will add the text and button classes to your fields and also add a checks class to the label for the checkbox, which you can use to remove the float and width for this element.\n\n$('form input[type=\"submit\"]').addClass(\"button\");\n$('form input[type=\"text\"]').addClass(\"text\");\n$('label[for=\"fOptIn\"]').addClass(\"checks\");\n\nView Example 10\n\nThe selectors I\u2019ve used in this article are easy to overlook as we do have ways to achieve these things currently. As developers \u2013 especially when we have frameworks and existing code that cope with these situations \u2013 it is easy to carry on as we always have done. \n\nI think that the time has come to start to clean up our front and backend code and replace our reliance on classes with these more advanced selectors. With the help of a little JavaScript almost all users will still get the full effect and, where we are dealing with purely visual effects, there is definitely a case to be made for not worrying about the very small percentage of people with old browsers and no JavaScript. They will still receive a readable website, it may just be missing some of the finesse offered to the modern browsing experience.", "year": "2009", "author": "Rachel Andrew", "author_slug": "rachelandrew", "published": "2009-12-20T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2009/cleaner-code-with-css3-selectors/", "topic": "code"} {"rowid": 214, "title": "Christmas Gifts for Your Future Self: Testing the Web Platform", "contents": "In the last year I became a CSS specification editor, on a mission to revitalise CSS Multi-column layout. This has involved learning about many things, one of which has been the Web Platform Tests project. In this article, I\u2019m going to share what I\u2019ve learned about testing the web platform. I\u2019m also going to explain why I think you might want to get involved too.\nWhy test?\nAt one time or another it is likely that you have been frustrated by an issue where you wrote some valid CSS, and one browser did one thing with it and another something else entirely. Experiences like this make many web developers feel that browser vendors don\u2019t work together, or they are actively doing things in a different way to one another to the detriment of those of us who use the platform. You\u2019ll be glad to know that isn\u2019t the case, and that the people who work on browsers want things to be consistent just as much as we do. It turns out however that interoperability, which is the official term for \u201cworks in all browsers\u201d, is hard.\nThanks to web-platform-tests, a test from another browser vendor just found genuine bug in our code before we shipped \ud83d\ude3b\u2014 Brian Birtles (@brianskold) February 10, 2017\n\nIn order for W3C Specifications to move on to become W3C Recommendations we need to have interoperable implementations.\n\n6.2.4 Implementation Experience\nImplementation experience is required to show that a specification is sufficiently clear, complete, and relevant to market needs, to ensure that independent interoperable implementations of each feature of the specification will be realized. While no exhaustive list of requirements is provided here, when assessing that there is adequate implementation experience the Director will consider (though not be limited to):\nis each feature of the current specification implemented, and how is this demonstrated?\nare there independent interoperable implementations of the current specification?\nare there implementations created by people other than the authors of the specification?\nare implementations publicly deployed?\nis there implementation experience at all levels of the specification\u2019s ecosystem (authoring, consuming, publishing\u2026)?\nare there reports of difficulties or problems with implementation?\nhttps://www.w3.org/2017/Process-20170301/#transition-reqs\n\nWe all want interoperability, achieving interoperability is part of the standards process. The next question is, how do we make sure that we get it?\nUnimplemented vs uninteroperable implementations\nBefore looking at how we can try to improve interoperability, I\u2019d like to look at the reasons we don\u2019t always meet that aim. There are a couple of reasons why browser X is not doing the same thing as browser Y.\nThe first reason is that browser X has not implemented that feature yet. Relatively small teams of people work on browser engines, and their resources are spread as thinly as those of any company. Behind those browsers are business or organisational goals which may not match our desire for a shiny feature to be made available. There are ways in which we as the web community can help gently encourage implementations - by requesting the feature, by using it so it shows up in usage reports, or writing about it to show interest. However, there will always be some degree of lag based on priorities.\nA browser not supporting a feature at all, is reasonably easy to deal with these days. We can test for support with Feature Queries, and create sensible fallbacks. What is harder to deal with is when a feature is implemented in different ways by different browsers. In that situation you use the feature, perhaps referring to the specification to ensure that you are writing your CSS correctly. It looks exactly as you expect in one browser and it\u2019s all broken when you test in another.\nA frequent cause of this kind of issue is that the specification is not well defined in a particular area or that the specification has changed since one or other browser implemented it. CSS specifications are not developed in a darkened room, then presented to browser vendors to implement as a completed document. It would be nice if it worked like that, however the web platform is a gnarly thing. Before we can be sure that a specification is correct, it needs implementing in order that we can get the interoperable implementations I described earlier. A circular process has to happen. Specifications have to be written, browsers have to implement and find the problems, and then the specification has to be revised.\nMany people reading this will be familiar with how flexbox changed three times in browsers, leaving us with a mess of incompatibilities and the need to use at least two versions of the spec. This story was an example of this circular process, in this case the specification was flagged as experimental using vendor prefixes. We had become used to using vendor prefixes in production and early adopters of flexbox were bitten by this. Today, specifications are developed behind experimental flags as we saw with CSS Grid Layout. Yet there has to come a time when implementations ship, and remove those flags, and it may be that knowingly or unknowingly some interop issues slip through.\nYou will know these interop issues as \u201cbrowser bugs\u201d, perhaps you have even reported one (thank you!) and none of us want them, so how do we make the platform as robust as possible?\nHow do we ensure we have interoperability?\nIf you were working on a large web application, with several people committing code, it would be very easy for one person to make a change that inadvertently broke some part of the application. They might not realise the fact that their change would cause a problem, due to not having a complete understanding of the entire codebase. To prevent this from happening, it is accepted good practice to write tests as well as code. The tests can then be run before the application is deployed.\nUnless you start out from the beginning writing tests, and are very good at writing a test for every bit of code, it is likely that some issues do slip through from time to time. When this happens, a good approach is to not only fix the issue but also to write a test that would stop it ever happening again. That way the test suite improves over time and hopefully fewer issues happen.\nThe web platform is essentially a giant, sprawling application, with a huge range of people working on it in different ways. There is therefore plenty of opportunity for issues to creep in, so it seems like having some way of writing tests and automating those tests on browsers would be a good thing. That, is what the Web Platform Tests project has set out to achieve.\nWeb Platform Tests\nWeb Platform Tests is the test suite for the web platform. It is set of tests for all parts of the web platform, which can be run in any browser and the results reported. This article mostly discusses CSS tests, because I work on CSS. You will find that there are tests covering the full platform, and you can look into whichever area you have the most interest and experience in.\nIf we want to create a test suite for a CSS specification then we need to ensure that every feature of the specification has a related test. If a change is made to the spec, and a test committed that reflects that change, then it should be straightforward to run that test against each browser and see if it passes.\nCurrently, at the CSS Working Group, specifications that are at Candidate Recommendation Status should commit at test with every normative change to the spec. To explain the terminology, a normative change is one that changes some of the normative text of a specification - text that contains instructions as to how a browser should render a certain thing. A Candidate Recommendation is the status at which the Working Group officially request implementations of the spec, therefore it is reasonable to assume that any change may cause an interoperability issue. It is usually the case that representatives from all browsers will have discussed the change, so anyone who needs to change code will be aware. In this case the test allows them to check that their change passes and matches everyone else. Tests would also highlight the situation where a change to the spec caused an issue in a browser that otherwise wouldn\u2019t be aware if it. Just as a test suite for your web application should alert a person committing code, that their change will cause a problem elsewhere.\nDiscovering the tests\nI\u2019ve found that the more I have understood the effort that goes into interoperability, and the reasons why creating an interoperable web is so hard, running into browser issues has become less frustrating. I have somewhere to go, even if all I can do is log the bug.\nIf you are even slightly interested in the subject, go have a poke around wpt.fyi. You can explore the various parts of the web platform and see how many tests have been committed. All the the CSS tests are under the directory /css where you will find each specification. Find a specification you are interested in, and look at the tests. Each test has a link to run it in your own browser to see if it passes. This can be useful in itself, if you are battling with an issue and have reduced it down to something specific, you can go and look to see if there is a test covering that and whether it appears to pass or fail in the browser you are battling with. If it turns out that the test fails, it\u2019s probably not you!\nA test on the wpt.fyi dashboard\nNote: In some tests you will come across mention of a font called Ahem. This is a font designed for testing which contains consistent glyphs. You can read about how to use the font and download it here.\nContributing to Web Platform Tests\nYou can also become involved with Web Platform Tests. People often ask me how they can become involved in CSS, and I can think of no better way than by writing tests. You need to really understand a feature to accurately come up with a method of testing if it works or not in the different engines. This is not glamorous work, it is however a very useful thing to be involved with.\nIn addition to helping yourself, and developing the sort of deep knowledge of the platform that enables contribution, you will really help the progress of specifications. There are only a very few people writing specs. If those people also have to write and review all of the tests it slows down their work. If you want a better, more interoperable web, and to massively improve your ability to have nerdy conversations about highly specific things, testing is the place to start.\nA local testing setup\nYour first stop should be to visit the home of Web Platform Tests. There is some documentation here, which does tend to assume you know about the tests and what you are looking for - having read this article you know as much as I do. To be able to work on tests you will want to:\n\nClone the WPT repo, this is where all the tests are stored\nInstall some tools so you can run up a local copy of the tests\n\nThe instructions on the Readme in the repo should get you up and running, you can then load your own version of the test suite in a browser at http://web-platform-test:8000, or whichever port you set up.\nRunning tests locally\nFinding things to test\nIt\u2019s currently not straightforward to locate low-hanging fruit in order to start committing tests. There are some issues flagged up as a good first issue in the GitHub repo, if any of those match your interest and knowledge. Otherwise, a good place to start is where you know of existing interoperability issues. If you are aware of a browser bug, have a look and see if there is a test that addresses it. If not, then a test highlights the interoperability issue, and if it is an issue that you are running into means that you have a nice way to see if it has been fixed!\nTalk to people\nThere is an IRC channel at irc://irc.w3.org:6667/testing, where you will find people who are writing tests as well as people who are working on the test suite framework itself. They have always been very friendly, and are likely to welcome people with a real interest in creating tests.\nGathering information\nFirst you need to read the spec. To be able to create a test you need to know and to understand what the specification says should be happening. As I mentioned, writing tests will improve your knowledge dramatically! In general I find that web developers assume their favourite browser has got it right, this isn\u2019t about right or wrong however, or good browsers versus bad ones. The browser with the incorrect implementation may have had a perfect, as per the spec implementation, until something changed. Do some investigation and work out what the spec says, and which \u2013 if any \u2013 browser is doing it correctly.\nAnother good place to look when trying to create a test for an interop issue, is to look at the browser issue trackers. It is quite likely that someone has already logged the issue, and detailed what it is, and even which browsers are as per the spec. This is useful information, as you then have a clue as to which browsers should pass your test. Remember to check version numbers - an issue may well be fixed in a pre-release version of Chrome for example, but not in the public release.\n\nEdge Issue Tracker\nMozilla Issue Tracker\nWebKit Issue Tracker\nChromium Issue Tracker\n\nWriting the test\nIf you\u2019ve ever created a Reduced Test Case to isolate a browser issue, you already have some idea of what we are trying to do with a test. We want to test one thing, in isolation, and to be able to confirm \u201cyes this works as per the spec\u201d or \u201cno, this does not\u201d.\nThe main two types of test are:\n\ntestharness.js tests\nreftests\n\nThe testharness.js tests use JavaScript to test an assertion, this framework is designed as a way to test Web APIs and as this quickly gets fairly complicated - and I\u2019m a complete beginner myself at writing these - I\u2019ll refer you to the excellent tutorial Using testharness.js.\nMany CSS tests will be reftests. A reftest involves getting two pages to lay out in the same way, so that they are visually the same. For example, you can find a reftest for Grid Layout at:https://w3c-test.org/css/css-grid/alignment/grid-gutters-001.html or at http://web-platform.test:8000/css/css-grid/alignment/grid-gutters-001.html if you have run up your own copy of WPT.\n\n\nCSS Grid Layout Test: Support for gap shorthand property of row-gap and column-gap\n\n\n\n\n\n\n

The test passes if it has the same visual effect as reference.

\nI am testing the new gap property (renamed grid-gap). The reference file can be found by looking for the line:\n\nIn that file, I am using absolute positioning to mock up the way the file would look if gap is implemented correctly.\n\n\nCSS Grid Layout Reference: a square with a green cross\n\n\n\n
\nThe tests are compared in an automated way by taking screenshots of the test and reference.\nThese are relatively simple tests to write, you will find the work is not in writing the test however. The work is really in doing the research, and making sure you understand what is supposed to happen so you can write the test. Which is why, if you really want to get your hands dirty in the web platform, this is a good place to start.\nCommitting a test\nOnce you have written a test you can run the lint tool to make sure that everything is tidy. This tool is run automatically after you submit your pull request, and reviewers won\u2019t accept a test with lint errors, so do this locally first to catch anything obvious.\nTests are added as a pull request, once you have your test ready to go you can create a pull request to add it to the repository. Your test will be tested and it will then wait for a review.\nYou may well then find yourself in a bit of a waiting game, as the test needs to be reviewed. How long that takes will depend on how active work is on that spec. People who are in the OWNERS file for that spec should be notified. You can always ask in IRC to see if someone is available who can look at and potentially merge your test.\nUsually the reviewer will have some comments as to how the test can be improved, in the same as the owner of an open source project you submit a PR to might ask you to change some things. Work with them to make your test as good as it can be, the things you learn on the first test you submit will make future ones easier. You can then bask in the glow of knowing you have done something towards the aim of a more interoperable web for all of us.\nChristmas gifts for your future self\nI have been a web developer for over 20 years. I have no idea what the web platform will look like in 20 more years, but for as long as I\u2019m working on it I\u2019ll keep on trying to make it better. Making the web more interoperable makes it a better place to be a web developer, storing up some Christmas gifts for my future self, while learning new things as I do so.\nResources\nI rounded up everything I could find on WPT while researching this article. As well as some other links that might be helpful for you. These links are below. Happy testing!\n\nWeb Platform Tests\nUsing testharness.js\nIRC Channel irc://irc.w3.org:6667/testing\nEdge Issue Tracker\nMozilla Issue Tracker\nWebKit Issue Tracker\nChromium Issue Tracker\nReducing an Issue - guide to created a reduced test case\nEffectively Using Web Platform Tests: Slides and Video\nAn excellent walkthrough from Lyza Gardner on her working on tests for the HTML specification - Moving Targets: a case study on testing web standards.\nImproving interop with web-platform-tests: Slides and Video", "year": "2017", "author": "Rachel Andrew", "author_slug": "rachelandrew", "published": "2017-12-10T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2017/testing-the-web-platform/", "topic": "code"} {"rowid": 243, "title": "Researching a Property in the CSS Specifications", "contents": "I frequently joke that I\u2019m \u201creading the specs so you don\u2019t have to\u201d, as I unpack some detail of a CSS spec in a post on my blog, some documentation for MDN, or an article on Smashing Magazine. However waiting for someone like me to write an article about something is a pretty slow way to get the information you need. Sometimes people like me get things wrong, or specifications change after we write a tutorial. \nWhat if you could just look it up yourself? That\u2019s what you get when you learn to read the CSS specifications, and in this article my aim is to give you the basic details you need to grab quick information about any CSS property detailed in the CSS specs.\nWhere are the CSS Specifications?\nThe easiest way to see all of the CSS specs is to take a look at the Current Work page in the CSS section of the W3C Website. Here you can see all of the specifications listed, the level they are at and their status. There is also a link to the specification from this page. I explained CSS Levels in my article Why there is no CSS 4.\nWho are the specifications for?\nCSS specifications are for everyone who uses CSS. You might be a browser engineer - referred to as an implementor - needing to know how to implement a feature, or a web developer - referred to as an author - wanting to know how to use the feature. The fact that both parties are looking at the same document hopefully means that what the browser displays is what the web developer expected.\nWhich version of a spec should I look at?\nThere are a couple of places you might want to look. Each published spec will have the latest published version, which will have TR in the URL and can be accessed without a date (which is always the newest version) or at a date, which will be the date of that publication. If I\u2019m referring to a particular Working Draft in an article I\u2019ll typically link to the dated version. That way if the information changes it is possible for someone to see where I got the information from at the time of writing.\nIf you want the very latest additions and changes to the spec, then the Editor\u2019s Draft is the place to look. This is the version of the spec that the editors are committing changes to. If I make a change to the Multicol spec and push it to GitHub, within a few minutes that will be live in the Editor\u2019s Draft. So it is possible there are errors, bits of text that we are still working out and so on. The Editor\u2019s Draft however is definitely the place to look if you are wanting to raise an issue on a spec, as it may be that the issue you are about to raise is already fixed.\nIf you are especially keen on seeing updates to specifications keep an eye on https://drafts.csswg.org/ as this is a list of drafts, along with the date they were last updated.\nHow to approach a spec\nThe first thing to understand is that most CSS Specifications start with the most straightforward information, and get progressively further into the weeds. For an author the initial examples and explanations are likely to be of interest, and then the property definitions and examples. Therefore, if you are looking at a vast spec, know that you probably won\u2019t need to read all the way to the bottom, or read every section in detail.\nThe second thing that is useful to know about modern CSS specifications is how modularized they are. It really never is a case of finding everything you need in a single document. If we tried to do that, there would be a lot of repetition and likely inconsistency between specs. There are some key specifications that many other specifications draw on, such as:\n\nValues and Units\nIntrinsic and Extrinsic Sizing\nBox Alignment\n\nWhen something is defined in another specification the spec you are reading will link to it, so it is worth opening that other spec in a new tab in order that you can refer back to it as you explore.\nResearching your property\nAs an example we will take a look at the property grid-auto-rows, this property defines row tracks in the implicit grid when using CSS Grid Layout. The first thing you will need to do is find out which specification defines this property.\nYou might already know which spec the property is part of, and therefore you could go directly to the spec and search using your browser or look in the navigation for the spec to find it. Alternatively, you could take a look at the CSS Property Index, which is an automatically generated list of CSS Properties.\nClicking on a property will take you to the TR version of the spec, the latest published draft, and the definition of that property in it. This definition begins with a panel detailing the syntax of this property. For grid-auto-rows, you can see that it is listed along with grid-auto-columns as these two properties are essentially identical. They take the same values and work in the same way, one for rows and the other for columns.\nValue\nFor value we can see that the property accepts a value . The next thing to do is to find out what that actually means, clicking will take you to where it is defined in the Grid spec.\nThe value is defined as accepting various values:\n\n\nminmax( , )\nfit-content( \n\nWe need to head down the rabbit hole to find out what each of these mean. From here we essentially go down line by line until we have unpacked the value of track-size.\n is defined just below as:\n\n\n\nmin-content\nmax-content\nauto\n\nSo these are all things that would be valid to use as a value for grid-auto-rows.\nThe first value of is something you will see in many specifications as a value. It means that you can use a length unit - for example px or em - or a percentage. Some properties only accept a in which case you know that you cannot use a percentage as the value. This means that you could have grid-auto-rows with any of the following values.\ngrid-auto-rows: 100px;\ngrid-auto-rows: 1em;\ngrid-auto-rows: 30%;\nWhen using percentages, it is important to know what it is a percentage of. As a percentage has to resolve from something. There is text in the spec which explains how column and row percentages work.\n\n\u201c values are relative to the inline size of the grid container in column grid tracks, and the block size of the grid container in row grid tracks.\u201d\n\nThis means that in a horizontal writing mode such as when using English, a percentage when used as a track-size in grid-auto-columns would be a percentage of the width of the grid, and a percentage in grid-auto-rows a percentage of the height of the grid.\nThe second value of is also defined here, as \u201cA non-negative dimension with the unit fr specifying the track\u2019s flex factor.\u201d This is the fr unit, and the spec links to a fuller definition of fr as this unit is only used in Grid Layout so it is therefore defined in the grid spec. We now know that a valid value would be:\ngrid-auto-rows: 1fr;\nThere is some useful information about the fr unit in this part of the spec. It is noted that the fr unit has an automatic minimum. This means that 1fr is really minmax(auto, 1fr). This is why having a number of tracks all at 1fr does not mean that all are equal sized, as a larger item in any of the tracks would have a large auto size and therefore would be larger after spare space had been distributed.\nWe then have min-content and max-content. These keywords can be used for track sizing and the specification defines what they mean in the context of sizing a track, representing the min and max-sizing contributions of the grid tracks. You will see that there are various terms linked in the definition, so if you do not know what these mean you can follow them to find out.\nFor example the spec links max-content contribution to the CSS Intrinsic and Extrinsic Sizing specification. This is one of those specs which is drawn on by many other specifications. If we follow that link we can read the definition there and follow further links to understand what each term means. The more that you read specifications the more these terms will become familiar to you. Just like learning a foreign language, at first you feel like you have to look up every little thing. After a while you remember the vocabulary.\nWe can now add min-content and max-content to our available values.\ngrid-auto-rows: min-content;\ngrid-auto-rows: max-content;\nThe final item in our list is auto. If you are familiar with using Grid Layout, then you are probably aware that an auto sized track for will grow to fit the content used. There is an interesting note here in the spec detailing that auto sized rows will stretch to fill the grid container if there is extra space and align-content or justify-content have a value of stretch. As stretch is the default value, that means these tracks stretch by default. Tracks using other types of length will not behave like this.\ngrid-auto-rows: auto;\nSo, this was the list for , the next possible value is minmax( , ). So this is telling us that we can use minmax() as a value, the final (max) value will be and we have already unpacked all of the allowable values there. The first value (min) is detailed as an . If we look at the values for this, we discover that they are the same as , minus the value:\n\n\nmin-content\nmax-content\nauto\n\nWe already know what all of these do, so we can add possible minmax() values to our list of values for .\ngrid-auto-rows: minmax(100px, 200px);\ngrid-auto-rows: minmax(20%, 1fr);\ngrid-auto-rows: minmax(1em, auto);\ngrid-auto-rows: minmax(min-content, max-content);\nFinally we can use fit-content( . We can see that fit-content takes a value of which we already know to be either a length unit, or a percentage. The spec details how fit-content is worked out, and it essentially allows a track which acts as if you had used the max-content keyword, however the track stops growing when it hits the length passed to it.\ngrid-auto-rows: fit-content(200px);\ngrid-auto-rows: fit-content(20%);\nThose are all of our possible values, and to round things off, check again at the initial value, you can see it has a little + sign next to it, click that and you will be taken to the CSS Values and Units module to find that, \u201cA plus (+) indicates that the preceding type, word, or group occurs one or more times.\u201d This means that we can pass a single track size to grid-auto-rows or multiple track sizes as a space separated list. Below the box is an explanation of what happens if you pass in more than one track size:\n\n\u201cIf multiple track sizes are given, the pattern is repeated as necessary to find the size of the implicit tracks. The first implicit grid track after the explicit grid receives the first specified size, and so on forwards; and the last implicit grid track before the explicit grid receives the last specified size, and so on backwards.\u201d\n\nTherefore with the following CSS, if five implicit rows were needed they would be as follows:\n\n100px\n1fr\nauto\n100px\n1fr\n\n.grid {\n display: grid;\n grid-auto-rows: 100px 1fr auto;\n}\nInitial\nWe can now move to the next line in the box, and you\u2019ll be glad to know that it isn\u2019t going to require as much unpacking! This simply defines the initial value for grid-auto-rows. If you do not specify anything, created rows will be auto sized. All CSS properties have an initial value that they will use if they are invoked as part of the usage of the specification they are in, but you do not set a value for them. In the case of grid-auto-rows it is used whenever rows are created in the implicit grid, so it needs to have a value to be used even if you do not set one.\nApplies to\nThis line tells us what this property is used for. Some properties are used in multiple places. For example if you look at the definition for justify-content in the Box Alignment specification you can see it is used in multicol containers, flex containers, and grid containers. In our case the property only applies for grid containers.\nInherited\nThis tells us if the property can be inherited from a parent element if it is not set. In the case of grid-auto-rows it is not inherited. A property such as color is inherited, so you do not need to set it on each element.\nPercentages\nAre percentages allowed for this property, and if so how are they calculated. In this case we are referred to the definition for grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows where we discover that the percentage is from the corresponding dimension of the content area.\nMedia\nThis defines the media group that the property belongs to. In this case visual.\nComputed Value\nThis details how the value is resolved. The grid-auto-rows property again refers to track sizing as defined for grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows, which tells us the computed value is as specified with lengths made absolute.\nCanonical Order\nIf you have a property\u2013generally a shorthand property\u2013which takes multiple values in a set order, then those values need to be serialized in the order detailed in the grammar for that property. In general you don\u2019t need to worry about this value in the table.\nAnimation Type\nThis details whether the property can be animated, and if so what type of animation. This is useful if you are trying to animate something and not getting the result that you expect. Note that just because something is listed in the spec as animatable does not mean that browsers will have implemented animation for that property yet!\nThat\u2019s (mostly) it!\nSometimes the property will have additional examples - there is one underneath the table for grid-auto-rows. These are worth looking at as they will highlight usage of the property that the spec editor has felt could use an example. There may also be some additional text explaining anythign specific to this property.\nIn selecting grid-auto-rows I chose a fairly complex property in terms of the work we needed to do to unpack the value. Many properties are far simpler than this. However ultimately, even when you come across a complex value, it really is just a case of stepping through the definitions until you come to the bottom of the rabbit hole.\nBeing able to work out what is valid for each property is incredibly useful. It means you don\u2019t waste time trying to use a value that doesn\u2019t work for that property. You also may find that there are values you weren\u2019t aware of, that solve problems for you.\nFurther reading\nSpecifications are not designed to be user manuals, and while they often contain examples, these are pretty terse as they need to be clear to demonstrate their particular point. The manual for the Web Platform is MDN Web Docs. Pairing reading a specification with the examples and information on an MDN property page such as the one for grid-auto-rows is a really great way to ensure that you have all the information and practical usage examples you might need.\nYou may also find useful:\n\nValue Definition Syntax on MDN.\nThe MDN Glossary defines many common terms.\nUnderstanding the CSS Property Value Syntax goes into more detail in terms of reading the syntax.\nHow to read W3C Specs - from 2001 but still relevant.\n\nI hope this article has gone some way to demystify CSS specifications for you. Even if the specifications are not your preferred first stop to learn about new CSS, being able to go directly to the source and avoid having your understanding filtered by someone else, can be very useful indeed.", "year": "2018", "author": "Rachel Andrew", "author_slug": "rachelandrew", "published": "2018-12-14T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2018/researching-a-property-in-the-css-specifications/", "topic": "code"} {"rowid": 306, "title": "What next for CSS Grid Layout?", "contents": "In 2012 I wrote an article for 24 ways detailing a new CSS Specification that had caught my eye, at the time with an implementation only in Internet Explorer. What I didn\u2019t realise at the time was that CSS Grid Layout was to become a theme on which I would base the next four years of research, experimentation, writing and speaking. \nAs I write this article in December 2016, we are looking forward to CSS Grid Layout being shipped in Chrome and Firefox. What will ship early next year in those browsers is expanded and improved from the early implementation I explored in 2012. Over the last four years the spec has been developed as part of the CSS Working Group process, and has had input from browser engineers, specification writers and web developers. Use cases have been discussed, and features added.\nThe CSS Grid Layout specification is now a Candidate Recommendation. This status means the spec is to all intents and purposes, finished. The discussions now happening are on fine implementation details, and not new feature ideas. It makes sense to draw a line under a specification in order that browser vendors can ship complete, interoperable implementations. That approach is good for all of us, it makes development far easier if we know that a browser supports all of the features of a specification, rather than working out which bits are supported. However it doesn\u2019t mean that works stops here, and that new use cases and features can\u2019t be proposed for future levels of Grid Layout. Therefore, in this article I\u2019m going to take a look at some of the things I think grid layout could do in the future. I would love for these thoughts to prompt you to think about how Grid - or any CSS specification - could better suit the use cases you have.\nSubgrid - the missing feature of Level 1\nThe implementation of CSS Grid Layout in Chrome, Firefox and Webkit is comparable and very feature complete. There is however one standout feature that has not been implemented in any browser as yet - subgrid. Once you set the value of the display property to grid, any direct children of that element become grid items. This is similar to the way that flexbox behaves, set display: flex and all direct children become flex items. The behaviour does not apply to children of those items. You can nest grids, just as you can nest flex containers, but the child grids have no relationship to the parent.\n\nNesting Grids by Rachel Andrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.\nThe subgrid behaviour would enable the grid defined on the parent to be used by the children. I feel this would be most useful when working with a multiple column flexible grid - for example a typical 12 column grid. I could define a grid on a wrapper, then position UI elements on that grid - from the major structural elements of my page down through the child elements to a form where I wanted the field to line up with items above.\nThe specification contained an initial description of subgrid, with a value of subgrid for grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows, you can read about this in the August 2015 Working Draft. This version of the specification would have meant you could declare a subgrid in one dimension only, and create a different set of tracks in the other.\nIn an attempt to get some implementation of subgrid, a revised specification was proposed earlier this year. This gives a single subgrid value of the display property. As we now cannot specify a subgrid on rows OR columns this limits us to have a subgrid that works in two dimensions. At this point neither version has been implemented by anyone, and subgrids are marked as \u201cat risk\u201d in the Level 1 Candidate Recommendation. With regard to \u2018at-risk\u2019 this is explained as follows:\n\n\u201c\u2018At-risk\u2019 is a W3C Process term-of-art, and does not necessarily imply that the feature is in danger of being dropped or delayed. It means that the WG believes the feature may have difficulty being interoperably implemented in a timely manner, and marking it as such allows the WG to drop the feature if necessary when transitioning to the Proposed Rec stage, without having to publish a new Candidate Rec without the feature first.\u201d \n\nIf we lose subgrid from Level 1, as it looks likely that we will, this does give us a chance to further discuss and iterate on that feature. My current thoughts are that I\u2019m not completely happy about subgrids being tied to both dimensions and feel that a return to the earlier version, or something like it, would be preferable. \nFurther reading about subgrid\n\nMy post from 2015 detailing why I feel subgrid is important\nMy post based on the revised specification\nEric Meyer\u2019s thoughts on subgrid\nWrite-up of a discussion from Igalia who work on the Blink and Webkit browser implementations\n\nStyling cells, tracks and areas\nHaving defined a grid with CSS Grid Layout you can place child elements into that grid, however what you can\u2019t do is style the grid tracks or cells. Grid doesn\u2019t even go as far as multiple column layout, which has the column-rule properties.\nIn order to set a background colour on a grid cell at the moment you would have to add an empty HTML element or insert some generated content as in the below example. I\u2019m using a 1 pixel grid gap to fake lines between grid cells, and empty div elements, and some generated content to colour those cells.\n\nFaked backgrounds and borders by Rachel Andrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.\nI think it would be a nice addition to Grid Layout to be able to directly add backgrounds and borders to cells, tracks and areas. There is an Issue raised in the CSS WG Drafts repository for Decorative Grid Cell pseudo-elements, if you want to add thoughts to that.\nMore control over auto placement\nIf you haven\u2019t explicitly placed the direct children of your grid element they will be laid out according to the grid auto placement rules. You can see in this example how we have created a grid and the items are placing themselves into cells on that grid.\n\nItems auto-place on a defined grid by Rachel Andrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.\nThe auto-placement algorithm is very cool. We can position some items, leaving others to auto-place; we can set items to span more than one track; we can use the grid-auto-flow property with a value of dense to backfill gaps in our grid.\n\nWebsafe colors meet CSS Grid (auto-placement demo) by Rachel Andrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.\nI think however this could be taken further. In this issue posted to my CSS Grid AMA on GitHub, the question is raised as to whether it would be possible to ask grid to place items on the next available line of a certain name. This would allow you to skip tracks in the grid when using auto-placement, an issue that has also been raised by Emil Bj\u00f6rklund in this post to the www-style list prior to spec discussion moving to Github. I think there are probably similar issues, if you can think of one add a comment here.\nCreating non-rectangular grid areas\nA grid area is a collection of grid cells, defined by setting the start and end lines for columns and rows or by creating the area in the value of the grid-template-areas property as shown below. Those areas however must be rectangular - you can\u2019t create an L-shaped or otherwise non-regular shape.\n\nGrid Areas by Rachel Andrew (@rachelandrew) on CodePen.\n\nPerhaps in the future we could define an L-shape or other non-rectangular area into which content could flow, as in the below currently invalid code where a quote is embedded into an L-shaped content area.\n.wrapper {\n display: grid;\n grid-template-areas:\n \"sidebar header header\"\n \"sidebar content quote\"\n \"sidebar content content\";\n}\nFlowing content through grid cells or areas\nSome uses cases I have seen perhaps are not best solved by grid layout at all, but would involve grid working alongside other CSS specifications. As I detail in this post, there are a class of problems that I believe could be solved with the CSS Regions specification, or a revised version of that spec.\nBeing able to create a grid layout, then flow content through the areas could be very useful. Jen Simmons presented to the CSS Working Group at the Lisbon meeting a suggestion as to how this might work.\nIn a post from earlier this year I looked at a collection of ideas from specifications that include Grid, Regions and Exclusions. These working notes from my own explorations might prompt ideas of your own.\nSolving the keyboard/layout disconnect\nOne issue that grid, and flexbox to a lesser extent, raises is that it is very easy to end up with a layout that is disconnected from the underlying markup. This raises problems for people navigating using the keyboard as when tabbing around the document you find yourself jumping to unexpected places. The problem is explained by L\u00e9onie Watson with reference to flexbox in Flexbox and the keyboard navigation disconnect.\nThe grid layout specification currently warns against creating such a disconnect, however I think it will take careful work by web developers in order to prevent this. It\u2019s also not always as straightforward as it seems. In some cases you want the logical order to follow the source, and others it would make more sense to follow the visual. People are thinking about this issue, as you can read in this mailing list discussion.\nBringing your ideas to the future of Grid Layout\nWhen I\u2019m not getting excited about new CSS features, my day job involves working on a software product - the CMS that is serving this very website, Perch. When we launched Perch there were many use cases that we had never thought of, despite having a good idea of what might be needed in a CMS and thinking through lots of use cases. The additional use cases brought to our attention by our customers and potential customers informed the development of the product from launch. The same will be true for Grid Layout.\nAs a \u201cproduct\u201d grid has been well thought through by many people. Yet however hard we try there will be use cases we just didn\u2019t think of. You may well have one in mind right now. That\u2019s ok, because as with any CSS specification, once Level One of grid is complete, work can begin on Level Two. The feature set of Level Two will be informed by the use cases that emerge as people get to grips with what we have now.\nThis is where you get to contribute to the future of layout on the web. When you hit up against the things you cannot do, don\u2019t just mutter about how the CSS Working Group don\u2019t listen to regular developers and code around the problem. Instead, take a few minutes and write up your use case. Post it to your blog, to Medium, create a CodePen and go to the CSS Working Group GitHub specs repository and post an issue there. Write some pseudo-code, draw a picture, just make sure that the use case is described in enough detail that someone can see what problem you want grid to solve. It may be that - as with any software development - your use case can\u2019t be solved in exactly the way you suggest. However once we have a use case, collected with other use cases, methods of addressing that class of problems can be investigated. \nI opened this article by explaining I\u2019d written about grid layout four years ago, and how we\u2019re only now at a point where we will have Grid Layout available in the majority of browsers. Specification development, and implementation into browsers takes time. This is actually a good thing, as it\u2019s impossible to take back CSS once it is out there and being used by production websites. We want CSS in the wild to be well thought through and that takes time. So don\u2019t feel that because you don\u2019t see your use case added to a spec immediately it has been ignored. Do your future self a favour and write down your frustrations or thoughts, and we can all make sure that the web platform serves the use cases we\u2019re dealing with now and in the future.", "year": "2016", "author": "Rachel Andrew", "author_slug": "rachelandrew", "published": "2016-12-12T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2016/what-next-for-css-grid-layout/", "topic": "code"} {"rowid": 332, "title": "CSS Layout Starting Points", "contents": "I build a lot of CSS layouts, some incredibly simple, others that cause sleepless nights and remind me of the torturous puzzle books that were given to me at Christmas by aunties concerned for my education. However, most of the time these layouts fit quite comfortably into one of a very few standard formats. For example:\n\n\n\tLiquid, multiple column with no footer\n\tLiquid, multiple column with footer\n\tFixed width, centred\n\n\nRather than starting out with blank CSS and (X)HTML documents every time you need to build a layout, you can fairly quickly create a bunch of layout starting points, that will give you a solid basis for creating the rest of the design and mean that you don\u2019t have to remember how a three column layout with a footer is best achieved every time you come across one! \n\nThese starting points can be really basic, in fact that\u2019s exactly what you want as the final design, the fonts, the colours and so on will be different every time. It\u2019s just the main sections we want to be able to quickly get into place. For example, here is a basic starting point CSS and XHTML document for a fixed width, centred layout with a footer.\n\n \n\n\n Fixed Width and Centred starting point document\n \n \n\n\n

Sidebar content here


Your main content goes here.


Ho Ho Ho!

\n\n\n\n body {\n text-align: center;\n min-width: 740px;\n padding: 0;\n margin: 0;\n }\n\n #wrapper {\n text-align: left;\n width: 740px;\n margin-left: auto;\n margin-right: auto;\n padding: 0;\n }\n\n #content {\n margin: 0 200px 0 0;\n }\n\n #content .inner {\n padding-top: 1px;\n margin: 0 10px 10px 10px;\n }\n\n #side {\n float: right;\n width: 180px;\n margin: 0;\n }\n\n #side .inner {\n padding-top: 1px;\n margin: 0 10px 10px 10px;\n }\n\n #footer {\n margin-top: 10px;\n clear: both;\n }\n\n #footer .inner {\n margin: 10px;\n }\n\n9 times out of 10, after figuring out exactly what main elements I have in a layout, I can quickly grab the \u2018one I prepared earlier\u2019, mark-up the relevant sections within the ready-made divs, and from that point on, I only need to worry about the contents of those different areas. The actual layout is tried and tested, one that I know works well in different browsers and that is unlikely to throw me any nasty surprises later on. In addition, considering how the layout is going to work first prevents the problem of developing a layout, then realising you need to put a footer on it, and needing to redevelop the layout as the method you have chosen won\u2019t work well with a footer.\n\nWhile enjoying your mince pies and mulled wine during the \u2018quiet time\u2019 between Christmas and New Year, why not create some starting point layouts of your own? The css-discuss Wiki, CSS layouts section is a great place to find examples that you can try out and find your favourite method of creating the various layout types.", "year": "2005", "author": "Rachel Andrew", "author_slug": "rachelandrew", "published": "2005-12-04T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2005/css-layout-starting-points/", "topic": "code"}