{"rowid": 284, "title": "Subliminal User Experience", "contents": "The term \u2018user experience\u2019 is often used vaguely to quantify common elements of the interaction design process: wireframing, sitemapping and so on. UX undoubtedly involves all of these principles to some degree, but there really is a lot more to it than that.\n\nGood UX is characterized by providing the user with constant feedback as they step through your interface. It means thinking about and providing fallbacks and error resolutions in even the rarest of scenarios. It\u2019s about omitting clutter to make way for the necessary, and using the most fundamental of design tools to influence a user\u2019s path. It means making no assumptions, designing right down to the most distinct details and going one step further every single time. In many cases, good UX is completely subliminal.\n\nThere are simple tools and subtleties we can build into our products to enhance the overall experience but, in order to do so, we really have to step beyond where we usually draw the line on what to design.\n\nThe purpose of this article is not to provide technical how-tos, as the functionality is, in most cases, quite simple and could be implemented in a myriad of ways. Rather, it will present a handful of ideas for enhancing the experience of an interface at a deeper level of design without relying on the container.\n\nWe\u2019ll cover three elements that should get you thinking in the right mindset:\n\n\n\tprogress activity and post-active states\n\tpseudo-class preloading\n\tbuttons and their (mis)behaviour\n\n\nProgress activity and the post-active state\n\nWe\u2019ve long established that we can\u2019t control the devices our products are viewed on, which browser they\u2019ll run in or what connection speed will be used to access them. We accept this all as factual, so why is it so often left to the browser to provide feedback to the user when an event is triggered or an error encountered? The browser isn\u2019t part of the interface \u2014 it\u2019s merely a container. A simple, visual recognition of your users\u2019 activity may be all it takes to make or break the product.\n\nLet\u2019s begin with a commonly overlooked case: progress activity.\n\nA user moves their cursor over a hyperlink or button, which is clearly defined as one by the visual language of your content. Upon doing so, they trigger the :hover state to confirm this element is indeed interactive. So far, so good. What happens next is where it starts to fall apart: the user hits this link, presumably triggering an :active state, which is then returned to the normal state upon release. And then what?\n\n\n\nFrom this point on, your user is in limbo. The link has fallen back to either its regular or :visited state. You\u2019ve effectively abandoned them and are relying entirely on the browser they\u2019re using to communicate that something is happening. This poses quite a few problems:\n\n\n\tThe user may lose focus of what they were doing.\n\tThere is little consistency between progress indication in browsers.\n\tThe user may not even notice that their action has been acknowledged.\n\n\nHow many times have one or more of these events happened to you due to a lack of communication from the interface?\n\nThink about the differences between Safari and Chrome in this area \u2014 two browsers that, when compared to each other, are relatively similar in nature, though this basic feature differs in execution.\n\n\n\nLike all aspects of designing the user experience, there is no one true way to fix this problem, but we can introduce details that many users will unconsciously appreciate.\n\nConsider the basic loading indicator. It\u2019s nothing new \u2014 in fact, some would argue it\u2019s quite a clich\u00e9. However, whether using a spinning wheel or a progress bar, a gif or JavaScript, or something more sophisticated, these simple tools create an illusion of movement, progress and activity. Depending on the implementation, progress indication graphics can significantly increase a user\u2019s perception of the speed in which an event is taking place. Combine this with a cursor change and a lock over the element to prevent double-clicking or reloading, and your chances of keeping your user\u2019s valuable attention have significantly increased.\n\nDemo: Progress activity and the post-active state\n\nThis same logic applies to all aspects of defaulting in a browser, from micro-elements like this up to something as simple as a 404 page. The difference in a user\u2019s reaction to hitting the default Apache 404 and a hand-crafted, branded page are phenomenal and there are no prizes for guessing which one they\u2019re more likely to exit from.\n\nPseudo-class preloading\n\nAnother detail that it pays well to look after is the use and abuse of the :hover element and, more importantly, the content revealed by it. Chances are you\u2019re using the :hover pseudo-class somewhere in almost every screen you create. If content is being revealed on :hover and that content takes some time to load, there will inevitably be a delay the first time it is initiated. It appears tacky and half-finished when a tooltip or drop-down loads instantly, only to have its background or supporting elements follow through a second or two later. So, let\u2019s preload the elements we know we\u2019ll need.\n\nA very simple application of this would be to load each file into the default state of a visible element and offset them by a large number. This ensures our elements have loaded and are ready if and when they need to be displayed.\n\nelement {\n background: url(path/to/image.jpg) -9999em -9999em no-repeat;\n }\nelement .tooltip {\n display: none;\n }\nelement:hover .tooltip {\n display: block;\n background: url(path/to/image.jpg) 0 0;\n }\n\nBackground images are just one example. Of course, the same logic can apply to any form of revealed content. Using a sprite graphic can also be a clever \u2014 albeit tedious \u2014 method for achieving the same goal, so if you\u2019re using a sprite, preloading in this way may not be necessary\n\nThe differences between preloading and not can only be visualized properly with an actual demonstration.\n\nDemo: Preloading revealed content\n\nButtons and their (mis)behaviour\n\nAlmost all of the time, a button serves just one purpose: to be clicked (or tapped). When a button\u2019s pressed, therefore, if anything other than triggering the desired event occurs, a user naturally becomes frustrated. I often get funny looks when talking about this, but designing the details of a button is something I consider essential.\n\nIt goes without saying that a button should always visually recognise :hover and :active states. We can take that one step further and disable some actions that get in the way of pressing the button.\n\nIt\u2019s rare that a user would ever want to select and use the text on a button, so let\u2019s cleanly disable it:\n\nelement {\n -moz-user-select: -moz-none;\n -webkit-user-select: none;\n user-select: none;\n }\n\nIf the button is image-based or contains an image, we could also disable user dragging to make sure the image element stays locked to the button:\n\nelement {\n -moz-user-drag: -moz-none;\n -webkit-user-drag: none;\n user-drag: none;\n }\n\nDemo: A more usable button\n\nDisabling global features like this should be done with utmost caution as it\u2019s very easy to cross the line between enhancement and friction. Cases where this is acceptable are very rare, but it\u2019s a good trick to keep in mind nevertheless. Both Apple\u2019s iCloud and Metalab\u2019s Flow applications use these tools appropriately and to great extent.\n\nYou could argue that the visual feedback of having the text selected or image dragged when a user mis-hits the button is actually a positive effect, informing the user that their desired action did not work. However, covering for human error should be a designer\u2019s job, not that of our users. We can (almost) ensure it does work for them by accommodating for errors like this in most cases.\n\nFinal thoughts\n\nDesigning to this level of detail can seem obsessive, but as a designer and user of many interfaces and applications, I believe it can be the difference between a good user experience and a great one.\n\nThe samples you\u2019ve just seen are only a fraction of the detail we can design for. Keep in mind that the demonstrations, code and methods above outline just one way to do this. You may not agree with all of these processes or have the time and desire to consider them, but one fact remains: it\u2019s not the technology, or the way it\u2019s done that\u2019s important \u2014 it\u2019s the logic and the concept of designing everything.", "year": "2011", "author": "Chris Sealey", "author_slug": "chrissealey", "published": "2011-12-03T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2011/subliminal-user-experience/", "topic": "ux"}