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252 Turn Jekyll up to Eleventy Sometimes it pays not to over complicate things. While many of the sites we use on a daily basis require relational databases to manage their content and dynamic pages to respond to user input, for smaller, simpler sites, serving pre-rendered static HTML is usually a much cheaper — and more secure — option. The JAMstack (JavaScript, reusable APIs, and prebuilt Markup) is a popular marketing term for this way of building websites, but in some ways it’s a return to how things were in the early days of the web, before developers started tinkering with CGI scripts or Personal HomePage. Indeed, my website has always served pre-rendered HTML; first with the aid of Movable Type and more recently using Jekyll, which Anna wrote about in 2013. By combining three approachable languages — Markdown for content, YAML for data and Liquid for templating — the ergonomics of Jekyll found broad appeal, influencing the design of the many static site generators that followed. But Jekyll is not without its faults. Aside from notoriously slow build times, it’s also built using Ruby. While this is an elegant programming language, it is yet another ecosystem to understand and manage, and often alongside one we already use: JavaScript. For all my time using Jekyll, I would think to myself “this, but in Node”. Thankfully, one of Santa’s elves (Zach Leatherman) granted my Atwoodian wish and placed such a static site generator under my tree. Introducing Eleventy Eleventy is a more flexible alternative Jekyll. Besides being written in Node, it’s less strict about how to organise files and, in addition to Liquid, supports other templating languages like EJS, Pug, Handlebars and Nunjucks. Best of all, its build times are significantly faster (with future optimisations promising further gains). As content is saved using the familiar combination of YAML front matter and Markdown, transitioning from Jekyll to Eleventy may seem like a reasonable idea. Yet as I’ve discovered, there are a few gotchas. If you’ve been considering making the switch, here are a few tips and tricks to help you on your way1. Note: Throughout this article, I’ll be converting Matt Cone’s Markdown Guide site as an example. If you want to follow along, start by cloning the git repository, and then change into the project directory: git clone https://github.com/mattcone/markdown-guide.git cd markdown-guide Before you start If you’ve used tools like Grunt, Gulp or Webpack, you’ll be familiar with Node.js but, if you’ve been exclusively using Jekyll to compile your assets as well as generate your HTML, now’s the time to install Node.js and set up your project to work with its package manager, NPM: Install Node.js: Mac: If you haven’t already, I recommend installing Homebrew, a package manager for the Mac. Then in the Terminal type brew install node. Windows: Download the Windows installer from the Node.js website and follow the instructions. Initiate NPM: Ensure you are in the directory of your project and then type npm init. This command will ask you a few questions before creating a file called package.json. Like RubyGems’s Gemfile, this file contains a list of your project’s third-party dependencies. If you’re managing your site with Git, make sure to add node_modules to your .gitignore file too. Unlike RubyGems, NPM stores its dependencies alongside your project files. This folder can get quite large, and as it contains binaries compiled to work with the host computer, it shouldn’t be version controlled. Eleventy will also honour the contents of this file, meaning anything you want Git to ignore, Eleventy will ignore too. Installing Eleventy With Node.js installed and your project setup to work with NPM, we can now install Eleventy as a dependency: npm install --save-dev @11ty/eleventy If you open package.json you should see the following: … "devDependencies": { "@11ty/eleventy": "^0.6.0" } … We can now run Eleventy from the command line using NPM’s npx command. For example, to covert the README.md file to HTML, we can run the following: npx eleventy --input=README.md --formats=md This command will generate a rendered HTML file at _site/README/index.html. Like Jekyll, Eleventy shares the same default name for its output directory (_site), a pattern we will see repeatedly during the transition. Configuration Whereas Jekyll uses the declarative YAML syntax for its configuration file, Eleventy uses JavaScript. This allows its options to be scripted, enabling some powerful possibilities as we’ll see later on. We’ll start by creating our configuration file (.eleventy.js), copying the relevant settings in _config.yml over to their equivalent options: module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) { return { dir: { input: "./", // Equivalent to Jekyll's source property output: "./_site" // Equivalent to Jekyll's destination property } }; }; A few other things to bear in mind: Whereas Jekyll allows you to list folders and files to ignore under its exclude property, Eleventy looks for these values inside a file called .eleventyignore (in addition to .gitignore). By default, Eleventy uses markdown-it to parse Markdown. If your content uses advanced syntax features (such as abbreviations, definition lists and footnotes), you’ll need to pass Eleventy an instance of this (or another) Markdown library configured with the relevant options and plugins. Layouts One area Eleventy currently lacks flexibility is the location of layouts, which must reside within the _includes directory (see this issue on GitHub). Wanting to keep our layouts together, we’ll move them from _layouts to _includes/layouts, and then update references to incorporate the layouts sub-folder. We could update the layout: frontmatter property in each of our content files, but another option is to create aliases in Eleventy’s config: module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) { // Aliases are in relation to the _includes folder eleventyConfig.addLayoutAlias('about', 'layouts/about.html'); eleventyConfig.addLayoutAlias('book', 'layouts/book.html'); eleventyConfig.addLayoutAlias('default', 'layouts/default.html'); return { dir: { input: "./", output: "./_site" } }; } Determining which template language to use Eleventy will transform Markdown (.md) files using Liquid by default, but we’ll need to tell Eleventy how to process other files that are using Liquid templates. There are a few ways to achieve this, but the easiest is to use file extensions. In our case, we have some files in our api folder that we want to process with Liquid and output as JSON. By appending the .liquid file extension (i.e. basic-syntax.json becomes basic-syntax.json.liquid), Eleventy will know what to do. Variables On the surface, Jekyll and Eleventy appear broadly similar, but as each models its content and data a little differently, some template variables will need updating. Site variables Alongside build settings, Jekyll let’s you store common values in its configuration file which can be accessed in our templates via the site.* namespace. For example, in our Markdown Guide, we have the following values: title: "Markdown Guide" url: https://www.markdownguide.org baseurl: "" repo: http://github.com/mattcone/markdown-guide comments: false author: name: "Matt Cone" og_locale: "en_US" Eleventy’s configuration uses JavaScript which is not suited to storing values like this. However, like Jekyll, we can use data files to store common values. If we add our site-wide values to a JSON file inside a folder called _data and name this file site.json, we can keep the site.* namespace and leave our variables unchanged. { "title": "Markdown Guide", "url": "https://www.markdownguide.org", "baseurl": "", "repo": "http://github.com/mattcone/markdown-guide", "comments": false, "author": { "name": "Matt Cone" }, "og_locale": "en_US" } Page variables The table below shows a mapping of common page variables. As a rule, frontmatter properties are accessed directly, whereas derived metadata values (things like URLs, dates etc.) get prefixed with the page.* namespace: Jekyll Eleventy page.url page.url page.date page.date page.path page.inputPath page.id page.outputPath page.name page.fileSlug page.content content page.title title page.foobar foobar When iterating through pages, frontmatter values are available via the data object while content is available via templateContent: Jekyll Eleventy item.url item.url item.date item.date item.path item.inputPath item.name item.fileSlug item.id item.outputPath item.content item.templateContent item.title item.data.title item.foobar item.data.foobar Ideally the discrepancy between page and item variables will change in a future version (see this GitHub issue), making it easier to understand the way Eleventy structures its data. Pagination variables Whereas Jekyll’s pagination feature is limited to paginating posts on one page, Eleventy allows you to paginate any collection of documents or data. Given this disparity, the changes to pagination are more significant, but this table shows a mapping of equivalent variables: Jekyll Eleventy paginator.page pagination.pageNumber paginator.per_page pagination.size paginator.posts pagination.items paginator.previous_page_path pagination.previousPageHref paginator.next_page_path pagination.nextPageHref Filters Although Jekyll uses Liquid, it provides a set of filters that are not part of the core Liquid library. There are quite a few — more than can be covered by this article — but you can replicate them by using Eleventy’s addFilter configuration option. Let’s convert two used by our Markdown Guide: jsonify and where. The jsonify filter outputs an object or string as valid JSON. As JavaScript provides a native JSON method, we can use this in our replacement filter. addFilter takes two arguments; the first is the name of the filter and the second is the function to which we will pass the content we want to transform: // {{ variable | jsonify }} eleventyConfig.addFilter('jsonify', function (variable) { return JSON.stringify(variable); }); Jekyll’s where filter is a little more complicated in that it takes two additional arguments: the key to look for, and the value it should match: {{ site.members | where: "graduation_year","2014" }} To account for this, instead of passing one value to the second argument of addFilter, we can instead pass three: the array we want to examine, the key we want to look for and the value it should match: // {{ array | where: key,value }} eleventyConfig.addFilter('where', function (array, key, value) { return array.filter(item => { const keys = key.split('.'); const reducedKey = keys.reduce((object, key) => { return object[key]; }, item); return (reducedKey === value ? item : false); }); }); There’s quite a bit going on within this filter, but I’ll try to explain. Essentially we’re examining each item in our array, reducing key (passed as a string using dot notation) so that it can be parsed correctly (as an object reference) before comparing its value to value. If it matches, item remains in the returned array, else it’s removed. Phew! Includes As with filters, Jekyll provides a set of tags that aren’t strictly part of Liquid either. This includes one of the most useful, the include tag. LiquidJS, the library Eleventy uses, does provide an include tag, but one using the slightly different syntax defined by Shopify. If you’re not passing variables to your includes, everything should work without modification. Otherwise, note that whereas with Jekyll you would do this: <!-- page.html --> {% include include.html value="key" %} <!-- include.html --> {{ include.value }} in Eleventy, you would do this: <!-- page.html --> {% include "include.html", value: "key" %} <!-- include.html --> {{ value }} A downside of Shopify’s syntax is that variable assignments are no longer scoped to the include and can therefore leak; keep this in mind when converting your templates as you may need to make further adjustments. Tweaking Liquid You may have noticed in the above example that LiquidJS expects the names of included files to be quoted (else it treats them as variables). We could update our templates to add quotes around file names (the recommended approach), but we could also disable this behaviour by setting LiquidJS’s dynamicPartials option to false. Additionally, Eleventy doesn’t support the include_relative tag, meaning you can’t include files relative to the current document. However, LiquidJS does let us define multiple paths to look for included files via its root option. Thankfully, Eleventy allows us to pass options to LiquidJS: eleventyConfig.setLiquidOptions({ dynamicPartials: false, root: [ '_includes', '.' ] }); Collections Jekyll’s collections feature lets authors create arbitrary collections of documents beyond pages and posts. Eleventy provides a similar feature, but in a far more powerful way. Collections in Jekyll In Jekyll, creating collections requires you to add the name of your collections to _config.yml and create corresponding folders in your project. Our Markdown Guide has two collections: collections: - basic-syntax - extended-syntax These correspond to the folders _basic-syntax and _extended-syntax whose content we can iterate over like so: {% for syntax in site.extended-syntax %} {{ syntax.title }} {% endfor %} Collections in Eleventy There are two ways you can set up collections in 11ty. The first, and most straightforward, is to use the tag property in content files: --- title: Strikethrough syntax-id: strikethrough syntax-summary: "~~The world is flat.~~" tag: extended-syntax --- We can then iterate over tagged content like this: {% for syntax in collections.extended-syntax %} {{ syntax.data.title }} {% endfor %} Eleventy also allows us to configure collections programmatically. For example, instead of using tags, we can search for files using a glob pattern (a way of specifying a set of filenames to search for using wildcard characters): eleventyConfig.addCollection('basic-syntax', collection => { return collection.getFilteredByGlob('_basic-syntax/*.md'); }); eleventyConfig.addCollection('extended-syntax', collection => { return collection.getFilteredByGlob('_extended-syntax/*.md'); }); We can extend this further. For example, say we wanted to sort a collection by the display_order property in our document’s frontmatter. We could take the results of collection.getFilteredByGlob and then use JavaScript’s sort method to sort the result: eleventyConfig.addCollection('example', collection => { return collection.getFilteredByGlob('_examples/*.md').sort((a, b) => { return a.data.display_order - b.data.display_order; }); }); Hopefully, this gives you just a hint of what’s possible using this approach. Using directory data to manage defaults By default, Eleventy will maintain the structure of your content files when generating your site. In our case, that means /_basic-syntax/lists.md is generated as /_basic-syntax/lists/index.html. Like Jekyll, we can change where files are saved using the permalink property. For example, if we want the URL for this page to be /basic-syntax/lists.html we can add the following: --- title: Lists syntax-id: lists api: "no" permalink: /basic-syntax/lists.html --- Again, this is probably not something we want to manage on a file-by-file basis but again, Eleventy has features that can help: directory data and permalink variables. For example, to achieve the above for all content stored in the _basic-syntax folder, we can create a JSON file that shares the name of that folder and sits inside it, i.e. _basic-syntax/_basic-syntax.json and set our default values. For permalinks, we can use Liquid templating to construct our desired path: { "layout": "syntax", "tag": "basic-syntax", "permalink": "basic-syntax/{{ title | slug }}.html" } However, Markdown Guide doesn’t publish syntax examples at individual permanent URLs, it merely uses content files to store data. So let’s change things around a little. No longer tied to Jekyll’s rules about where collection folders should be saved and how they should be labelled, we’ll move them into a folder called _content: markdown-guide └── _content ├── basic-syntax ├── extended-syntax ├── getting-started └── _content.json We will also add a directory data file (_content.json) inside this folder. As directory data is applied recursively, setting permalink to false will mean all content in this folder and its children will no longer be published: { "permalink": false } Static files Eleventy only transforms files whose template language it’s familiar with. But often we may have static assets that don’t need converting, but do need copying to the destination directory. For this, we can use pass-through file copy. In our configuration file, we tell Eleventy what folders/files to copy with the addPassthroughCopy option. Then in the return statement, we enable this feature by setting passthroughFileCopy to true: module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) { … // Copy the `assets` directory to the compiled site folder eleventyConfig.addPassthroughCopy('assets'); return { dir: { input: "./", output: "./_site" }, passthroughFileCopy: true }; } Final considerations Assets Unlike Jekyll, Eleventy provides no support for asset compilation or bundling scripts — we have plenty of choices in that department already. If you’ve been using Jekyll to compile Sass files into CSS, or CoffeeScript into Javascript, you will need to research alternative options, options which are beyond the scope of this article, sadly. Publishing to GitHub Pages One of the benefits of Jekyll is its deep integration with GitHub Pages. To publish an Eleventy generated site — or any site not built with Jekyll — to GitHub Pages can be quite involved, but typically involves copying the generated site to the gh-pages branch or including that branch as a submodule. Alternatively, you could use a continuous integration service like Travis or CircleCI and push the generated site to your web server. It’s enough to make your head spin! Perhaps for this reason, a number of specialised static site hosts have emerged such as Netlify and Google Firebase. But remember; you can publish a static site almost anywhere! Going one louder If you’ve been considering making the switch, I hope this brief overview has been helpful. But it also serves as a reminder why it can be prudent to avoid jumping aboard bandwagons. While it’s fun to try new software and emerging technologies, doing so can require a lot of work and compromise. For all of Eleventy’s appeal, it’s only a year old so has little in the way of an ecosystem of plugins or themes. It also only has one maintainer. Jekyll on the other hand is a mature project with a large community of maintainers and contributors supporting it. I moved my site to Eleventy because the slowness and inflexibility of Jekyll was preventing me from doing the things I wanted to do. But I also had time to invest in the transition. After reading this guide, and considering the specific requirements of your project, you may decide to stick with Jekyll, especially if the output will essentially stay the same. And that’s perfectly fine! But these go to 11. Information provided is correct as of Eleventy v0.6.0 and Jekyll v3.8.5 ↩ 2018 Paul Lloyd paulrobertlloyd 2018-12-11T00:00:00+00:00 https://24ways.org/2018/turn-jekyll-up-to-eleventy/ content
251 The System, the Search, and the Food Bank Imagine a warehouse, half the length of a football field, with a looped conveyer belt down the center. On the belt are plastic bins filled with assortments of shelf-stable food—one may have two bags of potato chips, seventeen pudding cups, and a box of tissues; the next, a dozen cans of beets. The conveyer belt is ringed with large, empty cardboard boxes, each labeled with categories like “Bottled Water” or “Cereal” or “Candy.” Such was the scene at my local food bank a few Saturdays ago, when some friends and I volunteered for a shift sorting donated food items. Our job was to fill the labeled cardboard boxes with the correct items nabbed from the swiftly moving, randomly stocked plastic bins. I could scarcely believe my good fortune of assignments. You want me to sort things? Into categories? For several hours? And you say there’s an element of time pressure? Listen, is there some sort of permanent position I could be conscripted into. Look, I can’t quite explain it: I just know that I love sorting, organizing, and classifying things—groceries at a food bank, but also my bookshelves, my kitchen cabinets, my craft supplies, my dishwasher arrangement, yes I am a delight to live with, why do you ask? The opportunity to create meaning from nothing is at the core of my excitement, which is why I’ve tried to build a career out of organizing digital content, and why I brought a frankly frightening level of enthusiasm to the food bank. “I can’t believe they’re letting me do this,” I whispered in awe to my conveyer belt neighbor as I snapped up a bag of popcorn for the Snacks box with the kind of ferocity usually associated with birds of prey. The jumble of donated items coming into the center need to be sorted in order for the food bank to be able to quantify, package, and distribute the food to those who need it (I sense a metaphor coming on). It’s not just a nice-to-have that we spent our morning separating cookies from carrots—it’s a crucial step in the process. Organization makes the difference between chaos and sense, between randomness and usefulness, whether we’re talking about donated groceries or—there it is—web content. This happens through the magic of criteria matching. In order for us to sort the food bank donations correctly, we needed to know not only the categories we were sorting into, but also the criteria for each category. Does canned ravioli count as Canned Soup? Does enchilada sauce count as Tomatoes? Do protein bars count as Snacks? (Answers: yes, yes, and only if they are under 10 grams of protein or will expire within three months.) Is X a Y? was the question at the heart of our food sorting—but it’s also at the heart of any information-seeking behavior. When we are organizing, or looking for, any kind of information, we are asking ourselves: What is the criteria that defines Y? Does X meet that criteria? We don’t usually articulate it so concretely because it’s a background process, only leaping to consciousness when we encounter a stumbling block. If cans of broth flew by on the conveyer belt, it didn’t require much thought to place them in the Canned Soup box. Boxed broth, on the other hand, wasn’t allowed, causing a small cognitive hiccup—this X is NOT a Y—that sometimes meant having to re-sort our boxes. On the web, we’re interested—I would hope—in reducing cognitive hiccups for our users. We are interested in making our apps easy to use, our websites easy to navigate, our information easy to access. After all, most of the time, the process of using the internet is one of uniting a question with an answer—Is this article from a trustworthy source? Is this clothing the style I want? Is this company paying their workers a living wage? Is this website one that can answer my question? Is X a Y? We have a responsibility, therefore, to make information easy for our users to find, understand, and act on. This means—well, this means a lot of things, and I’ve got limited space here, so let’s focus on these three lessons from the food bank: Use plain, familiar language. This advice seems to be given constantly, but that’s because it’s solid and it’s not followed enough. Your menu labels, page names, and headings need to reflect the word choice of your users. Think how much harder it would have been to sort food if the boxes were labeled according to nutritional content, grocery store aisle number, or Latin name. How much would it slow sorting down if the Tomatoes box were labeled Nightshades? It sounds silly, but it’s not that different from sites that use industry jargon, company lingo, acronyms (oh, yes, I’ve seen it), or other internally focused language when trying to provide wayfinding for users. Choose words that your audience knows—not only will they be more likely to spot what they’re looking for on your site or app, but you’ll turn up more often in search results. Create consistency in all things. Missteps in consistency look like my earlier chicken broth example—changing up how something looks, sounds, or functions creates a moment of cognitive dissonance, and those moments add up. The names of products, the names of brands, the names of files and forms and pages, the names of processes and procedures and concepts—these all need to be consistently spelled, punctuated, linked, and referenced, no matter what section or level the user is in. If submenus are visible in one section, they should be visible in all. If calls-to-action are a graphic button in one section, they are the same graphic button in all. Every affordance, every module, every design choice sets up user expectations; consistency keeps those expectations afloat, making for a smoother experience overall. Make the system transparent. By this, I do not mean that every piece of content should be elevated at all times. The horror. But I do mean that we should make an effort to communicate the boundaries of the digital space from any given corner within. Navigation structures operate just as much as a table of contents as they do a method of moving from one place to another. Page hierarchies help explain content relationships, communicating conceptual relevancy and relative importance. Submenus illustrate which related concepts may be found within a given site section. Take care to show information that conveys the depth and breadth of the system, rather than obscuring it. This idea of transparency was perhaps the biggest challenge we experienced in food sorting. Imagine us volunteers as users, each looking for a specific piece of information in the larger system. Like any new visitor to a website, we came into the system not knowing the full picture. We didn’t know every category label around the conveyer belt, nor what criteria each category warranted. The system wasn’t transparent for us, so we had to make it transparent as we went. We had to stop what we were doing and ask questions. We’d ask staff members. We’d ask more seasoned volunteers. We’d ask each other. We’d make guesses, and guess wrongly, and mess up the boxes, and correct our mistakes, and learn. The more we learned, the easier the sorting became. That is, we were able to sort more quickly, more efficiently, more accurately. The better we understood the system, the better we were at interacting with it. The same is true of our users: the better they understand digital spaces, the more effective they are at using them. But visitors to our apps and websites do not have the luxury of learning the whole system. The fumbling trial-and-error method that I used at the food bank can, on a website, drive users away—or, worse, misinform or hurt them. This is why we must make choices that prioritize transparency, consistency, and familiarity. Our users want to know if X is a Y—well-sorted content can give them the answer. 2018 Lisa Maria Martin lisamariamartin 2018-12-16T00:00:00+00:00 https://24ways.org/2018/the-system-the-search-and-the-food-bank/ content