{"rowid": 2, "title": "Levelling Up", "contents": "Hello, 24 ways. I\u2019m Ashley and I sell property insurance. I\u2019m interrupting your Christmas countdown with an article about rental property software and a guy, Pete, who selflessly encouraged me to build my first web app. It doesn\u2019t sound at all festive, or \u2014 considering I\u2019ve used both \u201cinsurance\u201d and \u201crental property\u201d \u2014 interesting, but do stick with me. There\u2019s eggnog at the end.\n\nI run a property insurance business, Brokers Direct. It\u2019s a small operation, but well established. We\u2019ve been selling landlord insurance on the web for over thirteen years, for twelve of which we have provided our clients with third-party software for managing their rental property portfolios. Free. Of. Charge.\n\nIt sounds like a sweet deal for our customers, but it isn\u2019t. At least, not any more. The third-party software is victim to years of neglect by its vendor. Its questionable interface, garish visuals and, ahem, clip art icons have suffered from a lack of updates. While it was never a contender for software of the year, I\u2019ve steadily grown too embarrassed to associate my business with it.\n\n The third-party rental property software we distributed\n\nI wanted to offer my customers a simple, clean and lightweight alternative. In an industry that\u2019s dominated by dated and bloated software, it seemed only logical that I should build my own rental property tool.\n\nThe long learning-to-code slog\n\nLearning a programming language is daunting, the source of my frustration stemming from a non-programming background. Generally, tutorials assume a degree of familiarity with programming, whether it be tools, conventions or basic skills. I had none and, at the time, there was nothing on the web really geared towards a novice. I reached the point where I genuinely thought I was just not cut out for coding. Surrendering to my feelings of self-doubt and frustration, I sourced a local Rails developer, Pete, to build it for me.\n\nPete brought a pack of index cards to our meeting. Index cards that would represent each feature the rental property software would launch with.\n\n \n\n\u201cOK,\u201d he began. \u201cWe\u2019ll need a user model, tenant model, authentication, tenant and property relationships\u2026\u201d A dozen index cards with a dozen features lined the coffee table in a grid-like format. Logical, comprehensible, achievable. Seeing the app laid out in a digestible manner made it seem surmountable. Maybe I could do this.\n\n\u201cI\u2019ve been trying to learn Rails\u2026\u201d, I piped up.\n\nI don\u2019t know why I said it. I was fully prepared to hire Pete to do the hard work for me. But Pete, unprompted, gathered the index cards and neatly stacked them together, coasting them across the table towards me. \u201cYou should build this\u201d.\n\nPete, a full-time freelance developer at the time, was turning down a paying job in favour of encouraging me to learn to code. Looking back, I didn\u2019t realise how significant this moment was.\n\nThat evening, I took Pete\u2019s index cards home to make a start on my app, slowly evolving each of the cards into a working feature. Building the app solo, I turned to Stack Overflow to solve the inevitable coding hurdles I encountered, as well as calling on a supportive Rails community. Whether they provided direct solutions to my programming woes, or simply planted a seed on how to solve a problem, I kept coding. Many months later, and after several more doubtful moments, Lodger was born.\n\n Property overview of my app, Lodger.\n\nIf I can do it, so can you\n\nI misspent a lot of time building Twitter and blogging applications (apparently, all Rails tutorials centre around Twitter and blogging). If I could rewind and impart some advice to myself, this is what I\u2019d say.\n\nThere\u2019s no magic formula\n\n\u201cI haven\u2019t quite grasped Rails routing. I should tackle another tutorial.\u201d \n\nMaking excuses \u2014 or procrastination \u2014 is something we are all guilty of. I was waiting for a programming book that would magically deposit a grasp of the entire Ruby syntax in my head. I kept buying books thinking each one would be the one where it all clicked. I now have a bookshelf full of Ruby material, all of which I\u2019ve barely read, and none of which got me any closer to launching my web app. Put simply, there\u2019s no magic formula.\n\nBreak it down\n\nWhatever it is you want to build, break it down into digestible chunks. Taking Pete\u2019s method as an example, having an index card represent an individual feature helped me tremendously. Tackle one at a time. Even if each feature takes you a month to build, and you have eight features to launch with, after eight months you\u2019ll have your MVP. Remember, if you do nothing each day, it adds up to nothing.\n\nHave a tangible product to build\n\nI have a wonderful habit of writing down personal notes, usually to express my feelings at the time or to log an idea, only to uncover them months or years down the line, long after I forgot I had written them. I made a timely discovery while writing this article, discovering this gem while flicking through a battered Moleskine:\n\n\n\t\u201cI don\u2019t seem to be making good progress with learning Rails, but development still excites me. I should maybe stop doing tutorials and work towards building a specific app.\u201d\n\n\nHaving a real product to work on, like I did with Lodger, means you have something tangible to apply the techniques you are learning. I found this prevented me from flitting aimlessly between tutorials and books, which is an easy area to accidentally remain in.\n\nTeam up\n\nIf possible, team up with a designer and create something together. Designers are great at presenting features in a way you\u2019d never have considered. You will learn a lot from making their designs come to life.\n\nYour homework for the holiday\n\nDespite having a web app under my belt, I am not a programmer. I tinker with code, piecing enough bits of it together to make something functional. And that\u2019s OK! I\u2019m not excusing sloppiness, but if we aimed for perfection every time, we\u2019d never execute any of our ideas.\n\nAs the holidays approach and you\u2019ve exhausted yet another viewing of The Muppet Christmas Carol (or is that just my guilty pleasure at Christmas?), you may have time on your hands. Time to explore an idea you\u2019ve been sitting on, but \u2014 plagued with procrastination and doubt \u2014 have yet to bring to life. This holiday, I am here to say to you what Pete said to me.\n\nYou should build this.\n\nYou don\u2019t need to be the next Mark Zuckerberg or Larry Page. You just have to learn enough to get it done.\n\nPS: I lied about the eggnogg, but try capturing somebody\u2019s attention when you tell them you sell property insurance!", "year": "2013", "author": "Ashley Baxter", "author_slug": "ashleybaxter", "published": "2013-12-06T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2013/levelling-up/", "topic": "business"}