{"rowid": 330, "title": "An Explanation of Ems", "contents": "Ems are so-called because they are thought to approximate the size of an uppercase letter M (and so are pronounced emm), although 1em is actually significantly larger than this. The typographer Robert Bringhurst describes the em thus:\n\n\n\tThe em is a sliding measure. One em is a distance equal to the type size. In 6 point type, an em is 6 points; in 12 point type an em is 12 points and in 60 point type an em is 60 points. Thus a one em space is proportionately the same in any size.\n\n\nTo illustrate this principle in terms of CSS, consider these styles:\n\n#box1 {\n font-size: 12px;\n width: 1em;\n height: 1em;\n border:1px solid black;\n}\n\n#box2 {\n font-size: 60px;\n width: 1em;\n height: 1em;\n border: 1px solid black;\n}\n\nThese styles will render like:\n\n M\n\nand\n\n M\n\nNote that both boxes have a height and width of 1em but because they have different font sizes, one box is bigger than the other. Box 1 has a font-size of 12px so its width and height is also 12px; similarly the text of box 2 is set to 60px and so its width and height are also 60px.", "year": "2005", "author": "Richard Rutter", "author_slug": "richardrutter", "published": "2005-12-02T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2005/an-explanation-of-ems/", "topic": "design"} {"rowid": 318, "title": "Auto-Selecting Navigation", "contents": "In the article Centered Tabs with CSS Ethan laid out a tabbed navigation system which can be centred on the page. A frequent requirement for any tab-based navigation is to be able to visually represent the currently selected tab in some way.\n\nIf you\u2019re using a server-side language such as PHP, it\u2019s quite easy to write something like class=\"selected\" into your markup, but it can be even simpler than that.\n\nLet\u2019s take the navigation div from Ethan\u2019s article as an example.\n\n
\n \n
\n\nAs you can see we have a standard unordered list which is then styled with CSS to look like tabs. By giving each tab a class which describes it\u2019s logical section of the site, if we were to then apply a class to the body tag of each page showing the same, we could write a clever CSS selector to highlight the correct tab on any given page. \n\nSound complicated? Well, it\u2019s not a trivial concept, but actually applying it is dead simple.\n\nModifying the markup\n\nFirst thing is to place a class name on each li in the list:\n\n
\n \n
\n\nThen, on each page of your site, apply the a matching class to the body tag to indicate which section of the site that page is in. For example, on your About page:\n\n...\n\nWriting the CSS selector\n\nYou can now write a single CSS rule to match the selected tab on any given page. The logic is that you want to match the \u2018about\u2019 tab on the \u2018about\u2019 page and the \u2018products\u2019 tab on the \u2018products\u2019 page, so the selector looks like this:\n\nbody.home #navigation li.home,\n body.about #navigation li.about,\n body.work #navigation li.work,\n body.products #navigation li.products,\n body.contact #navigation li.contact{\n ... whatever styles you need to show the tab selected ...\n } \n\nSo all you need to do when you create a new page in your site is to apply a class to the body tag to say which section it\u2019s in. The CSS will do the rest for you \u2013 without any server-side help.", "year": "2005", "author": "Drew McLellan", "author_slug": "drewmclellan", "published": "2005-12-10T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2005/auto-selecting-navigation/", "topic": "code"} {"rowid": 319, "title": "Avoiding CSS Hacks for Internet Explorer", "contents": "Back in October, IEBlog issued a call to action, asking developers to clean up their CSS hacks for IE7 testing. Needless to say, a lot of hubbub ensued\u2026 both on IEBlog and elsewhere. My contribution to all of the noise was to suggest that developers review their code and use good CSS hacks. But what makes a good hack?\n\nTantek \u00c7elik, the Godfather of CSS hacks, gave us the answer by explaining how CSS hacks should be designed. In short, they should (1) be valid, (2) target only old/frozen/abandoned user-agents/browsers, and (3) be ugly. Tantek also went on to explain that using a feature of CSS is not a hack.\n\nNow, I\u2019m not a frequent user of CSS hacks, but Tantek\u2019s post made sense to me. In particular, I felt it gave developers direction on how we should be coding to accommodate that sometimes troublesome browser, Internet Explorer. But what I\u2019ve found, through my work with other developers, is that there is still much confusion over the use of CSS hacks and IE. Using examples from the code I\u2019ve seen recently, allow me to demonstrate how to clean up some IE-specific CSS hacks.\n\nThe two hacks that I\u2019ve found most often in the code I\u2019ve seen and worked with are the star html bug and the underscore hack. We know these are both IE-specific by checking Kevin Smith\u2019s CSS Filters chart. Let\u2019s look at each of these hacks and see how we can replace them with the same CSS feature-based solution.\n\nThe star html bug\n\nThis hack violates Tantek\u2019s second rule as it targets current (and future) UAs. I\u2019ve seen this both as a stand alone rule, as well as an override to some other rule in a style sheet. Here are some code samples:\n\n* html div#header {margin-top:-3px;}\n.promo h3 {min-height:21px;}\n* html .promo h3 {height:21px;}\n\nThe underscore hack\n\nThis hack violates Tantek\u2019s first two rules: it\u2019s invalid (according to the W3C CSS Validator) and it targets current UAs. Here\u2019s an example:\n\nol {padding:0; _padding-left:5px;}\n\nUsing child selectors\n\nWe can use the child selector to replace both the star html bug and underscore hack. Here\u2019s how:\n\n Write rules with selectors that would be successfully applied to all browsers. This may mean starting with no declarations in your rule!\n\ndiv#header {}\n.promo h3 {}\nol {padding:0;}\n\n \nTo these rules, add the IE-specific declarations.\n\ndiv#header {margin-top:-3px;}\n.promo h3 {height:21px;}\nol {padding:0 0 0 5px;}\n\n \nAfter each rule, add a second rule. The selector of the second rule must use a child selector. In this new rule, correct any IE-specific declarations previously made.\n\ndiv#header {margin-top:-3px;}\nbody > div#header {margin-top:0;}\n\n.promo h3 {height:21px;}\n.promo > h3 {height:auto; min-height:21px;}\n\nol {padding:0 0 0 5px;}\nhtml > body ol {padding:0;}\n\n \n\nVoil\u00e0 \u2013 no more hacks! There are a few caveats to this that I won\u2019t go into\u2026 but assuming you\u2019re operating in strict mode and barring any really complicated stuff you\u2019re doing in your code, your CSS will still render perfectly across browsers. And while this may make your CSS slightly heftier in size, it should future-proof it for IE7 (or so I hope). Happy holidays!", "year": "2005", "author": "Kimberly Blessing", "author_slug": "kimberlyblessing", "published": "2005-12-17T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2005/avoiding-css-hacks-for-internet-explorer/", "topic": "code"} {"rowid": 329, "title": "Broader Border Corners", "contents": "A note from the editors: Since this article was written the CSS border-radius property has become widely supported in browsers. It should be preferred to this image technique.\n \n \n \n A quick and easy recipe for turning those single-pixel borders that the kids love so much into into something a little less right-angled.\n\nHere\u2019s the principle: We have a box with a one-pixel wide border around it. Inside that box is another box that has a little rounded-corner background image sitting snugly in one of its corners. The inner-box is then nudged out a bit so that it\u2019s actually sitting on top of the outer box. If it\u2019s all done properly, that little background image can mask the hard right angle of the default border of the outer-box, giving the impression that it actually has a rounded corner.\n\nTake An Image, Finely Chopped\n\n\n\nAdd A Sprinkle of Markup\n\n

Lorem ipsum etc. etc. etc.

\n\nThrow In A Dollop of CSS\n\n#content { \n border: 1px solid #c03;\n}\n\n#content p {\n background: url(corner.gif) top left no-repeat;\n position: relative;\n left: -1px;\n top: -1px;\n padding: 1em;\n margin: 0;\n}\n\nBubblin\u2019 Hot\n\n\n\tThe content div has a one-pixel wide red border around it.\n\tThe paragraph is given a single instance of the background image, created to look like a one-pixel wide arc.\n\tThe paragraph is shunted outside of the box \u2013 back one pixel and up one pixel \u2013 so that it is sitting over the div\u2019s border. The white area of the image covers up that part of the border\u2019s corner, and the arc meets up with the top and left border.\n\tBecause, in this example, we\u2019re applying a background image to a paragraph, its top margin needs to be zeroed so that it starts at the top of its container.\n\n\nEt voil\u00e0. Bon app\u00e9tit.\n\nExtra Toppings\n\n\n\tIf you want to apply a curve to each one of the corners and you run out of meaningful markup to hook the background images on to, throw some spans or divs in the mix (there\u2019s nothing wrong with this if that\u2019s the effect you truly want \u2013 they don\u2019t hurt anybody) or use some nifty DOM Scripting to put the scaffolding in for you.\n\tNote that if you\u2019ve got more than one of these relative corners, you will need to compensate for the starting position of each box which is nested in an already nudged parent.\n\tYou\u2019re not limited to one pixel wide, rounded corners \u2013 the same principles apply to thicker borders, or corners with different shapes.", "year": "2005", "author": "Patrick Griffiths", "author_slug": "patrickgriffiths", "published": "2005-12-14T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2005/broader-border-corners/", "topic": "design"} {"rowid": 313, "title": "Centered Tabs with CSS", "contents": "Doug Bowman\u2019s Sliding Doors is pretty much the de facto way to build tabbed navigation with CSS, and rightfully so \u2013 it is, as they say, rockin\u2019 like Dokken. But since it relies heavily on floats for the positioning of its tabs, we\u2019re constrained to either left- or right-hand navigation. But what if we need a bit more flexibility? What if we need to place our navigation in the center?\n\nStyling the li as a floated block does give us a great deal of control over margin, padding, and other presentational styles. However, we should learn to love the inline box \u2013 with it, we can create a flexible, centered alternative to floated navigation lists.\n\nHumble Beginnings\n\nDo an extra shot of \u2018nog, because you know what\u2019s coming next. That\u2019s right, a simple unordered list:\n\n
\n \n
\n\nIf we were wedded to using floats to style our list, we could easily fix the width of our ul, and trick it out with some margin: 0 auto; love to center it accordingly. But this wouldn\u2019t net us much flexibility: if we ever changed the number of navigation items, or if the user increased her browser\u2019s font size, our design could easily break.\n\nInstead of worrying about floats, let\u2019s take the most basic approach possible: let\u2019s turn our list items into inline elements, and simply use text-align to center them within the ul:\n\n#navigation ul, #navigation ul li {\n list-style: none;\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0;\n}\n\n#navigation ul {\n text-align: center;\n}\n\n#navigation ul li {\n display: inline;\n margin-right: .75em;\n}\n\n#navigation ul li.last {\n margin-right: 0;\n}\n\nOur first step is sexy, no? Well, okay, not really \u2013 but it gives us a good starting point. We\u2019ve tamed our list by removing its default styles, set the list items to display: inline, and centered the lot. Adding a background color to the links shows us exactly how the different elements are positioned.\n\nNow the fun stuff.\n\nInline Elements, Padding, and You\n\nSo how do we give our links some dimensions? Well, as the CSS specification tells us, the height property isn\u2019t an option for inline elements such as our anchors. However, what if we add some padding to them?\n\n#navigation li a {\n padding: 5px 1em;\n}\n\nI just love leading questions. Things are looking good, but something\u2019s amiss: as you can see, the padded anchors seem to be escaping their containing list.\n\nThankfully, it\u2019s easy to get things back in line. Our anchors have 5 pixels of padding on their top and bottom edges, right? Well, by applying the same vertical padding to the list, our list will finally \u201ccontain\u201d its child elements once again.\n\n\u2019Tis the Season for Tabbing\n\nNow, we\u2019re finally able to follow the \u201cSliding Doors\u201d model, and tack on some graphics:\n\n#navigation ul li a {\n background: url(\"tab-right.gif\") no-repeat 100% 0;\n color: #06C;\n padding: 5px 0;\n text-decoration: none;\n}\n\n#navigation ul li a span {\n background: url(\"tab-left.gif\") no-repeat;\n padding: 5px 1em;\n}\n\n#navigation ul li a:hover span {\n color: #69C;\n text-decoration: underline;\n}\n\nFinally, our navigation\u2019s looking appropriately sexy. By placing an equal amount of padding on the top and bottom of the ul, our tabs are properly \u201ccontained\u201d, and we can subsequently style the links within them.\n\n\n\nBut what if we want them to bleed over the bottom-most border? Easy: we can simply decrease the bottom padding on the list by one pixel, like so.\n\nA Special Note for Special Browsers\n\nThe Mac IE5 users in the audience are likely hopping up and down by now: as they\u2019ve discovered, our centered navigation behaves rather annoyingly in their browser. As Philippe Wittenbergh has reported, Mac IE5 is known to create \u201cphantom links\u201d in a block-level element when text-align is set to any value but the default value of left. Thankfully, Philippe has documented a workaround that gets that [censored] venerable browser to behave. Simply place the following code into your CSS, and the links will be restored to their appropriate width:\n\n/**//*/\n#navigation ul li a {\n display: inline-block;\n white-space: nowrap;\n width: 1px;\n}\n/**/\n\nIE for Windows, however, displays an extra kind of crazy. The padding I\u2019ve placed on my anchors is offsetting the spans that contain the left curve of my tabs; thankfully, these shenanigans are easily straightened out:\n\n/**/\n* html #navigation ul li a {\n padding: 0;\n}\n/**/\n\nAnd with that, we\u2019re finally finished.\n\nAll set.\n\nAnd that\u2019s it. With your centered navigation in hand, you can finally enjoy those holiday toddies and uncomfortable conversations with your skeevy Uncle Eustace.", "year": "2005", "author": "Ethan Marcotte", "author_slug": "ethanmarcotte", "published": "2005-12-08T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2005/centered-tabs-with-css/", "topic": "code"} {"rowid": 332, "title": "CSS Layout Starting Points", "contents": "I build a lot of CSS layouts, some incredibly simple, others that cause sleepless nights and remind me of the torturous puzzle books that were given to me at Christmas by aunties concerned for my education. However, most of the time these layouts fit quite comfortably into one of a very few standard formats. For example:\n\n\n\tLiquid, multiple column with no footer\n\tLiquid, multiple column with footer\n\tFixed width, centred\n\n\nRather than starting out with blank CSS and (X)HTML documents every time you need to build a layout, you can fairly quickly create a bunch of layout starting points, that will give you a solid basis for creating the rest of the design and mean that you don\u2019t have to remember how a three column layout with a footer is best achieved every time you come across one! \n\nThese starting points can be really basic, in fact that\u2019s exactly what you want as the final design, the fonts, the colours and so on will be different every time. It\u2019s just the main sections we want to be able to quickly get into place. For example, here is a basic starting point CSS and XHTML document for a fixed width, centred layout with a footer.\n\n \n\n\n Fixed Width and Centred starting point document\n \n \n\n\n

Sidebar content here


Your main content goes here.


Ho Ho Ho!

\n\n\n\n body {\n text-align: center;\n min-width: 740px;\n padding: 0;\n margin: 0;\n }\n\n #wrapper {\n text-align: left;\n width: 740px;\n margin-left: auto;\n margin-right: auto;\n padding: 0;\n }\n\n #content {\n margin: 0 200px 0 0;\n }\n\n #content .inner {\n padding-top: 1px;\n margin: 0 10px 10px 10px;\n }\n\n #side {\n float: right;\n width: 180px;\n margin: 0;\n }\n\n #side .inner {\n padding-top: 1px;\n margin: 0 10px 10px 10px;\n }\n\n #footer {\n margin-top: 10px;\n clear: both;\n }\n\n #footer .inner {\n margin: 10px;\n }\n\n9 times out of 10, after figuring out exactly what main elements I have in a layout, I can quickly grab the \u2018one I prepared earlier\u2019, mark-up the relevant sections within the ready-made divs, and from that point on, I only need to worry about the contents of those different areas. The actual layout is tried and tested, one that I know works well in different browsers and that is unlikely to throw me any nasty surprises later on. In addition, considering how the layout is going to work first prevents the problem of developing a layout, then realising you need to put a footer on it, and needing to redevelop the layout as the method you have chosen won\u2019t work well with a footer.\n\nWhile enjoying your mince pies and mulled wine during the \u2018quiet time\u2019 between Christmas and New Year, why not create some starting point layouts of your own? The css-discuss Wiki, CSS layouts section is a great place to find examples that you can try out and find your favourite method of creating the various layout types.", "year": "2005", "author": "Rachel Andrew", "author_slug": "rachelandrew", "published": "2005-12-04T00:00:00+00:00", "url": "https://24ways.org/2005/css-layout-starting-points/", "topic": "code"} {"rowid": 324, "title": "Debugging CSS with the DOM Inspector", "contents": "An Inspector Calls\n\nThe larger your site and your CSS becomes, the more likely that you will run into bizarre, inexplicable problems. Why does that heading have all that extra padding? Why is my text the wrong colour? Why does my navigation have a large moose dressed as Noel Coward on top of all the links? \n\nPerhaps you work in a collaborative environment, where developers and other designers are adding code? In which case, the likelihood of CSS strangeness is higher.\n\nYou need to debug. You need Firefox\u2019s wise-guy know-it-all, the DOM Inspector. \n\nThe DOM Inspector knows where everything is in your layout, and more importantly, what causes it to look the way it does. So without further ado, load up any css based site in your copy of Firefox (or Flock for that matter), and launch the DOM Inspector from the Tools menu.\n\nThe inspector uses two main panels \u2013 the left to show the DOM tree of the page, and the right to show you detail:\n\n\n\nThe Inspector will look at whatever site is in the front-most window or tab, but you can also use it without another window. Type in a URL at the top (A), press \u2018Inspect\u2019 (B) and a third panel appears at the bottom, with the browser view. I find this layout handier than looking at a window behind the DOM Inspector.\n\nStep 1 \u2013 find your node!\n\nEach element on your page \u2013 be it a HTML tag or a piece of text, is called a \u2018node\u2019 of the DOM tree. These nodes are all listed in the left hand panel, with any ID or CLASS attribute values next to them. When you first look at a page, you won\u2019t see all those yet. Nested HTML elements (such as a link inside a paragraph) have a reveal triangle next to their name, clicking this takes you one level further down. \n\nThis can be fine for finding the node you want to look at, but there are easier ways. Say you have a complex rounded box technique that involves 6 nested DIVs? You\u2019d soon get tired of clicking all those triangles to find the element you want to inspect. Click the top left icon \u00a9 \u2013 \u201cFind a node to inspect by clicking on it\u201d and then select the area you want to inspect. Boom! All that drilling down the DOM tree has been done for you! Huzzah!\n\nIf you\u2019re looking for an element that you know has an ID (such as