{"rowid": 72, "title": "Designing with Contrast", "author": "Mark Mitchell", "contents": "When an appetite for aesthetics over usability becomes the bellwether of user interface design, it\u2019s time to reconsider who we\u2019re designing for.\nOver the last few years, we have questioned the signifiers that gave obvious meaning to the function of interface elements. Strong textures, deep shadows, gradients \u2014 imitations of physical objects \u2014 were discarded. And many, rightfully so. Our audiences are now more comfortable with an experience that feels native to the technology, so we should respond in kind.\nYet not all of the changes have benefitted users. Our efforts to simplify brought with them a trend of ultra-minimalism where aesthetics have taken priority over legibility, accessibility and discoverability. The trend shows no sign of losing popularity \u2014 and it is harming our experience of digital content.\n\nA thin veneer\nWe are in a race to create the most subdued, understated interface. Visual contrast is out. In its place: the thinnest weights of a typeface and white text on bright color backgrounds. Headlines, text, borders, backgrounds, icons, form controls and inputs: all grey.\nWhile we can look back over the last decade and see minimalist trends emerging on the web, I think we can place a fair share of the responsibility for the recent shift in priorities on Apple. The release of iOS 7 ushered in a radical change to its user interface. It paired mobile interaction design to the simplicity and eloquence of Apple\u2019s marketing and product design. It was a catalyst. We took what we saw, copied and consumed the aesthetics like pick-and-mix.\nNew technology compounds this trend. Computer monitors and mobile devices are available with screens of unprecedented resolutions. Ultra-light type and subtle hues, difficult to view on older screens, are more legible on these devices. It would be disingenuous to say that designers have always worked on machines representative of their audience\u2019s circumstances, but the gap has never been as large as it is now. We are running the risk of designing VIP lounges where the cost of entry is a Mac with a Retina display.\nMinimalist expectations\nLike progressive enhancement in an age of JavaScript, many good and sensible accessibility practices are being overlooked or ignored. We\u2019re driving unilateral design decisions that threaten accessibility. We\u2019ve approached every problem with the same solution, grasping on to the integrity of beauty, focusing on expression over users\u2019 needs and content. \nSomeone once suggested to me that a client\u2019s website should include two states. The first state would be the ideal experience, with low color contrast, light font weights and no differentiation between links and text. It would be the default. The second state would be presented in whatever way was necessary to meet accessibility standards. Users would have to opt out of the default state via a toggle if it wasn\u2019t meeting their needs. A sort of first-class, upper deck cabin equivalent of graceful degradation. That this would divide the user base was irrelevant, as the aesthetics of the brand were absolute. \nIt may seem like an unusual anecdote, but it isn\u2019t uncommon to see this thinking in our industry. Again and again, we place the burden of responsibility to participate in a usable experience on others. We view accessibility and good design as mutually exclusive. Taking for granted what users will tolerate is usually the forte of monopolistic services, but increasingly we apply the same arrogance to our new products and services.\n\nImitation without representation\nAll of us are influenced in one way or another by one another\u2019s work. We are consciously and unconsciously affected by the visual and audible activity around us. This is important and unavoidable. We do not produce work in a vacuum. We respond to technology and culture. We channel language and geography. We absorb the sights and sounds of film, television, news. To mimic and copy is part and parcel of creating something an audience of many can comprehend and respond to. Our clients often look first to their competitors\u2019 products to understand their success.\nHowever, problems arise when we focus on style without context; form without function; mimicry as method. Copied and reused without any of the ethos of the original, stripped of deliberate and informed decision-making, the so-called look and feel becomes nothing more than paint on an empty facade.\nThe typographic and color choices so in vogue today with our popular digital products and services have little in common with the brands they are meant to represent.\n\nFor want of good design, the message was lost\nThe question to ask is: does the interface truly reflect the product? Is it an accurate characterization of the brand and organizational values? Does the delivery of the content match the tone of voice?\nThe answer is: probably not. Because every organization, every app or service, is unique. Each with its own personality, its own values and wonderful quirks. Design is communication. We should do everything in our role as professionals to use design to give voice to the message. Our job is to clearly communicate the benefits of a service and unreservedly allow access to information and content. To do otherwise, by obscuring with fashionable styles and elusive information architecture, does a great disservice to the people who chose to engage with and trust our products.\nWe can achieve hierarchy and visual rhythm without resorting to extreme reduction. We can craft a beautiful experience with fine detail and curiosity while meeting fundamental standards of accessibility (and strive to meet many more).\nStandards of excellence\nIt isn\u2019t always comfortable to step back and objectively question our design choices. We get lost in the flow of our work, using patterns and preferences we\u2019ve tried and tested before. That our decisions often seem like second nature is a gift of experience, but sometimes it prevents us from finding our blind spots.\nI was first caught out by my own biases a few years ago, when designing an interface for the Bank of England. After deciding on the colors for the typography and interactive elements, I learned that the site had to meet AAA accessibility standards. My choices quickly fell apart. It was eye-opening. I had to start again with restrictions and use size, weight and placement instead to construct the visual hierarchy.\nEven now, I make mistakes. On a recent project, I used large photographs on an organization\u2019s website to promote their products. Knowing that our team had control over the art direction, I felt confident that we could compose the photographs to work with text overlays. Despite our best effort, the cropped images weren\u2019t always consistent, undermining the text\u2019s legibility. If I had the chance to do it again, I would separate the text and image.\nSo, what practical things can we consider to give our users the experience they deserve?\nPut guidelines in place\n\nThink about your brand values. Write down keywords and use them as a framework when choosing a typeface. Explore colors that convey the organization\u2019s personality and emotional appeal.\nDefine a color palette that is web-ready and meets minimum accessibility standards. Note which colors are suitable for use with text. Only very dark hues of grey are consistently legible so keep them for non-essential text (for example, as placeholders in form inputs).\nFind which background colors you can safely use with white text, and consider integrating contrast checks into your workflow.\nUse roman and medium weights for body copy. Reserve lighter weights of a typeface for very large text. Thin fonts are usually the first to break down because of aliasing differences across platforms and screens.\nCheck that the size, leading and length of your type is always legible and readable. Define lower and upper limits. Small text is best left for captions and words in uppercase.\nAvoid overlaying text on images unless it\u2019s guaranteed to be legible. If it\u2019s necessary to optimize space in the layout, give the text a container. Scrims aren\u2019t always reliable: the text will inevitably overlap a part of the photograph without a contrasting ground.\n\nTest your work\n\nReview legibility and contrast on different devices. It\u2019s just as important as testing the layout of a responsive website. If you have a local device lab, pay it a visit.\nFind a computer monitor near a window when the sun is shining. Step outside the studio and try to read your content on a mobile device with different brightness levels. \nAsk your friends and family what they use at home and at work. It\u2019s one way of making sure your feedback isn\u2019t always coming from a closed loop.\n\nPush your limits\n\nYou define what the user sees. If you\u2019ve inherited brand guidelines, question them. If you don\u2019t agree with the choices, make the case for why they should change.\nExperiment with size, weight and color to find contrast. Objects with low contrast appear similar to one another and undermine the visual hierarchy. Weak relationships between figure and ground diminish visual interest. A balanced level of contrast removes ambiguity and creates focal points. It captures and holds our attention.\nIf you\u2019re lost for inspiration, look to graphic design in print. We have a wealth of history, full of examples that excel in using contrast to establish visual hierarchy.\nEmbrace limitations. Use boundaries as an opportunity to explore possibilities.\n\nMore than just a facade\nDesigning with standards encourages legibility and helps to define a strong visual hierarchy. Design without exclusion (through neither negligence or intent) gets around discussions of demographics, speaks to a larger audience and makes good business sense. Following the latest trends not only weakens usability but also hinders a cohesive and distinctive brand.\nUsers will make means when they need to, by increasing browser font sizes or enabling system features for accessibility. But we can do our part to take as much of that burden off of the user and ask less of those who need it most.\nIn architecture, it isn\u2019t buildings that mimic what is fashionable that stand the test of time. Nor do we admire buildings that tack on separate, poorly constructed extensions to meet a bare minimum of safety regulations. We admire architecture that offers well-considered, remarkable, usable spaces with universal access.\nPerhaps we can take inspiration from these spaces. Let\u2019s give our buildings a bold voice and make sure the doors are open to everyone.", "articles_fts": 46, "rank": null} {"rowid": 256, "title": "Develop Your Naturalist Superpowers with Observable Notebooks and iNaturalist", "author": "Natalie Downe", "contents": "We\u2019re going to level up your knowledge of what animals you might see in an area at a particular time of year - a skill every naturalist* strives for - using technology! Using iNaturalist and Observable Notebooks we\u2019re going to prototype seasonality graphs for particular species in an area, and automatically create a guide to what animals you might see in each month.\n*(a Naturalist is someone who likes learning about nature, not someone who\u2019s a fan of being naked, that\u2019s a \u2018Naturist\u2019\u2026 different thing!)\nLooking for critters in rocky intertidal habitats\nOne of my favourite things to do is going rockpooling, or as we call it over here in California, \u2018tidepooling\u2019. Amounting to the same thing, it\u2019s going to a beach that has rocks where the tide covers then uncovers little pools of water at different times of the day. All sorts of fun creatures and life can be found in this \u2018rocky intertidal habitat\u2019\nA particularly exciting creature that lives here is the Nudibranch, a type of super colourful \u2018sea slug\u2019. There are over 3000 species of Nudibranch worldwide. (The word \u201cnudibranch\u201d comes from the Latin nudus, naked, and the Greek \u03b2\u03c1\u03b1\u03bd\u03c7\u03b9\u03b1 / brankhia, gills.)\n\u200b\n\nThey are however quite tricky to find! Even though they are often brightly coloured and interestingly shaped, some of them are very small, and in our part of the world in the Bay Area in California their appearance in our rockpools is seasonal. We see them more often in Summer months, despite the not-as-low tides as in our Winter and Spring seasons.\nMy favourite place to go tidepooling here is Pillar Point in Half Moon bay (at other times of the year more famously known for the surf competition \u2018Mavericks\u2019). The rockpools there are rich in species diversity, of varied types and water-coverage habitat zones as well as being relatively accessible.\n\u200b\n\nI was rockpooling at Pillar Point recently with my parents and we talked to a lady who remarked that she hadn\u2019t seen any Nudibranchs on her visit this time. I realised that having an idea of what species to find where, and at what time of year is one of the many superpower goals of every budding Naturalist. \nUsing technology and the croudsourced species observations of the iNaturalist community we can shortcut our way to this superpower!\nFinding nearby animals with iNaturalist\nWe\u2019re going to be getting our information about what animals you can see in Pillar Point using iNaturalist. iNaturalist is a really fun platform that helps connect people to nature and report their findings of life in the outdoors. It is also a community of nature-loving people who help each other identify and confirm those observations. iNaturalist is a project run as a joint initiative by the California Academy of Sciences and the National Geographic Society.\nI\u2019ve been using iNaturalist for over two years to record and identify plants and animals that I\u2019ve found in the outdoors. I use their iPhone app to upload my pictures, which then uses machine learning algorithms to make an initial guess at what it is I\u2019ve seen. The community is really active, and I often find someone else has verified or updated my species guess pretty soon after posting. \nThis process is great because once an observation has been identified by at least two people it becomes \u2018verified\u2019 and is considered research grade. Research grade observations get exported and used by scientists, as well as being indexed by the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, GBIF.\n\u200b\n\niNaturalist has a great API and API explorer, which makes interacting and prototyping using iNaturalist data really fun. For example, if you go to the API explorer and expand the Observations : Search and fetch section and then the GET /observations API, you get a selection of input boxes that allow you to play with options that you can then pass to the API when you click the \u2018Try it out\u2019 button.\n\u200b\n\nYou\u2019ll then get a URL that looks a bit like\nhttps://api.inaturalist.org/v1/observations?captive=false &geo=true&verifiable=true&taxon_id=47113&lat=37.495461&lng=-122.499584 &radius=5&order=desc&order_by=created_at \nwhich you can call and interrrogate using a programming language of your choice.\nIf you would like to see an all-JavaScript application that uses the iNaturalist API, take a look at OwlsNearMe.com which Simon and I built one weekend earlier this year. It gets your location and shows you all iNaturalist observations of owls near you and lists which species you are likely to see (not adjusted for season).\nRapid development using Observable Notebooks\nWe\u2019re going to be using Observable Notebooks to prototype our examples, pulling data down from iNaturalist. I really like using visual notebooks like Observable, they are great for learning and building things quickly. You may be familiar with Jupyter notebooks for Python which is similar but takes a bit of setup to get going - I often use these for prototyping too. Observable is amazing for querying and visualising data with JavaScript and since it is a hosted product it doesn\u2019t require any setup at all.\nYou can follow along and play with this example on my Observable notebook. If you create an account there you can fork my notebook and create your own version of this example. \nEach \u2018notebook\u2019 consists of a page with a column of \u2018cells\u2019, similar to what you get in a spreadsheet. A cell can contain Markdown text or JavaScript code and the output of evaluating the cell appears above the code that generated it. There are lots of tutorials out there on Observable Notebooks, I like this code introduction one from Observable (and D3) creator Mike Bostock.\nDeveloping your Naturalist superpowers\nIf you have an idea of what plants and critters you might see in a place at the time you visit, you can hone in on what you want to study and train your Naturalist eye to better identify the life around you.\nFor our example, we care about wildlife we can see at Pillar Point, so we need a way of letting the iNaturalist API know which area we are interested in.\nWe could use a latitide, longitude and radius for this, but a rectangular bounding box is a better shape for the reef. We can use this tool to draw the area we want to search within: boundingbox.klokantech.com\n\u200b\n\nThe tool lets you export the bounding box in several forms using the dropdown at the bottom left under the map givese We are going to use the \u2018DublinCore\u2019 format as it\u2019s closest to the format needed by the iNaturalist API.\n westlimit=-122.50542; southlimit=37.492805; eastlimit=-122.492738; northlimit=37.499811\nA quick map primer:\nThe higher the latitude the more north it is\nThe lower the latitude the more south it is\nLatitude 0 = the equator\n\nThe higher the longitude the more east it is of Greenwich\nThe lower the longitude the more west it is of Greenwich\nLongitude 0 = Greenwich\nIn the iNaturalst API we want to use the parameters nelat, nelng, swlat, swlng to create a query that looks inside a bounding box of Pillar Point near Half Moon Bay in California:\nnelat = highest latitude = north limit = 37.499811\nnelng = highest longitude = east limit = -122.492738\nswlat = smallest latitude = south limit = 37.492805\nswlng = smallest longitude = west limit = 122.50542\nAs API parameters these look like this:\n?nelat=37.499811&nelng=-122.492738&swlat=37.492805&swlng=122.50542\nThese parameters in this format can be used for most of the iNaturalist API methods.\nNudibranch seasonality in Pillar Point\nWe can use the iNaturalist observation_histogram API to get a count of Nudibranch observations per week-of-year across all time and within our Pillar Point bounding box.\nIn addition to the geographic parameters that we just worked out, we are also sending the taxon_id of 47113, which is iNaturalists internal number associated with the Nudibranch taxon. By using this we can get all species which are under the parent \u2018Order Nudibranchia\u2019. \nAnother useful piece of naturalist knowledge is understanding the biological classification scheme of Taxanomic Rank - roughly, when a species has a Latin name of two words eg \u2018Glaucus Atlanticus\u2019 the first Latin word is the \u2018Genus\u2019 like a family name \u2018Glaucus\u2019, and the second word identifies that particular species, like a given name \u2018Atlanticus\u2019. \nThe two Latin words together indicate a specific species, the term we use colloquially to refer to a type of animal often differs wildly region to region, and sometimes the same common name in two countries can refer to two different species. The common names for the Glaucus Atlanticus (which incidentally is my favourite sea slug) include: sea swallow, blue angel, blue glaucus, blue dragon, blue sea slug and blue ocean slug! Because this gets super confusing, Scientists like using this Latin name format instead.\nThe following piece of code asks the iNaturalist Histogram API to return per-week counts for verified observations of Nudibranchs within our Pillar Point bounding box:\npillar_point_counts_per_week = fetch(\n \"https://api.inaturalist.org/v1/observations/histogram?taxon_id=47113&nelat=37.499811&nelng=-122.492738&swlat=37.492805&swlng=-122.50542&date_field=observed&interval=week_of_year&verifiable=true\"\n ).then(response => {\n return response.json();\n})\nOur next step is to take this data and draw a graph! We\u2019ll be using Vega-Lite for this, which is a fab JavaScript graphing libary that is also easy and fun to use with Observable Notebooks. \n(Here is a great tutorial on exploring data and drawing graphs with Observable and Vega-Lite)\nThe iNaturalist API returns data that looks like this:\n{\n \"total_results\": 53,\n \"page\": 1,\n \"per_page\": 53,\n \"results\": {\n \"week_of_year\": {\n \"1\": 136,\n \"2\": 20,\n \"3\": 150,\n \"4\": 65,\n \"5\": 186,\n \"6\": 74,\n \"7\": 47,\n \"8\": 87,\n \"9\": 64,\n \"10\": 56,\nBut for our Vega-Lite graph we need data that looks like this:\n[{\n \"week\": \"01\",\n \"value\": 136\n}, {\n \"week\": \"02\",\n \"value\": 20\n}, ...]\nWe can convert what we get back from the API to the second format using a loop that iterates over the object keys:\nobjects_to_plot = {\n let objects = [];\n Object.keys(pillar_point_counts_per_week.results.week_of_year).map(function(week_index) {\n objects.push({\n week: `Wk ${week_index.toString()}`,\n observations: pillar_point_counts_per_week.results.week_of_year[week_index]\n });\n })\n return objects;\n}\nWe can then plug this into Vega-Lite to draw us a graph:\nvegalite({\n data: {values: objects_to_plot},\n mark: \"bar\",\n encoding: {\n x: {field: \"week\", type: \"nominal\", sort: null},\n y: {field: \"observations\", type: \"quantitative\"}\n },\n width: width * 0.9\n})\n\nIt\u2019s worth noting that we have a lot of observations of Nudibranchs particularly at Pillar Point due in no small part to the intertidal monitoring research that Alison Young and Rebecca Johnson facilitate for the California Achademy of Sciences. \nSo, what if we want to look for the seasonality of observations of a particular species of adorable sea slug? We want our interface to have a select box with a list of all the species you might find at any time of year. We can do this using the species_counts API to create us an object with the iNaturalist species ID and common & Latin names.\npillar_point_nudibranches = {\n let api_results = await fetch(\n \"https://api.inaturalist.org/v1/observations/species_counts?taxon_id=47113&nelat=37.499811&nelng=-122.492738&swlat=37.492805&swlng=-122.50542&date_field=observed&verifiable=true\"\n ).then(r => r.json())\n\n let species_list = api_results.results.map(i => ({\n value: i.taxon.id,\n label: `${i.taxon.preferred_common_name} (${i.taxon.name})`\n }));\n\n return species_list\n}\nWe can create an interactive select box by importing code from Jeremy Ashkanas\u2019 Observable Notebook: add import {select} from \"@jashkenas/inputs\" to a cell anywhere in our notebook. Observable is magic: like a spreadsheet, the order of the cells doesn\u2019t matter - if one cell is referenced by any other cell then when that cell updates all the other cells refresh themselves. You can also import and reference one notebook from another!\nviewof select_species = select({\n title: \"Which Nudibranch do you want to see seasonality for?\",\n options: [{value: \"\", label: \"All the Nudibranchs!\"}, ...pillar_point_nudibranches],\n value: \"\"\n})\nThen we go back to our old favourite, the histogram API just like before, only this time we are calling it with the value created by our select box ${select_species} as taxon_id instead of the number 47113.\npillar_point_counts_per_month_per_species = fetch(\n `https://api.inaturalist.org/v1/observations/histogram?taxon_id=${select_species}&nelat=37.499811&nelng=-122.492738&swlat=37.492805&swlng=-122.50542&date_field=observed&interval=month_of_year&verifiable=true`\n).then(r => r.json())\nNow for the fun graph bit! As we did before, we re-format the result of the API into a format compatible with Vega-Lite:\nobjects_to_plot_species_month = {\n let objects = [];\n Object.keys(pillar_point_counts_per_month_per_species.results.month_of_year).map(function(month_index) {\n objects.push({\n month: (new Date(2018, (month_index - 1), 1)).toLocaleString(\"en\", {month: \"long\"}),\n observations: pillar_point_counts_per_month_per_species.results.month_of_year[month_index]\n });\n })\n return objects;\n}\n(Note that in the above code we are creating a date object with our specific month in, and using toLocalString() to get the longer English name for the month. Because the JavaScript Date object counts January as 0, we use month_index -1 to get the correct month)\nAnd we draw the graph as we did before, only now if you interact with the select box in Observable the graph will dynamically update!\nvegalite({\n data: {values: objects_to_plot_species_month},\n mark: \"bar\",\n encoding: {\n x: {field: \"month\", type: \"nominal\", sort:null},\n y: {field: \"observations\", type: \"quantitative\"}\n },\n width: width * 0.9\n})\nNow we can see when is the best time of year to plan to go tidepooling in Pillar Point if we want to find a specific species of Nudibranch.\n\u200b\n\nThis tool is great for planning when we to go rockpooling at Pillar Point, but what about if you are going this month and want to pre-train your eye with what to look for in order to impress your friends with your knowledge of Nudibranchs?\nWell\u2026 we can create ourselves a dynamic guide that you can with a list of the species, their photo, name and how many times they have been observed in that month of the year!\nOur select box this time looks as follows, simpler than before but assigning the month value to the variable selected_month.\nviewof selected_month = select({\n title: \"When do you want to see Nudibranchs?\",\n options: [\n { label: \"Whenever\", value: \"\" },\n { label: \"January\", value: \"1\" },\n { label: \"February\", value: \"2\" },\n { label: \"March\", value: \"3\" },\n { label: \"April\", value: \"4\" },\n { label: \"May\", value: \"5\" },\n { label: \"June\", value: \"6\" },\n { label: \"July\", value: \"7\" },\n { label: \"August\", value: \"8\" },\n { label: \"September\", value: \"9\" },\n { label: \"October\", value: \"10\" },\n { label: \"November\", value: \"11\" },\n { label: \"December\", value: \"12\" },\n ],\n value: \"\"\n })\nWe then can use the species_counts API to get all the relevant information about which species we can see in month=${selected_month}. We\u2019ll be able to reference this response object and its values later with the variable we just created, eg: all_species_data.results[0].taxon.name.\nall_species_data = fetch(\n `https://api.inaturalist.org/v1/observations/species_counts?taxon_id=47113&month=${selected_month}&nelat=37.499811&nelng=-122.492738&swlat=37.492805&swlng=-122.50542&verifiable=true`\n).then(r => r.json())\nYou can render HTML directly in a notebook cell using Observable\u2019s html tagged template literal:\n\n\n

If you go to Pillar Point ${\n {\"\": \"\",\n \"1\":\"in January\",\n \"2\":\"in Febrary\",\n \"3\":\"in March\",\n \"4\":\"in April\",\n \"5\":\"in May\",\n \"6\":\"in June\",\n \"7\":\"in July\",\n \"8\":\"in August\",\n \"9\":\"in September\",\n \"10\":\"in October\",\n \"11\":\"in November\",\n \"12\":\"in December\",\n }[selected_month]\n } you might see\u2026

\n${all_species_data.results.map(s => `



Seen ${s.count} times

\nThese few lines of HTML are all you need to get this exciting dynamic guide to what Nudibranchs you will see in each month!\n\u200b\n\nPlay with it yourself in this Observable Notebook.\nConclusion\nI hope by playing with these examples you have an idea of how powerful it can be to prototype using Observable Notebooks and how you can use the incredible crowdsourced community data and APIs from iNaturalist to augment your naturalist skills and impress your friends with your new \u2018knowledge of nature\u2019 superpower.\nLastly I strongly encourage you to get outside on a low tide to explore your local rocky intertidal habitat, and all the amazing critters that live there.\nHere is a great introduction video to tidepooling / rockpooling, by Rebecca Johnson and Alison Young from the California Academy of Sciences.", "articles_fts": 46, "rank": null} {"rowid": 47, "title": "Developing Robust Deployment Procedures", "author": "Rachel Andrew", "contents": "Once you have developed your site, how do you make it live on your web hosting? For many years the answer was to log on to your server and upload the files via FTP. Over time most hosts and FTP clients began to support SFTP, ensuring your files were transmitted over a secure connection. The process of deploying a site however remained the same.\n\nThere are issues with deploying a site in this way. You are essentially transferring files one by one to the server without any real management of that transfer. If the transfer fails for some reason, you may end up with a site that is only half updated. It can then be really difficult to work out what hasn\u2019t been replaced or added, especially where you are updating an existing site. If you are updating some third-party software your update may include files that should be removed, but that may not be obvious to you and you risk leaving outdated files littering your file system. Updating using (S)FTP is a fragile process that leaves you open to problems caused by both connectivity and human error. Is there a better way to do this?\n\nYou\u2019ll be glad to know that there is. A modern professional deployment workflow should have you moving away from fragile manual file transfers to deployments linked to code committed into source control.\n\nThe benefits of good practice\n\nYou may never have experienced any major issues while uploading files over FTP, and good FTP clients can help. However, there are other benefits to moving to modern deployment practices.\n\nNo surprises when you launch\n\nIf you are deploying in the way I suggest in this article you should have no surprises when you launch because the code you committed from your local environment should be the same code you deploy \u2013 and to staging if you have a staging server. A missing vital file won\u2019t cause things to start throwing errors on updating the live site.\n\nBeing able to work collaboratively\n\nSource control and good deployment practice makes working with your clients and other developers easy. Deploying first to a staging server means you can show your client updates and then push them live. If you subcontract some part of the work, you can give your subcontractor the ability to deploy to staging, leaving you with the final push to launch, once you know you are happy with the work.\n\nHaving a proper backup of site files with access to them from anywhere\n\nThe process I will outline requires the use of hosted, external source control. This gives you a backup of your latest commit and the ability to clone those files and start working on them from any machine, wherever you are.\n\nBeing able to jump back into a site quickly when the client wants a few changes\n\nWhen doing client work it is common for some work to be handed over, then several months might go by without you needing to update the site. If you don\u2019t have a good process in place, just getting back to work on it may take several hours for what could be only a few hours of work in itself. A solid method for getting your local copy up to date and deploying your changes live can cut that set-up time down to a few minutes.\n\nThe tool chain\n\nIn the rest of this article I assume that your current practice is to deploy your files over (S)FTP, using an FTP client. You would like to move to a more robust method of deployment, but without blowing apart your workflow and spending all Christmas trying to put it back together again. Therefore I\u2019m selecting the most straightforward tools to get you from A to B.\n\nSource control\n\nPerhaps you already use some kind of source control for your sites. Today that is likely to be Git but you might also use Subversion or Mercurial. If you are not using any source control at all then I would suggest you choose Git, and that is what I will be working with in this article.\n\nWhen you work with Git, you always have a local repository. This is where your changes are committed. You also have the option to push those changes to a remote repository; for example, GitHub. You may well have come across GitHub as somewhere you can go to download open source code. However, you can also set up private repositories for sites whose code you don\u2019t want to make publicly accessible.\n\nA hosted Git repository gives you somewhere to push your commits to and deploy from, so it\u2019s a crucial part of our tool chain.\n\nA deployment service\n\nOnce you have your files pushed to a remote repository, you then need a way to deploy them to your staging environment and live server. This is the job of a deployment service.\n\nThis service will connect securely to your hosting, and either automatically (or on the click of a button) transfer files from your Git commit to the hosting server. If files need removing, the service should also do this too, so you can be absolutely sure that your various environments are the same.\n\nTools to choose from\n\nWhat follows are not exhaustive lists, but any of these should allow you to deploy your sites without FTP.\n\nHosted Git repositories\n\n\n\tGitHub\n\tBeanstalk\n\tBitbucket\n\n\nStandalone deployment tools\n\n\n\tDeploy\n\tdploy.io\n\tFTPloy\n\n\nI\u2019ve listed Beanstalk as a hosted Git repository, though it also includes a bundled deployment tool. Dploy.io is a standalone version of that tool just for deployment. In this tutorial I have chosen two separate services to show how everything fits together, and because you may already be using source control. If you are setting up all of this for the first time then using Beanstalk saves having two accounts \u2013 and I can personally recommend them.\n\nPutting it all together\n\nThe steps we are going to work through are:\n\n\n\tGetting your local site into a local Git repository\n\tPushing the files to a hosted repository\n\tConnecting a deployment tool to your web hosting\n\tSetting up a deployment\n\n\nGet your local site into a local Git repository\n\nDownload and install Git for your operating system.\n\nOpen up a Terminal window and tell Git your name using the following command (use the name you will set up on your hosted repository).\n\n> git config --global user.name \"YOUR NAME\"\n\n\nUse the next command to give Git your email address. This should be the address that you will use to sign up for your remote repository.\n\n> git config --global user.email \"YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS\"\n\n\nStaying in the command line, change to the directory where you keep your site files. If your files are in /Users/rachel/Sites/mynicewebite you would type:\n\n> cd /Users/rachel/Sites/mynicewebsite\n\n\nThe next command tells Git that we want to create a new Git repository here.\n\n> git init\n\n\nWe then add our files:\n\n> git add .\n\n\nThen commit the files:\n\n> git commit -m \u201cAdding initial files\u201d\n\n\nThe bit in quotes after -m is a message describing what you are doing with this commit. It\u2019s important to add something useful here to remind yourself later why you made the changes included in the commit.\n\nYour local files are now in a Git repository! However, everything should be just the same as before in terms of working on the files or viewing them in a local web server. The only difference is that you can add and commit changes to this local repository.\n\nWant to know more about Git? There are some excellent resources in a range of formats here.\n\nSetting up a hosted Git repository\n\nI\u2019m going to use Atlassian Bitbucket for my first example as they offer a free hosted and private repository.\n\nCreate an account on Bitbucket. Then create a new empty repository and give it a name that will identify the repository easily.\n\nClick Getting Started and under Command Line select \u201cI have an existing project\u201d. This will give you a set of instructions to run on the command line. The first instruction is just to change into your working directory as we did before. We then add a remote repository, and run two commands to push everything up to Bitbucket.\n\ncd /path/to/my/repo\ngit remote add origin https://myuser@bitbucket.org/myname/24ways-tutorial.git\ngit push -u origin --all \ngit push -u origin --tags \n\n\nWhen you run the push command you will be asked for the password that you set for Bitbucket. Having entered that, you should be able to view the files of your site on Bitbucket by selecting the navigation option Source in the sidebar.\n\nYou will also be able to see commits. When we initially committed our files locally we added the message \u201cAdding initial files\u201d. If you select Commits from the sidebar you\u2019ll see we have one commit, with the message we set locally. You can imagine how useful this becomes when you can look back and see why you made certain changes to a project that perhaps you haven\u2019t worked on for six months.\n\nBefore working on your site locally you should run:\n\n> git pull\n\n\nin your working directory to make sure you have all of the most up-to-date files. This is especially important if someone else might work on them, or you just use multiple machines.\n\nYou then make your changes and add any changed or modified files, for example:\n\n> git add index.php\n\n\nCommit the change locally:\n\n> git commit -m \u201cupdated the homepage\u201d\n\n\nThen push it to Bitbucket:\n\n> git push origin master\n\n\nIf you want to work on your files on a different computer you clone them using the following command:\n\n> git clone https://myuser@bitbucket.org/myname/24ways-tutorial.git\n\n\nYou then have a copy of your files that is already a Git repository with the Bitbucket repository set up as a remote, so you are all ready to start work.\n\nConnecting a deployment tool to your repository and web hosting\n\nThe next step is deploying files. I have chosen to use a deployment tool called Deploy as it has support for Bitbucket. It does have a monthly charge \u2013 but offers a free account for open source projects.\n\nSign up for your account then log in and create your first project. Select Create an empty project. Under Configure Repository Details choose Bitbucket and enter your username and password.\n\nIf Deploy can connect, it will show you your list of projects. Select the one you want.\n\nThe next screen is Add New Server and here you need to configure the server that you want to deploy to. You might set up more than one server per project. In an ideal world you would deploy to a staging server for your client preview changes and then deploy once everything is signed off. For now I\u2019ll assume you just want to set up your live site.\n\nGive the server a name; I usually use Production for the live web server. Then choose the protocol to connect with. Unless your host really does not support SFTP (which is pretty rare) I would choose that instead of FTP.\n\nYou now add the same details your host gave you to log in with your SFTP client, including the username and password. The Path on server should be where your files are on the server. When you log in with an SFTP client and you get put in the directory above public_html then you should just be able to add public_html here.\n\nOnce your server is configured you can deploy. Click Deploy now and choose the server you just set up. Then choose the last commit (which will probably be selected for you) and click Preview deployment. You will then get a preview of which files will change if you run the deployment: the files that will be added and any that will be removed. At the very top of that screen you should see the commit message you entered right back when you initially committed your files locally.\n\nIf all looks good, run the deployment.\n\nYou have taken the first steps to a more consistent and robust way of deploying your websites. It might seem like quite a few steps at first, but you will very soon come to realise how much easier deploying a live site is through this process.\n\nYour new procedure step by step\n\n\n\tEdit your files locally as before, testing them through a web server on your own computer.\n\tCommit your changes to your local Git repository.\n\tPush changes to the remote repository.\n\tLog into the deployment service.\n\tHit the Deploy now button.\n\tPreview the changes.\n\tRun the deployment and then check your live site.\n\n\nTaking it further\n\nI have tried to keep things simple in this article because so often, once you start to improve processes, it is easy to get bogged down in all the possible complexities. If you move from deploying with an FTP client to working in the way I have outlined above, you\u2019ve taken a great step forward in creating more robust processes. You can continue to improve your procedures from this point.\n\nStaging servers for client preview\n\nWhen we added our server we could have added an additional server to use as a staging server for clients to preview their site on. This is a great use of a cheap VPS server, for example. You can set each client up with a subdomain \u2013 clientname.yourcompany.com \u2013 and this becomes the place where they can view changes before you deploy them.\n\nIn that case you might deploy to the staging server, let the client check it out and then go back and deploy the same commit to the live server.\n\nUsing Git branches\n\nAs you become more familiar with using Git, and especially if you start working with other people, you might need to start developing using branches. You can then have a staging branch that deploys to staging and a production branch that is always a snapshot of what has been pushed to production. This guide from Beanstalk explains how this works.\n\nAutomatic deployment to staging\n\nI wouldn\u2019t suggest doing automatic deployment to the live site. It\u2019s worth having someone on hand hitting the button and checking that everything worked nicely. If you have configured a staging server, however, you can set it up to deploy the changes each time a commit is pushed to it.\n\nIf you use Bitbucket and Deploy you would create a deployment hook on Bitbucket to post to a URL on Deploy when a push happens to deploy the code. This can save you a few steps when you are just testing out changes. Even if you have made lots of changes to the staging deployment, the commit that you push live will include them all, so you can do that manually once you are happy with how things look in staging.\n\nFurther Reading\n\n\n\tThe tutorials from Git Client Tower, already mentioned in this article, are a great place to start if you are new to Git.\n\tA presentation from Liam Dempsey showing how to use the GitHub App to connect to Bitbucket\n\tTry Git from Code School\n\tThe Git Workbook a self study guide to Git from Lorna Mitchell\n\n\nGet set up for the new year\n\nI love to start the New Year with a clean slate and improved processes. If you are still wrangling files with FTP then this is one thing you could tick off your list to save you time and energy in 2015. Post to the comments if you have suggestions of tools or ideas for ways to enhance this type of set-up for those who have already taken the first steps.", "articles_fts": 46, "rank": null} {"rowid": 154, "title": "Diagnostic Styling", "author": "Eric Meyer", "contents": "We\u2019re all used to using CSS to make our designs live and breathe, but there\u2019s another way to use CSS: to find out where our markup might be choking on missing accessibility features, targetless links, and just plain missing content. \n\nNote: the techniques discussed here mostly work in Firefox, Safari, and Opera, but not Internet Explorer. I\u2019ll explain why that\u2019s not really a problem near the end of the article \u2014 and no, the reason is not \u201ceveryone should just ignore IE anyway\u201d.\n\nBasic Diagnostics\n\nTo pick a simple example, suppose you want to call out all holdover font and center elements in a site. Simple: you just add the following to your styles.\n\nfont, center {outline: 5px solid red;}\n\nYou could take it further and add in a nice lime background or some such, but big thick red outlines should suffice. Now you\u2019ll be able to see the offenders wherever as you move through the site. (Of course, if you do this on your public server, everyone else will see the outlines too. So this is probably best done on a development server or local copy of the site.)\n\nNot everyone may be familiar with outlines, which were introduced in CSS2, so a word on those before we move on. Outlines are much like borders, except outlines don\u2019t affect layout. Eh? Here\u2019s a comparison.\n\n\n\nOn the left, you have a border. On the right, an outline. The border takes up layout space, pushing other content around and generally being a nuisance. The outline, on the other hand, just draws into quietly into place. In most current browsers, it will overdraw any content already onscreen, and will be overdrawn by any content placed later \u2014 which is why it overlaps the images above it, and is overlapped by those below it.\n\nOkay, so we can outline deprecated elements like font and center. Is that all? Oh no.\n\nAttribution\n\nLet\u2019s suppose you also want to find any instances of inline style \u2014 that is, use of the style attribute on elements in the markup. This is generally discouraged (outside of HTML e-mails, which I\u2019m not going to get anywhere near), as it\u2019s just another side of the same coin of using font: baking the presentation into the document structure instead of putting it somewhere more manageable. So:\n\n*[style], font, center {outline: 5px solid red;}\n\nAdding that attribute selector to the rule\u2019s grouped selector means that we\u2019ll now be outlining any element with a style attribute.\n\nThere\u2019s a lot more that attribute selectors will let use diagnose. For example, we can highlight any images that have empty alt or title text.\n\nimg[alt=\"\"] {border: 3px dotted red;}\nimg[title=\"\"] {outline: 3px dotted fuchsia;}\n\nNow, you may wonder why one of these rules calls for a border, and the other for an outline. That\u2019s because I want them to \u201cadd together\u201d \u2014 that is, if I have an image which possesses both alt and title, and the values of both are empty, then I want it to be doubly marked.\n\n\n\nSee how the middle image there has both red and fuchsia dots running around it? (And am I the only one who sorely misses the actual circular dots drawn by IE5/Mac?) That\u2019s due to its markup, which we can see here in a fragment showing the whole table row.\n\n\nempty title\n\n\"\"\n\"comical\"\n\n\nRight, that\u2019s all well and good, but it misses a rather more serious situation: the selector img[alt=\"\"] won\u2019t match an img element that doesn\u2019t even have an alt attribute. How to tackle this problem?\n\nNot a Problem\n\nWell, if you want to select something based on a negative, you need a negative selector.\n\nimg:not([alt]) {border: 5px solid red;}\n\nThis is really quite a break from the rest of CSS selection, which is all positive: \u201cselect anything that has these characteristics\u201d. With :not(), we have the ability to say (in supporting browsers) \u201cselect anything that hasn\u2019t these characteristics\u201d. In the above example, only img elements that do not have an alt attribute will be selected. So we expand our list of image-related rules to read:\n\nimg[alt=\"\"] {border: 3px dotted red;}\nimg[title=\"\"] {outline: 3px dotted fuchsia;}\nimg:not([alt]) {border: 5px solid red;}\nimg:not([title]) {outline: 5px solid fuchsia;}\n\nWith the following results:\n\n\n\nWe could expand this general idea to pick up tables who lack a summary, or have an empty summary attribute.\n\ntable[summary=\"\"] {outline: 3px dotted red;}\ntable:not([summary]) {outline: 5px solid red;}\n\nWhen it comes to selecting header cells that lack the proper scope, however, we have a trickier situation. Finding headers with no scope attribute is easy enough, but what about those that have a scope attribute with an incorrect value?\n\nIn this case, we actually need to pull an on-off maneuver. This has us setting all th elements to have a highlight style, and then turn it off for the elements that meet our criteria.\n\nth {border: 2px solid red;}\nth[scope=\"col\"], th[scope=\"row\"] {border: none;}\n\nThis was necessary because of the way CSS selectors work. For example, consider this:\n\nth:not([scope=\"col\"]), th:not([scope=\"row\"]) {border: 2px solid red;}\n\nThat would select\u2026all th elements, regardless of their attrributes. That\u2019s because every th element doesn\u2019t have a scope of col, doesn\u2019t have a scope of row, or doesn\u2019t have either. There\u2019s no escaping this selector o\u2019 doom!\n\nThis limitation arises because :not() is limited to containing a single \u201cthing\u201d within its parentheses. You can\u2019t, for example, say \u201cselect all elements except those that are images which descend from list items\u201d. Reportedly, this limitation was imposed to make browser implementation of :not() easier.\n\nStill, we can make good use of :not() in the service of further diagnosing. Calling out links in trouble is a breeze:\n\na[href]:not([title]) {border: 5px solid red;}\na[title=\"\"] {outline: 3px dotted red;}\na[href=\"#\"] {background: lime;}\na[href=\"\"] {background: fuchsia;}\n\n\n\nHere we have a set that will call our attention to links missing title information, as well as links that have no valid target, whether through a missing URL or a JavaScript-driven page where there are no link fallbacks in the case of missing or disabled JavaScript (href=\"#\").\n\nAnd What About IE?\n\nAs I said at the beginning, much of what I covered here doesn\u2019t work in Internet Explorer, most particularly :not() and outline. (Oh, so basically everything? -Ed.)\n\nI can\u2019t do much about the latter. For the former, however, it\u2019s possible to hack your way around the problem by doing some layered on-off stuff. For example, for images, you replace the previously-shown rules with the following:\n\nimg {border: 5px solid red;}\nimg[alt][title] {border-width: 0;}\nimg[alt] {border-color: fuchsia;}\nimg[alt], img[title] {border-style: double;}\nimg[alt=\"\"][title],\nimg[alt][title=\"\"] {border-width: 3px;}\nimg[alt=\"\"][title=\"\"] {border-style: dotted;}\n\nIt won\u2019t have exactly the same set of effects, given the inability to use both borders and outlines, but will still highlight troublesome images.\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s also the case that IE6 and earlier lack support for even attribute selectors, whereas IE7 added pretty much all the attribute selector types there are, so the previous code block won\u2019t have any effect previous to IE7.\n\nIn a broader sense, though, these kinds of styles probably aren\u2019t going to be used in the wild, as it were. Diagnostic styles are something only you see as you work on a site, so you can make sure to use a browser that supports outlines and :not() when you\u2019re diagnosing. The fact that IE users won\u2019t see these styles is irrelevant since users of any browser probably won\u2019t be seeing these styles.\n\nPersonally, I always develop in Firefox anyway, thanks to its ability to become a full-featured IDE through the addition of extensions like Firebug and the Web Developer Toolbar.\n\n\nYeah, About That\u2026\n\nIt\u2019s true that much of what I describe in this article is available in the WDT. I feel there are two advantages to writing your own set of diagnostic styles.\n\n\n\tWhen you write your own styles, you can define exactly what the visual results will be, and how they will interact. The WDT doesn\u2019t let you make its outlines thicker or change their colors.\n\tYou can combine a bunch of diagnostics into a single set of rules and add it to your site\u2019s style sheet during the diagnostic portion, thus ensuring they persist as you surf around. This can be done in the WDT, but it isn\u2019t as easy (and, at least for me, not as reliable).\n\n\nIt\u2019s also true that a markup validator will catch many of the errors I mentioned, such as missing alt and summary attributes. For some, that\u2019s sufficient. But it won\u2019t catch everything diagnostic styles can, like empty alt values or untargeted links, which are perfectly valid, syntactically speaking.\n\n\nDiagnosis Complete?\n\nI hope this has been a fun look at the concept of diagnostic styling as well as a quick introduction into possibly new concepts like :not() and outlines. This isn\u2019t all there is to say, of course: there is plenty more that could be added to a diagnostic style sheet. And everyone\u2019s diagnostics will be different, tuned to meet each person\u2019s unique situation.\n\nMostly, though, I hope this small exploration triggers some creative thinking about the use of CSS to do more than just lay out pages and colorize text. Given the familiarity we acquire with CSS, it only makes sense to use it wherever it might be useful, and setting up visible diagnostic flags is just one more place for it to help us.", "articles_fts": 46, "rank": null} {"rowid": 89, "title": "Direction, Distance and Destinations", "author": "Brian Suda", "contents": "With all these new smartphones in the hands of lost and confused owners, we need a better way to represent distances and directions to destinations. The immediate examples that jump to mind are augmented reality apps which let you see another world through your phone\u2019s camera. While this is interesting, there is a simpler way: letting people know how far away they are and if they are getting warmer or colder. \n\nIn the app world, you can easily tap into the phone\u2019s array of sensors such as the GPS and compass, but what people rarely know is that you can do the same with HTML. The native versus web app debate will never subside, but at least we can show you how to replicate some of the functionality progressively in HTML and JavaScript.\n\nIn this tutorial, we\u2019ll walk through how to create a simple webpage listing distances and directions of a few popular locations around the world. We\u2019ll use JavaScript to access the device\u2019s geolocation API and also attempt to access the compass to get a heading. Both of these APIs are documented, to be included in the W3C geolocation API specification, and can be used on both desktop and mobile devices today.\n\nTo get started, we need a list of a few locations around the world. I have chosen the highest mountain peak on each continent so you can see a diverse set of distances and directions. \n\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\tMountain \n\t\t\t\u00b0Latitude \n\t\t\t\u00b0Longitude \n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\tKilimanjaro\n\t\t\t-3.075833\n\t\t\t37.353333\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\tVinson Massif\n\t\t\t-78.525483\n\t\t\t-85.617147\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\tPuncak Jaya\n\t\t\t-4.078889\n\t\t\t137.158333\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\tEverest\n\t\t\t27.988056\n\t\t\t86.925278\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\tElbrus\n\t\t\t43.355\n\t\t\t42.439167\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\tMount McKinley\n\t\t\t63.0695\n\t\t\t-151.0074\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\tAconcagua\n\t\t\t-32.653431\n\t\t\t-70.011083\n\t\t\n\n\nSource: Wikipedia \n\nWe can put those into an HTML list to be styled and accessed by JavaScript to create some distance and directions calculations.\n\nThe next thing we need to do is check to see if the browser and operating system have geolocation support. To do this we test to see if the function is available or not using a single JavaScript if statement.\n\n\n\nThe if statement will be false if geolocation support is not present, and then it is up to you to do something else instead as a fallback. For this example, we\u2019ll do nothing since our page should work as is and only get progressively better if more functionality is available. \n\nThe if statement will be true if there is support and therefore will continue inside the curly brackets to try to get the location. This should prompt the reader to accept or deny the request to get their location. If they say no, the second function callback is processed, in this case a function called geo_error; whereas if the location is available, it fires the geo_success function callback.\n\nThe function geo_error(){ } isn\u2019t that exciting. You can handle this in any way you see fit. The success function is more interesting. We get a position object passed into the function which contains a series of exciting attributes, namely the latitude and longitude of the device\u2019s current location.\n\nfunction geo_success(position){\n\tgLat = position.coords.latitude;\n\tgLon = position.coords.longitude;\n}\n\nNow, in the variables gLat and gLon we have the user\u2019s approximate geographical position. We can use this information to start to calculate some distances between where they are and all the destinations.\n\nAt the time of writing, you can also get position.coords.heading, but on Windows and iOS devices this returned NULL. In the future, if and when this is supported, this is also where you can easily grab the compass information.\n\nInside the geo_success function, we want to loop through the HTML to get all of the mountain peaks\u2019 latitudes and longitudes and compute the distance.\n\n...\n$('.geo').each(function(){\n\t// Get the lat/lon from the HTML\n\ttLat = $(this).find('.lat').html()\n\ttLon = $(this).find('.lon').html()\n\n\t// compute the distances between the current location and this points location\n\tdist = distance(tLat,tLon,gLat,gLon);\n\n\t// set the return values into something useful\n\td = parseInt(dist[0]*10)/10;\n\ta = parseFloat(dist[1]);\n\n\t// display the value in the HTML and style the arrow\n\t$(this).find('.distance').html(d+' km away');\n\t$(this).find('.direction').css('-webkit-transform','rotate(-' + a + 'deg)');\n\n\t// store the arc for later use if compass is available\n\t$(this).attr('data-arc',a);\n}\n\nIn the variable d we have the distance between the current location and the location of the mountain peak based on the Haversine Formula. The variable a is the arc, which has a value from 0 to 359.99. This will be useful later if we have compass support. Given these two values we have a distance and a heading to style the HTML.\n\nThe next thing we want to do is check to see if the device has a compass and then get access to the the current heading. As we\u2019ll see, there are several ways to do this, some of which work on certain devices but not others. The W3C geolocation spec says that, along with the coordinates, there are several other attributes: accuracy; altitude; and heading. Heading is the direction to true north, which is different than magnetic north! WebKit and Windows return NULL for the heading value, but WebKit has an experimental method to fetch the heading. If you get into accessing these sensors, you\u2019ll have to try to catch a few of these methods to finally get a value. Assuming you do, we can move on to the more interesting display opportunities.\n\nIn an ideal world, this would succeed and set a variable we\u2019ll call compassHeading to get a value between 0 and 359.99 degrees. Now we know which direction north is, we also know the direction relative to north of the path to our destination, so we can can subtract the two values to get an arrow to display on the screen. But we\u2019re not finished yet: we also need to get the device\u2019s orientation (landscape or portrait) and subtract the correct amount from the angle for the arrow. Once we have a value, we can use CSS to rotate the arrow the correct number of degrees.\n\n-webkit-transform: rotate(-180deg)\n\nNot all devices support a standard way to access compass information, so in the meantime we need to use a work around. On iOS, you can use the experimental event method e.webkitCompassHeading. We want the compass to update in real time as the device is moved around, so we\u2019ll put this inside an event listener.\n\nwindow.addEventListener('deviceorientation', function(e) {\n\t// Loop through all the locations on the page\n\t$('.geo').each(function(){\n\t\t// get the arc value from north we computed and stored earlier\n\t\tdestination_arc = parseInt($(this).attr('data-arc'))\n\t\tcompassHeading = e.webkitCompassHeading + window.orientation + destination_arc;\n\t\t// find the arrow element and rotate it accordingly\n\t\t$(this).find('.direction').css('-webkit-transform','rotate(-' + compassHeading + 'deg)');\t\t\n\t}\n}\n\nAs the device is rotated, the compass arrow will constantly be updated. If you want to see an example, you can have a look at this page which shows the distances to all the peaks on each continent.\n\nWith progressive enhancement, we slowly layer on additional functionality as we go. The reader will first see the list of locations with a latitude and longitude. If the device is capable and permissions allow, it will then compute the distance. If a compass is available, with the correct permissions it will then add the final layer which is direction.\n\nYou should consider this code a stub for your projects. If you are making a hyperlocal webpage with restaurant locations, for example, then consider adding these features. Knowing not only how far away a place is, but also the direction can be hugely important, and since the compass is always active, it acts as a guide to the location. \n\nFuture developments\n\nImprovements to this could include setting a timer and recalling the navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition() function and updating the distances. I chose very distant mountains so kilometres made sense, but you can divide again by 1,000 to convert to metres if you are dealing with much nearer places. Walking or driving would change the distances so the ability to refresh would be important. \n\nIt is outside the scope of this article, but if you manage to get this HTML to work offline, then you can make a nice web app which sits on your devices\u2019 homescreens and works even without an internet connection. This could be ideal for travellers in an unknown city looking for your destination. Just with offline storage, base64 encoding and data URIs, it is possible to embed plenty of design and functionality into a small offline webpage.\n\nNow you know how to use JavaScript to look up a destination\u2019s location and figure out the distance and direction \u2013 never get lost again.", "articles_fts": 46, "rank": null} {"rowid": 288, "title": "Displaying Icons with Fonts and Data- Attributes", "author": "Jon Hicks", "contents": "Traditionally, bitmap formats such as PNG have been the standard way of delivering iconography on websites. They\u2019re quick and easy, and it also ensures they\u2019re as pixel crisp as possible. Bitmaps have two drawbacks, however: multiple HTTP requests, affecting the page\u2019s loading performance; and a lack of scalability, noticeable when the page is zoomed or viewed on a screen with a high pixel density, such as the iPhone 4 and 4S.\n\nThe requests problem is normally solved by using CSS sprites, combining the icon set into one (physically) large image file and showing the relevant portion via background-position. While this works well, it can get a bit fiddly to specify all the positions. In particular, scalability is still an issue. A vector-based format such as SVG sounds ideal to solve this, but browser support is still patchy.\n\n\n\nThe rise and adoption of web fonts have given us another alternative. By their very nature, they\u2019re not only scalable, but resolution-independent too. No need to specify higher resolution graphics for high resolution screens! \n\nThat\u2019s not all though:\n\n\n\tBrowser support: Unlike a lot of new shiny techniques, they have been supported by Internet Explorer since version 4, and, of course, by all modern browsers. We do need several different formats, however!\n\tDesign on the fly: The font contains the basic graphic, which can then be coloured easily with CSS \u2013 changing colours for themes or :hover and :focus styles is done with one line of CSS, rather than requiring a new graphic. You can also use CSS3 properties such as text-shadow to add further effects. Using -webkit-background-clip: text;, it\u2019s possible to use gradient and inset shadow effects, although this creates a bitmap mask which spoils the scalability.\n\tSmall file size: specially designed icon fonts, such as Drew Wilson\u2019s Pictos font, can be as little as 12Kb for the .woff font. This is because they contain fewer characters than a fully fledged font. You can see Pictos being used in the wild on sites like Garrett Murray\u2019s Maniacal Rage.\n\n\nAs with all formats though, it\u2019s not without its disadvantages: \n\n\n\tIcons can only be rendered in monochrome or with a gradient fill in browsers that are capable of rendering CSS3 gradients. Specific parts of the icon can\u2019t be a different colour.\n\tIt\u2019s only appropriate when there is an accompanying text to provide meaning. This can be alleviated by wrapping the text label in a tag (I like to use rather than , due to the fact that it\u2019s smaller and isn\u2019 t being used elsewhere) and then hiding it from view with text-indent:-999em.\n\tCreating an icon font can be a complex and time-consuming process. While font editors can carry out hinting automatically, the best results are achieved manually.\n\tUnless you\u2019re adept at creating your own fonts, you\u2019re restricted to what is available in the font. However, fonts like Pictos will cover the most common needs, and icons are most effective when they\u2019re using familiar conventions.\n\n\nThe main complaint about using fonts for icons is that it can mean adding a meaningless character to our markup. The good news is that we can overcome this by using one of two methods \u2013 CSS generated content or the data-icon attribute \u2013 in combination with the :before and :after pseudo-selectors, to keep our markup minimal and meaningful. \n\nOur simple markup looks like this:\n\nView Basket\n\nNote the multiple class attributes. Next, we\u2019ll import the Pictos font using the @font-face web fonts property in CSS:\n\n@font-face {\n font-family: 'Pictos';\n src: url('pictos-web.eot');\n src: local('\u263a'), \n url('pictos-web.woff') format('woff'), \n url('pictos-web.ttf') format('truetype'),\n url('pictos-web.svg#webfontIyfZbseF') format('svg');\n}\n\nThis rather complicated looking set of rules is (at the time of writing) the most bulletproof way of ensuring as many browsers as possible load the font we want. We\u2019ll now use the content property applied to the :before pseudo-class selector to generate our icon. Once again, we\u2019ll use those multiple class attribute values to set common icon styles, then specific styles for .basket. This helps us avoid repeating styles:\n\n.icon {\n font-family: 'Pictos';\n font-size: 22px:\n}\n\n.basket:before {\n content: \"$\";\n}\n\nWhat does the :before pseudo-class do? It generates the dollar character in a browser, even when it\u2019s not present in the markup. Using the generated content approach means our markup stays simple, but we\u2019ll need a new line of CSS, defining what letter to apply to each class attribute for every icon we add.\n\ndata-icon is a new alternative approach that uses the HTML5 data- attribute in combination with CSS attribute selectors. This new attribute lets us add our own metadata to elements, as long as its prefixed by data- and doesn\u2019t contain any uppercase letters. In this case, we want to use it to provide the letter value for the icon. Look closely at this markup and you\u2019ll see the data-icon attribute.\n\nView Basket\n\n\n\nWe could add others, in fact as many as we like.\n\nFavourites\nHistory\nLocation\n\n\n\nThen, we need just one CSS attribute selector to style all our icons in one go:\n\n.icon:before {\n content: attr(data-icon);\n /* Insert your fancy colours here */\n }\n\nBy placing our custom attribute data-icon in the selector in this way, we can enable CSS to read the value of that attribute and display it before the element (in this case, the anchor tag). It saves writing a lot of CSS rules. I can imagine that some may not like the extra attribute, but it does keep it out of the actual content \u2013 generated or not.\n\n\n\n\n\nThis could be used for all manner of tasks, including a media player and large simple illustrations. See the demo for live examples. Go ahead and zoom the page, and the icons will be crisp, with the exception of the examples that use -webkit-background-clip: text as mentioned earlier.\n\nFinally, it\u2019s worth pointing out that with both generated content and the data-icon method, the letter will be announced to people using screen readers. For example, with the shopping basket icon above, the reader will say \u201cdollar sign view basket\u201d. As accessibility issues go, it\u2019s not exactly the worst, but could be confusing. You would need to decide whether this method is appropriate for the audience. Despite the disadvantages, icon fonts have huge potential.", "articles_fts": 46, "rank": null} {"rowid": 226, "title": "Documentation-Driven Design for APIs", "author": "Frances Berriman", "contents": "Documentation is like gift wrapping. It seems like superfluous fluff, but your family tends to be rather disappointed when their presents arrive in supermarket carrier bags, so you have to feign some sort of attempt at making your gift look enticing. Documentation doesn\u2019t have to be all hard work and sellotaping yourself to a table \u2013 you can make it useful and relevant.\n\nDocumentation gets a pretty rough deal. It tends to get left until the end of a project, when some poor developer is assigned the \u2018document project\u2019 ticket and wades through each feature of Whizzy New API 3.0 and needs to recall exactly what each method is meant to do. That\u2019s assuming any time is left for documentation at all. The more common outcome resembles last minute homework scribbled on a post-it note, where just the bare bones of what\u2019s available are put out for your users, and you hope that you\u2019ll spot the inconsistencies and mistakes before they do.\n\nWouldn\u2019t it be nicer for everyone if you could make documentation not only outstanding for your users, but also a valuable tool for your development team \u2013 so much so that you couldn\u2019t imagine writing a line of code before you\u2019d documented it?\n\nDocumentation needs to have three main features:\n\n\n\tIt should have total coverage and document all the features of your project. Private methods should be documented for your developers, and public features need to be available to your users.\n\tIt should be consistent \u2013 a user should know what to expect from your documentation, and terminology should be accurate to your language.\n\tIt should be current \u2013 and that means staying accurate as new versions of your code base are released.\n\n\nBut you can also get these bonuses:\n\n\n\tAct as a suggested specification \u2013 a guide that will aid a developer in making something consistent and usable.\n\tIt can test your API quality.\n\tIt can enhance the communication skills within your development team.\n\n\nSo how do we get our documentation to be rich and full of features, instead of a little worn out like Boxing Day leftovers?\n\nWrite your documentation first\n\nWhen I say first, I mean first. Not after you\u2019ve started writing the code. Not even after you\u2019ve started writing your unit tests. First. You may or may not have been provided with a decent specification, but the first job should be to turn your requirements for a feature into documentation. \n\nIt works best when it takes the form of in-code comments. It works even better when your in-code comments take a standard documentation format that you can later use to generate published documentation for your users. This has the benefit of immediately making your docs as version controlled as your code-base, and it saves having to rewrite, copy or otherwise harass your docs into something legible later on. \n\nAlmost all languages have a self-documentation format these days. My choice of format for JavaScript is JSDocToolkit, and the sort of things I look for are the ability to specify private and public methods, full options object statements (opts as Opts only is a no-no), and the ability to include good examples.\n\nSo, our example for today will be a new festive feature for a JavaScript API. We\u2019ve been asked to specify a sled for Santa to get around the world to give out toys:\n\n\n\tSanta needs to be able to travel around the world in one night to deliver toys to children, and he\u2019ll need some reindeer to pull his sled.\n\n\nAs documentation, it would look like:\n\n/**\n@name Sled\n@extends Vehicle\n@constructor\n@description Create a new sled to send Santa around the world to deliver toys to good kids.\n\t@param {Object} [opts] Options\n\t@param {number} [opts.capacity='50'] Set the capacity of the sled\n\t@param {string} [opts.pilot='santa'] The pilot of the sled.\n@example\n\t// Create a sled and specify some reindeer.\n\tnew Sled().reindeer(['Dasher', 'Dancer', 'Prancer', 'Vixen', 'Comet', 'Cupid']);\n*/\n\nBy breaking it down as documentation, you can, for example, hand this over to another developer without the need to explain the feature in much depth, and they\u2019ll develop something that has to match this piece of documentation. It specifies everything that is important to this feature \u2013 its default values and types, and where it inherits other features from. \n\nWe know that we need to specify some way of setting reindeer to pull the sled and also some toys to give, and so we can quickly specify extra methods for the sled:\n\n/*\n@name vehicle.Sled#reindeer\n@function\n@description Set the reindeer that will pull Santa's sled.\n\t@param {string[]} reindeer A list of the reindeer.\n@example\n\t// specifying some reindeer\n\tSled().reindeer(['Dasher', 'Dancer', 'Rudolph', 'Vixen']);\n*/\n/*\n@name vehicle.Sled#toys\n@function\n@description Add a list of toys and recipients to the Sled.\n\t@param {Object[]} toys A list of toys and who will receive them.\n@example\n\t// Adding toys to the sled\n\tSled().toys([\n\t\t{name:'Brian', toy:'Fire Engine'},\n\t\t{name:'Drew', toy:'Roller-skates'},\n\t\t{name:'Anna', toy:'Play-doh'},\n\t\t...\n\t\t]);\n*/\n\nJob done! You\u2019ve got a specification to share with your team and something useful for your users in the form of full examples, and you didn\u2019t even have to open another text editor.\n\nUse your documentation to share knowledge\n\nDocumentation isn\u2019t just for users. It\u2019s also used by internal developers to explain what they\u2019ve written and how it works. This is especially valuable where the team is large or the code-base sprawling.\n\nSo, returning to our example, the next step would be to share with the rest of the team (or at least a selection of the team if yours is large) what the documentation looks like. This is useful for two main reasons:\n\n\n\tThey can see if they understand what the documentation says the feature will do. It\u2019s best if they haven\u2019t seen the requirement before. If your fellow developers can\u2019t work out what \u2018MagicMethodX\u2019 is going to return from the docs, neither can your users.\n\tThey can check that the feature accomplishes everything that they expect to, and that it\u2019s consistent with the rest of the functionality.\n\n\nOn previous projects, we\u2019ve taken to referring to this stage of the development process as the \u2018bun fight\u2019. It\u2019s a chance for everyone to have an honest say and throw a few pies without actually causing anyone to have to rewrite any code. If you can identify at this stage that a feature is over-complicated, lacking or just plain useless, you\u2019ll all be much happier to throw out a few lines of documentation than you may have been to throw out a partial, or even complete, piece of functionality.\n\nDocumentation has your back\n\nThe final benefit to working in this way is that your documentation not only remains accurate, it\u2019s always as accurate as your latest release. It can\u2019t fall behind. You can increase the likelihood that your docs will remain up to date by unit testing your examples.\n\nReturning to the previous example, we can add a QUnit unit test to the expected output with ease during the build process \u2013 we know exactly how the code will look and, with the @example tag, we can identify easily where to find the bits that need testing. If it\u2019s tested it\u2019ll definitely work as you expect it to when a user copy and pastes it. You\u2019re ensuring quality from idea to implementation.\n\nAs an extra bauble, the best thing about a system like JSDocToolkit is that it\u2019ll take your inline comments and turn them into beautiful sites, as good systems will allow for customised output templates. You\u2019ll be producing full-featured sites for your projects and plugins with almost no extra effort, but all the benefits.", "articles_fts": 46, "rank": null} {"rowid": 188, "title": "Don't Lose Your :focus", "author": "Patrick Lauke", "contents": "For many web designers, accessibility conjures up images of blind users with screenreaders, and the difficulties in making sites accessible to this particular audience. Of course, accessibility covers a wide range of situations that go beyond the extreme example of screenreader users. And while it\u2019s true that making a complex site accessible can often be a daunting prospect, there are also many small things that don\u2019t take anything more than a bit of judicious planning, are very easy to test (without having to buy expensive assistive technology), and can make all the difference to certain user groups.\n\nIn this short article we\u2019ll focus on keyboard accessibility and how careless use of CSS can potentially make your sites completely unusable.\n\nKeyboard Access\n\nUsers who for whatever reason can\u2019t use a mouse will employ a keyboard (or keyboard-like custom interface) to navigate around web pages. By default, they will use TAB and SHIFT + TAB to move from one focusable element (links, form controls and area) of a page to the next.\n\nNote: in OS X, you\u2019ll first need to turn on full keyboard access under System Preferences > Keyboard and Mouse > Keyboard Shortcuts. Safari under Windows needs to have the option Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage in Preferences > Advanced enabled. Opera is the odd one out, as it has a variety of keyboard navigation options \u2013 the most relevant here being spatial navigation via Shift+Down, Shift+Up, Shift+Left, and Shift+Right).\n\nBut I Don\u2019t Like Your Dotted Lines\u2026\n\nTo show users where they are within a page, browsers place an outline around the element that currently has focus. The \u201cproblem\u201d with these default outlines is that some browsers (Internet Explorer and Firefox) also display them when a user clicks on a focusable element with the mouse. Particularly on sites that make extensive use of image replacement on links with \u201coff left\u201d techniques this can create very unsightly outlines that stretch from the replaced element all the way to the left edge of the browser.\n\n Outline bleeding off to the left (image-replacement example from carsonified.com)\n\nThere is a trivial workaround to prevent outlines from \u201cspilling over\u201d by adding a simple overflow:hidden, which keeps the outline in check around the clickable portion of the image-replaced element itself.\n\n Outline tamed with overflow:hidden\n\nBut for many designers, even this is not enough. As a final solution, many actively suppress outlines altogether in their stylesheets. Controversially, even Eric Meyer\u2019s popular reset.css \u2013 an otherwise excellent set of styles that levels the playing field of varying browser defaults \u2013 suppresses outlines.\n\nhtml, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe ... {\n\t...\n\toutline: 0;\n\t...\n}\n/* remember to define focus styles! */\n:focus {\n\toutline: 0;\n}\n\nYes, in his explanation (and in the CSS itself) Eric does remind designers to define relevant styles for :focus\u2026 but judging by the number of sites that seem to ignore this (and often remove the related comment from the stylesheet altogether), the message doesn\u2019t seem to have sunk in.\n\nAnyway\u2026 hurrah! No more unsightly dotted lines on our lovely design. But what about keyboard users? Although technically they can still TAB from one element to the next, they now get no default cue as to where they are within the page (one notable exception here is Opera, where the outline is displayed regardless of stylesheets)\u2026 and if they\u2019re Safari users, they won\u2019t even get an indication of a link\u2019s target in the status bar, like they would if they hovered over it with the mouse.\n\nOnly Suppress outline For Mouse Users\n\nIs there a way to allow users navigating with the keyboard to retain the standard outline behaviour they\u2019ve come to expect from their browser, while also ensuring that it doesn\u2019t show display for mouse users?\n\n Testing some convoluted style combinations\n\nAfter playing with various approaches (see Better CSS outline suppression for more details), the most elegant solution also seemed to be the simplest: don\u2019t remove the outline on :focus, do it on :active instead \u2013 after all, :active is the dynamic pseudo-class that deals explicitly with the styles that should be applied when a focusable element is clicked or otherwise activated.\n\na:active { outline: none; }\n\nThe only minor issues with this method: if a user activates a link and then uses the browser\u2019s back button, the outline becomes visible. Oh, and old versions of Internet Explorer notoriously get confused by the exact meaning of :focus, :hover and :active, so this method fails in IE6 and below. Personally, I can live with both of these.\n\nNote: at the last minute before submitting this article, I discovered a fatal flaw in my test. It appears that outline still manages to appear in the time between activating a link and the link target loading (which in hindsight is logical \u2013 after activation, the link does indeed receive focus). As my test page only used in-page links, this issue never came up before. The slightly less elegant solution is to also suppress the outline on :hover.\n\na:hover, a:active { outline: none; }\n\nIn Conclusion\n\nOf course, many web designers may argue that they know what\u2019s best, even for their keyboard-using audience. Maybe they\u2019ve removed the default outline and are instead providing some carefully designed :focus styles. If they know for sure that these custom styles are indeed a reliable alternative for their users, more power to them\u2026 but, at the risk of sounding like Jakob \u201cblue underlined links\u201d Nielsen, I\u2019d still argue that sometimes the default browser behaviours are best left alone. Complemented, yes (and if you\u2019re already defining some fancy styles for :hover, by all means feel free to also make them display on :focus)\u2026 but not suppressed.", "articles_fts": 46, "rank": null} {"rowid": 326, "title": "Don't be eval()", "author": "Simon Willison", "contents": "JavaScript is an interpreted language, and like so many of its peers it includes the all powerful eval() function. eval() takes a string and executes it as if it were regular JavaScript code. It\u2019s incredibly powerful and incredibly easy to abuse in ways that make your code slower and harder to maintain. As a general rule, if you\u2019re using eval() there\u2019s probably something wrong with your design.\n\nCommon mistakes\n\nHere\u2019s the classic misuse of eval(). You have a JavaScript object, foo, and you want to access a property on it \u2013 but you don\u2019t know the name of the property until runtime. Here\u2019s how NOT to do it:\n\nvar property = 'bar';\nvar value = eval('foo.' + property);\n\nYes it will work, but every time that piece of code runs JavaScript will have to kick back in to interpreter mode, slowing down your app. It\u2019s also dirt ugly.\n\nHere\u2019s the right way of doing the above:\n\nvar property = 'bar';\nvar value = foo[property];\n\nIn JavaScript, square brackets act as an alternative to lookups using a dot. The only difference is that square bracket syntax expects a string.\n\nSecurity issues\n\nIn any programming language you should be extremely cautious of executing code from an untrusted source. The same is true for JavaScript \u2013 you should be extremely cautious of running eval() against any code that may have been tampered with \u2013 for example, strings taken from the page query string. Executing untrusted code can leave you vulnerable to cross-site scripting attacks.\n\nWhat\u2019s it good for?\n\nSome programmers say that eval() is B.A.D. \u2013 Broken As Designed \u2013 and should be removed from the language. However, there are some places in which it can dramatically simplify your code. A great example is for use with XMLHttpRequest, a component of the set of tools more popularly known as Ajax. XMLHttpRequest lets you make a call back to the server from JavaScript without refreshing the whole page. A simple way of using this is to have the server return JavaScript code which is then passed to eval(). Here is a simple function for doing exactly that \u2013 it takes the URL to some JavaScript code (or a server-side script that produces JavaScript) and loads and executes that code using XMLHttpRequest and eval().\n\nfunction evalRequest(url) {\n var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();\n xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {\n if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200) {\n eval(xmlhttp.responseText);\n }\n }\n xmlhttp.open(\"GET\", url, true);\n xmlhttp.send(null);\n }\n\nIf you want this to work with Internet Explorer you\u2019ll need to include this compatibility patch.", "articles_fts": 46, "rank": null} {"rowid": 40, "title": "Don\u2019t Push Through the Pain", "author": "Carolyn Wood", "contents": "In 2004, I lost my web career. In a single day, it was gone. I was in too much pain to use a keyboard, a Wacom tablet (I couldn\u2019t even click the pen), or a trackball. Switching my mouse to use my left (non-dominant) hand only helped a bit; then that hand went, too. I tried all the easy-to-find equipment out there, except for expensive gizmos with foot pedals. I had tingling in my fingers\u2014which, when I was away from the computer, would rhythmically move as if some other being controlled them. I worried about Parkinson\u2019s because the movements were so dramatic. Pen on paper was painful. Finally, I discovered one day that I couldn\u2019t even turn a doorknob.\n\nThe only highlight was that I couldn\u2019t dust, scrub, or vacuum. We were forced to hire someone to come in once a week for an hour to whip through the house. You can imagine my disappointment. \n\nMy injuries had gradually slithered into my life without notice. I\u2019d occasionally have sore elbows, or my wrist might ache for a day, or my shoulders feel tight. But nothing to keyboard home about. That\u2019s the critical bit of news. One day, you\u2019re pretty fine. The next day, you don\u2019t have your job\u2014or any job that requires the use of your hands and wrists. \n\nI had to walk away from the computer for over four months\u2014and partially for several months more. That\u2019s right: no income. If I hadn\u2019t found a gifted massage therapist, the right book of stretches, the equipment I should have been using all along, and learned how to pay attention to my body\u2014even just a little bit more\u2014I quite possibly wouldn\u2019t be writing this article today. I wouldn\u2019t be writing anything, anywhere. \n\nMost of us have heard of (and even claimed to have read all of) Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, author of Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, who describes the state of flow\u2014the place our minds go when we are fully engaged and in our element. This lovely state of highly focused activity is deeply satisfying, often creative, and quite familiar to many of us on the web who just can\u2019t quit until the copy sings or the code is untangled or we get our highest score yet in Angry Birds. Our minds may enter that flow, but too often as our brains take flight, all else recedes. And we leave something very important behind. \n\nOur bodies. \n\nMy body wasn\u2019t made to make the same minute movements thousands of times a day, most days of the year, for decades, and neither was yours. The wear and tear sneaks up on you, especially if you\u2019re the obsessive perfectionist that we all pretend not to be. Oh? You\u2019re not obsessed? I wasn\u2019t like this all the time, but I remember sitting across from my husband, eating dinner, and I didn\u2019t hear a word he said. I\u2019d left my brain upstairs in my office, where it was wrestling in a death match with the box model or, God help us all, IE 5.2. I was a writer, too, and I was having my first inkling that I was a content strategist. Work was exciting. I could sit up late, in the flow, fingers flying at warp speed. I could sit until those wretched birds outside mocked me with their damn, cheerful \u201cHurray, it\u2019s morning!\u201d songs. Suddenly, while, say, washing dishes, the one magical phrase that captured the essence of a voice or idea would pop up, and I would have mowed down small animals and toddlers to get to my computer and hammer out that website or article, to capture that thought before it escaped. Note my use of the word hammer. Sound at all familiar? \n\nBut where was my body during my work? Jaw jutting forward to see the screen, feet oddly positioned\u2014and then left in place like chunks of marble\u2014back unsupported, fingers pounding the keys, wrists and arms permanently twisted in unnatural angles that we thought were natural. And clicking. Clicking, clicking, clicking that mouse. Thumbing tiny keyboards on phones. A lethal little gesture for tiny little tendons. Though I was fine from, say 1997 to 2004, by the end of 2004 this behavior culminated in disaster. I had repetitive stress injuries, aka repetitive motion injuries. As the Apple site says, \u201cA brief exposure to these conditions would not cause harm. But a prolonged exposure may, in some people, result in reduced ability to function.\u201d I\u2019ll say. \n\nI frantically turned to people on lists and forums. \u201cTry a track ball.\u201d Already did that. \u201cTry a tablet.\u201d Worse. One person wrote, \u201cI still come here once in a while and can type a couple sentences, but I\u2019ve permanently got thoracic outlet syndrome and I\u2019ll never work again.\u201d Oh, beauteous web, oh, long-distance friends, farewell. \n\nThe Wrist Bone\u2019s Connected to the Brain Bone\n\nThat variation on the old song tells part of the story. Most people (and many of their physicians) believe that tingling fingers and aching wrists MUST be carpel tunnel syndrome. Nope. If your neck juts forward, it tenses and stays tense the entire time you work in that position. Remember how your muscles felt after holding a landline phone with your neck tilted to one side for a long client meeting? Regrettable. Tensing your shoulders because your chair\u2019s not designed properly puts you at risk for thoracic outlet syndrome, a career-killer if ever there was one. The nerves and tendons in your neck and shoulder refer down your arms, and muscles swell around nerves, causing pain and dysfunction. Your elbows have a tendon that is especially vulnerable to repetitive movements (think tennis elbow). Your wrists are performing something akin to a circus act with one thousand shows a day. \n\nSo, all the fine tendons and ligaments in your fingers have problems that may not start at your wrists at all. Though some people truly do have carpal tunnel syndrome, my finger and wrist problems weren\u2019t solved by heavily massaging my fingers (though, that was helpful, too) or my wrists. They were fixed by work on my neck, upper back, shoulders, arms, and elbows. This explains why many people have surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome and just months later say, \u201cWhat?! How can I possibly have it again? I had an operation!\u201d Well, fellow buckaroo, you may never have had carpel tunnel syndrome. You may have had\u2014or perhaps will have\u2014one long disaster area from your neck to your fingertips. \n\nHow to Crawl Back \n\nBefore trying extreme measures, you may be able to function again even if you feel hopeless. I managed to heal, and so have others, but I\u2019ll always be at risk. \n\nAs Jen Simmons, of The Web Ahead podcast and other projects told me, \u201cIt took a long time to injure myself. It took a long time to get back to where I was. My right arm between my elbow and wrist would start aching intermittently. Eventually, my arm even ached at night. I started each day with yesterday\u2019s pain.\u201d Simple measures, used consistently, helped her back. \n\n1. Massage therapy\n\nI don\u2019t remember what the rest of the world is like, but in Portland, Oregon, we have more than one massage therapy college. (Of course we do.) I saw a former teacher at the most respected school. This is not your \u201cIt was all so soothing. Why, I fell asleep!\u201d massage. This is \u201cHoly crap, he\u2019s grinding his elbow into my armpit!\u201c massage therapy, with the emphasis on therapy. I owe him everything. Make sure you have someone who really knows what they\u2019re doing. Get many referrals. Try a question, \u201cDoes my psoas muscle affect my back?\u201d If they can\u2019t answer it, flee. Regularly see the one you choose and after a while, depending on how injured you are, you may be able to taper off. \n\n2. Change your equipment\n\nYou may need to be hands-on with several pieces of equipment before you find the ones that don\u2019t cause more pain. Many companies have restocking fees, charges to ship the equipment you want to return, and other retail atrocities. Always be sure to ask what the return policies are at any company before purchasing.\n\nMice \n\nYou may have more success than I did with equipment such as the Wacom tablet. Mine came with a pen, and it hurt to repetitively click it. Trackballs are another option but, for many, they are better at prevention than recovery. But let\u2019s get to the really effective stuff. One of the biggest sources of pain is using your mouse. One major reason is that your hand and wrist are in a perpetually unnatural position and you\u2019re also moving your arm quite a bit. Each time you move the mouse, it is placing stress on your neck, shoulders and arms, because you need to lift them slightly in order to move the mouse and you need to angle your wrist. You may also be too injured to use the trackpad all the time, and this mouse, the vertical mouse is a dandy preventative measure, too. Shaking up your patterns is a wise move. I have long fingers, not especially thin, yet the small size works best for me. (They have larger choices available.) What?! A sideways mouse? Yep. All the weight of your hand will be resting on it in the handshake position. Your forearms aren\u2019t constantly twisting over hill and dale. You aren\u2019t using any muscles in your wrist or hand. They are relaxing. You\u2019ll adapt in a day, and oh, oh, what a relief it is. \n\nKeyboards\n\nI really liked doing business with the people at Kinesis-Ergo. (I\u2019m not affiliated with them in any way.) They have the vertical mouse and a number of keyboards. The one that felt the most natural to me, and, once again, it only takes a day to adapt, is the Freestyle2 for the Mac. They have several options. I kept the keyboard halves attached to each other at first, and then spread them apart a little more. I recommend choosing one that slants and can separate. You can adjust the angle. For a little extra, they\u2019ll make sure it\u2019s all set up and ready to go for you. I\u2019m guessing that some Googling will find you similar equipment, wherever you live. \n\nWarning: if you use the ergonomic keyboards, you may have fewer USB ports. The laptop will be too far away to see unless you find a satisfactory setup using a stand. This is the perfect excuse for purchasing a humongous display. \n\nYou may not look cool while jetting coast to coast in your skinny jeans and what appears to be the old-time orthopedic shoe version of computing gear. But once you have rested and used many of these suggestions consistently, you may be able to use your laptop or other device in all its lovely sleekness during the trip. \n\nOther doohickies\n\nThe Kinesis site and The Human Solution have a wide selection of ergonomic products: standing desks, ergonomically correct chairs, and, yes, even things with foot pedals. Explore! \n\n3. Stop clicking, at least for a while\n\nUse keyboard shortcuts, but use them slowly. This is not the time to show off your skillz. You\u2019ll be sort of like a recovering alcoholic, in that you\u2019ll be a recovering repetitive stress survivor for the rest of your life, once you really injure yourself. Always be vigilant. There\u2019s also a bit of software sold by The Human Solution and other places, and it was my salvation. It\u2019s called the McNib for Macs, and the Nib for PCs. (I\u2019ve only used the McNib.) It\u2019s for click-free mousing. I found it tricky to use when writing markup and code, but you may become quite adept at it. A little rectangle pops up on your screen, you mouse over it and choose, let\u2019s say, \u201cDouble-click.\u201d Until you change that choice, if you mouse over a link or anything else, it will double-click it for you. All you do is glide your mouse around. Awkward for a day or two, but you\u2019ll pick it up quickly. Though you can use it all day for work, even if you just use this for browsing LOLcats or Gary Vaynerchuk\u2019s YouTube videos, it will help you by giving your fingers a sweet break. \n\nBut here\u2019s the sad news. The developer who invented this died a few years ago. (Yes, I used to speak to him on the phone.) While it is for sale, it isn\u2019t compatible with Mac OS X Lion or anything subsequent. PowerPC strikes again. His site is still up. Demos for use with older software can be downloaded free at his old site, or at The Human Solution. Perhaps an enterprising developer can invent something that would provide this help, without interfering with patents. Rumor has it among ergonomic retailers (yes, I\u2019m like a police dog sniffing my way to a criminal once I head down a trail) that his company was purchased by a company in China, with no update in sight. \n\n4. Use built-in features\n\nThat little microphone icon that comes up alongside the keyboard on your iPhone allows you to speak your message instead of incessantly thumbing it. I believe it works in any program that uses the keyboard. It\u2019s not Siri. She\u2019s for other things, like having a personal relationship with an inanimate object. Apple even has a good section on ergonomics. You think I\u2019m intense about this subject? To improve your repetitive stress, Apple doesn\u2019t want you to use oral contraceptives, alcohol, or tobacco, to which I say, \u201cHave as much sex, bacon, and chocolate as possible to make up for it.\u201d \n\nApple\u2019s info even has illustrations of things like a faucet dripping into what is labeled a bucket full of \u201cTRAUMA.\u201d Sounds like upgrading to Yosemite, but I digress. \n\n5. Take breaks \n\nIf it\u2019s a game or other non-essential activity, take a break for a month. Fine, now that I\u2019ve called games non-essential, I suppose you\u2019ll all unfollow me on Twitter. \n\n6. Whether you are sore or not, do stretches throughout the day \n\nThis is a big one. Really big. The best book on the subject of repetitive stress injuries is Conquering Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Other Repetitive Strain Injuries: A Self-Care Program by Sharon J. Butler. Don\u2019t worry, most of it is illustrations. Pretend it\u2019s a graphic novel. \n\nI\u2019m notorious for never reading instructions, and who on earth reads the introduction of a book, unless they wrote it? I wrote a book a long time ago, and I bet my house, husband, and life savings that my own parents never read the intro. Well, I did read the intro to this book, and you should, too. Stretching correctly, in a way that doesn\u2019t further hurt you, that keeps you flexible if you aren\u2019t injured, that actually heals you, calls for precision. Read and you\u2019ll see. The key is to stretch just until you start to feel the stretch, even if that\u2019s merely a tiny movement. Don\u2019t force anything past that point. Kindly nurse yourself back to health, or nurture your still-healthy body by stretching. Over the following days, weeks, months, you\u2019ll be moving well past that initial stretch point. \n\nThe book is brimming with examples. You only have to pick a few stretches, if this is too much to handle. Do it every single day. I can tell you some of the best ones for me, but it depends on the person. You\u2019ll also discover in Butler\u2019s book that areas that you think are the problem are sometimes actually adjacent to the muscle or tendon that is the source of the problem. Add a few stretches or two for that area, too. \n\nBut please follow the instructions in the introduction. If you overdo it, or perform some other crazy-ass hijinks, as I would be tempted to do, I am not responsible for your outcome. I give you fair warning that I am not a healthcare provider. I\u2019m just telling you as a friend, an untrained one, at that, who has been through this experience. \n\n7. Follow good habits\n\nDevelop habits like drinking lots of water (which helps with lactic acid buildup in muscles), looking away from the computer for twenty seconds every twenty to thirty minutes, eating right, and probably doing everything else your mother told you to do. Maybe this is a good time to bring up flossing your teeth, and going outside to play instead of watching TV. As your mom would say, \u201cIt\u2019s a beautiful day outside, what are you kids doing in here?\u201d \n\n8. Speak instead of writing, if you can \n\nAmber Simmons, who is very smart and funny, once tweeted in front of the whole world that, \u201c@carywood is a Skype whore.\u201d I was always asking people on Twitter if we could Skype instead of using iChat or exchanging emails. (I prefer the audio version so I don\u2019t have to, you know, do something drastic like comb my hair.) Keyboarding is tough on hands, whether you notice it or not at the time, and when doing rapid-fire back-and-forthing with people, you tend to speed up your typing and not take any breaks. This is a hand-killer. Voice chats have made such a difference for me that I am still a rabid Skype whore. Wait, did I say that out loud? \n\nSpeak your text or emails, using Dragon Dictate or other software. In about 2005, accessibility and user experience design expert, Derek Featherstone, in Canada, and I, at home, chatted over the internet, each of us using a different voice-to-text program. The programs made so many mistakes communicating with each other that we began that sort of endless, tearful laughing that makes you think someone may need to call an ambulance. This type of software has improved quite a bit over the years, thank goodness. Lack of accessibility of any kind isn\u2019t funny to Derek or me or to anyone who can\u2019t use the web without pain. \n\n9. Watch your position \n\nFor example, if you lift up your arms to use the computer, or stare down at your laptop, you\u2019ll need to rearrange your equipment. The internet has a lot of information about ideal ergonomic work areas. Please use a keyboard drawer. Be sure to measure the height carefully so that even a tented keyboard, like the one I recommend, will fit. I also recommend getting the version of the Freestyle with palm supports. Just these two measures did much to help both Jen Simmons and me. \n\n10. If you need to take anti-inflammatories, stop working\n\nIf you are all drugged up on ibuprofen, and pounding and clicking like mad, your body will not know when you are tired or injuring yourself. I don\u2019t recommend taking these while using your computing devices. Perhaps just take it at night, though I\u2019m not a fan of that category of medications. Check with your healthcare provider. At least ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory, which may help you. In contrast, acetaminophen (paracetamol) only makes your body think it\u2019s not in pain. Ice is great, as is switching back and forth between ice and heat. But again, if you need ice and ibuprofen you really need to take a major break. \n\n11. Don\u2019t forget the rest of your body\n\nI\u2019ve zeroed in on my personal area of knowledge and experience, but you may be setting yourself up for problems in other areas of your body. There\u2019s what is known to bad writers as \u201ca veritable cornucopia\u201d of information on the web about how to help the rest of your body. A wee bit of research on the web and you\u2019ll discover simple exercises and stretches for the rest of your potential catastrophic areas: your upper back, your lower back, your legs, ankles, and eyes. Do gentle stretches, three or four times a day, rather than powering your way through. Ease into new equipment such as standing desks. Stretch those newly challenged areas until your body adapts. Pay attention to your body, even though I too often forget mine. \n\n12. Remember the children\n\nKids are using equipment to play highly addictive games or to explore amazing software, and if these call for repetitive motions, children are being set up for future injuries. They\u2019ll grab hold of something, as parents out there know, and play it 3,742 times. That afternoon. Perhaps by the time they are adults, everything will just be holograms and mind-reading, but adult fingers and hands are used for most things in life, not just computing devices and phones with keyboards sized for baby chipmunks. \n\nI\u2019ll be watching you\n\nQuickly now, while I (possibly) have your attention. Don\u2019t move a muscle. Is your neck tense? Are you unconsciously lifting your shoulders up? How long since you stopped staring at the screen? How bright is your screen? Are you slumping (c\u2019mon now, \u2018fess up) and inviting sciatica problems? Do you have to turn your hands at an angle relative to your wrist in order to type? Uh-oh. That\u2019s a bad one. Your hands, wrists, and forearms should be one straight line while keyboarding. Future you is begging you to change your ways. Don\u2019t let your #ThrowbackThursday in 2020 say, \u201cHere\u2019s a photo from when I used to be able to do so many wonderful things that I can\u2019t do now.\u201d And, whatever you do, don\u2019t try for even a nanosecond to push through the pain, or the next thing you know, you\u2019ll be an unpaid extra in The Expendables 7.", "articles_fts": 46, "rank": null} {"rowid": 264, "title": "Dynamic Social Sharing Images", "author": "Drew McLellan", "contents": "Way back when social media was new, you could be pretty sure that whatever you posted would be read by those who follow you. If you\u2019d written a blog post and you wanted to share it with those who follow you, you could post a link and your followers would see it in their streams. Oh heady days! \nWith so many social channels and a proliferation of content and promotions flying past in everyone\u2019s streams, it\u2019s no longer enough to share content on social media, you have to actively sell it if you want it to be seen. You really need to make the most of every opportunity to catch a reader\u2019s attention if you\u2019re trying to get as many eyes as possible on that sweet, sweet social content.\nOne of the best ways to grab attention with your posts or tweets is to include an image. There\u2019s heaps of research that says that having images in your posts helps them stand out to followers. Reports I found showed figures from anything from 35% to 150% improvement from just having image in a post. Unfortunately, the details were surrounded with gross words like engagement and visual marketing assets and so I had to close the page before I started to hate myself too much.\nSo without hard stats to quote, we\u2019ll call it a rule of thumb. The rule of thumb is that posts with images will grab more attention than those without, so it makes sense that when adding pages to a website, you should make sure that they have social media sharing images associated with them.\nAdding sharing images\nThe process for declaring an image to be used in places like Facebook and Twitter is very simple, and at this point is familiar to many of us. You add a meta tag to the head of the page to point to the location of the image to use. When a link to the page is added to a post, the social network will fetch the page, look for the meta tag and then use the image you specified.\n\nThere\u2019s a good post on this over at CSS-Tricks if you need to bone up on the details of this and other similar meta tags for social media sharing.\nThis is all fine and well for content that has a very obvious choice of image to go along with it, but what if you don\u2019t necessarily have an image? One approach is to use stock photography, but that\u2019s not going to be right for every situation.\nThis was something we faced with 24 ways in 2017. We wanted to add images to the tweets we post each day announcing a new article. Some articles have images, but not all, and there tended not to be any consistency in terms of imagery from one article to the next. We always have an author photograph, but those don\u2019t usually lend themselves directly to being the main \u2018hero\u2019 image for an article.\nPutting his thinking cap on, Paul came up with a design for an image that used the author photo along with a quote extracted from the article.\nOne of the hand-made sharing images from 2017\nEach day we would pick a quote from the article, and Paul would manually compose an image to be uploaded to the site. The results were great, but the whole process was a bit too labour intensive and relied on an individual (Paul) being available each day to do the work. I thought we could probably improve this.\nHatching a new plan\nOne initial idea I came up with was to script the image editor to dynamically build a new image by pulling content from our database. Sketch has plugins available to pull JSON content into a design, and our CMS can easily output JSON data, so that was one possibility.\nThe more I thought about this and how much I wish graphic design tools worked just a little bit more like CSS, the obvious solution hit me. We should just build it with CSS!\nIn fact, as the author name and image already exist in our CMS, and the visual styling is based on the design of the website, couldn\u2019t this just be another page on the site generated by the CMS?\nBreaking it down, I figured the steps needed would be something like:\n\nCreate the CSS to lay out a component that could be turned into an image\nAdd a new field to articles in the CMS to hold a handpicked quote\nBuild a new article template in the CMS to output the author name and quote dynamically for any article\n\u2026 um \u2026 screenshot?\n\nI thought I\u2019d get cracking and see if I could figure out the final steps later.\nBuilding the page\nThe first thing to tackle was the basic HTML and CSS to lay out the components for our image. That bit was really easy, as I just asked Paul to do it. Everyone should have a Paul.\nPaul\u2019s code uses a fixed dimension container in the HTML, set to 600 \u00d7 315px. This is to make it the correct aspect ratio for Facebook\u2019s recommended image size. It\u2019s useful to remember here that it doesn\u2019t need to be responsive or robust, as the page only needs to lay out correctly for a screenshot and a fixed size in a known browser.\nWith the markup and CSS in place, I turned this into a new template. Our CMS can easily display content through any number of templates, so I created a version of the article template that was totally stripped down. It only included the author details and the quote, along with Paul\u2019s markup.\nI also added the quote as a new field on the article in the CMS, so each \u2018image\u2019 could be quickly and easily customised in the editing process.\nI added a new field to the article template to capture the quote.\nWith very little effort, we quickly had a page to dynamically generate our \u2018image\u2019 right from the CMS. You can see any of them by adding /sharing onto the end of an article URL for any 2018 article.\nOur automatically generated layout direct from the CMS\nIt soon became clear that the elusive Step 4 was going to be the tricky part. I can create a small page on the site that looks like an image, but how should I go about turning it into one? An obvious route is to screenshot the page by hand, but that\u2019s going back to some of the manual steps I was trying to eliminate, and also opens up a possibility for errors to be made. But it did lead me to the thought\u2026 how could I automatically take a screenshot?\nEnter Puppeteer\nPuppeteer is a Node.js library that provides a nice API onto Headless Chrome. What is Headless Chrome, you ask? It\u2019s just a version of the Chrome browser than runs from the command line without ever drawing anything to a user interface window. It loads pages, renders CSS, runs JavaScript, pretty much every normal thing that Chrome on the desktop does, but without a clicky user interface.\nHeadless Chrome can be used for all sorts of things such as running automated tests on front-end code after making changes, or\u2026 get this\u2026 rendering pages that can be used for screenshots. The actual process of writing some code to control Chrome and to take the screenshot is where Puppeteer comes in. Puppeteer puts a friendly layer in front of big old scary Chrome to enable us to interact with it using simple JavaScript code running in Node.\nUsing Puppeteer, I can write a small script that will repeatably turn a URL into an image. So simple is it to do this, that\u2019s it\u2019s actually Puppeteer\u2019s \u2018hello world\u2019 example.\nFirst you install Puppeteer. It downloads a compatible headless browser (actually Chromium) as a dependancy, so you don\u2019t need to worry about installing that. At the command line:\nnpm i puppeteer\nThen save a new file as example.js with this code:\nconst puppeteer = require('puppeteer');\n\n(async () => {\n const browser = await puppeteer.launch();\n const page = await browser.newPage();\n await page.goto('https://example.com');\n await page.screenshot({path: 'example.png'});\n await browser.close();\n})();\nand then run it using Node:\nnode example.js\nThis will output an image file example.png to disk, which contains a screenshot of, in this case https://example.com. The logic of the code is reasonably easy to follow:\n\nLaunch a browser\nOpen up a new page\nGoto a URL\nTake a screenshot\nClose the browser\n\nThe async function and await keywords are a way to have the script pause and wait for normally asynchronous code to return before proceeding. That\u2019s useful with actions like loading a web page that might take some time to complete. They\u2019re used with Promises, and the effect is to make asynchronous code behave as if it\u2019s synchronous. You can read more about async and await at MDN if you\u2019re interested.\nThat\u2019s a good proof-of-concept using the basic Puppeteer example. I can take a screenshot of a URL! But what happens if I put the URL of my new special page in there?\nOur content is up in the corner of the image with lots of empty space.\nThat\u2019s not great. It\u2019s okay, but not great. It looks like that, by default, Puppeteer takes a screenshot with a resolution of 800 \u00d7 600, so we need to find out how to adjust that. Fortunately, the docs aren\u2019t the worst and I was able to find the page.setViewport() method pretty easily.\nconst puppeteer = require('puppeteer');\n\n(async () => {\n const browser = await puppeteer.launch();\n const page = await browser.newPage();\n await page.goto('https://24ways.org/2018/clip-paths-know-no-bounds/sharing');\n await page.setViewport({\n width: 600,\n height: 315\n });\n await page.screenshot({path: 'example.png'});\n await browser.close();\n})();\nThis worked! The screenshot is now 600 \u00d7 315 as expected. That\u2019s exactly what we asked for. Trouble is, that\u2019s a bit low res and it is nearly 2019 after all. While in those docs, I noticed the deviceScaleFactor option that can be passed to page.setViewport(). Setting that to 2 gives us an image of the same area of the screen, but with twice as many pixels.\n await page.setViewport({\n width: 600,\n height: 315,\n deviceScaleFactor: 2\n });\nPerfect! We now have a programmatic way of turning a URL into an image.\nImproving the script\nRather than having a script with a fixed URL in it that outputs an image called example.png, the next step is to make that a bit more dynamic. The aim here is to have a script that we can run with a URL as an argument and have it output an image for that one page. That way we can run it manually, or hook it into part of our site\u2019s build process to automate the generation of the image.\nOur goal is to call the script like this:\nnode shoot-sharing-image.js https://24ways.org/2018/clip-paths-know-no-bounds/\nAnd I want the image to come out with the name clip-paths-know-no-bounds.png. To do that, I need to have my script look for command arguments, and then to split the URL up to grab the slug from it.\n// Get the URL and the slug segment from it\nconst url = process.argv[2];\nconst segments = url.split('/');\n// Get the second-to-last segment (the slug)\nconst slug = segments[segments.length-2];\nWe can then use these variables later in the script, remembering to add sharing back onto the end of the URL to get our dedicated page.\n(async () => {\n const browser = await puppeteer.launch();\n const page = await browser.newPage();\n await page.goto(url + 'sharing');\n await page.setViewport({\n width: 600,\n height: 315,\n deviceScaleFactor: 2\n });\n await page.screenshot({path: slug + '.png'});\n await browser.close();\n})();\nOnce you\u2019re generating the image with Node, there\u2019s all sorts of things you can do with it. An obvious step is to move it to the correct location within your site or project.\nYou can also run optimisations on the file. I\u2019m using imagemin with pngquant to reduce the file size a little.\nconst imagemin = require('imagemin');\nconst imageminPngquant = require('imagemin-pngquant');\n\nawait imagemin([slug + '.png'], 'build', {\n plugins: [\n imageminPngquant({quality: '75-90'})\n ]\n});\n\nYou can see the completed example as a gist.\nIntegrating it with your CMS\nSo we now have a command we can run to take a URL and generate a custom image for that URL. It\u2019s in a format that can be called by any sort of build script, or triggered from a publishing hook in a CMS. Exactly how you do that is going to depend on the way your site is built and the technology stack you\u2019re using, but it\u2019s likely not too hard as long as you can run a command as part of the process.\nFor 24 ways this year, I\u2019ve been running the script by hand once each article is ready. My script adds the file to a git repo and pushes to a deployment remote that is configured to automatically deploy static assets to our server. Along with our theme of making incremental improvements, next year I\u2019ll look to automate this one step further.\nWe may also look at having a few slightly different layouts to choose from, so that each day isn\u2019t exactly the same as the last. Interestingly, we could even try some A/B tests to see if there\u2019s any particular format of image or type of quote that does a better job of grabbing attention. There are lots of possibilities!\n\nBy using a bit of ingenuity, some custom CMS templates, and the very useful Puppeteer project, we\u2019ve been able to reliably produce dynamic social media sharing images for all of our articles. In doing so, we reduced the dependancy on any individual for producing those images, and opened up a world of possibilities in how we use those images.\nI hope you\u2019ll give it a try!", "articles_fts": 46, "rank": null} {"rowid": 120, "title": "Easier Page States for Wireframes", "author": "Richard Rutter", "contents": "When designing wireframes for web sites and web apps, it is often overlooked that the same \u2018page\u2019 can look wildly different depending on its context. A logged-in page will look different from a logged-out page; an administrator\u2019s view may have different buttons than a regular user\u2019s view; a power user\u2019s profile will be more extensive than a new user\u2019s.\n\nThese different page states need designing at some point, especially if the wireframes are to form a useful communication medium between designer and developer. Documenting the different permutations can be a time consuming exercise involving either multiple pages in one\u2019s preferred box-and-arrow software, or a fully fledged drawing containing all the possible combinations annotated accordingly.\n\nEnter interactive wireframes and Polypage\n\nInteractive wireframes built in HTML are a great design and communication tool. They provide a clickable prototype, running in the browser as would the final site. As such they give a great feel for how the site will be to use. Once you add in the possibilities of JavaScript and a library such as jQuery, they become even more flexible and powerful.\n\nPolypage is a jQuery plugin which makes it really easy to design multiple page states in HTML wireframes. There\u2019s no JavaScript knowledge required (other than cutting and pasting in a few lines). The page views are created by simply writing all the alternatives into your HTML page and adding special class names to apply state and conditional view logic to the various options. \n\nWhen the page is loaded Polypage automatically detects the page states defined by the class names and creates a control bar enabling the user to toggle page states with the click of a mouse or the clack of a keyboard.\n\n\n\nUsing cookies by way of the jQuery cookie plugin, Polypage retains the view state throughout your prototype. This means you could navigate through your wireframes as if you were logged out; as if you were logged in as an administrator; with notes on or off; or with any other view or state you might require. The possibilities are entirely up to you.\n\nHow does it work?\n\nFirstly you need to link to jQuery, the jQuery cookie plugin and to Polypage. Something like this:\n\n\n\n\n\nThen you need to initialise Polypage on page load using something along these lines:\n\n\n\nNext you need to define the areas of your wireframe which are particular to a given state or view. Do this by applying classes beginning with pp_. Polypage will ignore all other classes in the document.\n\nThe pp_ prefix should be followed by a state name. This can be any text string you like, bearing in mind it will appear in the control bar. Typical page states might include \u2018logged_in\u2019, \u2018administrator\u2019 or \u2018group_owner\u2019. A complete class name would therefore look something like pp_logged_in.\n\nExamples\n\nIf a user is logged in, you might want to specify an option for him or her to sign out. Using Polypage, this could be put in the wireframe as follows:\n\n Sign out \n\nPolypage will identify the pp_logged_in class on the link and hide it (as the \u2018Sign out\u2019 link should only be shown when the page is in the \u2018logged in\u2019 view). Polypage will then automatically write a \u2018logged in\u2019 toggle to the control bar, enabling you to show or hide the \u2018Sign out\u2019 link by toggling the \u2018logged in\u2019 view. The same will apply to all content marked with a pp_logged_in class.\n\nStates can also be negated by adding a not keyword to the class name. For example you might want to provide a log in link for users who are not signed in. Using Polypage, you would insert the not keyword after the pp prefix as follows:\n\n Login \n\nAgain Polypage identifies the pp prefix but this time sees that the \u2018Login\u2019 link should not be shown when the \u2018logged in\u2019 state is selected.\n\nStates can also be joined together to add some basic logic to pages. The syntax follows natural language and uses the or and and keywords in addition to the afore-mentioned not. Some examples would be pp_logged_in_and_admin, pp_admin_or_group_owner and pp_logged_in_and_not_admin.\n\nFinally, you can set default states for a page by passing an array to the polypage.init() function like this:\n\n$.polypage.init(['logged_in', 'admin']);\n\nYou can see a fully fledged example in this fictional social network group page. The example page defaults to a logged in state. You can see the logged out state by toggling \u2018logged in\u2019 off in the Polypage control bar. There are also views specified for a group member, a group admin, a new group and notes. \n\nWhere can I get hold of it?\n\nYou can download the current version from GitHub.\n\nPolypage was originally developed by Clearleft and New Bamboo, with particular contributions from Andy Kent and Natalie Downe. It has been used in numerous real projects, but it is still an early release so there is bound to be room for improvement. We\u2019re pleased to say that Polypage is now an open source project so any feedback, particularly by way of actual improvements, is extremely welcome.", "articles_fts": 46, "rank": null} {"rowid": 101, "title": "Easing The Path from Design to Development", "author": "Drew McLellan", "contents": "As a web developer, I have the pleasure of working with a lot of different designers. There has been a lot of industry discussion of late about designers and developers, focusing on how different we sometimes are and how the interface between our respective phases of a project (that is to say moving from a design phase into production) can sometimes become a battleground.\n\nI don\u2019t believe it has to be a battleground. It\u2019s actually more like being a dance partner \u2013 our steps are different, but as long as we know our own part and have a little knowledge of our partner\u2019s steps, it all goes together to form a cohesive dance. Albeit with less spandex and fewer sequins (although that may depend on the project in question).\n\nAs the process usually flows from design towards development, it\u2019s most important that designers have a little knowledge of how the site is going to be built. At the specialist web development agency I\u2019m part of, we find that designs that have been well considered from a technical perspective help to keep the project on track and on budget.\n\nBased on that experience, I\u2019ve put together my checklist of things that designers should consider before handing their work over to a developer to build.\n\nLayout\n\nOne rookie mistake made by traditionally trained designers transferring to the web is to forget a web browser is not a fixed medium. Unlike designing a magazine layout or a piece of packaging, there are lots of available options to consider. Should the layout be fluid and resize with the window, or should it be set to a fixed width? If it\u2019s fluid, which parts expand and which not? If it\u2019s fixed, should it sit in the middle of the window or to one side?\n\nIf any part of the layout is going to be flexible (get wider and narrower as required), consider how any graphics are affected. Images don\u2019t usually look good if displayed at anything other that their original size, so should they behave? If a column is going to get wider than it\u2019s shown in the Photoshop comp, it may be necessary to provide separate wider versions of any background images.\n\nText size and content volume\n\nA related issue is considering how the layout behaves with both different sizes of text and different volumes of content. Whilst text zooming rather than text resizing is becoming more commonplace as the default behaviour in browsers, it\u2019s still a fundamentally important principal of web design that we are suggesting and not dictating how something should look. Designs must allow for a little give and take in the text size, and how this affects the design needs to be taken into consideration.\n\nKeep in mind that the same font can display differently in different places and platforms. Something as simple as Times will display wider on a Mac than on Windows. However, the main impact of text resizing is the change in how much vertical space copy takes up. This is particularly important where space is limited by the design (making text bigger causes many more problems than making text smaller). Each element from headings to box-outs to navigation items and buttons needs to be able to expand at least vertically, if not horizontally as well. This may require some thought about how elements on the page may wrap onto new lines, as well as again making sure to provide extended versions of any graphical elements.\n\nSimilarly, it\u2019s rare theses days to know exactly what content you\u2019re working with when a site is designed. Many, if not most sites are designed as a series of templates for some kind of content management system, and so designs cannot be tweaked around any specific item of content. Designs must be able to cope with both much greater and much lesser volumes of content that might be thrown in at the lorem ipsum phase.\n\nParticular things to watch out for are things like headings (how do they wrap onto multiple lines) and any user-generated items like usernames. It can be very easy to forget that whilst you might expect something like a username to be 8-12 characters, if the systems powering your site allow for 255 characters they\u2019ll always be someone who\u2019ll go there. Expect them to do so.\n\nAgain, if your site is content managed or not, consider the possibility that the structure might be expanded in the future. Consider how additional items might be added to each level of navigation. Whilst it\u2019s rarely desirable to make significant changes without revisiting the site\u2019s information architecture more thoroughly, it\u2019s an inevitable fact of life that the structure needs a little bit of flexibility to change over time.\n\nInteractions with and without JavaScript\n\nA great number of sites now make good use of JavaScript to streamline the user interface and make everything just that touch more usable. Remember, though, that any developer worth their salt will start by building the interface without JavaScript, get it all working, and then layer that JavaScript on top. This is to allow for users viewing the site without JavaScript available or enabled in their browser.\n\nDesigners need to consider both states of any feature they\u2019re designing \u2013 how it looks and functions with and without JavaScript. If the feature does something fancy with Ajax, consider how the same can be achieved with basic HTML forms, links and intermediary pages. These all need to be designed, because this is how some of your users will interact with the site.\n\nLogged in and logged out states\n\nWhen designing any type of web application or site that has a membership system \u2013 that is to say users can create an account and log into the site \u2013 the design will need to consider how any element is presented in both logged in and logged out states. For some items there\u2019ll be no difference, whereas for others there may be considerable differences.\n\nShould an item be hidden completely not logged out users? Should it look different in some way? Perhaps it should look the same, but prompt the user to log in when they interact with it. If so, what form should that prompt take on and how does the user progress through the authentication process to arrive back at the task they were originally trying to complete?\n\nCouple logged in and logged out states with the possible absence of JavaScript, and every feature needs to be designed in four different states:\n\n\n\tLogged out with JavaScript available\n\tLogged in with JavaScript available\n\tLogged out without JavaScript available\n\tLogged in without JavaScript available\n\n\nFonts\n\nThere are three main causes of war in this world; religions, politics and fonts. I\u2019ve said publicly before that I believe the responsibility for this falls squarely at the feet of Adobe Photoshop. Photoshop, like a mistress at a brothel, parades a vast array of ropey, yet strangely enticing typefaces past the eyes of weak, lily-livered designers, who can\u2019t help but crumble to their curvy charms.\n\nYet, on the web, we have to be a little more restrained in our choice of typefaces. The purest solution is always to make the best use of the available fonts, but this isn\u2019t always the most desirable solution from a design point of view. There are several technical solutions such as techniques that utilise Flash (like sIFR), dynamically generated images and even canvas in newer browsers. Discuss the best approach with your developer, as every different technique has different trade-offs, and this may impact the design in other ways.\n\nMessaging\n\nAny site that has interactive elements, from a simple contact form through to fully featured online software application, involves some kind of user messaging. By this I mean the error messages when something goes wrong and the success and thank-you messages when something goes right. These typically appear as the result of an interaction, so are easy to forget and miss off a Photoshop comp.\n\nFor every form, consider what gets displayed to the user if they make a mistake or miss something out, and also what gets displayed back when the interaction is successful. What do they see and where do the go next?\n\nWith Ajax interactions, the user doesn\u2019t get any visual feedback of the site waiting for a response from the server unless you design it that way. Consider using a \u2018waiting\u2019 or \u2018in progress\u2019 spinner to give the user some visual feedback of any background processes. How should these look? How do they animate?\n\nSimilarly, also consider the big error pages like a 404. With luck, these won\u2019t often be seen, but it\u2019s at the point that they are when careful design matters the most.\n\nForm fields\n\nDepending on the visual style of your site, the look of a browser\u2019s default form fields and buttons can sometimes jar. It\u2019s understandable that many a designer wants to change the way they look. Depending on the browser in question, various things can be done to style form fields and their buttons (although it\u2019s not as flexible as most would like).\n\nA common request is to replace the default buttons with a graphical button. This is usually achievable in most cases, although it\u2019s not easy to get a consistent result across all browsers \u2013 particularly when it comes to vertical positioning and the space surrounding the button. If the layout is very precise, or if space is at a premium, it\u2019s always best to try and live with the browser\u2019s default form controls.\n\nWhichever way you go, it\u2019s important to remember that in general, each form field should have a label, and each form should have a submit button. If you find that your form breaks either of those rules, you should double check.\n\nPractical tips for handing files over\n\nThere are a couple of basic steps that a design can carry out to make sure that the developer has the best chance of implementing the design exactly as envisioned.\n\nIf working with Photoshop of Fireworks or similar comping tool, it helps to group and label layers to make it easy for a developer to see which need to be turned on and off to get to isolate parts of the page and different states of the design. Also, if you don\u2019t work in the same office as your developer (and so they can\u2019t quickly check with you), provide a PDF of each page and state so that your developer can see how each page should look aside from any confusion with quick layers are switched on or off. These also act as a handy quick reference that can be used without firing up Photoshop (which can kill both productivity and your machine).\n\nFinally, provide a colour reference showing the RGB values of all the key colours used throughout the design. Without this, the developer will end up colour-picking from the comps, and could potentially end up with different colours to those you intended. Remember, for a lot of developers, working in a tool like Photoshop is like presenting a designer with an SSH terminal into a web server. It\u2019s unfamiliar ground and easy to get things wrong. Be the expert of your own domain and help your colleagues out when they\u2019re out of their comfort zone. That goes both ways.\n\nIn conclusion\n\nWhen asked the question of how to smooth hand-over between design and development, almost everyone who has experienced this situation could come up with their own list. This one is mine, based on some of the more common experiences we have at edgeofmyseat.com. So in bullet point form, here\u2019s my checklist for handing a design over.\n\n\n\tIs the layout fixed, or fluid?\n\tDoes each element cope with expanding for larger text and more content?\n\tAre all the graphics large enough to cope with an area expanding?\n\tDoes each interactive element have a state for with and without JavaScript?\n\tDoes each element have a state for logged in and logged out users?\n\tHow are any custom fonts being displayed? (and does the developer have the font to use?)\n\tDoes each interactive element have error and success messages designed?\n\tDo all form fields have a label and each form a submit button?\n\tIs your Photoshop comp document well organised?\n\tHave you provided flat PDFs of each state?\n\tHave you provided a colour reference?\n\tAre we having fun yet?", "articles_fts": 46, "rank": null} {"rowid": 314, "title": "Easy Ajax with Prototype", "author": "Drew McLellan", "contents": "There\u2019s little more impressive on the web today than a appropriate touch of Ajax. Used well, Ajax brings a web interface much closer to the experience of a desktop app, and can turn a bear of an task into a pleasurable activity.\n\nBut it\u2019s really hard, right? It involves all the nasty JavaScript that no one ever does often enough to get really good at, and the browser support is patchy, and urgh it\u2019s just so much damn effort. Well, the good news is that \u2013 ta-da \u2013 it doesn\u2019t have to be a headache. But man does it still look impressive. Here\u2019s how to amaze your friends.\n\nIntroducing prototype.js\n\nPrototype is a JavaScript framework by Sam Stephenson designed to help make developing dynamic web apps a whole lot easier. In basic terms, it\u2019s a JavaScript file which you link into your page that then enables you to do cool stuff.\n\nThere\u2019s loads of capability built in, a portion of which covers our beloved Ajax. The whole thing is freely distributable under an MIT-style license, so it\u2019s good to go. What a nice man that Mr Stephenson is \u2013 friends, let us raise a hearty cup of mulled wine to his good name. Cheers! sluurrrrp.\n\nFirst step is to download the latest Prototype and put it somewhere safe. I suggest underneath the Christmas tree.\n\nCutting to the chase\n\nBefore I go on and set up an example of how to use this, let\u2019s just get to the crux. Here\u2019s how Prototype enables you to make a simple Ajax call and dump the results back to the page:\n\nvar url = 'myscript.php';\nvar pars = 'foo=bar';\nvar target = 'output-div';\t\nvar myAjax = new Ajax.Updater(target, url, {method: 'get', parameters: pars});\n\nThis snippet of JavaScript does a GET to myscript.php, with the parameter foo=bar, and when a result is returned, it places it inside the element with the ID output-div on your page.\n\nKnocking up a basic example\n\nSo to get this show on the road, there are three files we need to set up in our site alongside prototype.js. Obviously we need a basic HTML page with prototype.js linked in. This is the page the user interacts with. Secondly, we need our own JavaScript file for the glue between the interface and the stuff Prototype is doing. Lastly, we need the page (a PHP script in my case) that the Ajax is going to make its call too.\n\nSo, to that basic HTML page for the user to interact with. Here\u2019s one I found whilst out carol singing:\n\n\n\n\n \n Easy Ajax\n \n \n \n\n
\n \n \n \n
\n\n\n\nAs you can see, I\u2019ve linked in prototype.js, and also a file called ajax.js, which is where we\u2019ll be putting our glue. (Careful where you leave your glue, kids.)\n\nOur basic example is just going to take a name and then echo it back in the form of a seasonal greeting. There\u2019s a form with an input field for a name, and crucially a DIV (greeting) for the result of our call. You\u2019ll also notice that the form has a submit button \u2013 this is so that it can function as a regular form when no JavaScript is available. It\u2019s important not to get carried away and forget the basics of accessibility.\n\nMeanwhile, back at the server\n\nSo we need a script at the server which is going to take input from the Ajax call and return some output. This is normally where you\u2019d hook into a database and do whatever transaction you need to before returning a result. To keep this as simple as possible, all this example here will do is take the name the user has given and add it to a greeting message. Not exactly Web 2-point-HoHoHo, but there you have it.\n\nHere\u2019s a quick PHP script \u2013 greeting.php \u2013 that Santa brought me early.\n\nSeason's Greetings, $the_name!

\";\n?>\n\nYou\u2019ll perhaps want to do something a little more complex within your own projects. Just sayin\u2019.\n\nGluing it all together\n\nInside our ajax.js file, we need to hook this all together. We\u2019re going to take advantage of some of the handy listener routines and such that Prototype also makes available. The first task is to attach a listener to set the scene once the window has loaded. He\u2019s how we attach an onload event to the window object and get it to call a function named init():\n\nEvent.observe(window, 'load', init, false);\n\nNow we create our init() function to do our evil bidding. Its first job of the day is to hide the submit button for those with JavaScript enabled. After that, it attaches a listener to watch for the user typing in the name field.\n\nfunction init(){\n $('greeting-submit').style.display = 'none';\n Event.observe('greeting-name', 'keyup', greet, false);\n}\n\nAs you can see, this is going to make a call to a function called greet() onkeyup in the greeting-name field. That function looks like this:\n\nfunction greet(){\n var url = 'greeting.php';\n var pars = 'greeting-name='+escape($F('greeting-name'));\n var target = 'greeting';\n var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater(target, url, {method: 'get', parameters: pars});\n}\n\nThe key points to note here are that any user input needs to be escaped before putting into the parameters so that it\u2019s URL-ready. The target is the ID of the element on the page (a DIV in our case) which will be the recipient of the output from the Ajax call.\n\nThat\u2019s it\n\nNo, seriously. That\u2019s everything. Try the example. Amaze your friends with your 1337 Ajax sk1llz.", "articles_fts": 46, "rank": null} {"rowid": 315, "title": "Edit-in-Place with Ajax", "author": "Drew McLellan", "contents": "Back on day one we looked at using the Prototype library to take all the hard work out of making a simple Ajax call. While that was fun and all, it didn\u2019t go that far towards implementing something really practical. We dipped our toes in, but haven\u2019t learned to swim yet.\n\nSo here is swimming lesson number one. Anyone who\u2019s used Flickr to publish their photos will be familiar with the edit-in-place system used for quickly amending titles and descriptions on photographs. Hovering over an item turns its background yellow to indicate it is editable. A simple click loads the text into an edit box, right there on the page.\n\n\n\nPrototype includes all sorts of useful methods to help reproduce something like this for our own projects. As well as the simple Ajax GETs we learned how to do last time, we can also do POSTs (which we\u2019ll need here) and a whole bunch of manipulations to the user interface \u2013 all through simple library calls. Here\u2019s what we\u2019re building, so let\u2019s do it.\n\nGetting Started\n\nThere are two major components to this process; the user interface manipulation and the Ajax call itself. Our set-up is much the same as last time (you may wish to read the first article if you\u2019ve not already done so). We have a basic HTML page which links in the prototype.js file and our own editinplace.js. Here\u2019s what Santa dropped down my chimney: \n\n\n \n \n \n Edit-in-Place with Ajax\n \n \n \n \n\n



Dashing through the snow on a one horse open sleigh.

\n \n \n\nSo that\u2019s our page. The editable item is going to be the

called desc. The process goes something like this:\n\n\n\tHighlight the area onMouseOver\n\tClear the highlight onMouseOut\n\tIf the user clicks, hide the area and replace with a ';\n\n var button = ' OR \n ';\n\n new Insertion.After(obj, textarea+button);\n\n Event.observe(obj.id+'_save', 'click', function(){saveChanges(obj)}, false);\n Event.observe(obj.id+'_cancel', 'click', function(){cleanUp(obj)}, false);\n\n }\n\nThe first thing to do is to hide the object. Prototype comes to the rescue with Element.hide() (and of course, Element.show() too). Following that, we build up the textarea and buttons as a string, and then use Insertion.After() to place our new editor underneath the (now hidden) editable object.\n\nThe last thing to do before we leave the user to edit is it attach listeners to the Save and Cancel buttons to call either the saveChanges() function, or to cleanUp() after a cancel.\n\nIn the event of a cancel, we can clean up behind ourselves like so:\n\nfunction cleanUp(obj, keepEditable){\n Element.remove(obj.id+'_editor');\n Element.show(obj);\n if (!keepEditable) showAsEditable(obj, true);\n }\n\nSaving the Changes\n\nThis is where all the Ajax fun occurs. Whilst the previous article introduced Ajax.Updater() for simple Ajax calls, in this case we need a little bit more control over what happens once the response is received. For this purpose, Ajax.Request() is perfect. We can use the onSuccess and onFailure parameters to register functions to handle the response.\n\nfunction saveChanges(obj){\n var new_content = escape($F(obj.id+'_edit'));\n\n obj.innerHTML = \"Saving...\";\n cleanUp(obj, true);\n\n var success = function(t){editComplete(t, obj);}\n var failure = function(t){editFailed(t, obj);}\n\n var url = 'edit.php';\n var pars = 'id=' + obj.id + '&content=' + new_content;\n var myAjax = new Ajax.Request(url, {method:'post',\n postBody:pars, onSuccess:success, onFailure:failure});\n }\n\n function editComplete(t, obj){\n obj.innerHTML = t.responseText;\n showAsEditable(obj, true);\n }\n\n function editFailed(t, obj){\n obj.innerHTML = 'Sorry, the update failed.';\n cleanUp(obj);\n }\n\nAs you can see, we first grab in the contents of the textarea into the variable new_content. We then remove the editor, set the content of the original object to \u201cSaving\u2026\u201d to show that an update is occurring, and make the Ajax POST.\n\nIf the Ajax fails, editFailed() sets the contents of the object to \u201cSorry, the update failed.\u201d Admittedly, that\u2019s not a very helpful way to handle the error but I have to limit the scope of this article somewhere. It might be a good idea to stow away the original contents of the object (obj.preUpdate = obj.innerHTML) for later retrieval before setting the content to \u201cSaving\u2026\u201d. No one likes a failure \u2013 especially a messy one.\n\nIf the Ajax call is successful, the server-side script returns the edited content, which we then place back inside the object from editComplete, and tidy up.\n\nMeanwhile, back at the server\n\nThe missing piece of the puzzle is the server-side script for committing the changes to your database. Obviously, any solution I provide here is not going to fit your particular application. For the purposes of getting a functional demo going, here\u2019s what I have in PHP.\n\n\n\nNot exactly rocket science is it? I\u2019m just catching the content item from the POST and echoing it back. For your application to be useful, however, you\u2019ll need to know exactly which record you should be updating. I\u2019m passing in the ID of my

, which is not a fat lot of use. You can modify saveChanges() to post back whatever information your app needs to know in order to process the update.\n\nYou should also check the user\u2019s credentials to make sure they have permission to edit whatever it is they\u2019re editing. Basically the same rules apply as with any script in your application.\n\nLimitations\n\nThere are a few bits and bobs that in an ideal world I would tidy up. The first is the error handling, as I\u2019ve already mentioned. The second is that from an idealistic standpoint, I\u2019d rather not be using innerHTML. However, the reality is that it\u2019s presently the most efficient way of making large changes to the document. If you\u2019re serving as XML, remember that you\u2019ll need to replace these with proper DOM nodes.\n\nIt\u2019s also important to note that it\u2019s quite difficult to make something like this universally accessible. Whenever you start updating large chunks of a document based on user interaction, a lot of non-traditional devices don\u2019t cope well. The benefit of this technique, though, is that if JavaScript is unavailable none of the functionality gets implemented at all \u2013 it fails silently. It is for this reason that this shouldn\u2019t be used as a complete replacement for a traditional, universally accessible edit form. It\u2019s a great time-saver for those with the ability to use it, but it\u2019s no replacement.\n\nSee it in action\n\nI\u2019ve put together an example page using the inert PHP script above. That is to say, your edits aren\u2019t committed to a database, so the example is reset when the page is reloaded.", "articles_fts": 46, "rank": null} {"rowid": 238, "title": "Everything You Wanted To Know About Gradients (And a Few Things You Didn\u2019t)", "author": "Ethan Marcotte", "contents": "Hello. I am here to discuss CSS3 gradients. Because, let\u2019s face it, what the web really needed was more gradients.\n\nStill, despite their widespread use (or is it overuse?), the smartly applied gradient can be a valuable contributor to a designer\u2019s vocabulary. There\u2019s always been a tension between the inherently two-dimensional nature of our medium, and our desire for more intensity, more depth in our designs. And a gradient can evoke so much: the splay of light across your desk, the slow decrease in volume toward the end of your favorite song, the sunset after a long day. When properly applied, graded colors bring a much needed softness to our work.\n\nOf course, that whole \u2018proper application\u2019 thing is the tricky bit.\n\nBut given their place in our toolkit and their prominence online, it really is heartening to see we can create gradients directly with CSS. They\u2019re part of the draft images module, and implemented in two of the major rendering engines.\n\nStill, I\u2019ve always found CSS gradients to be one of the more confusing aspects of CSS3. So if you\u2019ll indulge me, let\u2019s take a quick look at how to create CSS gradients\u2014hopefully we can make them seem a bit more accessible, and bring a bit more art into the browser.\n\nGradient theory 101 (I hope that\u2019s not really a thing)\n\nRight. So before we dive into the code, let\u2019s cover a few basics. Every gradient, no matter how complex, shares a few common characteristics. Here\u2019s a straightforward one:\n\n I spent seconds hours designing this gradient. I hope you like it.\n\nAt either end of our image, we have a final color value, or color stop: on the left, our stop is white; on the right, black. And more color-rich gradients are no different:\n\n (Don\u2019t ever really do this. Please. I beg you.)\n\nIt\u2019s visually more intricate, sure. But at the heart of it, we have just seven color stops (red, orange, yellow, and so on), making for a fantastic gradient all the way.\n\nNow, color stops alone do not a gradient make. Between each is a transition point, the fail-over point between the two stops. Now, the transition point doesn\u2019t need to fall exactly between stops: it can be brought closer to one stop or the other, influencing the overall shape of the gradient.\n\nA tale of two syntaxes\n\nArmed with our new vocabulary, let\u2019s look at a CSS gradient in the wild. Behold, the simple input button:\n\n\n\nThere\u2019s a simple linear gradient applied vertically across the button, moving from a bright sunflowerish hue (#FAA51A, for you hex nuts in the audience) to a much richer orange (#F47A20). And here\u2019s the CSS that makes it happen:\n\ninput[type=submit] {\n\tbackground-color: #F47A20;\n\tbackground-image: -moz-linear-gradient(\n\t\t#FAA51A,\n\t\t#F47A20\n\t\t);\n\tbackground-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%,\n\t\tcolor-stop(0, #FAA51A),\n\t\tcolor-stop(1, #F47A20)\n\t\t);\n}\n\nI\u2019ve borrowed David DeSandro\u2019s most excellent formatting suggestions for gradients to make this snippet a bit more legible but, still, the code above might have turned your stomach a bit. And that\u2019s perfectly understandable\u2014heck, it sort of turned mine. But let\u2019s step through the CSS slowly, and see if we can\u2019t make it a little less terrifying.\n\nVerbose WebKit is verbose\n\nHere\u2019s the syntax for our little gradient on WebKit:\n\nbackground-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%,\n\tcolor-stop(0, #FAA51A),\n\tcolor-stop(1, #F47A20)\n\t);\n\nWoof. Quite a mouthful, no? Well, here\u2019s what we\u2019re looking at:\n\n\n\tWebKit has a single -webkit-gradient property, which can be used to create either linear or radial gradients.\n\tThe next two values are the starting and ending positions for our gradient (0 0 and 0 100%, respectively). Linear gradients are simply drawn along the path between those two points, which allows us to change the direction of our gradient simply by altering its start and end points.\n\tAfterward, we specify our color stops with the oh-so-aptly named color-stop parameter, which takes the stop\u2019s position on the gradient (0 being the beginning, and 100% or 1 being the end) and the color itself.\n\n\nFor a simple two-color gradient like this, -webkit-gradient has a bit of shorthand notation to offer us:\n\nbackground-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%,\n\tfrom(#FAA51A),\n\tto(#FAA51A)\n\t);\n\nfrom(#FAA51A) is equivalent to writing color-stop(0, #FAA51A), and to(#FAA51A) is the same as color-stop(1, #FAA51A) or color-stop(100%, #FAA51A)\u2014in both cases, we\u2019re simply declaring the first and last color stops in our gradient.\n\nTerse Gecko is terse\n\nWebKit proposed its syntax back in 2008, heavily inspired by the way gradients are drawn in the canvas specification. However, a different, leaner syntax came to the fore, eventually appearing in a draft module specification in CSS3.\n\nNaturally, because nothing on the web was meant to be easy, this is the one that Mozilla has implemented.\n\nHere\u2019s how we get gradient-y in Gecko:\n\nbackground-image: -moz-linear-gradient(\n\t#FAA51A,\n\t#F47A20\n\t);\n\nWait, what? Done already? That\u2019s right. By default, -moz-linear-gradient assumes you\u2019re trying to create a vertical gradient, starting from the top of your element and moving to the bottom. And, if that\u2019s the case, then you simply need to specify your color stops, delimited with a few commas.\n\nI know: that was almost\u2026 painless. But the W3C/Mozilla syntax also affords us a fair amount of flexibility and control, by introducing features as we need them.\n\nWe can specify an origin point for our gradient:\n\nbackground-image: -moz-linear-gradient(50% 100%,\n\t#FAA51A,\n\t#F47A20\n\t);\n\nAs well as an angle, to give it a direction:\n\nbackground-image: -moz-linear-gradient(50% 100%, 45deg,\n\t#FAA51A,\n\t#F47A20\n\t);\n\nAnd we can specify multiple stops, simply by adding to our comma-delimited list:\n\nbackground-image: -moz-linear-gradient(50% 100%, 45deg,\n\t#FAA51A,\n\t#FCC,\n\t#F47A20\n\t);\n\nBy adding a percentage after a given color value, we can determine its position along the gradient path:\n\nbackground-image: -moz-linear-gradient(50% 100%, 45deg,\n\t#FAA51A,\n\t#FCC 20%,\n\t#F47A20\n\t);\n\nSo that\u2019s some of the flexibility implicit in the W3C/Mozilla-style syntax.\n\nNow, I should note that both syntaxes have their respective fans. I will say that the W3C/Mozilla-style syntax makes much more sense to me, and lines up with how I think about creating gradients. But I can totally understand why some might prefer WebKit\u2019s more verbose approach to the, well, looseness behind the -moz syntax. \u00c0 chacun son gradient syntax.\n\nStill, as the language gets refined by the W3C, I really hope some consensus is reached by the browser vendors. And with Opera signaling that it will support the W3C syntax, I suppose it falls on WebKit to do the same.\n\nReusing color stops for fun and profit\n\nBut CSS gradients aren\u2019t all simple colors and shapes and whatnot: by getting inventive with individual color stops, you can create some really complex, compelling effects.\n\nTim Van Damme, whose brain, I believe, should be posthumously donated to science, has a particularly clever application of gradients on The Box, a site dedicated to his occasional podcast series. Now, there are a fair number of gradients applied throughout the UI, but it\u2019s the feature image that really catches the eye.\n\nYou see, there\u2019s nothing that says you can\u2019t reuse color stops. And Tim\u2019s exploited that perfectly.\n\nHe\u2019s created a linear gradient, angled at forty-five degrees from the top left corner of the photo, starting with a fully transparent white (rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)). At the halfway mark, he\u2019s established another color stop at an only slightly more opaque white (rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)), making for that incredibly gradual brightening toward the middle of the photo.\n\n\n\nBut then he has set another color stop immediately on top of it, bringing it back down to rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) again. This creates that fantastically hard edge that diagonally bisects the photo, giving the image that subtle gloss.\n\n\n\nAnd his final color stop ends at the same fully transparent white, completing the effect. Hot? I do believe so.\n\nRocking the radials\n\nWe\u2019ve been looking at linear gradients pretty exclusively. But I\u2019d be remiss if I didn\u2019t at least mention radial gradients as a viable option, including a modest one as a link accent on a navigation bar:\n\n\n\nAnd here\u2019s the relevant CSS:\n\nbackground: -moz-radial-gradient(50% 100%, farthest-side,\n\trgb(204, 255, 255) 1%,\n\trgb(85, 85, 85) 15%,\n\trgba(85, 85, 85, 0)\n\t);\nbackground: -webkit-gradient(radial, 50% 100%, 0, 50% 100%, 15,\n\tfrom(rgb(204, 255, 255)),\n\tto(rgba(85, 85, 85, 0))\n\t);\n\nNow, the syntax builds on what we\u2019ve already learned about linear gradients, so much of it might be familiar to you, picking out color stops and transition points, as well as the two syntaxes\u2019 reliance on either a separate property (-moz-radial-gradient) or parameter (-webkit-gradient(radial, \u2026)) to shift into circular mode.\n\nMozilla introduces another stand-alone property (-moz-radial-gradient), and accepts a starting point (50% 100%) from which the circle radiates. There\u2019s also a size constant defined (farthest-side), which determines the reach and shape of our gradient.\n\nWebKit is again the more verbose of the two syntaxes, requiring both starting and ending points (50% 100% in both cases). Each also accepts a radius in pixels, allowing you to control the skew and breadth of the circle.\n\nAgain, this is a fairly modest little radial gradient. Time and article length (and, let\u2019s be honest, your author\u2019s completely inadequate grasp of geometry) prevent me from covering radial gradients in much more detail, because they are incredibly powerful. For those interested in learning more, I can\u2019t recommend the references at Mozilla and Apple strongly enough.\n\nLeave no browser behind\n\nBut no matter the kind of gradients you\u2019re working with, there is a large swathe of browsers that simply don\u2019t support gradients. Thankfully, it\u2019s fairly easy to declare a sensible fallback\u2014it just depends on the kind of fallback you\u2019d like. Essentially, gradient-blind browsers will disregard any properties containing references to either -moz-linear-gradient, -moz-radial-gradient, or -webkit-gradient, so you simply need to keep your fallback isolated from those properties.\n\nFor example: if you\u2019d like to fall back to a flat color, simply declare a separate background-color:\n\n.nav {\n\tbackground-color: #000;\n\tbackground-image: -moz-linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.45));\n\tbackground-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), to(rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.45)));\n}\n\nOr perhaps just create three separate background properties.\n\n.nav {\n\tbackground: #000;\n\tbackground: #000 -moz-linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.45));\n\tbackground: #000 -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), to(rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.45)));\n}\n\nWe can even build on this to fall back to a non-gradient image:\n\n.nav {\n\tbackground: #000 url(\"faux-gradient-lol.png\") repeat-x;\n\tbackground: #000 -moz-linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.45));\n\tbackground: #000 -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), to(rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.45)));\n}\n\nNo matter the approach you feel most appropriate to your design, it\u2019s really just a matter of keeping your fallback design quarantined from its CSS3-ified siblings.\n\n(If you\u2019re feeling especially masochistic, there\u2019s even a way to get simple linear gradients working in IE via Microsoft\u2019s proprietary filters. Of course, those come with considerable performance penalties that even Microsoft is quick to point out, so I\u2019d recommend avoiding those.\n\nAnd don\u2019t tell Andy Clarke I told you, or he\u2019ll probably unload his Derringer at me. Or something.)\n\nGo forth and, um, gradientify!\n\nIt\u2019s entirely possible your head\u2019s spinning. Heck, mine is, but that might be the effects of the \u2019nog. But maybe you\u2019re wondering why you should care about CSS gradients. After all, images are here right now, and work just fine. \n\nWell, there are some quick benefits that spring to mind: fewer HTTP requests are needed; CSS3 gradients are easily made scalable, making them ideal for variable widths and heights; and finally, they\u2019re easily modifiable by tweaking a few CSS properties. Because, let\u2019s face it, less time spent yelling at Photoshop is a very, very good thing.\n\nOf course, CSS-generated gradients are not without their drawbacks. The syntax can be confusing, and it\u2019s still under development at the W3C. As we\u2019ve seen, browser support is still very much in flux. And it\u2019s possible that gradients themselves have some real performance drawbacks\u2014so test thoroughly, and gradient carefully.\n\nBut still, as syntaxes converge, and support improves, I think generated gradients can make a compelling tool in our collective belts. The tasteful design is, of course, entirely up to you.\n\nSo have fun, and get gradientin\u2019.", "articles_fts": 46, "rank": null} {"rowid": 287, "title": "Extracting the Content", "author": "Relly Annett-Baker", "contents": "As we throw away our canvas in approaches and yearn for a content-out process, there remains a pain point: the Content. It is spoken of in the hushed tones usually reserved for Lord Voldemort. The-thing-that-someone-else-is-responsible-for-that-must-not-be-named.\n\nDesigners and developers have been burned before by not knowing what the Content is, how long it is, what style it is and when the hell it\u2019s actually going to be delivered, in internet eons past. Warily, they ask clients for it. But clients don\u2019t know what to make, or what is good, because no one taught them this in business school. Designers struggle to describe what they need and when, so the conversation gets put off until it\u2019s almost too late, and then everyone is relieved that they can take the cop-out of putting up a blog and maybe some product descriptions from the brochure.\n\nThe Content in content out.\n\nI\u2019m guessing, as a smart, sophisticated, and, may I say, nicely-scented reader of the honourable and venerable tradition of 24 ways, that you sense something better is out there. Bunches of boxes to fill in just don\u2019t cut it any more in a responsive web design world. The first question is, how are you going to design something to ensure users have the easiest access to the best Content, if you haven\u2019t defined at the beginning what that Content is? Of course, it\u2019s more than possible that your clients have done lots of user research before approaching you to start this project, and have a plethora of finely tuned Content for you to design with.\n\nHave you finished laughing yet? Alright then. Let\u2019s just assume that, for whatever reason of gross oversight, this hasn\u2019t happened. What next?\n\nBringing up Content for the first time with a client is like discussing contraception when you\u2019re in a new relationship. It might be awkward and either party would probably rather be doing something else, but it needs to be broached before any action happens (that, and it\u2019s disastrous to assume the other party has the matter in hand). If we can\u2019t talk about it, how can we expect people to be doing it right and not making stupid mistakes? That being the case, how do we talk about Content? Let\u2019s start by finding a way to talk about it without blushing and scuffing our shoes. And there\u2019s a reason I\u2019ve been treating Content as a Proper Noun. \n\nThe first step, and I mean really-first-step-way-back-at-the-beginning-of-the-project-while-you-are-still-scoping-out-what-the-hell-you-might-do-for-each-other-and-it\u2019s-still-all-a-bit-awkward-like-a-first-date, is for you to explain to the client how important it is that you, together, work out what is important to your users as part of the user experience design, so that your users get the best user experience. The trouble is that, in most cases, this would lead to blank stares, possibly followed by a light cough and a query about using Comic Sans because it seems friendly.\n\nLet\u2019s start by ensuring your clients understand the task ahead. You see, all the time we talk about the Content we do our clients a big disservice. Content is poorly defined. It looms over a project completion point like an unscalable (in the sense of a dozen stacked Kilimanjaros), seething, massive, singular entity. The Content.\n\nDefining the problem. \n\nWe should really be thinking of the Content as \u2018contents\u2019; as many parts that come together to form a mighty experience, like hit 90s kids\u2019 TV show Mighty Morphin Power Rangers*.\n\n*For those of you who might have missed the Power Rangers, they were five teenagers with attitude, each given crazy mad individual skillz and a coloured lycra suit from an alien overlord. In return, they had to fight a new monster of the week using their abilities and weaponry in sync (even if the audio was not) and then, finally, in thrilling combination as a Humongous Mechanoid Machine of Awesome. They literally joined their individual selves, accessories and vehicles into a big robot. It was a toy manufacturer\u2019s wet dream.\n\nSo, why do I say Content is like the Power Rangers? Because Content is not just a humongous mecha. It is a combination of well-crafted pieces of contents that come together to form a well-crafted humongous mecha. Of Content.\n\nThe Red Power Ranger was always the leader. You can imagine your text contents, found on about pages, product descriptions, blog articles, and so on, as being your Red Power Ranger.\n\nMaybe your pictures are your Yellow Power Ranger; video is Blue (not used as much as the others, but really impressive when given a good storyline); maybe Pink is your infographics (it\u2019s wrong to find it sexier than the other equally important Rangers, but you kind of do anyway). And so on. \n\nThese bits of content \u2013 Red Text Ranger, Yellow Picture Ranger and others \u2013 often join together on a page, like they are teaming up to fight the bad guy in an action scene, and when they all come together (your standard workaday huge mecha) in a launched site, that\u2019s when Content becomes an entity.\n\nWhile you might have a vision for the whole site, Content rarely works that way. Of course, you keep your eye on the bigger prize, the completion of your mega robot, but to get there you need to assemble your working parts, the cogs and springs of contents that will mesh together to finally create your Humongous Mecha of Content. You create parts and join them to form a whole. (It\u2019s rarely seamless; often we need to adjust as we go, but we can create our Mecha\u2019s blueprint by making sure we have all the requisite parts.)\n\nThe point here is the order these parts were created. No alien overlord plans a Humongous Mechanoid and then thinks, \u201cGee, how can I split this into smaller fighting units powered by teenagers in snazzy shiny suits?\u201d No toy manufacturer goes into production of a mega robot, made up of model mecha vehicles with detachable arsenal, without thinking how they will easily fit back together to form the \u2018Buy all five now to create the mega robot\u2019 set. No good contents are created as a singular entity and chunked up to be slotted in to place any which way, into the body of a site.\n\nThink contents, not the Content. Think of contents as smaller units, or as a plural. The Content is what you have at the end. The contents are what you are creating and they are easy to break down. You are no longer scaling the unscalable. You can draw the map and plot the path, page by page, section by section.\n\nThe page table is your friend\n\nTo do this, I use a page table. A page table is a simple table template you can create in the word processor of your choice, that you use to tell you everything about the contents of a page \u2013 everything except the contents itself. \n\nHere\u2019s a page table I created for an employee\u2019s guide to redundancy in the alpha.gov.uk website:\n\n \n\nGuide to redundancy for employees\n\n\n\tPage objective: Provide specific information for employees who are facing redundancy about the process, their options and next steps.\n\tSource content: directgov page on Redundancy.\n\tScope: In scope\n\n\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\tPage title \n\t\t\t An employee\u2019s guide to redundancy \n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\tPriority content \n\t\t\t Message: You have rights as an employee facing redundancy\nMethod: A guide written in plain English, with links to appropriate additional content.\nA video guide (out of scope).\nCovers the stages of redundancy and rights for those in trade unions and not in trade unions. Glossary of unfamiliar terms.\nCall to action: Read full guide, act to explore redundancy actions, benefits or new employment.\nAssets: link to redundancy calculator. \n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\tSecondary \n\t\t\t Related items, or popular additional links. \nAdditional tools, such as search and suggestions.\n\n\n\n\tlocation set v not set states\n\tmicrocopy encouraging location set where location may make a difference to the content \u2013 ie, Scotland/Northern Ireland.\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\tTertiary \n\t\t\t Footer and standard links. \n\t\t\n\n\n\n\tContent creation: Content exists but was created within the constraints of the previous CMS. Review, correct and edit where necessary.\n\tMaintenance: should be flagged for review upon advice from Department of Work and Pensions, and annually.\n\tTechnology/Publishing/Policy implications: Should be reviewed once the glossary styles have been decided. No video guide in scope at this time, so languages should be simple and screen reader friendly.\n\tReliance on third parties: None, all content and source exists in house.\n\tOutstanding questions: None.\n\n\n \n\nDownload a copy of this page table\n\nThis particular page table template owes a lot to Brain Traffic\u2019s version found in Kristina Halvorson\u2019s book Content Strategy for the Web. With smaller clients than, say, the government, I might use something a bit more casual. With clients who like timescales and deadlines, I might turn it into a covering sheet, with signatures and agreements from two departments who have to work together to get the piece done on time.\n\nI use page tables, and the process of working through them, to reassure clients that I understand the task they face and that I can help them break it down section by section, page stack to page, down to product descriptions and interaction copy. About 80% of my clients break into relieved smiles. Most clients want to work with you to produce something good, they just don\u2019t understand how, and they want you to show them the mountain path on the map. With page tables, clients can understand that with baby steps they can break down their content requirements and commission content they need in time for the designers to work with it (as opposed to around it). If I was Santa, these clients would be on my nice list for sure.\n\nMy own special brand of Voldemort-content-evilness comes in how I wield my page tables for the other 20%. Page tables are not always thrilling, I\u2019ll admit. Sometimes they get ignored in favour of other things, yet they are crucial to the continual growth and maintenance of a truly content-led site. For these naughty list clients who, even when given the gift of the page table, continually say \u201cOoh, yes. Content. Right\u201d, I have a special gift. I have a stack of recycled paper under my desk and a cheap black and white laser printer. And I print a blank page table for every conceivable page I can find on the planned redesign. If I\u2019m feeling extra nice, I hole punch them and put them in a fat binder. \n\nThere is nothing like saying, \u201cThis is all the contents you need to have in hand for launch\u201d, and the satisfying thud the binder makes as it hits the table top, to galvanize even the naughtiest clients to start working with you to create the content you need to really create in a content-out way.", "articles_fts": 46, "rank": null} {"rowid": 236, "title": "Extreme Design", "author": "Hannah Donovan", "contents": "Recently, I set out with twelve other designers and developers for a 19th century fortress on the Channel Island of Alderney. We were going to /dev/fort, a sort of band camp for geeks. Our cohort\u2019s mission: to think up, build and finish something \u2013 without readily available internet access.\n\n Alderney runway, photo by Chris Govias\n\n\n\nWait, no internet?\n\nWell, pretty much. As the creators of /dev/fort James Aylett and Mark Norman Francis put it: \u201cImagine a place with no distractions \u2013 no IM, no Twitter\u201d. But also no way to quickly look up a design pattern, code sample or source material. Like packing for camping, /dev/fort means bringing everything you\u2019ll need on your back or your hard drive: from long johns to your favourite icon set.\n\nWe got to work the first night discussing ideas for what we wanted to build. By the time breakfast was cleared up the next morning, we\u2019d settled on Russ\u2019s idea to make the Apollo 13 (PDF) transcript accessible. Days two and three were spent collaboratively planning (KJ style) what features we wanted to build, and unravelling the larger UX challenges of the project. The next five days were spent building it. Within 36 hours of touchdown at Southampton Airport, we launched our creation: spacelog.org\n\nThe weather was cold, the coal fire less than ideal, food and supplies a hike away, and the process lightning-fast. A week of designing under extreme circumstances called for an extreme process. Some of this was driven by James\u2019s and Norm\u2019s experience running these things, but a lot of it materialised while we were there \u2013 especially for our three-strong design team (myself, Gavin O\u2019 Carroll and Chris Govias) who, though we knew each other, had never worked together as a group in this kind of scenario before.\n\nThe outcome was a pretty spectacular process, with a some key takeaways useful for any small group trying to build something quickly.\n\nWhat it\u2019s like inside the fort\n\n/dev/fort has the pressure and pace of a hack day without being a hack day \u2013 primarily, no workshops or interruptions\u201a but also a different mentality. While hack days are typically developer-driven with a \u2018hack first, design later (if at all)\u2019 attitude, James was quick to tell the team to hold off from writing any code until we had a plan. This put a healthy pressure on the design and product folks to slash through the UX problems before we started building.\n\nWhile the fort had definitely more of a hack day feel, all of us were familiar with Agile methods, so we borrowed a few useful techniques such as morning stand-ups and an emphasis on teamwork. We cut some really good features to make our launch date, and chunked the work based on user goals, iterating as we went.\n\nWhat made this design process work?\n\nA golden ratio of teams\n\nMy personal experience both professionally and in free-form situations like this, is a tendency to get/hire a designer. Leaders of businesses, founders of start-ups, organisers of events: one designer is not enough! Finding one ace-blooded designer who can \u2018do everything\u2019 will always result in bottleneck and burnout. Like the nuances between different development languages, design is a multifaceted discipline, and very few can claim to be equally strong in every aspect. Overlap in skill set will result in a stronger, more robust interface.\n\nMore importantly, however, having lots of designers to go around meant that we all had the opportunity to pair with developers, polishing the details that don\u2019t usually get polished. As soon as we launched, the public reception of the design and UX was overwhelmingly positive (proof!). But also, a lot of people asked us who the designer was, attributing it to one person.\n\nWhile it\u2019s important to note that everyone in our team was multitalented (and could easily shift between roles, helping us all stay unblocked), the golden ratio James and Norm devised was two product/developer folks, three interaction designers and eight developers.\n\n photo by Ben Firshman\n\nEquality inside the fortress walls\n\nSomething magical about the fort is how everyone leaves the outside world on the drawbridge. Job titles, professional status, Twitter followers, and so on. Like scout camp, a mutual respect and trust is expected of all the participants. Like extreme programming, extreme design requires us all to be equal partners in a collaborative team. I think this is especially worth noting for designers; our past is filled with the clear hierarchy of the traditional studio system which, however important for taste and style, seems less compatible with modern web/software development methods.\n\nBeing equal doesn\u2019t mean being the same, however. We established clear roles and teams for ourselves on the second day, deferring to that person when a decision needed to be made. As the interface coalesced, the designers and developers took ownership over certain parts to ensure the details got looked after, while staying open to ideas and revisions from the rest of the cohort.\n\nCreate a space where everyone who enters is equal, but be sure to establish clear roles. Even if it\u2019s just for a short while, the environment will be beneficial.\n\n photo by Ben Firshman\n\nHang your heraldry from the rafters\n\nForts and castles are full of lore: coats of arms; paintings of battles; suits of armour. It\u2019s impossible not to be surrounded by these stories, words and ways of thinking. Like the whiteboards on the walls, putting organisational lore in your physical surroundings makes it impossible not to see.\n\nRyan Alexander brought some of those static-cling whiteboard sheets which were quickly filled with use cases; IA; team roles; and, most importantly, a glossary. As soon as we started working on the project, we realised we needed to get clear on what certain words meant: what was a logline, a range, a phase, a key moment? Were the back-end people using these words in the same way design and product was? Quickly writing up a glossary of terms meant everyone was instantly speaking the same language. There was no \u201cAh, I misunderstood because in the data structure x means y\u201d or, even worse, accidental seepage of technical language into the user interface copy.\n\nPut a glossary of your internal terminology somewhere big and fat on the wall. Stand around it and argue until you agree on what it says. Leave it up; don\u2019t underestimate the power of ambient communication and physical reference.\n\nPlan more, download less\n\nWhile internet is forbidden inside the fort, we did go on downloading expeditions: NASA photography; code documentation; and so on. The project wouldn\u2019t have been possible without a few trips to the web. We had two lists on the wall: groceries and supplies; internets \u2013 \u201cloo roll; Tom Stafford photo\u201c.\n\nThis changed our usual design process, forcing us to plan carefully and think of what we needed ahead of time. Getting to the internet was a thirty-minute hike up a snow covered cliff to the town airport, so you really had to need it, too. \n\n The path to the internet\n\nFor the visual design, especially, this resulted in more focus up front, and communication between the designers on what assets we required. It made us make decisions earlier and stick with them, creating less distraction and churn later in the process. \n\nTry it at home: unplug once you\u2019ve got the things you need. As an artist, it\u2019s easier to let your inner voice shine through if you\u2019re not looking at other people\u2019s work while creating.\n\nSocial design\n\nFinally, our design team experimented with a collaborative approach to wireframing. Once we had collectively nailed down use cases, IA, user journeys and other critical artefacts, we tried a pairing approach. One person drew in Illustrator in real time as the other two articulated what to draw. (This would work equally well with two people, but with three it meant that one of us could jump up and consult the lore on the walls or clarify a technical detail.) The result: we ended up considering more alternatives and quickly rallying around one solution, and resolved difficult problems more quickly.\n\nAt a certain stage we discovered it was more efficient for one person to take over \u2013 this happened around the time when the basic wireframes existed in Illustrator and we\u2019d collectively run through the use cases, making sure that everything was accounted for in a broad sense. At this point, take a break, go have a beer, and give yourself a pat on the back.\n\nPut the files somewhere accessible so everyone can use them as their base, and divide up the more detailed UI problems, screens or journeys. At this level of detail it\u2019s better to have your personal headspace.\n\nGavin called this \u2018social design\u2019. Chatting and drawing in real time turned what was normally a rather solitary act into a very social process, with some really promising results. I\u2019d tried something like this before with product or developer folks, and it can work \u2013 but there\u2019s something really beautiful about switching places and everyone involved being equally quick at drawing. That\u2019s not something you get with non-designers, and frequent swapping of the \u2018driver\u2019 and \u2018observer\u2019 roles is a key aspect to pairing.\n\nTackle the forest collectively and the trees individually \u2013 it will make your framework more robust and your details more polished. Win/win. \n\nThe return home\n\nGrateful to see a 3G signal on our phones again, our flight off the island was delayed, allowing for a flurry of domain name look-ups, Twitter catch-up, and e-mails to loved ones. A week in an isolated fort really made me appreciate continuous connectivity, but also just how unique some of these processes might be. \n\nYou just never know what crazy place you might be designing from next.", "articles_fts": 46, "rank": null} {"rowid": 310, "title": "Fairytale of new Promise", "author": "Mat Marquis", "contents": "There are only four good Christmas songs.\nI know, yeah, JavaScript or whatever. We\u2019ll get to that in a minute, I promise.\nFirst\u2014and I cannot stress this enough\u2014 there are four good Christmas songs. You\u2019re free to disagree with me here, of course, but please try to understand that you will be wrong.\nThey don\u2019t all have the most safe-for-work titles; I can\u2019t list all of them here, but if you choose to let your fingers do the walkin\u2019 to your nearest search engine, I will say that one was released by the band FEAR way back in 1982 and one was on Run the Jewels\u2019 self-titled debut album. The lyrics are a hell of a lot worse than the titles, so maybe wait until you get home from work before you queue them up. Wear headphones, if you\u2019ve got thin walls.\nFor my money, though, the two I can reference by name are the top of that small heap: Tom Waits\u2019 Christmas Card from a Hooker in Minneapolis, and The Pogues\u2019 Fairytale of New York. The former once held the honor of being the only good Christmas song\u2014about which which I was also unequivocally correct, right up until I changed my mind. It\u2019s not the song up for discussion today, but feel free to familiarize yourself just the same\u2014I\u2019ll wait.\nFairytale of New York\u2014the top of the list\u2014starts out by hinting at some pretty standard holiday fare; dreams and cheer and whatnot. Typical seasonal stuff, so long as you ignore that the story seems to be recounted as a drunken flashback in a jail cell. You can probably make a few guesses at the underlying spirit of the song based on that framing: following a lucky break, our bright-eyed protagonists move to New York in search of fame and fortune, only to quickly descend into bad decisions, name-calling, and vaguely festive chaos.\nThis song speaks to me on a couple of levels, not the least of which is as a retelling of my day-to-day interactions with JavaScript. Each day\u2019s melody might vary a little bit, granted, but the lyrics almost always follow a pretty clear arc toward \u201cPARENTAL ADVISORY: EXPLICIT CONTENT.\u201d You might have heard a similar tune yourself; it goes a little somethin\u2019 like setTimeout(function() { console.log( \"this should be happening last\" ); }, 1000); . Callbacks are calling callbacks calling callbacks and something is happening somewhere, as the JavaScript interpreter plods through our code start-to-finish, line-by-line, step-by-step. If we need to take actions based on the results of something that could take its sweet time resolving, well, we\u2019d better fiddle with the order of things to make sure those actions don\u2019t happen too soon.\n\u201cBut I can see a better time,\u201d as the song says, \u201cwhen all our dreams come true.\u201d So, with that Pogues brand of holiday spirit squarely in mind\u2014by which I mean that your humble narrator is almost certainly drunk, and may be incarcerated at the time of publication\u2014gather \u2019round for a story of hope, of hardships, of semi-asynchronous JavaScript programming, and ultimately: of Promise unfulfilled.\nThe Main Thread\nJavaScript is single-minded, in a manner of speaking. Anything we tell the JavaScript runtime to do goes into a single-file queue; you\u2019ll see it referred to as the \u201cmain thread,\u201d or \u201cUI thread.\u201d That thread can be shared by a number of critical browser processes, like rendering and re-rendering parts of the page, and user interactions ranging from the simple\u2014say, highlighting text\u2014to the more complex\u2014interacting with form elements.\nIf that sounds a little scary to you, well, that\u2019s because it is. The more complex our scripts, the more we\u2019re cramming into that single-file main thread, to be processed along with\u2014say\u2014some of our CSS animations. Too much JavaScript clogging up the main thread means a lot of user-facing performance jankiness. Getting away from that single thread is a big part of all the excitement around Web Workers, which allow us to offload entire scripts into their own dedicated background threads\u2014though not without limitations of their own. Outside of Web Workers, that everything-thread is the only game in town: scripts executed one thing at a time, functions calling functions calling functions, taking numbers and crowding up the same deli counter as a user\u2019s interactions\u2014which, in this already strained metaphor, would be ham, I guess?\nAsynchronous JavaScript\nNow, those queued actions may include asynchronous things. For example: AJAX callbacks, setTimeout/setInterval, and addEventListener won\u2019t block the main thread while we\u2019re waiting for a request to come back, a timer to tick away, or an event to trigger. Once those things do kick in, though, the actions they\u2019re meant to perform will get shuffled right back into that single-thread queue.\nThere are a couple of places you might have written asynchronously-fired JavaScript, even if you\u2019re not super familiar with the overarching concept: XMLHttpRequest\u2014\u201cAJAX,\u201d if ya nasty\u2014or just kicking off a function once a user triggers a click or mouseenter event. Event-driven development is writ a little larger, with the overall flow of the script dictated by events, both internal and external. Writing event-driven JavaScript applications is a step in the right direction for sure\u2014it won\u2019t cure what ails the main thread, but it does work with the medium in a reasonable way. Event-driven development allows us to manage our use of the main thread in a way that makes sense. If any of this rings a bell for you, the motivation for Promises should feel familiar.\nFor example, a custom init event might kick things off, and fire a create event that applies our classes and restructures our markup which, on completion, fires a bindEvents event to handle all the event listeners for user interaction. There might not sound like much difference between that and one big function that kicks off, manipulates the DOM, and binds our events line-by-line\u2014but in a script of sufficient size and complexity we\u2019re not only provided with a decoupled flow through the script, but obvious touchpoints for future updates and a predictable structure for ongoing maintenance. \nThis pattern falls apart a little where we were still creating, binding, and listening for events in the same top-to-bottom, one-item-at-a-time way\u2014we had to set a listener on a given object before the event fires, or nothing would happen:\n// Create the event:\nvar event = document.createEvent( \"Event\" );\n\n// Name the event:\nevent.initEvent( \"doTheStuff\", true, true );\n\n// Listen for the custom `doTheStuff` event on `window`:\nwindow.addEventListener( \"doTheStuff\", initializeEverything );\n\n// Fire the custom event\nwindow.dispatchEvent( event );\nThis example is a little contrived, and this stuff is a lot more manageable for sure with the addition of a framework, but that\u2019s the basic gist: create and name the event, add a listener for the event, and\u2014after setting our listener\u2014dispatch the event.\nEvents and callbacks aren\u2019t the only game in town for weaving our way in and out of the main thread, though\u2014at least, not anymore. \nPromises\nA Promise is, at the risk of sounding sentimental, pure potential\u2014an empty container into which a value eventually results. A Promise can exist in several states: \u201cpending,\u201d while the computation they contain is being performed or \u201cresolved\u201d once that computation is complete. Once resolved, a Promise is \u201cfulfilled\u201d if it gave us back something we expect, or \u201crejected\u201d if it didn\u2019t.\nThe Promise constructor accepts a callback with two arguments: resolve and reject. We perform an action\u2014asynchronous or otherwise\u2014within that callback. If everything in there has gone according to plan, we call resolve. If something has gone awry, we call reject\u2014with an error, conventionally. To illustrate, let\u2019s tack something together with a pretty decent chance of doing what we don\u2019t want: a promise meant only to give us the number 1, but has a chance of giving us back a 2. No reasonable person would ever do this, of course, but I wouldn\u2019t necessarily put it past me.\nvar promisedOne = new Promise( function( resolve, reject ) {\n var coinToss = Math.floor( Math.random() * 2 ) + 1;\n\n if( coinToss === 1 ) {\n resolve( coinToss );\n } else {\n reject( new Error( \"That ain\u2019t a one.\" ) );\n }\n});\nThere\u2019s nothing too surprising in there, after you boil it all down. It\u2019s a little return-y, with the exception that we\u2019re flagging results as \u201cas expected\u201d or \u201csomething went wrong.\u201d\nTapping into that Promise uses another new keyword: then\u2014and as someone who attempts to make sense of JavaScript by breaking it down to plain ol\u2019 human-language, I\u2019m a big fan of this syntax. then is tacked onto our Promise identifier, and does just what it says on the tin: once the Promise is resolved, then do one of two things, both supplied as callbacks: the first in the case of a fulfilled promise, and the second in the case of a rejected one. Those two callbacks will have, as arguments, the results we specified with resolve orreject, respectively. It sounds like a lot in prose, but in code it\u2019s a pretty simple pattern:\npromisedOne.then( function( result ) {\n console.log( result );\n}, function( error ) {\n console.error( error );\n});\nIf you\u2019ve spent any time working with AJAX\u2014jQuery-wise, in particular\u2014you\u2019ve seen something like this pattern before: a success callback and an error callback. The state of a promise, once fulfilled or rejected, cannot be changed\u2014any reference we make to promisedOne will have a single, fixed result.\nIt may not look like too much the way I\u2019m using it here, but it\u2019s powerful stuff\u2014a pattern for asynchronously resolving anything. I\u2019ve recently used Promises alongside a script that emulates Font Load Events, to apply webfonts asynchronously and avoid a potential performance hit. Font Face Observer allows us to, as the name implies, determine when the files referenced by our @font-face rules have finished loading. \nvar fontObserver = new FontFaceObserver( \"Fancy Font\" );\n\nfontObserver.check().then(function() {\n document.documentElement.className += \" fonts-loaded\";\n}, function( error ) {\n console.error( error );\n});\nfontObserver.check() gives us back a Promise, allowing us to chain on a then containing our callbacks for success and failure. We use the fulfilled callback to bolt a class onto the page once the font file has been fully transferred. We don\u2019t bother including an argument in the first function, since we don\u2019t care about the result itself so much as we care that the promise resolved without error\u2014we\u2019re not doing anything with the resolved value, just adding a class to the page. We do include the error argument, since we\u2019ll want to know what happened should something go wrong.\nNow, this isn\u2019t the tidiest syntax around\u2014at least to my eyes\u2014with those two functions just kinda floating in a then. Luckily there\u2019s an similar alternative syntax; one that I find a bit easier to parse at-a-glance:\nfontObserver.check()\n .then(function() {\n document.documentElement.className += \" fonts-loaded\";\n })\n .catch(function( error ) {\n console.log( error );\n });\nThe first callback inside then provides us with our success state, while the catch provides us with a single, explicit \u201csomething went wrong\u201d callback. The two syntaxes aren\u2019t completely identical in all situations, but for a simple case like this, I find it a little neater.\nThe Common Thread\nI guess I still owe you an explanation, huh. Not about the JavaScript-whatever; I think I\u2019ve explained that plenty. No, I mean Fairytale of New York, and why it\u2019s perched up there at the top of the four (4) song heap.\nFairytale is a sad song, ostensibly. If you follow the main thread\u2014start to finish, line-by-line, step by step\u2014 Fairytale is a sad song. And I can see you out there, visions of Die Hard dancing in your heads: \u201cbut is it a Christmas song?\u201d\nWell, for my money, nothing says \u201cholidays\u201d quite like unreliable narration.\nShane MacGowan, the song\u2019s author, has placed the first verse about \u201cChristmas Eve in the drunk tank\u201d as happening right after the \u201clucky one, came in eighteen-to-one\u201d\u2014not at the chronological end of the story. That means the song might not be mostly drunken flashback, but all of it a single, overarching flashback including a Christmas Eve in protective custody. It could be that the man and woman are, together, recounting times long past\u2014good times and bad times\u2014maybe not even in chronological order. Hell, the \u201cNYPD Choir\u201d mentioned in the chorus? There\u2019s no such thing.\nWe\u2019re not big Christmas folks, my family and I. But just the same, every year, the handful of us get together, and every year\u2014like clockwork\u2014there\u2019s a lull in conversation, there\u2019s a sharp exhale, and Ma says \u201cwe all made it.\u201d Not to a house, not to a dinner, but through another year, to another Christmas. At this point, without fail, someone starts telling a story\u2014and one begets another, and so on. Sometimes the stories are happy, sometimes they\u2019re sad, more often than not they\u2019re both. Some are about things we were lucky to walk away from, some are about a time when another one of us didn\u2019t.\nStart-to-finish, line-by-line, step-by-step, the main thread through the year doesn\u2019t change, and maybe there isn\u2019t a whole lot we can do to change it. But by carefully weaving our way in and out of that thread\u2014stories all out of sync and resolving one way or the other, with the results determined by questionably reliable narrators\u2014we can change the way we interact with it and, little by little, we can start making sense of it.", "articles_fts": 46, "rank": null} {"rowid": 249, "title": "Fast Autocomplete Search for Your Website", "author": "Simon Willison", "contents": "Every website deserves a great search engine - but building a search engine can be a lot of work, and hosting it can quickly get expensive.\nI\u2019m going to build a search engine for 24 ways that\u2019s fast enough to support autocomplete (a.k.a. typeahead) search queries and can be hosted for free. I\u2019ll be using wget, Python, SQLite, Jupyter, sqlite-utils and my open source Datasette tool to build the API backend, and a few dozen lines of modern vanilla JavaScript to build the interface.\n\nTry it out here, then read on to see how I built it.\nFirst step: crawling the data\nThe first step in building a search engine is to grab a copy of the data that you plan to make searchable.\nThere are plenty of potential ways to do this: you might be able to pull it directly from a database, or extract it using an API. If you don\u2019t have access to the raw data, you can imitate Google and write a crawler to extract the data that you need.\nI\u2019m going to do exactly that against 24 ways: I\u2019ll build a simple crawler using wget, a command-line tool that features a powerful \u201crecursive\u201d mode that\u2019s ideal for scraping websites.\nWe\u2019ll start at the https://24ways.org/archives/ page, which links to an archived index for every year that 24 ways has been running.\nThen we\u2019ll tell wget to recursively crawl the website, using the --recursive flag.\nWe don\u2019t want to fetch every single page on the site - we\u2019re only interested in the actual articles. Luckily, 24 ways has nicely designed URLs, so we can tell wget that we only care about pages that start with one of the years it has been running, using the -I argument like this: -I /2005,/2006,/2007,/2008,/2009,/2010,/2011,/2012,/2013,/2014,/2015,/2016,/2017\nWe want to be polite, so let\u2019s wait for 2 seconds between each request rather than hammering the site as fast as we can: --wait 2\nThe first time I ran this, I accidentally downloaded the comments pages as well. We don\u2019t want those, so let\u2019s exclude them from the crawl using -X \"/*/*/comments\".\nFinally, it\u2019s useful to be able to run the command multiple times without downloading pages that we have already fetched. We can use the --no-clobber option for this.\nTie all of those options together and we get this command:\nwget --recursive --wait 2 --no-clobber \n -I /2005,/2006,/2007,/2008,/2009,/2010,/2011,/2012,/2013,/2014,/2015,/2016,/2017 \n -X \"/*/*/comments\" \n https://24ways.org/archives/ \nIf you leave this running for a few minutes, you\u2019ll end up with a folder structure something like this:\n$ find 24ways.org\n24ways.org\n24ways.org/2013\n24ways.org/2013/why-bother-with-accessibility\n24ways.org/2013/why-bother-with-accessibility/index.html\n24ways.org/2013/levelling-up\n24ways.org/2013/levelling-up/index.html\n24ways.org/2013/project-hubs\n24ways.org/2013/project-hubs/index.html\n24ways.org/2013/credits-and-recognition\n24ways.org/2013/credits-and-recognition/index.html\n...\nAs a quick sanity check, let\u2019s count the number of HTML pages we have retrieved:\n$ find 24ways.org | grep index.html | wc -l\n328\nThere\u2019s one last step! We got everything up to 2017, but we need to fetch the articles for 2018 (so far) as well. They aren\u2019t linked in the /archives/ yet so we need to point our crawler at the site\u2019s front page instead:\nwget --recursive --wait 2 --no-clobber \n -I /2018 \n -X \"/*/*/comments\" \n https://24ways.org/\nThanks to --no-clobber, this is safe to run every day in December to pick up any new content.\nWe now have a folder on our computer containing an HTML file for every article that has ever been published on the site! Let\u2019s use them to build ourselves a search index.\nBuilding a search index using SQLite\nThere are many tools out there that can be used to build a search engine. You can use an open-source search server like Elasticsearch or Solr, a hosted option like Algolia or Amazon CloudSearch or you can tap into the built-in search features of relational databases like MySQL or PostgreSQL.\nI\u2019m going to use something that\u2019s less commonly used for web applications but makes for a powerful and extremely inexpensive alternative: SQLite.\nSQLite is the world\u2019s most widely deployed database, even though many people have never even heard of it. That\u2019s because it\u2019s designed to be used as an embedded database: it\u2019s commonly used by native mobile applications and even runs as part of the default set of apps on the Apple Watch!\nSQLite has one major limitation: unlike databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL, it isn\u2019t really designed to handle large numbers of concurrent writes. For this reason, most people avoid it for building web applications.\nThis doesn\u2019t matter nearly so much if you are building a search engine for infrequently updated content - say one for a site that only publishes new content on 24 days every year.\nIt turns out SQLite has very powerful full-text search functionality built into the core database - the FTS5 extension.\nI\u2019ve been doing a lot of work with SQLite recently, and as part of that, I\u2019ve been building a Python utility library to make building new SQLite databases as easy as possible, called sqlite-utils. It\u2019s designed to be used within a Jupyter notebook - an enormously productive way of interacting with Python code that\u2019s similar to the Observable notebooks Natalie described on 24 ways yesterday.\nIf you haven\u2019t used Jupyter before, here\u2019s the fastest way to get up and running with it - assuming you have Python 3 installed on your machine. We can use a Python virtual environment to ensure the software we are installing doesn\u2019t clash with any other installed packages:\n$ python3 -m venv ./jupyter-venv\n$ ./jupyter-venv/bin/pip install jupyter\n# ... lots of installer output\n# Now lets install some extra packages we will need later\n$ ./jupyter-venv/bin/pip install beautifulsoup4 sqlite-utils html5lib\n# And start the notebook web application\n$ ./jupyter-venv/bin/jupyter-notebook\n# This will open your browser to Jupyter at http://localhost:8888/\nYou should now be in the Jupyter web application. Click New -> Python 3 to start a new notebook.\nA neat thing about Jupyter notebooks is that if you publish them to GitHub (either in a regular repository or as a Gist), it will render them as HTML. This makes them a very powerful way to share annotated code. I\u2019ve published the notebook I used to build the search index on my GitHub account. \n\u200b\n\nHere\u2019s the Python code I used to scrape the relevant data from the downloaded HTML files. Check out the notebook for a line-by-line explanation of what\u2019s going on.\nfrom pathlib import Path\nfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup\nbase = Path(\"/Users/simonw/Dropbox/Development/24ways-search\")\narticles = list(base.glob(\"*/*/*/*.html\"))\n# articles is now a list of paths that look like this:\n# PosixPath('...24ways-search/24ways.org/2013/why-bother-with-accessibility/index.html')\ndocs = []\nfor path in articles:\n year = str(path.relative_to(base)).split(\"/\")[1]\n url = 'https://' + str(path.relative_to(base).parent) + '/'\n soup = Soup(path.open().read(), \"html5lib\")\n author = soup.select_one(\".c-continue\")[\"title\"].split(\n \"More information about\"\n )[1].strip()\n author_slug = soup.select_one(\".c-continue\")[\"href\"].split(\n \"/authors/\"\n )[1].split(\"/\")[0]\n published = soup.select_one(\".c-meta time\")[\"datetime\"]\n contents = soup.select_one(\".e-content\").text.strip()\n title = soup.find(\"title\").text.split(\" \u25c6\")[0]\n try:\n topic = soup.select_one(\n '.c-meta a[href^=\"/topics/\"]'\n )[\"href\"].split(\"/topics/\")[1].split(\"/\")[0]\n except TypeError:\n topic = None\n docs.append({\n \"title\": title,\n \"contents\": contents,\n \"year\": year,\n \"author\": author,\n \"author_slug\": author_slug,\n \"published\": published,\n \"url\": url,\n \"topic\": topic,\n })\nAfter running this code, I have a list of Python dictionaries representing each of the documents that I want to add to the index. The list looks something like this:\n[\n {\n \"title\": \"Why Bother with Accessibility?\",\n \"contents\": \"Web accessibility (known in other fields as inclus...\",\n \"year\": \"2013\",\n \"author\": \"Laura Kalbag\",\n \"author_slug\": \"laurakalbag\",\n \"published\": \"2013-12-10T00:00:00+00:00\",\n \"url\": \"https://24ways.org/2013/why-bother-with-accessibility/\",\n \"topic\": \"design\"\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"Levelling Up\",\n \"contents\": \"Hello, 24 ways. Iu2019m Ashley and I sell property ins...\",\n \"year\": \"2013\",\n \"author\": \"Ashley Baxter\",\n \"author_slug\": \"ashleybaxter\",\n \"published\": \"2013-12-06T00:00:00+00:00\",\n \"url\": \"https://24ways.org/2013/levelling-up/\",\n \"topic\": \"business\"\n },\n ...\nMy sqlite-utils library has the ability to take a list of objects like this and automatically create a SQLite database table with the right schema to store the data. Here\u2019s how to do that using this list of dictionaries.\nimport sqlite_utils\ndb = sqlite_utils.Database(\"/tmp/24ways.db\")\ndb[\"articles\"].insert_all(docs)\nThat\u2019s all there is to it! The library will create a new database and add a table to it called articles with the necessary columns, then insert all of the documents into that table.\n(I put the database in /tmp/ for the moment - you can move it to a more sensible location later on.)\nYou can inspect the table using the sqlite3 command-line utility (which comes with OS X) like this:\n$ sqlite3 /tmp/24ways.db\nsqlite> .headers on\nsqlite> .mode column\nsqlite> select title, author, year from articles;\ntitle author year \n------------------------------ ------------ ----------\nWhy Bother with Accessibility? Laura Kalbag 2013 \nLevelling Up Ashley Baxte 2013 \nProject Hubs: A Home Base for Brad Frost 2013 \nCredits and Recognition Geri Coady 2013 \nManaging a Mind Christopher 2013 \nRun Ragged Mark Boulton 2013 \nGet Started With GitHub Pages Anna Debenha 2013 \nCoding Towards Accessibility Charlie Perr 2013 \n...\n\nThere\u2019s one last step to take in our notebook. We know we want to use SQLite\u2019s full-text search feature, and sqlite-utils has a simple convenience method for enabling it for a specified set of columns in a table. We want to be able to search by the title, author and contents fields, so we call the enable_fts() method like this:\ndb[\"articles\"].enable_fts([\"title\", \"author\", \"contents\"])\nIntroducing Datasette\nDatasette is the open-source tool I\u2019ve been building that makes it easy to both explore SQLite databases and publish them to the internet.\nWe\u2019ve been exploring our new SQLite database using the sqlite3 command-line tool. Wouldn\u2019t it be nice if we could use a more human-friendly interface for that?\nIf you don\u2019t want to install Datasette right now, you can visit https://search-24ways.herokuapp.com/ to try it out against the 24 ways search index data. I\u2019ll show you how to deploy Datasette to Heroku like this later in the article.\nIf you want to install Datasette locally, you can reuse the virtual environment we created to play with Jupyter:\n./jupyter-venv/bin/pip install datasette\nThis will install Datasette in the ./jupyter-venv/bin/ folder. You can also install it system-wide using regular pip install datasette.\nNow you can run Datasette against the 24ways.db file we created earlier like so:\n./jupyter-venv/bin/datasette /tmp/24ways.db\nThis will start a local webserver running. Visit http://localhost:8001/ to start interacting with the Datasette web application.\nIf you want to try out Datasette without creating your own 24ways.db file you can download the one I created directly from https://search-24ways.herokuapp.com/24ways-ae60295.db\nPublishing the database to the internet\nOne of the goals of the Datasette project is to make deploying data-backed APIs to the internet as easy as possible. Datasette has a built-in command for this, datasette publish. If you have an account with Heroku or Zeit Now, you can deploy a database to the internet with a single command. Here\u2019s how I deployed https://search-24ways.herokuapp.com/ (running on Heroku\u2019s free tier) using datasette publish:\n$ ./jupyter-venv/bin/datasette publish heroku /tmp/24ways.db --name search-24ways\n-----> Python app detected\n-----> Installing requirements with pip\n\n-----> Running post-compile hook\n-----> Discovering process types\n Procfile declares types -> web\n\n-----> Compressing...\n Done: 47.1M\n-----> Launching...\n Released v8\n https://search-24ways.herokuapp.com/ deployed to Heroku\nIf you try this out, you\u2019ll need to pick a different --name, since I\u2019ve already taken search-24ways.\nYou can run this command as many times as you like to deploy updated versions of the underlying database.\nSearching and faceting\nDatasette can detect tables with SQLite full-text search configured, and will add a search box directly to the page. Take a look at http://search-24ways.herokuapp.com/24ways-b607e21/articles to see this in action.\n\u200b\n\nSQLite search supports wildcards, so if you want autocomplete-style search where you don\u2019t need to enter full words to start getting results you can add a * to the end of your search term. Here\u2019s a search for access* which returns articles on accessibility:\nhttp://search-24ways.herokuapp.com/24ways-ae60295/articles?_search=acces%2A\nA neat feature of Datasette is the ability to calculate facets against your data. Here\u2019s a page showing search results for svg with facet counts calculated against both the year and the topic columns:\nhttp://search-24ways.herokuapp.com/24ways-ae60295/articles?_search=svg&_facet=year&_facet=topic\nEvery page visible via Datasette has a corresponding JSON API, which can be accessed using the JSON link on the page - or by adding a .json extension to the URL:\nhttp://search-24ways.herokuapp.com/24ways-ae60295/articles.json?_search=acces%2A\nBetter search using custom SQL\nThe search results we get back from ../articles?_search=svg are OK, but the order they are returned in is not ideal - they\u2019re actually being returned in the order they were inserted into the database! You can see why this is happening by clicking the View and edit SQL link on that search results page.\nThis exposes the underlying SQL query, which looks like this:\nselect rowid, * from articles where rowid in (\n select rowid from articles_fts where articles_fts match :search\n) order by rowid limit 101\nWe can do better than this by constructing a custom SQL query. Here\u2019s the query we will use instead:\nselect\n snippet(articles_fts, -1, 'b4de2a49c8', '8c94a2ed4b', '...', 100) as snippet,\n articles_fts.rank, articles.title, articles.url, articles.author, articles.year\nfrom articles\n join articles_fts on articles.rowid = articles_fts.rowid\nwhere articles_fts match :search || \"*\"\n order by rank limit 10;\nYou can try this query out directly - since Datasette opens the underling SQLite database in read-only mode and enforces a one second time limit on queries, it\u2019s safe to allow users to provide arbitrary SQL select queries for Datasette to execute.\nThere\u2019s a lot going on here! Let\u2019s break the SQL down line-by-line:\nselect\n snippet(articles_fts, -1, 'b4de2a49c8', '8c94a2ed4b', '...', 100) as snippet,\nWe\u2019re using snippet(), a built-in SQLite function, to generate a snippet highlighting the words that matched the query. We use two unique strings that I made up to mark the beginning and end of each match - you\u2019ll see why in the JavaScript later on.\n articles_fts.rank, articles.title, articles.url, articles.author, articles.year\nThese are the other fields we need back - most of them are from the articles table but we retrieve the rank (representing the strength of the search match) from the magical articles_fts table.\nfrom articles\n join articles_fts on articles.rowid = articles_fts.rowid\narticles is the table containing our data. articles_fts is a magic SQLite virtual table which implements full-text search - we need to join against it to be able to query it.\nwhere articles_fts match :search || \"*\"\n order by rank limit 10;\n:search || \"*\" takes the ?search= argument from the page querystring and adds a * to the end of it, giving us the wildcard search that we want for autocomplete. We then match that against the articles_fts table using the match operator. Finally, we order by rank so that the best matching results are returned at the top - and limit to the first 10 results.\nHow do we turn this into an API? As before, the secret is to add the .json extension. Datasette actually supports multiple shapes of JSON - we\u2019re going to use ?_shape=array to get back a plain array of objects:\nJSON API call to search for articles matching SVG\nThe HTML version of that page shows the time taken to execute the SQL in the footer. Hitting refresh a few times, I get response times between 2 and 5ms - easily fast enough to power a responsive autocomplete feature.\nA simple JavaScript autocomplete search interface\nI considered building this using React or Svelte or another of the myriad of JavaScript framework options available today, but then I remembered that vanilla JavaScript in 2018 is a very productive environment all on its own.\nWe need a few small utility functions: first, a classic debounce function adapted from this one by David Walsh:\nfunction debounce(func, wait, immediate) {\n let timeout;\n return function() {\n let context = this, args = arguments;\n let later = () => {\n timeout = null;\n if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);\n };\n let callNow = immediate && !timeout;\n clearTimeout(timeout);\n timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);\n if (callNow) func.apply(context, args);\n };\n};\nWe\u2019ll use this to only send fetch() requests a maximum of once every 100ms while the user is typing.\nSince we\u2019re rendering data that might include HTML tags (24 ways is a site about web development after all), we need an HTML escaping function. I\u2019m amazed that browsers still don\u2019t bundle a default one of these:\nconst htmlEscape = (s) => s.replace(\n />/g, '>'\n).replace(\n /Autocomplete search\n

\nAnd now the autocomplete implementation itself, as a glorious, messy stream-of-consciousness of JavaScript:\n// Embed the SQL query in a multi-line backtick string:\nconst sql = `select\n snippet(articles_fts, -1, 'b4de2a49c8', '8c94a2ed4b', '...', 100) as snippet,\n articles_fts.rank, articles.title, articles.url, articles.author, articles.year\nfrom articles\n join articles_fts on articles.rowid = articles_fts.rowid\nwhere articles_fts match :search || \"*\"\n order by rank limit 10`;\n\n// Grab a reference to the \nconst searchbox = document.getElementById(\"searchbox\");\n\n// Used to avoid race-conditions:\nlet requestInFlight = null;\n\nsearchbox.onkeyup = debounce(() => {\n const q = searchbox.value;\n // Construct the API URL, using encodeURIComponent() for the parameters\n const url = (\n \"https://search-24ways.herokuapp.com/24ways-866073b.json?sql=\" +\n encodeURIComponent(sql) +\n `&search=${encodeURIComponent(q)}&_shape=array`\n );\n // Unique object used just for race-condition comparison\n let currentRequest = {};\n requestInFlight = currentRequest;\n fetch(url).then(r => r.json()).then(d => {\n if (requestInFlight !== currentRequest) {\n // Avoid race conditions where a slow request returns\n // after a faster one.\n return;\n }\n let results = d.map(r => `\n



${htmlEscape(r.author)} - ${r.year}



\n `).join(\"\");\n document.getElementById(\"results\").innerHTML = results;\n });\n}, 100); // debounce every 100ms\nThere\u2019s just one more utility function, used to help construct the HTML results:\nconst highlight = (s) => htmlEscape(s).replace(\n /b4de2a49c8/g, ''\n).replace(\n /8c94a2ed4b/g, ''\n);\nThis is what those unique strings passed to the snippet() function were for.\nAvoiding race conditions in autocomplete\nOne trick in this code that you may not have seen before is the way race-conditions are handled. Any time you build an autocomplete feature, you have to consider the following case:\n\nUser types acces\nBrowser sends request A - querying documents matching acces*\nUser continues to type accessibility\nBrowser sends request B - querying documents matching accessibility*\nRequest B returns. It was fast, because there are fewer documents matching the full term\nThe results interface updates with the documents from request B, matching accessibility*\nRequest A returns results (this was the slower of the two requests)\nThe results interface updates with the documents from request A - results matching access*\n\nThis is a terrible user experience: the user saw their desired results for a brief second, and then had them snatched away and replaced with those results from earlier on.\nThankfully there\u2019s an easy way to avoid this. I set up a variable in the outer scope called requestInFlight, initially set to null.\nAny time I start a new fetch() request, I create a new currentRequest = {} object and assign it to the outer requestInFlight as well.\nWhen the fetch() completes, I use requestInFlight !== currentRequest to sanity check that the currentRequest object is strictly identical to the one that was in flight. If a new request has been triggered since we started the current request we can detect that and avoid updating the results.\nIt\u2019s not a lot of code, really\nAnd that\u2019s the whole thing! The code is pretty ugly, but when the entire implementation clocks in at fewer than 70 lines of JavaScript, I honestly don\u2019t think it matters. You\u2019re welcome to refactor it as much you like.\nHow good is this search implementation? I\u2019ve been building search engines for a long time using a wide variety of technologies and I\u2019m happy to report that using SQLite in this way is genuinely a really solid option. It scales happily up to hundreds of MBs (or even GBs) of data, and the fact that it\u2019s based on SQL makes it easy and flexible to work with.\nA surprisingly large number of desktop and mobile applications you use every day implement their search feature on top of SQLite.\nMore importantly though, I hope that this demonstrates that using Datasette for an API means you can build relatively sophisticated API-backed applications with very little backend programming effort. If you\u2019re working with a small-to-medium amount of data that changes infrequently, you may not need a more expensive database. Datasette-powered applications easily fit within the free tier of both Heroku and Zeit Now.\nFor more of my writing on Datasette, check out the datasette tag on my blog. And if you do build something fun with it, please let me know on Twitter.", "articles_fts": 46, "rank": null} {"rowid": 123, "title": "Fast and Simple Usability Testing", "author": "Natalie Downe", "contents": "Everyone knows by now that they should test the usability of their applications, but still hardly anybody actually does it. In this article I\u2019ll share some tips I\u2019ve picked up for doing usability tests quickly and effectively.\n\nRelatively recent tools like Django and Ruby on Rails allow us to develop projects faster and to make significant changes later in the project timeline. Usability testing methods should now be adapted to fit this modern approach to development.\n\nWhen to test\n\nIn an ideal world usability tests would be carried out frequently from an early stage of the project. Time and budget constraints lead this to be impractical; usability is often the first thing to get dropped from the project plan.\n\nIf you can only test at one stage in the project, whatever the size, the most valuable time is before your first public beta \u2014 leaving long enough to fix issues and not so late that you can\u2019t rethink your scope.\n\nThere are three main categories of usability test:\n\n\n\tTesting design mockups\n\tTesting a new working application\n\tTesting established applications\n\n\nEach category requires a slightly different approach. For small modern web projects you are most likely to be testing a new working application. You will of course have already done functional tests so you won\u2019t be worried about the user breaking things. The main differences between the categories apply in how you word The Script.\n\nTesting an established application is the most fun in my opinion. Humans are remarkably adaptable and rapidly develop coping strategies to work around usability issues in software they are forced to use. Uncovering these strategies may lead you to understand previously unspoken needs of your users. Often small changes to the application will have a dramatic affect on their everyday lives.\n\nWho to test\n\nWhen you have built a project to scratch your own itch, your intended audience will be people just like you. Test subjects in this case should be easy to find \u2013 friends, co-workers etc.\n\nThis is not always the case; your users may not be like you at all. When they are not, it\u2019s all the more important to run usability tests. Testing on friends, family and co-workers is better than not doing usability tests at all, but it can\u2019t be compared to testing on actual samples of your intended audience. People who would use the system will provide more genuine feedback and deeper insight.\n\nNever let your test subjects put themselves in the shoes of your \u2018actual\u2019 users. For example, you should discourage comments like \u201cWell, I would do this BUT if I was a bus driver I\u2019d do that\u201d. Users are not qualified to put themselves in the position of others. Inaccurate data is often worse than no data.\n\nAim for five or six test subjects: any more and you probably won\u2019t learn anything new; any less and you\u2019re likely to be overwhelmed by issues stemming from people\u2019s individual personalities.\n\nThe Script\n\nThe Script is a single side of A4 (or letter) paper, consisting of questions for your testers and reminders for yourself. Have a balance of task-based questions and expectation analysis. This helps maintain consistency across tests. Expectation analysis is more important for testing designs and new applications: \u201cWhere would you find X?\u201d, \u201cWhat would you expect to happen if you clicked on Y?\u201d. In an established system users will probably know where these things are though it can still be illuminating to ask these questions though phrased slightly differently.\n\nTask-based questions involve providing a task for the user to complete. If you are testing an established system it is a good idea to ask users to bring in tasks that they would normally perform. This is because the user will be more invested in the outcome of the task and will behave in a more realistic fashion. When designing tasks for new systems and designs ensure you only provide loose task details for the same reason. Don\u2019t tell testers to enter \u201cChantelle\u201d; have them use their own name instead. Avoid introducing bias with the way questions are phrased.\n\nIt\u2019s a good idea to ask for users\u2019 first impressions at the beginning of the test, especially when testing design mockups. \u201cWhat are the main elements on the page?\u201d or \u201cWhat strikes you first?\u201d.\n\nYou script should run for a maximum of 45 minutes. 30-35 minutes is better; after this you are likely to lose their attention. Tests on established systems can take longer as there is more to learn from them. When scheduling the test you will need to leave yourself 5 minutes between each one to collate your notes and prepare for the next. Be sure to run through the script beforehand.\n\nYour script should be flexible. It is possible that during the test a trend will come to light that opens up whole new avenues of possible questioning. For example, during one initial test of an established system I noticed that the test subject had been printing off items from the application and placing them in a folder in date order (the system ordered alphabetically). I changed the script to ask future participants in that run, if they ever used external tools to help them with tasks within the system. This revealed a number of interesting issues that otherwise would not have been found.\n\nRunning the tests\n\nTreat your test subjects like hedgehogs. Depending on your target audience they probably feel a little nervous and perhaps even scared of you. So make them a little nest out of straw, stroke their prickles and give them some cat food. Alternatively, reassure them that you are testing the system and that they can\u2019t give a wrong answer. Reward them with a doughnut or jam tart at the end. Try to ensure the test environment is relaxed and quiet, but also as close as possible to the situation where they would actually use the system.\n\nHave your subjects talk out loud is very important as you can\u2019t read their minds, but it is a very unnatural process. To loosen up your subjects and get them talking in the way you want them to, try the Stapler Trick. Give them a stapler or similar item and ask them to open it, take the staples out, replace them, shut the stapler and staple some paper \u2013 talking all the time about what they see, what they expect to happen, what actually happens and how that matches up. Make them laugh at you.\n\nSay how long the test will take up front, and tell your subject why you are doing it. After the test has been completed, conclude by thanking them for their time and assuring them that they were very useful. Then give them the sugary treat.\n\nWhat to look for\n\nPrimarily, you should look out for incidents where the user stops concentrating on her tasks and starts thinking about the tool and how she is going to use it. For example, when you are hammering in a nail you don\u2019t think about how to use a hammer; good software should be the same. Words like \u2018it\u2019 and \u2018the system\u2019 and are good indications that the test subject has stopped thinking about the task in hand. Note questioning words, especially where testers question their own judgement, \u201cwhy can\u2019t I find \u2026\u201d, \u201cI expected to see \u2026\u201d etc. as this indicates that the work flow for the task may have broken down.\n\nAlso keep an eye on occasions where the user completely fails to do a task. They may need some prompting to unstick them, but you should be careful not to bias the test. These should be the highest priority issues for you to fix. If users recover from getting stuck, make a note of how they recovered. Prolonged periods of silence from the test subject may also require prompting as they should be talking all the time. Ask them what they are thinking or looking for but avoid words like \u2018try\u2019 (e.g. \u2018what are you trying to do?\u2019) as this implies that they are currently failing.\n\nBe wary of users\u2019 opinions on aesthetics and be prepared to bring them back to the script if they get side-tracked.\n\nWriting it up\n\nEven if you are the only developer it\u2019s important to summarise the key issues that emerged during testing: your notes won\u2019t make much sense to you a week or so after the test.\n\nIf you are writing for other people, include a summary no longer than two pages; this can consist of a list or table of the issues including recommendations and their priorities. Remember to anonymise the users in the report. In team situations, you may be surprised at how many people are interested in the results of the usability test even if it doesn\u2019t relate directly to something that they can fix.\n\nTo conclude\u2026\n\nSome usability testing is better than none at all, even for small projects or those with strict deadlines. Make the most of the time and resources available. Choose your users carefully, make them comfortable, summarise your report and don\u2019t forget to leave a doughnut for yourself!", "articles_fts": 46, "rank": null} {"rowid": 130, "title": "Faster Development with CSS Constants", "author": "Rachel Andrew", "contents": "Anyone even slightly familiar with a programming language will have come across the concept of constants \u2013 a fixed value that can be used through your code. For example, in a PHP script I might have a constant which is the email address that all emails generated by my application get sent to. \n\n$adminEmail = 'info@example.com';\n\nI could then use $adminEmail in my script whenever I wanted an email to go to that address. The benefit of this is that when the client decides they want the email to go to a different address, I only need change it in one place \u2013 the place where I initially set the constant. I could also quite easily make this value user defined and enable the administrator to update the email address.\n\nUnfortunately CSS doesn\u2019t support constants. It would be really useful to be able to define certain values initially and then use them throughout a CSS file, so in this article I\u2019m going to take a look at some of the methods we do have available and provide pointers to more in depth commentary on each. If you have a different method, or tip to share please add it to the comments.\n\nSo what options do we have?\n\nOne way to get round the lack of constants is to create some definitions at the top of your CSS file in comments, to define \u2018constants\u2019. A common use for this is to create a \u2018color glossary\u2019. This means that you have a quick reference to the colors used in the site to avoid using alternates by mistake and, if you need to change the colors, you have a quick list to go down and do a search and replace. \n\nIn the below example, if I decide I want to change the mid grey to #999999, all I need to do is search and replace #666666 with #999999 \u2013 assuming I\u2019ve remember to always use that value for things which are mid grey.\n\n/*\nDark grey (text): #333333\nDark Blue (headings, links) #000066\nMid Blue (header) #333399\nLight blue (top navigation) #CCCCFF\nMid grey: #666666\n*/\n\nThis is a fairly low-tech method, but if used throughout the development of the CSS files can make changes far simpler and help to ensure consistency in your color scheme.\n\nI\u2019ve seen this method used by many designers however Garrett Dimon documents the method, with more ideas in the comments.\n\nGoing server-side\n\nTo truly achieve constants you will need to use something other than CSS to process the file before it is sent to the browser. You can use any scripting language \u2013 PHP, ASP, ColdFusion etc. to parse a CSS file in which you have entered constants. So that in a constants section of the CSS file you would have:\n\n$darkgrey = '#333333';\n$darkblue = '#000066';\n\nThe rest of the CSS file is as normal except that when you come to use the constant value you would use the constant name instead of adding the color:\n\np {\n\tcolor: $darkgrey;\n}\n\nYour server-side script could then parse the CSS file, replace the constant names with the constant values and serve a valid CSS file to the browser. Christian Heilmann has done just this for PHP however this could be adapted for any language you might have available on your server.\n\nShaun Inman came up with another way \n of doing this that removes the need to link to a PHP script and also enables the adding of constants using the syntax of at-rules . This method is again using PHP and will require you to edit an .htaccess file. \n\nA further method is to generate static CSS files either using a script locally \u2013 if the constants are just to enable speed of development \u2013 or as part of the web application itself. Storing a template stylesheet with constant names in place of the values you will want to update means that your script can simply open the template, replace the variables and save the result as a new stylesheet file.\n\nWhile CSS constants are a real help to developers, they can also be used to add new functionality to your applications. As with the email address example that I used at the beginning of this article, using a combination of CSS and server-side scripting you could enable a site administrator to select the colours for a new theme to be used on a page of a content managed site. By using constants you need only give them the option to change certain parts of the CSS and not upload a whole different CSS file, which could lead to some interesting results!\n\nAs we are unlikely to find real CSS constants under the tree this Christmas the above methods are some possibilities for better management of your stylesheets. However if you have better methods, CSS Constant horror stories or any other suggestions, add your comments below.", "articles_fts": 46, "rank": null} {"rowid": 209, "title": "Feeding the Audio Graph", "author": "Ben Foxall", "contents": "In 2004, I was given an iPod.\nI count this as one of the most intuitive pieces of technology I\u2019ve ever owned. It wasn\u2019t because of the the snazzy (colour!) menus or circular touchpad. I loved how smoothly it fitted into my life. I could plug in my headphones and listen to music while I was walking around town. Then when I got home, I could plug it into an amplifier and carry on listening there.\nThere was no faff. It didn\u2019t matter if I could find my favourite mix tape, or if my WiFi was flakey - it was all just there.\nNowadays, when I\u2019m trying to pair my phone with some Bluetooth speakers, or can\u2019t find my USB-to-headphone jack, or even access any music because I don\u2019t have cellular reception; I really miss this simplicity.\nThe Web Audio API\nI think the Web Audio API feels kind of like my iPod did.\nIt\u2019s different from most browser APIs - rather than throwing around data, or updating DOM elements - you plug together a graph of audio nodes, which the browser uses to generate, process, and play sounds.\nThe thing I like about it is that you can totally plug it into whatever you want, and it\u2019ll mostly just work.\nSo, let\u2019s get started. First of all we want an audio source.\n