{"rowid": 258, "title": "Mistletoe Offline", "contents": "It\u2019s that time of year, when we gather together as families to celebrate the life of the greatest person in history. This man walked the Earth long before us, but he left behind words of wisdom. Those words can guide us every single day, but they are at the forefront of our minds during this special season.\nI am, of course, talking about Murphy, and the golden rule he gave unto us:\n\nAnything that can go wrong will go wrong.\n\nSo true! I mean, that\u2019s why we make sure we\u2019ve got nice 404 pages. It\u2019s not that we want people to ever get served a File Not Found message, but we acknowledge that, despite our best efforts, it\u2019s bound to happen sometime. Murphy\u2019s Law, innit?\nBut there are some Murphyesque situations where even your lovingly crafted 404 page won\u2019t help. What if your web server is down? What if someone is trying to reach your site but they lose their internet connection? These are all things than can\u2014and will\u2014go wrong.\nI guess there\u2019s nothing we can do about those particular situations, right?\nWrong!\nA service worker is a Murphy-battling technology that you can inject into a visitor\u2019s device from your website. Once it\u2019s installed, it can intercept any requests made to your domain. If anything goes wrong with a request\u2014as is inevitable\u2014you can provide instructions for the browser. That\u2019s your opportunity to turn those server outage frowns upside down. Take those network connection lemons and make network connection lemonade.\nIf you\u2019ve got a custom 404 page, why not make a custom offline page too?\nGet your server in order\nStep one is to make \u2026actually, wait. There\u2019s a step before that. Step zero. Get your site running on HTTPS, if it isn\u2019t already. You won\u2019t be able to use a service worker unless everything\u2019s being served over HTTPS, which makes sense when you consider the awesome power that a service worker wields.\nIf you\u2019re developing locally, service workers will work fine for localhost, even without HTTPS. But for a live site, HTTPS is a must.\nMake an offline page\nAlright, assuming your site is being served over HTTPS, then step one is to create an offline page. Make it as serious or as quirky as is appropriate for your particular brand. If the website is for a restaurant, maybe you could put the telephone number and address of the restaurant on the custom offline page (unsolicited advice: you could also put this on the home page, you know). Here\u2019s an example of the custom offline page for this year\u2019s Ampersand conference.\nWhen you\u2019re done, publish the offline page at suitably imaginative URL, like, say /offline.html.\nPre-cache your offline page\nNow create a JavaScript file called serviceworker.js. This is the script that the browser will look to when certain events are triggered. The first event to handle is what to do when the service worker is installed on the user\u2019s device. When that happens, an event called install is fired. You can listen out for this event using addEventListener:\naddEventListener('install', installEvent => {\n// put your instructions here.\n}); // end addEventListener\nIn this case, you want to make sure that your lovingly crafted custom offline page is put into a nice safe cache. You can use the Cache API to do this. You get to create as many caches as you like, and you can call them whatever you want. Here, I\u2019m going to call the cache Johnny just so I can refer to it as JohnnyCache in the code:\naddEventListener('install', installEvent => {\n installEvent.waitUntil(\n caches.open('Johnny')\n .then( JohnnyCache => {\n JohnnyCache.addAll([\n '/offline.html'\n ]); // end addAll\n }) // end open.then\n ); // end waitUntil\n}); // end addEventListener\nI\u2019m betting that your lovely offline page is linking to a CSS file, maybe an image or two, and perhaps some JavaScript. You can cache all of those at this point:\naddEventListener('install', installEvent => {\n installEvent.waitUntil(\n caches.open('Johnny')\n .then( JohnnyCache => {\n JohnnyCache.addAll([\n '/offline.html',\n '/path/to/stylesheet.css',\n '/path/to/javascript.js',\n '/path/to/image.jpg'\n ]); // end addAll\n }) // end open.then\n ); // end waitUntil\n}); // end addEventListener\nMake sure that the URLs are correct. If just one of the URLs in the list fails to resolve, none of the items in the list will be cached.\nIntercept requests\nThe next event you want to listen for is the fetch event. This is probably the most powerful\u2014and, let\u2019s be honest, the creepiest\u2014feature of a service worker. Once it has been installed, the service worker lurks on the user\u2019s device, waiting for any requests made to your site. Every time the user requests a web page from your site, a fetch event will fire. Every time that page requests a style sheet or an image, a fetch event will fire. You can provide instructions for what should happen each time:\naddEventListener('fetch', fetchEvent => {\n// What happens next is up to you!\n}); // end addEventListener\nLet\u2019s write a fairly conservative script with the following logic:\n\nWhenever a file is requested,\nFirst, try to fetch it from the network,\nBut if that doesn\u2019t work, try to find it in the cache,\nBut if that doesn\u2019t work, and it\u2019s a request for a web page, show the custom offline page instead.\n\nHere\u2019s how that translates into JavaScript:\n// Whenever a file is requested\naddEventListener('fetch', fetchEvent => {\n const request = fetchEvent.request;\n fetchEvent.respondWith(\n // First, try to fetch it from the network\n fetch(request)\n .then( responseFromFetch => {\n return responseFromFetch;\n }) // end fetch.then\n // But if that doesn't work\n .catch( fetchError => {\n // try to find it in the cache\n caches.match(request)\n .then( responseFromCache => {\n if (responseFromCache) {\n return responseFromCache;\n // But if that doesn't work\n } else {\n // and it's a request for a web page\n if (request.headers.get('Accept').includes('text/html')) {\n // show the custom offline page instead\n return caches.match('/offline.html');\n } // end if\n } // end if/else\n }) // end match.then\n }) // end fetch.catch\n ); // end respondWith\n}); // end addEventListener\nI am fully aware that I may have done some owl-drawing there. If you need a more detailed breakdown of what\u2019s happening at each point in the code, I\u2019ve written a whole book for you. It\u2019s the perfect present for Murphymas.\nHook up your service worker script\nYou can publish your service worker script at /serviceworker.js but you still need to tell the browser where to look for it. You can do that using JavaScript. Put this in an existing JavaScript file that you\u2019re calling in to every page on your site, or add this in a script element at the end of every page\u2019s HTML:\nif (navigator.serviceWorker) {\n navigator.serviceWorker.register('/serviceworker.js');\n}\nThat tells the browser to start installing the service worker, but not without first checking that the browser understands what a service worker is. When it comes to JavaScript, feature detection is your friend.\nYou might already have some JavaScript files in a folder like /assets/js/ and you might be tempted to put your service worker script in there too. Don\u2019t do that. If you do, the service worker will only be able to handle requests made to for files within /assets/js/. By putting the service worker script in the root directory, you\u2019re making sure that every request can be intercepted.\nGo further!\nNicely done! You\u2019ve made sure that if\u2014no, when\u2014a visitor can\u2019t reach your website, they\u2019ll get your hand-tailored offline page. You have temporarily defeated the forces of chaos! You have briefly fought the tide of entropy! You have made a small but ultimately futile gesture against the inevitable heat-death of the universe!\nThis is just the beginning. You can do more with service workers.\nWhat if, every time you fetched a page from the network, you stored a copy of that page in a cache? Then if that person tries to reach that page later, but they\u2019re offline, you could show them the cached version.\nOr, what if instead of reaching out the network first, you checked to see if a file is in the cache first? You could serve up that cached version\u2014which would be blazingly fast\u2014and still fetch a fresh version from the network in the background to pop in the cache for next time. That might be a good strategy for images.\nSo many options! The hard part isn\u2019t writing the code, it\u2019s figuring out the steps you want to take. Once you\u2019ve got those steps written out, then it\u2019s a matter of translating them into JavaScript.\nInevitably there will be some obstacles along the way\u2014usually it\u2019s a misplaced curly brace or a missing parenthesis. Don\u2019t be too hard on yourself if your code doesn\u2019t work at first. That\u2019s just Murphy\u2019s Law in action.", "year": "2018", "author": "Jeremy Keith", "author_slug": "jeremykeith", "published": "2018-12-04T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2018/mistletoe-offline/", "topic": "code"}