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336 Practical Microformats with hCard Drew McLellan You’ve probably heard about microformats over the last few months. You may have even read the easily digestible introduction at Digital Web Magazine, but perhaps you’ve not found time to actually implement much yet. That’s understandable, as it can sometimes be difficult to see exactly what you’re adding by applying a microformat to a page. Sure, you’re semantically enhancing the information you’re marking up, and the Semantic Web is a great idea and all, but what benefit is it right now, today? Well, the answer to that question is simple: you’re adding lots of information that can be and is being used on the web here and now. The big ongoing battle amongst the big web companies if one of territory over information. Everyone’s grasping for as much data as possible. Some of that information many of us are cautious to give away, but a lot of is happy to be freely available. Of the data you’re giving away, it makes sense to give it as much meaning as possible, thus enabling anyone from your friends and family to the giant search company down the road to make the most of it. Ok, enough of the waffle, let’s get working. Introducing hCard You may have come across hCard. It’s a microformat for describing contact information (or really address book information) from within your HTML. It’s based on the vCard format, which is the format the contacts/address book program on your computer uses. All the usual fields are available – name, address, town, website, email, you name it. If you’re running Firefox and Greasemonkey (or if you can, just to try this out), install this user script. What it does is look for instances of the hCard microformat in a page, and then add in a link to pass any hCards it finds to a web service which will convert it to a vCard. Take a look at the About the author box at the bottom of this article. It’s a hCard, so you should be able to click the icon the user script inserts and add me to your Outlook contacts or OS X Address Book with just a click. So microformats are useful after all. Free microformats all round! Implementing hCard This is the really easy bit. All the hCard microformat is, is a bunch of predefined class names that you apply to the markup you’ve probably already got around your contact information. Let’s take the example of the About the author box from this article. Here’s how the markup looks without hCard: <div class="bio"> <h3>About the author</h3> <p>Drew McLellan is a web developer, author and no-good swindler from just outside London, England. At the <a href="">Web Standards Project</a> he works on press, strategy and tools. Drew keeps a <a href="">personal weblog</a> covering web development issues and themes.</p> </div> This is a really simple example because there’s only two key bits of address book information here:- my name and my website address. Let’s push it a little and say that the Web Standards Project is the organisation I work for – that gives us Name, Company and URL. To kick off an hCard, you need a containing object with a class of vcard. The div I already have with a class of bio is perfect for this – all it needs to do is contain the rest of the contact information. The next thing to identify is my name. hCard uses a class of fn (meaning Full Name) to identify a name. As is this case there’s no element surrounding my name, we can just use a span. These changes give us: <div class="bio vcard"> <h3>About the author</h3> <p><span class="fn">Drew McLellan</span> is a web developer... The two remaining items are my URL and the organisation I belong to. The class names designated for those are url and org respectively. As both of those items are links in this case, I can apply the classes to those links. So here’s the finished hCard. <div class="bio vcard"> <h3>About the author</h3> <p><span class="fn">Drew McLellan</span> is a web developer, author and no-good swindler from just outside London, England. At the <a class="org" href="">Web Standards Project</a> he works on press, strategy and tools. Drew keeps a <a class="url" href="">personal weblog</a> covering web development issues and themes.</p> </div> OK, that was easy. By just applying a few easy class names to the HTML I was already publishing, I’ve implemented an hCard that right now anyone with Greasemonkey can click to add to their address book, that Google and Yahoo! and whoever else can index and work out important things like which websites are associated with my name if they so choose (and boy, will they so choose), and in the future who knows what. In terms of effort, practically nil. Where next? So that was a trivial example, but to be honest it doesn’t really get much more complex even with the most pernickety permutations. Because hCard is based on vCard (a mature and well thought-out standard), it’s all tried and tested. Here’s some good next steps. Play with the hCard Creator Take a deep breath and read the spec Start implementing hCard as you go on your own projects – it takes very little time hCard is just one of an ever-increasing number of microformats. If this tickled your fancy, I suggest subscribing to the microformats site in your RSS reader to keep in touch with new developments. What’s the take-away? The take-away is this. They may sound like just more Web 2-point-HoHoHo hype, but microformats are a well thought-out, and easy to implement way of adding greater depth to the information you publish online. They have some nice benefits right away – certainly at geek-level – but in the longer term they become much more significant. We’ve been at this long enough to know that the web has a long, long memory and that what you publish today will likely be around for years. But putting the extra depth of meaning into your documents now you can help guard that they’ll continue to be useful in the future, and not just a bunch of flat ASCII.